f o r t y - e i g h t h ♂️

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"Your knuckle's bleeding."

Once I opened the door of my home and stepped inside, I expected Myla to greet me firsthand, but instead, I came across Mother, who immediately took notice of the injury on my hand. Seeing that she found out, I quickly concealed it behind my back. Fortunately, I was fast enough to cut her off when she tried observing my wounds in detail.

"I know." It was forever my go-to phrase.

"What happened, Edward?" She interrogated, narrowing her green eyes. When she uttered out my complete name, I felt my body shrinking. "Don't tell me, you're punching things again...?"

"No. I accidentally knocked something over." I lied, but I answered right after she finished her question. It was a mistake, but in some ways, I tried covering it up. She eventually nodded, seemingly accepting my reply, though I knew she didn't completely believe me.

"... Whatever it is, that wound is really concerning, so don't just shrug it off." She chewed out, though there was a tinge of worriness on her tone. "If you leave it untreated, then it's going to get infected."

"It's just cuts and a bruise, Mom. I can treat them by my own." While I tried convincing my Mother, I used my other hand to slowly rub the scrape wounds I had caused. There, I felt the stale coldness of my blood as it trickled upon my skin. Apparently, a few had peeled off, exposing my flesh to the outside air. Everytime I touched it, I felt some sort of a searing pain. The blow I made must have affected me this bad, huh...?

"That doesn't sound like it's nothing. At least let me see what it looks like." She demanded, keeping an eye on my hidden hand as she approached me. I stepped back bit by bit, trying to prevent her from seeing the wounds directly.

"No, it's okay. I'm alright." I denied her advances. "It's not serious. The bleeding is just from the cuts."

"Then, I will help you clean it." Mother insisted, in spite all of my rejections.

I had supposedly calmed down from the fresh air I breathed and the walking I did. Heck, I almost walked all the way home just to obtain the peace I needed from earlier conflicts, especially with Rena. The immense feeling of guilt that had been devouring my insides remained, but I forced myself to cope with it. I have to keep reminding myself that there were always consequences behind every action, whether it was good or bad.

Now that I was put into another problem, my mind went ballistic again. I just wanted to focus on having a private time in my room and reflecting all my stupid actions. It was not my time to be forced to do something I disliked.

"It's fine, I can clean it myself." I huffed, nearly rolling my eye, but I kept it to myself. While so, I looked around for my pomeranian, but she didn't seem to be around. My best guess was that she was at the backyard, but I crossed the possibility out, as she always greeted me whenever I came home, no matter where she was. "Where's Myla...?"

"... Lu's taking her on a walk." Mother answered half-heartedly. She finally acknowledged my signs of refusal, throwing a defeated, loud sigh.

"Oh." I bobbed my head, deciding that it was for the best to walk away before Mother did anything. Well, she tried, but I quickly took notice. Without hesitation, I headed for the stairs, avoiding her contact. While making my way up to my room, I quietly listened to the soft, melodic footsteps I produced.

Right now, Myla was better off in my sister's hands, as she seemed to be far more responsible than me. After all, right now, I felt being pressured by a lot of problems, either they were personal or social. They were all tying me down and filling up most of my thoughts, there were no more space for other problems. I have no choice but to depend on someone else to temporarily take care of the dog.

I'm sorry...

While placing my hand on the door handle, I realized that it was the same hand I had used to release my anger. Of course, the injury was as bad as I thought: there were distinct hues of purple and blue surrounding my bleeding knuckles, companied by huge lumps. Blood still oozed out of the wounds, running down my fingers, almost like a tiny waterfall. At the awful sight, I kissed my teeth.

Had I showed Mother the injury, she would definitely freak the hell out, taking it to extreme measures and exaggeration. Well, I have to go treat it as quickly as possible before anyone spotted it.

Using my other hand instead, I instantly pushed the door open, stepping inside and shutting it behind me. Without second thoughts, I strode towards the bathroom, and hit on the switch.

As the lights came flickering, I ambled towards the sink, where I turned the faucet on. An unavoidable, feeble groan escaped from my lips as soon as the water made a contact with the bruises. Pain quickly lashed out at me like a bear, and it felt like as if my hand was consumed by fire. From the mirror, I could see my face grimacing, making the most ugliest expression ever.

