Chapter 4: A Surprising Visit

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A owl flew pass Sarah as she ran, which spooked her a bit.

"What was that?" She said as she ran over to the now landed bird. As she walked closer, the owl started to change into a teenage girl.

The girl had a white poet shirt with grey leggings and black high heeled calf high boots. She rose with a royal air to her. Her curly hair pinned in a fashion where her golden sections of her hair made a crown on her head.

"Ah. If it isn't a runner. What is your name?"

"My name is Sarah. Who are you?"

"I am Princess Roselea, the Goblin Princess. You are challenging my Father's Labyrinth." She said as she looked at Sarah the same way her father did.

"So, you wouldn't help me."

Roselea started to laugh as Sarah just pointed out the obvious.

"Well, no kidding. I can't let you win. I would never betray my Father." Roselea said as she walked closer to Sarah.

"Listen here, Sarah. You don't have a lot of time and I don't want to hurt you. It's not my nature to do that. I would highly recommend you just head back to the beginning before you get hurt."

"I can't. I need to save my brother."

"Ha! Save him? From what? The smothering love of my-"


"Oh um. Nothing. Ah hem, nothing." Roselea then tried to gain back her composure.

"Well, let's just say, if you don't save that brother of yours, we will have a new goblin."

"So why are you talking to me?"

"Mainly to waste your time. Other than that, it's nice to talk to someone that is not the goblins or my Father. Though I do love talking to my Father. Anyway, I'm also here to tell you this is not going to be easy."

"I figured that."

"Well if you are so smart. Did you not notice the Labyrinth has been changing all around you?"

Suddenly Sarah looked around and saw that the Labyrinth changed just like Roselea said.

"How do you-"

"Know that? Ha ha ha, I have known this Labyrinth all my life. It's my home and I know every brick, lichen, and branch. I even know the magic of this Labyrinth and it has a swarn duty to protect us from intruders like you." Roselea said as she walked towards Sarah.

"Why do you think the Labyrinth is so difficult?"

"To serve as a challenge?"

"Yes, but it also makes sure that intruders do not enter the Goblin City so easily."

"But it can't be impossible."

"Why can't it?" Roselea said with a smirk on her face.

"Because, it would have to be possible to solve or no one would ever solve it."

Roselea busted out laughing.

"My my my how naive you are. You expect that the Labyrinth will just always be solvable?" Then she thought about it for a second and turned red.

"Well I guess it would have to be, since it is a Labyrinth and it technically has to have some sort of path to the center to call it the Labyrinth. So... I was wrong... so the Labyrinth has to be solvable, yes. Difficulty will vary since this place does change a lot." She said to herself and then she looked back at Sarah after she was done.

"Oh, pardon. I was just thinking to myself. Anyway, this Labyrinth will take you to many tests. As you can see behind you, there are some doors." And as Sarah turned around she saw some funny creatures that were also doors.

"Can you-" and Roselea was gone after Sarah looked back.

"Well that was quite odd..." and she turned around to go to the doors.

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