═ The Friends We Could Make ═

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People always complain about no sun being able to break through the gloomy clouds over Gotham. But Finlay knew you just had to look for it. Like the freckling of sun over the tree he always eats his lunch at, the gleam of sun that hits his cubicle right at 8:00 and stays for hours, and the beautiful sunset he is always able to see from the window in his crappy apartment. The point is, Finlay loves the sun and it seems to feel the same way about him.

The rare instances of sun are not the only things Finlay has noticed about Gotham. He'd only lived there for a few months, moving from his small town in Minnesota for the big city. In his old home town, he knew everyone from his graduating class. But here, if you smile at someone it might set them off.

He wasn't blaming them. The city was riddled with villains, the only place that didn't seem to get hit was where he worked. Wayne Enterprises, maybe it's cause the business man that owns it wasn't a jackass. Bruce Wayne's only 'fault' was that he was an infamous playboy, an attractive one at that. But he must be as lucky as he is pretty because his company never gets any serious damages from a villain.

The other places had to rely on the vigilantes. Batman, his sidekicks Robin and Hummingbird. They were the most known people in Gotham, just beating the rest of the Wayne family. Finlay had luckily never had to be saved by them, but he trusted them to do so if he needed.

Despite knowing how dangerous of a city it was, that didn't stop Finlay from moving there. He's been through worst, he can handle living in Gotham. It also didn't dim his optimism. He woke up early every morning to go on a mile run, well two if you count the run back, and then he'd take a quick shower. After changing he'd grab his computer bag before quickly getting some coffee and a bagel from the sweet cafe across from where he lived. Then it was off to work. Just like usual.

Except today.

Fleur kept a warm smile on her face, no matter how much she didn't feel like it. The throbbing of her arm sucked, but it's her fault for not watching where she was going and accidently slamming her cut arm against the frame of her door. She was incredibly sore, and just wanted to go back home.. or maybe Kaldur's. She just didn't want to be sitting outside, on the concrete they tried to pass off as a bench, acting like the prefect Wayne child. But it would all be worth it.

Tim was good for a lot of things, Fleur's found out. Like helping her find out all of the employees at Wayne Enterprises. Bruce had banned her from that list after the incident, not wanting her to do anything crazy.

But desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Finlay couldn't help but stop in his tracks when he saw Fleur Kyle sitting in front of him. The Wayne family was very public, going places and donating money to foundations. Fleur was one of the only kids left in Gotham so he's seen her on TV before. Following in her brother and sister's footsteps by playing the field. With her in front of him, Finlay could see how it was so easy for her to find a date to an event. If this is how all the Waynes looked in person, Finlay could tell why they were so popular.

Fleur was looking directly at him, standing when she noticed he had stopped walking. She linked their arms together and made him start walking in the opposite direction. "Finlay Murray, right? I need to have a chat with you."

"Um- I- Job?" Finlay said, stilled stunned.

"It's something.. more off the record." Fleur said as they walked down the sidewalk, she waved at a passerby. "Don't worry about missing a day. My dad runs the company, I just have to throw a fit and you'll be fine. I'll even fake cry, just for you."

"You know how to fake cry?" Finlay asked, seeming to take away the least important bit of information.

"What else are big sisters for?"

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Valencia was an idiot, a fool. That's all she could think. She knew Atlas was going after Fleur, but she got too caught up to remember to tell Fleur that very important detail. That's why Fleur was hurt, why Robin could barely walk. Now, it was why Fleur was after Atlas. Along with probably the other vigilantes. She knew Atlas, Valencia knew Atlas very well. She wouldn't get out of that fight. Not because she couldn't take out a few other vigilantes, but because she wouldn't want to.

Atlas' moral compass was very admirable, but it also meant that her helping in hurting someone as young as Robin, would kill her inside. She'd let them kill her. After all Atlas has done for her, Valencia couldn't let that happen. She also couldn't let Fleur kill someone who didn't deserve it, it would kill Fleur on the inside, more than already was dead.

But Fleur was a focused person, she wouldn't listen to reason right now. She was on a mission, a mission to help someone. She wouldn't even answer her phone. But there is someone who might, someone who cared about Fleur.

Valencia took a huge leap as she dialed Fleur's home number. She couldn't keep her foot from tapping as the phone rage. Her heart rapidly beating as she heard a voice answer.


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"So are you two just going to go look for.. clues?" Cori asked, slightly confused. "Like Scooby and the Gang?"

"We're just going to look around, see what's near, where they might have stopped to patch up." Dick explained, scrounging through Fleur's hall closet. Priya nodded, her hoodie already zipped up with the hood pulled over her head, the best way to hide herself currently. "It'll give us some good information. We might even find some good DNA."