Fuck... this one fucking hurts... Despite the affliction, I was still able to wash the blood off my skin. I watched the water turning slightly red as it went down the drain. I hope it doesn't get worse like before...

After making sure that it was completely clean, I grabbed some tissues to dry up the wound. Next, I rummaged through the cabinet to search for my antibiotic ointment. Once found, I slowly applied it using some cotton, but in every drop, the searing pain came back, shooting through me like bullets. Just hold on, Ed... this is for the best...

Finishing the treatment, I quickly looked for the bandages, which was also inside the cabinet. Taking one profound breath, I gingerly enfolded them round my knuckles, making sure they were covering the bruises and all.

Of all the days in the entire week of my summer break, today was indeed the worst. Not only this was the first time I was fucking irritated by everyone else, but of all people, I have to unnecessarily butt heads with Rena. I recalled the tears that rolled down her face, and the way she shoved me out of my momentum. My heart throbbed at imagining how hurt she was when I yelled at her.

Remembering the scene, I abruptly stopped my actions midway. I tore off the remaining bandages, feeling that it was already enough. I quickly faced my reflection, where its blank expression stared back at my soul.

Just the image of it, though, started to make me shake with so much wrath. I slammed both of my hands on the sink, gripping it so tight, not minding the pain that struck me. My teeth were clenched so tight, I could feel them chattering. My breaths were getting heavier by each second. There was a strong urge to throw a punch on the mirror, but... I held it back. Had I lost control, I would have to sustain another damage.

Right now, I fucking loathed myself. All I was useful for was to create more conflicts that were difficult to solve. Maybe, it was really the time where I should stay away from everyone, and not cause any troubles with them.

There, I heard laughters coming from outside the bathroom. It didn't sound like there was only one of them. Either it was a group of two or three.

What the hell... who the fuck is that...?

Instinctively, I whirled my body around. From the narrow gap of the door, I could make out two small, childlike figures, mumbling to each other. Getting closer, there was a young boy, blonde-haired with noticeable large blue eyes, grinning the whitest set of teeth. Beside him, stood brunette, probably the same age as him. She covered her lips as she let out some faint giggles.

Well, of course they looked familiar.

They were Rena and me as kids.

Feeling my eyes fly wide, I immediately stepped back, almost hitting my hips against the sink. I gulped, relieved that they haven't seen me. Silence engulfed around my surroundings, as I tried listening to their conversation, but for some reason... I couldn't.

My ears were supposed to be sharp enough to hear them, but I could only pick up words that I couldn't figure out. The fact that I was unable to listen to their conversation just made my heavy breathings go faster.

Don't hyperventilate...

Don't. Fucking. Hyperventilate.

It's just Chrissy and Rena...

Nothing bad with happen with both of them around...

Seconds felt like eternity, and they finally disappeared out of sight. I quietly strode to the door and glanced from the gap, making sure that they were gone. The coast was clear, so I gently pushed the door open, revealing that my room was empty. Without hesitation, I headed towards the bed and slumped my entire body on the mattress.

I didn't bother changing my clothes. I just stripped my hoodie and pants, leaving myself in pair of boxers. I didn't even care about my hallucinations nor Raphael anymore. All I cared was to call this a day and simply shut myself off from everything.

I rolled over, facing the ceiling. At the same time, I shielded my sight from the glaring light. Letting out a huff, I tried to stabilize my breaths while I gradually squinted my eye, to which now felt so heavy. Darkness was taking over the edges of my vision, accompanied by the echoing rumbles of my air conditioner inside my ears.

I had fucking enough of everything... I thought, still inhaling and exhaling heavily. I just... need some rest...

Before blackness consumed my sight, I managed to catch two human figures hovering over me. I couldn't make out the looks on their faces, though. They were too blurry for me to figure out, but I knew they bore the same eye color as mine. I tried to move both my arms to reach them... but...

It seemed like I lose control of my muscles. I couldn't move a single inch, not even my own body.

I'm too tired...

The last person I saw was the girl who always sent my stomach fluttering for months. She was staring down at me as I started slipping away from the reality. From there, I recapped all the good deeds she had done.

