Chapter 15: The Aftermath of The Runner

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Roselea came back to her father with her tea set. She was happy to make her father tea after the long day he has had.

This was also the most heartbreaking day her father has ever had.

"Maybe another runner will cheer you up?" Roselea asked as she brings a cup of tea to her father.

"No, I don't think will remind me of Sarah."

"Maybe I should run the Labyrinth for awhile. You can return to the Aboveground if you want to."

"Maybe... but I shouldn't just leave my duties up to you all on your own."

"I will do my very best, father. I will make you proud." Roselea said as she bowed to her father.

Jareth stood up and placed his cup down beside his throne.

"I'm going to go to bed instead of drinking tea... sorry my little rose..." and Jareth walked off into his chambers.

He closed the door and didn't go out for quite a long time. Every day, Roselea would bring her father meals she prepared for him and would try to cheer him up. Nothing could cheer him up.

She would bring him books from the library and new teas for him to try, but he mainly just stayed in bed. He would hardly eat. He was miserable.

Many months have passed, many runners have come and gone. Roselea took the role of the Goblin Princess very seriously and did her best to be the nurse for her father and the Labyrinth's master.

One day, Roselea walked in with breakfast for her father and woke him up like usual.

Jareth looked up at Roselea. His tired mismatched eyes looked through his daughter. His face now sported a unkept beard of darker blond hair.

"Father, I think it's time you got out of your funk and finally do something else other than wallow in your self pity." Roselea said as helped her father sit up.

He glared at her and then looked down at the food she prepared for him.

"You are going to eat this and I want you to go back to the Aboveground. I want you fly around like you have always done. I want you to get out of this castle for awhile." Roselea said as she finally put her foot down.

Jareth looked up at her and then smirked.

"I was wondering when you would finally say something like that." He said as Roselea looked at him, puzzled.

"Well, I hate to see you so miserable! So I think you should finally go out there and do something! Leave the Labyrinth to me."

"I know you can run the Labyrinth. I've witnessed it. So after this breakfast, I will go to the Aboveground." Jareth said as he started to eat his breakfast.

Roselea smiled and hugged her father. He gave her a hug in return.

After breakfast, Jareth cleaned himself up with some nice clothes and a clean shaven face.

"Have fun, my little rose. I will return. I love you." And that is what Jareth said before he left for the Aboveground.

Roselea waved goodbye to her father and then walked to the window that looked over the Goblin City.

"I'm ready for you, runners." She said with a smirk on her face and a crystal in her hand.

She looked into it and there was a runner that just arrived.

"This is going to be fun." Roselea said as she transformed into an owl and flew off to the beginning of the Labyrinth.

To be continued...

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