"Or... You could maybe stop by someone else who's ran into them." Cori said looking at her nails, Dick's head darted up. He was holding the only male hat he could find, to go along with the hoodie he was already sporting. "Who might that be, Cordelia?"

"The same person who left that hat here last week." Cori said motioning to the hat in Dick's hand. "Wally West, and of course Artemis Crock."

Priya went frigid, her eyes widening as she looking between the hat and Cori. "Why are they in town, they live in Star City."

Cori's eyes soften as she moved towards Priya, putting a hand on her arm. "They're in town for Fleur, Jason- The anniversary was coming up, they wanted to check on Fleur. Also to say hi to some old... friends. I'm sure they'd be glad to see you both."

"They ran into The Red Hood?" Dick asked, making Cori have to refrain from slapping him. "No, but a few years ago they talked about some.. thing. It moved in the shadows and killed the villain they were trying to arrest. They barely saw who it was but they might now the tactics."

"We're going to investigate the patrol scene first... then.. maybe." Priya said, giving Cori a small smile before turning and walking towards the door. Dick started to do the same thing but was stopped by Cori's hand on his arm.

"Don't be Batman." Cori said with a hard stare. Dick started to get defensive but Cori stopped him before he could speak. "You know what I mean. Just because you're back in Gotham doesn't mean you have to be his clone again. I've seen you in the paper, Bludhavens very own Nightwing. He's nothing like Batman, he's better. Be Nightwing. Be yourself."

"Cor.." Dick said, finally showing some vulnerability. Cori put her other hand on his cheek. "Be what your sisters need, be what Jason needed." The phone ringing cut her off, she looked behind her finishing her sentence quickly. "He needed his older brother, not Bruce."

Releasing him from her hold, Cori walked over and picked up the phone. She watched as Dick swallowed harshly before quickly following after Priya. She took a deep breath before speaking into the phone. "Hello?"

"Cori, it's you right?" The voice said urgently through the phone

"This is she." Cori responded, a little confused. "Your voice sounds familiar but I'm not good at placing them to faces and-"

"It's Valencia, Mason's mom." Valencia said, feeling more relieved that she had actually gotten Cori instead of one of Fleur's 'friends'. "Is there anyone else there with you?"

"Mason's still here, as is Robin- but Fleur's not here currently. Um were you specifically calling for me?" Cori asked her mind rushing to process everything Valencia revealed with those few words.

"I'll just cut to the chase. Mason called me, he overheard you and your friends talking about Atlas, which I will lecture him about later- but I need you to help me." Valencia rushed, taking a deep breath before she continued, her desperation showing. "Atlas has done a lot for my family and I know she hurt someone important to you, but I know you know that them apprehending her won't help anyone. Atlas is a good person, you have to take my word for it. I just need your help talking everyone down. She isn't the enemy they should be worried about."

"Valencia... I- I don't know how to help you. They won't listen to me. I've tried to talk them down... but- this is important to them. The guy Atlas was with said something. They won't let that slide. I know you're worried about your friend, and I'm worried about mine... But I don't know how we can stop this." Cori said, truly feeling helpless. Something she hated, but it came with the territory of knowing stubborn vigilantes.

Valencia sighed, looking behind herself. She didn't trust her own house, but she needed to get Cori to help her. To help come up with a solution. "Do you have a place were we can talk. Somewhere safe.."

Cori thought back. She wanted to say her apartment was safe but you never really knew with a rented place. She also didn't trust Fleur's. Bruce was the one that owned it, he could do whatever he wanted with it, there's no way it's not bugged somehow. There was one place though, that is probably the safest you could get.

"Do you know Commissioner Gordon?"

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When you've grown up somewhere, it's hard to forget it. She hadn't been back in five years but still, Priya knew exactly how to get anywhere in the city. It was ingrained in her, and it seemed to be ingrained in Dick too.

They had found the fire escape by Fleur's building quickly, climbing to the roof and swiftly making their way to the fourth patrol location. Exactly where Priya and Fleur had been on their first patrol.

The silence hung between the two. The past sidekicks, both their own heroes now. Dick had become Nightwing, something Priya remembered helping him come up with. Priya was Lady Justice, something Wonder Woman had deemed her. It had happened one day when Priya had stumbled upon an operation that Diana was trying to take down. After helping her, Wonder Woman had said that Lady Justice seemed more fitting now, instead of Justice Bringer. Priya never denied the title.

Dick was ahead of her, seeming to want to get this done sooner than later. He was always so much more urgent than the other sidekicks, he liked getting things done. Priya could understand that, but she also knew how important it was to not rush through things. Now more than ever.

They made it to the rooftop easily. Standing near the edge for a few moments, the only noise was the air blowing past them. They gazed over the city, looking at the busyness of the morning below them.