She had protected me from people who fucked me up. She had saved me from falling into insanity. And of course, she had always put the others, including me, above herself; that was why she had the skills to comfort the others.

Before I knew it, I was already drowning away into the depths. There was nothing I could do but to let myself succumb.



My head was pounding as usual, delivering some sort of a dull but persisting pain. However, it wasn't the typical headaches I usually experienced while waking up. The world around me was spinning so rapidly, and the pain flared in such a way it tried to get my attention. It certainly did, as it brought my consciousness back from the darkness.

Ugh... It's so fucking cold... The last time I checked, I was resting on top of my comfy bed, not some sort of a... hard surface. The memory of me sleeping half-naked also came about, but for some reason, the air felt colder than usual. There were tons of tiny needles piercing against my back, that it sent chills down my spine. I probably fell off my bed... well, that explains the headaches, but...

I tried to move my arms and legs, or at least a part of my body, but they didn't budge an inch. It was like something was pinning my body down to the ground. ...that didn't explain why couldn't I move a single thing...

Wait for a moment... something's up...

I didn't just have an eye.

I have two.

I still have...

My supposedly damaged one was still intact, so I could perceive what was around me like what a normal person did. I realized such oddness as soon as I fluttered them open. This is too early to be relieved that I got my full vision back... All I want to know is... what's happening?

"Wake up, Chris~"

I was never so startled in my life, especially recognizing the familiarity in that drawling voice. If not blocked by my ribs, my heart would have leaped out of my chest in a matter of seconds. I couldn't take back the loud gasp that I instinctively uttered out, and the first thing I saw was some bright lights directed right at my face. It temporarily blinded me, but I tried adapting to it as quick as possible.

I dared myself to glance over to my left, inwardly praying that it wasn't the guy I was thinking of. Obviously, my nightmare instantly became reality when I met those dark, brown eyes and the same grin of his that I planned not seeing it for the rest of my life. The sight of him just made my heart crawl towards my throat.

"After waiting for these goddamn hours, you finally awake, my boy!" He exclaimed, his arms extended wide in a welcoming manner. "Sorry, I must have put a lot of chloroform..."

I wanted to say something, but nothing was coming out. My breaths went faster than ever, and they were becoming shallow. as sweat cascaded down my forehead. My shivering lips were completely dry as the fear inside of me grew larger and larger. I knew what was coming if I kept staring at him, so I decided to break off my gaze.

There, I finally saw my own body, absent of any clothings other than the boxers I slept with, which was why everything seemed freezing. Each of my limbs were strapped tightly onto the metallic table, which finally explained why I couldn't move freely at all. As far as I could see, no people were accompanying him; there was only darkness beyond.

No... please... not this again... This time, I had two eyes, which means the agony... will be fucking unbearable...

At the thought, I wheezed like a maniac. I couldn't take so much air from my nostrils, so my mouth took charge. I could see my own chest heaving up and down so rapidly. About my eyes... they were dilating so much that I thought they were going to pop up from their sockets. I tried squirmed around, albeit being restricted.

I watched in horror as Raphael put over a thin, surgery mask, covering his nose and mouth. He grabbed a pair of black scissors from the table, a gigantic one that I never saw before in my life. He gave me one sly smile while he used a handkerchief to gingerly wipe the blades.

"I never had the chance to use these scissors before, but finally I could..." Raphael commented. He snipped the tool, the noises seemed defeaning to my ears. Almost immediately, flashbacks of the past returned to haunt me, putting me in so much distress that something snapped inside of me.

"NOOO!!!" I cried in reflex, wriggling my arms even further. As I did so, the leather straps brushed hard against my fragile skin. No matter how much pain I afflicted to myself, I couldn't bring myself out of this torment. "PLEASE NOOO!!!"

"Sst calm down, Chris..." Raphael then inserted a pair of gloves onto his hands. With his scissors ready, he approached me. "I swear I will make this really quick, okay? It won't hurt that much, I promise."

"Pl... Please..." It took me time to realize that I had broken down to sobs. My cheeks were already moist with tears in large amounts. I had unintentionally tasted them with my tongue as they ran towards my mouth, and tasted excessively salty.

