Chapter 2: The Goblin King

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The man nods, to answer Sarah's question. As she stood there in awe, the man makes a smirk with his beautiful, yet crooked, teeth.

"Where is Toby?" Then she realized that she did just summon the Goblin King in Toby's bedroom...

"You very well know where he is." The king said, his presence made Sarah a little scared.

"Please if it is all the same, I need my..."

"What said is said."

"Please, I need him back."

"Well, you said the words and he is gone, just like you asked. Now you want him back?"

She nodded.

"Well you have to get him from my castle." The Goblin King said, pointing outside to the now complete Labyrinth right outside.

"Is that... the castle beyond the Goblin City?"

"Indeed. You have thirteen hours in which to solve the Labyrinth, before your brother is turned into a goblin." He chuckled to himself.

"Hurry... time is short, the puzzles are challenging, and of course, the Labyrinth is quite mischievous." The king said as he started disappearing.

"Wait! This is not fair!"

The fading king only chuckled as he fully disappeared.

Sarah looked at the Labyrinth before her. She had to run, she did not have time to just stand there.

She was mesmerized that she was actually in the Underground, actually running the Labyrinth like she imagined while she read her book.

As she ran toward the Labyrinth, she saw a troll-goblin looking creature. the fountain...

Once the creature saw Sarah, he excused himself and fixed his pants.

"Um... who are you?" Sarah asked, curious.

"I'm Hoggle." He said as he picked up his spray device. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sarah."

Hoggle kept going and once he got close the walls he started spraying these little creatures... fairies...

"Hey! That's not very nice, Hoggle... Those poor things." Sarah said as she picked up one of the sprayed fairies. Once it looked up Sarah. This little fairy looked so cute, so precious, like a child. But this fairy bit Sarah, making her yelp!

"Ow! It bit me!"

"What do you expect them to do? They are a nuisance."

"I thought they granted wishes, did magic spells and nice things."

"Ha ha, shows how much you know." Hoggle chuckled under his breath as he continued his work.

"Anyway, I need to solve this Labyrinth." Sarah said as she kept following Hoggle.

"Then you shouldn't be standing here talking to me."

"But I don't know how to get in the Labyrinth."

"Well, that's a problem, huh?"

"Do you know the way?"

"What do I looks like? A map?"

"No, but do at least know how to enter the Labyrinth?"

Hoggle smiled as she finally asked the right question.

"You enter there." He said as he pointed to the door in front of him.

"Thank you, Higgle!" She said as she opened the door with a big push.

"It's Hoggle." He said as he magically closed the doors.

Sarah was now in the Labyrinth. She looked around and decided to go straight ahead.

In the Goblin Castle, the Goblin King arrives as the goblins are watching the baby.

"I'm home!" He said as he transformed out of his owl form. He sat right down on his throne and footsteps from the hallway echo into the throne room.

A girl with long, curly, brown hair with golden streaks walks in.

"Welcome back, Father."

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