"We were all so young back then." Dick said quietly. Priya looked over at him, a flash of the young Robin in her mind. How desperate she was to be him. "I remember it was Fleur, she was the one who asked me to join you two... you were always so tough."

"I had to be." Priya said back, not wanting to reminisce. Not when he had been so admit earlier. Just get the job done.

Priya looked around the full building, trying to find some kind of clue. Anything to make them less in the dark. Then her eyes caught it. "There."

"What?" Dick asked, following where Priya was looking. It was a rooftop, about a building away. Only a little taller than the one they were standing on. The perfect vantage point.

"If I was trying to surprise someone from behind, I'd plan there." Priya said, getting a nod of agreement from Dick.

"But would you go back there, after getting cut deep enough to warrant some stitches." Dick said, crossing his arms. Priya tried to think it through. It would be a good strategy, go back to a meeting place.

"It'd be a good plan. But I've fought with Fleur before, it's scary when she's pissed at you. Even when she was younger... but now. I wouldn't be thinking straight after that." Priya said shaking her head at the memory.

Dick nodded again. "And from what I know, Atlas is about your age. She'd have to be a little startled. Especially after you think you're winning. I mean she had Tim and The Hood had Fleur under her foot, then all of a sudden... you've lost the high ground."

"I'd try to find the first open window, sneak in grab the supplies I need than leave." Priya said with a shrug. "So maybe we could see if anyone's lost their medical supplies."

Dick turned fully to Priya, something dawning on him. "Riya, come on. Think. Fleur knows exactly where she should cut to disable someone, you taught her that. Atlas wouldn't be able to move once she got to those supplies, she'd have to do it there. And this is Gotham, people don't leave their windows open."

"One person would. Someone around her. Someone who had lived her since we were kids and was the exact reason you chose this place as our patrol location." Priya said suddenly realising. Dick nodded, a proud look in his eyes that Priya couldn't bear herself to focus on. "But Gordon moved, I remember being forced to help with... others."

"But he left it for someone else to use." Dick said, jumpstarting Priya's memory.


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Finlay was really starting to rethink the whole 'The Waynes aren't sketchy' statement. Fleur Kyle had just lead him into an almost empty apartment, it honestly looked abandoned. She had also sat him in a room only lit by the sun shining through the window, which wasn't much. Now she was pacing the room.

"You have your computer on you, right?" Fleur asked, glancing at him for a moment.

"Um- yeah?" Finlay said, grabbing it from his bag and placing the bag back by his feet. The room, like the rest of the apartment, was almost empty. It only had a desk and a swivel chair, which Finlay was sitting at now.

"Great, can you log into your account or whatever you need." Fleur said coming to stand next to him. "I know you're like an intern or assistant thing. But I also know, that you're very good at getting into things you shouldn't be."

"Uhh, what do you need?" Finlay asked as he typed quickly on his keyboard logging into the computer than into his company account.

"Employment records." Fleur said leaning forward to look at the screen. "From 2018, mainly for anything suspicious."

"Like what?" Finlay asked, just following her instructions. Deciding not to ask any questions.

"Like being employed for a week then quitting or mysteriously dying.. or maybe just a criminal of some sort." Fleur explained, getting impatient.

"I mean, a lot of criminals have worked here Miss." Finlay said looking over for a second with a nervous chuckle. "But they also only seem to stay for a week to a month. Great background checks I guess."

"You could say that." Fleur mumbled, looking over the screen intently. "Anyone connected to the Falcone Gang?"

Finlay straightened at the name, not going unnoticed. "The um- The Falcone Gang?"

"Yes, Finlay." Fleur said, turning to look at him. "Or would you rather me call you the Mental Murray?"

"Who are you?" Finlay bristled at the nickname from his old town, turning his chair to her.

"Fleur Rose Kyle, daughter of one of the richest men in the world. If I need to know something, I'll find a way." Fleur said, her face cold and tone dangerous. "Now Mr. Murray, tell me. Is. There. Someone."

Finlay sat shocked for a moment, before he rushed to the computer searching for a second. "No- Um nope. Nothing."

"Fuck." Fleur said, slamming her arms on the wall and leaning there for a second. Before wincing back and holding her arm.

"Who are you looking for?" Finlay hesitated, staying seated as Fleur through her tantrum.

She looked over at Finlay, he still looked scared of Fleur. She couldn't blame him after she just acted. Which is exactly why Bruce didn't want her looking at anything involving Jason. Like the employees at his company the year of his death.

"I don't want to get you any more involved." Fleur said, her shoulders slumping. "I'm sorry for bothering you for nothing. You can go back to work, I'll make sure you don't get in trouble."

"No! I- I mean, I think I can help." Finlay said standing up quickly, getting an inquisitive look. "Are you looking for Atlas Thatcher? Because I saw her the other day."

