═ The Lies We Tell Ourselves ═

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"What?!" Cori said, her lowered voice rising in pitch and volume. Fleur took a deep breath, the sting of the slash on her arm reminding her of the matter at hand. She pushed past the still stunned Cori.

The taunting of other villains, and even Joker himself, about Jason's death had never stopped. Even though he had died 5 years ago. But this is the first time a villain had used his name, even more shocking was that it was a new villain.

Batman was strict on secret identities, it took years for any of his sidekicks to actually share their identities. When they did, it was only to other superheroed folk, and they only told Batman about it when they had too.

Back in Fleur's living room, Tim was still laying down on the couch. His leg throbbing but all he could focus on was the relief that his mask had been on when Mason walked in with Valencia. He could also feel the regret of addressing Mason by name, to his face.

"How do you know my name?" Mason asked, crossing his arms with a speculative look before it brightened. "Does Fleur talk about me?"

Tim was mesmerized by the sparkle in Mason's honey brown eyes before shaking his head slightly, he sat up as he spoke, deepening his voice. "She's mentioned you before, but I like to familiarize myself with Fleurs... friends."

"More than her friend, more like family but-" Mason muttered under his breath before Valencia interrupted him.

"Are you okay, Robin?" Valencia asked, noticing how Tim winced when he sat up. Tim immediately nodded, not wanting to show too much weakness, he wanted Mason to think Robin was a cool- attractive -hero.

"Just a small injury, comes with the job-" Tim said standing up as Fleur walked back into the room. He stumbled while placing weight on his injured leg, almost falling. Fleur moved quickly and wrapped an arm around Tim to help him balance.

Fleur sighed as the pain in her arm increased with the added weight. She looked up at Valencia and Mason, softening slightly when she saw the bruise on Valencia's wrist.

"You know where the guest room is Mason." Fleur said, her voice smooth and soft like butter. Mason nodded, grabbing the suitcase from Valencia, giving her a tight hug. She could feel his concern, Mason and Fleur always tried to convince her to stay with them but she always declined. Mason gave up after seeing the fear and sharpness of Valencia's look every time he asked. Fleur hadn't.

"You know, I can always make Mason sleep on the couch and you can take the guest room." Fleur said, helping Tim lay down on the couch again while Mason walked to the guest room.

"He's getting taller, I don't know if your couch would fit him." Valencia said, gently letting Fleur down. Fleur nodded, her face falling slightly before looking over at Cori as she walked into the room.

Cori gave Valencia a quick glance before walking closer to Fleur, her voice a quiet whisper. "Should we call Batman, telling him about what happened?"

"No." Fleur's stance had tensed, a far look in her eyes. She turned her head to meet Cori's concerned gaze, head on. "He always told us to solve our own problems, that red helmeted jackass isn't going to win."

Fleur started to walk back to the window, Cori's arm shot out to grab Fleur's wrist. Cori felt the worry filling her, overflowing as she stared down at the red spreading through the fabric of Fleur's suit. "Fleur- what happened-?"

"Robin, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Fleur said, her voice masked the fear that this night had truly given her. "Cori, watch him."

"Fleur-" Cori tried again but she wasn't listening. Fleur had climbed out of her window, breaking into a sprint the minute she reached the roof, not listening to anything but the wind around her.

Cori sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, she pulled out her phone. Hitting the first number she thought of.

"Hey, are you in the area?"

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Fleur's senses were heightened, she could hear every little thing around her. The gravel being crushed by her feet, her own heavy breathing, the sharp sting of the cut on her arm. Her mind was racing with memories.

Jason standing with a proud smile, while Dick stood next to him covered in feathers. Hiding her laughter behind her hand while Priya openly laughed beside her. Sparing with Priya, and losing, while Jason and Dick watched.

Making fun of Priya after she came back from talking to Wally, beat red. Or when she almost dropped her glass of hot chocolate when she saw Artemis for the first time. How red Fleur herself would get when she saw-

Fleur's thoughts were cut off when she slipped while jumping to another fire escape, her thoughts combined with the reminiscent sound of the sea next to her had caused her to lose focus of her surroundings.

She fell, looking around quickly for something to grab as the building's floors passed in a blur. Giving up hope, Fleur reached out randomly. Praying for a second, that some of Priya's luck had rubbed off on her.

Then, everything stopped. She didn't feel the hard wind against her, she had closed her eyes when she reached out. Opening them, she saw the floor underneath her, only a foot away. She was floating, Fleur looked at her waist to find a rope of water holding her up.