"Sst it's okay, it's okay..." He soothed hauntingly, in such a tone like he was comforting a child. He pushed his lips forward and his forehead contorted, creating some sort of a disturbing face. "Don't be sad... I hate seeing those magnificent eyes in despair..."

He placed one of his hands on my bare stomach, tensing me up even more. If I could, I wanted to slap his hand away, but of course, there was nothing I could do but to witness. In a sluggish manner, it moved up through my stiffened chest, leaving some hot trails. My sanity was peeling off little by little, while more tears pooled in, blurring my sight.

I can't stand like this any longer...

I'm going insane...

His fingers went under my chin and pushed my head up, forcing me to look straight at him. Half of it was covered by the mask, but I knew that he was grinning in satisfaction as he stared down at me. He surely was prepared to pounce at me hungrily...

"I have seen a lot of dazzling eyes, Chris... but I never seen those as bluest as yours." He cackled, pointing the sharp end of the scissors at my left eye, and there I lost control of my breaths. "So perfect, exactly what I wanted. Well then, please allow me to take care of them for you."

"Stop... please... I'd do anything... just don't do this..." I found myself pleading continuously. "I won't tell anyone... I will keep it a secret... so please... let me go..."

Obviously Raphael didn't take heed of me. He slowly neared the glinting blade towards me, particularly my eye. Everything just went bonkers, and I wasn't able to think clearly. My instincts, regardless, told me to avoid it, but his hand held me in place. I felt so light-headed, and on the verge of vomitting.

When the sharp blade gradually made a contact, all I could do next was to scream on top of my lungs. Heck, in that way, I could somewhat distract him off his course, giving me some time to act something. Unfortunately... before I knew it, the blade had went deeper than it should have been...


Agony was dominating most of my senses, causing me to violently writhe on the spot. It felt like something extremely hot was incessantly burning me up, such as coals that had been heated up to a high temperature. I felt the blade digging further, passing through my eyeball. It was the same, excruciating pain from previous experience, but it was ten times worse.


I continued screaming like shit, not bothering that my throat had reached my own limit. Over the course of the pain, I heard some squishing, slouchy noises. I observed in tears as Raphael slowly withdrew the scissors out, tearing my eye off and pulling it away from its place. Blood came spurting out copiously like a fountain, staining all over his and my face.

"Uakkh... aagh.... ukkhh..."

My screams eventually subsided. I was already losing in and out of consciousness, especially from all the searing pain that forcefully beat me up. The shock that travelled throughout my nerves was overwhelming enough to slowly drag me into a bottomless, dark pit. Drowning in some quiet, broken sobs, I managed to see Raphael laughing as he fastidiously observed the extracted eyeball. He placed it inside a bottle, before cleaning up the bloodied scissors.

At this point, I begged God to take my life. I didn't care about it anymore. All I care was for someone to free me from the pain, whether it was physically or mentally. Even if I managed to survive, I would be a burden to everyone else.

I'm a waste of space anyway.

"Chris, stay up with me man." As I was about to drift away, there were at least five slaps to my cheek. "Don't go back to sleep."

"... ... akkhh... ukh..." I whimpered, coughing and hacking.

"See? It's quick right?" Raphael asked, with an immature hint of amusement and pleasure. He forced me to look up at him. "Just one more time and it's all done, then I can send you home!"



I didn't reply.

With that, he gingerly jabbed the scissors on my remaining eye, turning everything scarlet, before it faded to black. The intense agony and the shock rocked me hard, before in a heartbeat, everything disappeared. There was no more pain, just numbness.

I wasn't able to hear my scream, although I was sure I opened my mouth.

Everything was suddenly silent and peaceful.

However, I loved this tranquility, and I was hoping for it to stay this way.

...God finally listened to my prayer...


A/N: I really apologize for the slow update. I'm currently on vacation abroad, and I have to find Wifi to go back online, so I really had little or no time to write. However, I really hoped you enjoy this chapter, which is actually one of the goriest chapter I wrote xD

As always, don't forget to leave a vote and some comments :)

I would probably update next week, but I'm still not sure. I will try telling you guys as early as possible, but updates will most likely remain slow.

Wishing you an early Merry Christmas and happy holidays :)

- Tara

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