"When and Where, Murray?" Fleur said getting serious again.

"You can call me Fin." Finlay said but quickly changed the subject at Fleur's look. "Um I mean- It was late but I know I saw her climb into my neighbors window."

"And you didn't tell anyone?" Fleur asked with her eyebrow raised. Finlay stuttered slightly at the question.

"Well it was the comissiners daughter so I thought it'd sort itself out-" Finlay rambled, not noticing Fleurs shock.

"Barbara Gordon? Atlas was in Barbara's apartment?" Fleur interrupted, taking a step closer to Finlay.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it." Finlay said nodding quickly. Fleur sighed before turning and walking to the door.

"Let yourself out, I have to go chat with my friend."

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Atlas had given up on clearing her head in this goddamn city, she just needed to spill her guts to someone, anyone. After her conversation with Catwoman she just ran, not knowing where she was going but it seemed instinct for her to end up in what seemed a new safe space for her.

She slipped through the still open window, something she'd worry about later. Looking around the apartment. There wasn't any music this time. Now taking her time to look at the apartment, she noticed how it had an open layout, it felt freeing.

"Cori?" Barbara asked as she turned the corner with a book in her hands. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, she was also wearing glasses as she looked up in surprise to seeing Atlas.

"Ah, making a habit of breaking into my apartment?" Barbara asked with a slight smirk. Shutting her book and setting it on the desk next to her.

"Um- I.. could you please give me a minute. I just- I am perhaps-" Atlas stuttered, at a loss for words. Not really knowing how to start the conversation.

"Breathless, I've heard that before." Barbara finished, leaning on the desk with her hip, her arms crossed. "How may I help you? Have another injury."

"Not physically." Atlas answered with a chuckle. Barbara looked her up and down before motioning to the couch.

"I'm a pretty good listener, I'd give you my references but they'd probably arrest you on sight." Barbara said as she sat in the middle of the couch, Atlas following her like her words were a spell she couldn't help but follow.

"I can't do this." Atlas said, feeling utterly defeated. "I can't- I can't do my job."

"What's your job? What's got you so conflicted, My Villain?" Barbara asked, not thinking about how that ending sentiment would make Atlas' heart skip.

"I have to- I have to.. I.." Atlas couldn't seem to breath long enough to finish her sentence. She couldn't spit out the words. Barbara was looking worried now, she moved closer. Placing a hand Atlas' shoulder. Before Atlas could stutter another word the door slammed open.

Cori walked through the door with Valencia right behind her. Valencia's eyes landed right on Atlas. Relief filled her. "Atlas."

"Val?" Atlas asked standing up as Valencia rushed across the room, immediately pulling Atlas into her arms. Atlas just melted into the hug.

Cori had walked over to Barbara, standing next to where she was sitting. "Cori and a guest. Has my house become a sort of meeting place?"

"Barb, I called them." Cori said, skipping the pleasantries. Barbara straightened up at the implication. "And they came back?"

"They still care about Fleur." Cori shrugged, before leaning closer. "But shit went down, that's why I'm here. I need to talk to you.. about your guest-"

"Barbara!" Dick called out as he walked through the already open door with Priya hot on his tail. Their eyes went from Barbara to Cori to Valencia then finally Atlas.

"What's going on here?" Priya asked, looking between Cori and Barbara.

"Couldn't tell ya." Barbara said with a sigh. Finally, walking through the door, a woman with a mission. Fleur.

Her eyes didn't even take in anyone else in the room. Zeroing in on Atlas before charging, thinking quickly Cori intercepted Fleur. Holding her as she tried to squirm out of the blondes arms.

"Cori, let me go!" Fleur almost screamed. Priya and Dick shared a worried look between themselves. Valencia putting herself in front of Atlas, but all Fleur could focus on was Atlas. "Where is he? What does he know? Stop being a fucking coward."

Barbara put her head in her hands before standing and shoving Dick and Priya forward. "Go help."

They both moved to block Atlas, standing in front of Fleur. The three almost created a barrier around Fleur. She just sank to the ground, almost curling into like a ball as she cried. The three crouched with her, Cori looked murderous as she looked at the two older heroes in front of her.

"She needs help, I told you this. But you two are too much like your father to fucking listen." Cori yelled at them as Priya and Dick looked down at their little sister.

A sudden voice startled everyone in the room. "I always knew you were my favourite of their friends for a reason."

Catwoman walked into the room, everyone's eyes on her.

"I'm here to help."

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Angst baby

I swear we'll have a lot more softer moments in the next chapter but like- I had to add angst. Especially LadySpitfire. Also more ship content in future chapters.

But we met Finlay, the sweetheart he is. Fleur had a breakdown and Barbara might have to move.

What'd y'all think?

Enjoy (I'm so fucking tired)

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