Taking a shaky breath, she followed the line of water, meeting the eyes of its owner. "Kal?"

"I am always telling you, look where you jump." Kaldur said, walking closer to her as the water slowly led Fleur to the ground. She was unsteady when the water dropped, Kaldur held onto her forearm gently, helping her stand. He looked over her bloody suit. "You should have let Cori patch this up."

Fleur took a sharp breath. "Did she call you, tell you I need a babysitter?"

"Those were not her words." Kaldur said, still inspecting her arm. Fleur didn't have it in her to pull away.

"Well, I don't need one." Fleur snapped, trying and failing to keep her hands from shaking. "I just need to find- to find.."

"She- we are all worried about you." Kaldur said, looking at her for the first time since he grabbed her arm. Looking into his eyes, Fleur couldn't hide anything.

"They know- He knew-" Fleur choked out, tears falling down her cheeks. "They don't deserve to know his name."

"Let me take you home." Kaldur said carefully. Fleur shook her head, taking quick breaths.

"I can't- I can't.. Robin, they almost got him-" Fleur said, her sentences breaking into new sentences every few words. Her glossy eyes met Kalur's before she collapsed into his arms, muttering. "I can't look at him."

"I have an apartment, it is not the best. But it is a place to sleep." Kaldur whispered, Fleur nodding into his shoulder. He pulled away for a second with a stern look on his face. "Which is what you need."

"Thank you, Kal."

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"She is asleep." Kaldur said through the phone, Cori nodding on the other end.

"How is she?" Cori asked, her eyes glancing to the side where Valencia stood, pretending she wasn't listening in.

Since Fleur left, Tim had fallen asleep and Mason hadn't left his room. Valencia hadn't left either, she wasn't leaving until she knew Fleur was okay. Fleur had always been there for Valencia, she wanted to do the same for the younger girl.

Even if it meant getting suspicious looks from her blonde friend every few minutes. Cori sighed into the phone after her look.

"Kaldur- I know- But- fine." Cori said with a defeated sigh. She gave a few more hums of agreement before hanging up the phone.

Cori paced for a few minutes, seeming to have an internal battle before taking a few steps and stopping a few feet from Valencia, a hard look on her face.

"Look, Fleur's a good person- She may not think so -but she is. I've known her and her family for years. Never once have I met you." Cori said, the look on her face making Valencia not want to interrupt. "But you seem familiar, and not in a good way.. Don't take advantage of my friend."

"I'm not trying to take advantage of Fleur.. And I recognise you too." Valencia said, trying to stand as tall as she could, for the short height she was cursed with. "Fleur saved my son, I would never try to hurt her."

"I wish I could believe you with just your word." Cori said they kept eye contact for a few minutes before Cori sighed and turned to walk back over to Tim. Valencia grabbed her arm before she could get too far.

"You took away my father." Valencia said quickly, and quietly. Cori gave her a confused look, Valencia pressed her lips together before starting again. "You were with Robin, you took away Viggo Wylan with Batman and Black Canary-"

"Stop." Cori said, her breath hitching. "How do you know that was me?"

There was fear in Cori's eyes, Valencia gave her a soft smile. "Mason was two, he didn't know what was happening when you four busted in and took down his grandfather. Black Canary took me to another room to talk, you and Robin took Mason to a different room."

"Our conversation ended before you and Robin realized. I walked in to get him, you two had taken off your masks so he wasn't scared." Valencia continued, even if Cori remembered the whole thing she still listened. "I was thankful for you both, and your mentors. I never told anyone what I saw."

Cori knew that night like the back of her hand, it's when she really fell for Dick. A small crush had already been forming but that night sealed the deal. Dick had removed his mask first, he had gotten the little boy to stop crying in an instant. He looked so soft playing with the boy. Cori couldn't help but fall for him.

"Th- Thank you, for not telling anyone." Cori said quietly, looking down at her feet. Valencia let out an amused breath, Cori's head snapped up. Valencia had sounded so similar to Black Canary.

"You don't need to thank me for being a good person." Valencia said, taking a step closer, getting slightly nervous. "I just wanted you to know, I won't out Fleur, I care about Fleur."

"She's really special to me, I don't think I'd still live here if it weren't for her." Cori said, spilling her guts without meaning to.

"Why's that?" Valencia asked, her look almost identical to ones Dinah had given Cori before.

"I didn't want to leave her, everyone else had. She needed someone stable." Cori explained easily. It was what she always said when Canary or Barbara asked. It was the easy, safe, answer.

"Is that all?" Valencia questioned, her motherly instincts wanting to help the girl in front of her.

"I don't know." Cori said, honestly.

"Maybe you should find out. I used to think I only stayed with my husband because it was better for Mason, but I don't know if that's my only reason." Valencia said with a soft smile, looking at the closed door at the far end of the hall.

"What ot-" Cori started to ask before Tim stirred from his sleep. She turned and walked to him, kneeling down. "Can I get you something?"

"Coffee?" Tim asked, opening one eye to find the humorless stare Cori occasionally gave. "Pain Killer."

"That I can do." Cori said, turning to look back at Valencia, but she was gone. That left Cori with a decision to make, the one Kaldur had insisted she make. Cori grabbed the newspaper clipping from her pocket, looking at one of the ad columns and typing in the number.

"Make it quick."

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Priya doesn't think about Gotham, well she lies to herself about not thinking about Gotham. But she does think about that dark town every time she leaves a different town. She never stays in one place for too long, she gets too antsy.

Anytime she leaves a place, the memories of Gotham always resurface. It used to be her home, she can't be faulted for missing it. Even if some of said memories were her worst days. There are still people she cares about in Gotham.

So she always made sure there was a way for them to reach her, one person more than others. Because she knew that was the only person who would use it.

Priya was walking along a sidewalk to the nearest bus station when one of her burner phones started to ring. One that she had never heard ring until this moment.

"Make it quick." Priya grunted into the phone as she pushed past a group of friends.

"Is that any way to greet your best friend?" Cori said with a joking tone, trying to hide how nervous she was.

"Sorry, I thought you were Dick." Priya said, her tone the same joking way. She couldn't help but smile at the sound of Cori's voice.

"Never say that to me again." Cori responded, making Priya let out an amused breath.

"Dick wouldn't have picked up on my sign, anyway." Priya said as she adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "What do you need?"

Cori looked down at the newspaper clipping in her hand, sighing as she picked at it. Dick and Wally had been best friends when they were younger, Dick constantly kicking his little sisters out of the room. Fleur would just roll her eyes, hide how hurt she was about it. Priya would openly argue with Dick, always drawing Wally's attention.

One day, while Fleur was sick, Cori had been over with Wally. Both there to hang out with separate Bats. After a small argument with Dick, Cori and Priya had made a promise to each other. They were going to be better friends than Wally and Dick.

They brought Fleur into it a few weeks later, and she told them about Platonic Soulmates. So they called themselves, The Best Platonic Soulmates, and even if Fleur was a part of it. It had started as Cori and Priya's.

So when Cori was looking over a newspaper, a week after Priya had left, and saw an ad for a physic that promised to find your platonic soulmate in one reading. Around the words had little compliments to get customers to call, one of them said best, right above Platonic Soulmate.

Cori knew that was how she'd be able to contact Priya, cutting out the ad and keeping it in her pocket. Knowing that one day she might need it. Today is that day.

"Something happened with Fleur and Tim." Cori said quietly, her voice getting heavy. Priya stopped in her tracks, the memory of Bruce calling them all back from the search for Jason. He had been covered in soot with a solemn look on his face.

"What happened?" Priya asked, her voice losing all emotion.

"They are both okay, only minor injuries." Cori reassured, making Priya feel like she could breathe again. She continued to move as Cori continued. "But there's a new villain, and he said something to Fleur. She's rattled... and she needs her sister."

The line was dead for a few minutes, only the sound of the busy sidewalk letting Cori know Priya hadn't hung up. "What'd they say?"

"It'd be better to tell you in person." Cori said, a muffled voice in the background. The call was silent again, Priya left alone with only her thoughts. Cori was back after a few seconds. "Sorry about that-"

"Bye Cori." Priya said, hanging up before Cori could say anything else. She kept walking until she made it to the bus station. She looked over the list of where she could go.

Her thoughts rattled around her head.

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"I-I.. um. I am so sorry." Atlas stuttered out, trying to leave the bathroom. She stumbled after one step, the pretty ginger held her arm, keeping Atlas standing.

Her arm felt like it was on fire the minute her hands gripped it. The red-head helped Atlas sit on the floor.

"Looks like you aren't going anywhere." The red-head said, looking at the wound on Atlas' side. She seemed to study it, before getting up and walking away.

Atlas sat, confused at the whole interaction. She tried to get up again, only to fall back to sitting when the red-head rounded the corner again, she rolled her eyes when she saw Atlas fall.

"Maybe I have to be more specific, don't go anywhere." The red-head said, with a stern tone. Atlas nodded, honestly not having the energy or will to disobey the woman. She started to feel dizzy as she watched the red-head patch her up, she was biting her lip. It mesmerized Atlas.

"Are you a goddess?" Atlas asked, her words slightly slurred. The red-head let out an amused breath.

"You are so out of it." The red-head said with a small smile. "Name's Barbara."

"Like.. Gordon? Barbara Gordon?" Atlas asked as Barbara finished patching her up. Barbara stood up taking a few steps back to give Atlas some room.

"Yep." Barbara said, whipping her hands on her pants. "Don't worry, I won't turn you in to my dad. I like him to work hard for the criminals he busts."

"Doesn't seem ethical to let a villain escape." Atlas said, standing up. Using the wall to balance herself, she followed Barbara further into the house.

"Is that what you think you are?" Barbara asked, an eyebrow raised. They had made it to her kitchen. Barbara grabbed a mug from the counter and sipped on it while she stared at Atlas.

"Yes, that is what I believe I am." Atlas said, noticing the soft music playing throughout the apartment. A song she had never heard before.

"Okay." Barbara said, setting her glass down and walking over to her computer. Leaving Atlas standing in her kitchen.

Barbara started typing away while Atlas slowly walked over to where the other girl had taken a seat. "What song is this?"

"'poster boy' by Lyn Lapid." Barbara answered without even looking at the other girl. Atlas started to feel slightly better, not as shaky on her own feet. She knew she should probably leave, not hang around the Police Commissioner's daughter. But for some reason, it was hard for Atlas to get her feet to take her away.

"Thank you, for- um for helping me." Atlas said, finally willing herself to walk away. She was halfway out the window when Barbara spoke up.

"Villains don't thank people." Barbara said, finally stopping her typing and turning to look at Atlas. "They take what they want with no regard for others. Think about that next time you call yourself a villain."

Atlas tried not to think about that as she made her way back to Carmine Falcone.

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It always seemed like it was about to, or it had already rained in Gotham. Atlas liked the rain, she always hated when she missed a good storm. This was not one of those times. She was caught in the middle of a storm on the worst day imaginable.

She had to go tell Carmine she had just failed her mission, while The Hood probably ratted her out for going easy on the two kids. Her side also still hurt, so climbing around on buildings wasn't the most helpful way to spend her time.

She slipped through the window right outside Carmine's office. Taking a deep breath before she walked inside. Red Hood was already there with a tense stance, his head turned slightly to look at someone.

Catwoman, someone Atlas had worked with once. She was nice enough, not that chatty, but nice. She was sitting on a windowsill, her eyes on her nails. Carmine was sitting at his desk with Talia sitting on the desk.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Talia said with a condescending smile. Atlas moved quickly to stand next to The Red Hood, her posture as straight as she could make it. Ignoring how it pained her side.

"I'm very sorry, I ran into a problem on the way here." Atlas said quickly. Talia stood, taking a step away from the desk and towards Atlas.

"What problem?" Talia asked, looking Atlas up and down. Her eyes caught on the ripped part of her suit. Atlas went to answer, before she could Carmine put a hand up. Silencing her.

"Nevermind that, what of your mission?" Carmine asked, standing himself and rounding his desk.

"Um- Well, sir-" Atlas started to say, The Red Hood took a step forward interrupting her. "I was caught off guard by Hummingbird, Thatcher had to divert from Robin to help me. They ended up getting away, it was my fault not Thatchers."

"So they're still alive and running around?" Carmine asked, barely contained rage in his voice. His fists were clenched. Selina seemed to have started to listen.

"The Red Hood shot Robin, he didn't look good." Atlas said, Carmine slammed his fist into his desk. Atlas repressed a flinch.

"They always bounce back. Batman's been shot everywhere you could shoot someone and he's still out there!" Carmine said, his voice rising with every word. Atlas looked over at Catwoman, who had a smirk on her face.

"You have something to say, Kitty?" Talia asked, a slight glare in her eyes. Selina gracefully slid down from the windowsill. Her smirk gone, only an uncaring look left.

"Well, I've gotten close to Batman before. Maybe I should help these two. They've never had to deal with one of his.. proteges before." Catwoman said while Atlas studied her. She had an ulterior motive, she was trying to mask an emotion. Atlas couldn't tell what the emotion was, not yet.

"Another person to take down two children, that'll make us look tough." Talia said with a venomous tone. Catwoman took a few more steps towards Talia, and in turn The Red Hood making him tense even more.

"Your little pet project couldn't seem to get the job done." Catwoman challenged, only getting a heated look back. She looked back up at Carmine. "I have more important matters to discuss than rattling the Bat."

"Everyone out." Carmine said, waving them off. Atlas departed immediately, The Red Hood followed with a more hesitant Talia Al Ghul.

Atlas watched as the two of them passed her, Talia didn't spare her a single glance. The Red Hood seemed to look her over, catching on her patched up wound.

"I'll find you if I get any word where they are." Atlas muttered, passing him again to get to the window.

She got a faint nod, and that's all she expected.

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"Officer Grayson!"

Dick had just finished processing one of the two bank robbers the infamous Nightwing, himself, had caught and left in front of the police building right before Dick's shift. What a coincidence.

He turned when he heard his name, seeing the receptionist running towards him with a panicked look. "What happened? Is anyone hurt?"

"The- There's a woman at the front- She's frantic. Only asking for Richard John Grayson." The receptionist said, gasping for breath as she stopped in front of Dick. He nodded, immediately making his way to the front.

The woman was hunched over, a hoodie on with the hood pulled up. Dick couldn't identify who she was from afar, thinking that it might be someone he'd saved in the past. There were several other officers around her, trying to quiet her loud sobbing.

Dick waved them off, standing in front of the girl. He hunched down to be eye level with the sobbing woman. "Ma'am, can I help you? My name is Richard Grayson."

The woman raised her head, Dick seeing the very familiar face. She took a very believable shaky breath before speaking. "Ca- Can we please, g-go somewhere more.. Um... private?"

Dick had to hold back an annoyed sigh, nodding as a polite officer would. He placed a hand on her back, leading her to an interrogation room. The minute the door closed, the sobbing stopped and the woman pulled her hood down, looking around curiously.

"A police officer? Kinda on the nose, Richard." She said finally turning to him, rolling her shoulders with a wince. "Also a little forceful with the leading, do you treat all of your vulnerable women like that?"

"Hello to you too, Priya." Dick said like a sigh. He stayed by the door, watching her carefully. "You've gotten better at fake crying."

"Thank you, I've been practicing. I've gotten a lot of free drinks." Priya said with a light smile. Dick looked her up and down, seeing no visible injuries.

"I talked to Wally after you left. Him and Artemis-" Dick started to say before Priya interrupted him. "I'm not here about them."

He noticed how she got tense at the mention of her old partners. Dick nodded, taking a few steps further into the room. He placed his hands on the metal table in the middle, leaning forward. "Why are you here, Priya? Last I knew, you'd left Gotham never to be seen again."

"Cori called me." Priya said, her lightness from earlier nowhere to be found. Dick could feel his breath hitch.

"Is she okay?" He asked, trying not to show how affected he was by the blonde hero's name.

"It's not her you should be worried about." Priya said, taking a seat on the metal table. "It's Fleur, and Tim if you even remember him."

"I remember Tim." Dick said, noticing the accusation in her tone. "What happened to them?"

"A new villain, he said something that seemed to get to Fleur. Cori wouldn't tell me what, said 'it'd be better in person'." Priya explained, letting her annoyance seep through. She didn't like being in the dark about something, especially if it involved the people she loved.

"Did Cori ask you to come get me?" Dick asked, hiding the hope in his voice.

"No, she actually didn't mention you once." Priya said with a shrug. She jumped off the table, rounding it to come face to face with her older brother. "Fleur needs both of us, we've been away for too long."

"Priya-" Dick tried to say but Priya's look made him stay silent.

"Listen, Boy Wonder. Fleur is still under Bruce's thumb. She's our little sister, we need to help her." Priya said with a hard tone. "She doesn't rattle easily, this new villain is different from the others. He knows something."

"I don't know-"

"I don't care." Priya said, her tone filled with only anger. "Yes or No."

"Are you coming, or not?"

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Some reunions in this chapter, and love interest things are happening.

Also, I didn't mean to give Talia and Selina some sexual tension, it just happened.

Does anyone else make names for the actors playing your oc's? Cause I've been doing that lately (And will share the names if asked).

I hope you enjoyed!

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