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Sarah Williams POV

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was darkness. Nothing but darkness.I felt around me. The floor I was on was wet and cold, much like the walls around me, which were slimy and covered in what felt like algae.As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could make out silouhettes. They were faint, but I could see the walls around me now.There was a forum beside me, but I couldn't make out much more than that.I tried to move towards the figure, but found that difficult when I was pulled back by the chains tied around my wrist.I pulled at the chains a couple times, but my efforts proved futile when the chains didn't budge.

"I wouldn't bother. You won't get out that way." The a voice said, seaming coming from the shadows around me."This way." I stated. 

"So I will get out." I was surprised at the confidence in my voice. I was scared. Scared that I had been kidnapped, scared of the darkness, and scared of the voice that seamed to emanate from it.But none of that escaped. At least, not in my voice. My face might have said somthing different. But it was so dark I doubt the voice would be able to make my expression out.The voice around me laughed. But it was a sarcastic laugh. Like he knew somthing I didn't. 

"You seam awfully confident for someone who is currently chained to the floor of my dungeon."

"Maybe that's because I know I'm right." I answered, stronger than before.The voice let out a light hmm. Then seamed to shift, if that was possible."That's what you think."I was about to answer him, but was stopped when a stream of Moonlight poured through holes in the ceiling, and he cut me off.

"Looks like I'm needed. I'd stay out of the shadows if I was you."I called after the voice, asking what it meant by 'stay out of the shadows', but it was obvious that whatever was speaking had left the room.I looked to the side of me, hoping the Moonlight had lit up the figure next to me. And it had.Curled up on the floor to my left. Chained like me, was..."Sarah Everild?"

Roselea's POV

After Jareth beside me had a realization that the map was gone."Well, there is another note." and I started to reach for it but Jareth took it away. "I don't want you to hurt yourself again,Roselea. All we need now is you to get sick again." Jareth said, he then tasted the paper, which looked like he had totally gone nuts."Alright,its safe." and he handed me the page. It had another dreaded riddle on the page.

When the ground cries and the temptation is strong.

The fields of Asphodel one feels they belong,

A child of darkness to end his days,

Kingdoms of the Underground to preserve or raze.

I looked at the paper a moment. I was puzzled, what did this mean?Then I felt two gloved hands on me, one on each shoulder. "Are you okay, Roselea?" My father asked me, he seemed a little worried when I didn't seem to answer right away. "Roselea, answer me, are you alright?" He said more power came out of the words this time. "I am fine, I am just lost in thought at the moment. If you please excuse me." and I left the throne room and headed into my room.

Jareth Eden's POV

I didn't know what to think after Roselea abruptly left. She has been lost in thought before, but she seemed so different this time. "I am concerned, she never acts like this. She never just leaves like that." I said to the other Jareth which he seemed to understand to some extent. "Jareth, I have only known your daughter for a day or so. She seems to know what she is doing, lets just give her sometime." Jareth Everlid said and I didn't know if I should agree or not. I then sat on my throne, trying to keep calm. It seemed like I was worrying about Roselea so much, bad thoughts racing through my head. I seemed to worry Jareth too and he got up and walked down the hall, all he said was that he would return.

Jareth Everlid's POV

I walked down the hall and heard the scraping of pen against paper. I saw a door open in the hall, that was Roselea's bedroom door. I opened the door more and it revealed a very messy room. There were papers all around the room, books in piles about my height, and a dressed up Roselea with a pencil in her hair and ink on her fingers."Roselea? Are you ok?" and then I heard her jump. Then she laughed and was rubbing the back of her head. "Oh! Hello, Jareth,could you please get my Father? We may need him. And please tell him I am fine." and I nodded and quickly went to the Throne room.

After I got to the throne, I quickly grabbed Jareth and we were running toward Roselea's room. Jareth looked puzzled, but I smiled at him and he looked at me weird again. Once we got to the room, Roselea had higher stacks of books and more ink wells on the floor. "Father!I have figured out so much! Jareth! I think I might have figured it out!" Roselea said, she acted like she was a crazy person. Then the fatherly Jareth Eden came and tried to calm Roselea. "Please return the other books to the library and clean yourself up, then we can talk." and she obeyed. With the snap of her fingers the books were in bubbles and floating down the stairs to the Library. Then she made crystals and they circled her to make her clothes not have ink on them. "Now may I?" she asked and Jareth nodded in approval.

"Alright, I know something's, but I am still a little scrambled... The Fields of Asphodel are the fields of judgment and are said to determine where you go in the afterlife." Roselea said and then she looked puzzled again. "Father, what does Raze mean?" and Jareth sat down next to his daughter.

"Well, Raze with a Z means bury, my dear."

 We looked at each other with wide eyes, what did this all mean?

Sarah Everild's POV

I woke with a headache, and my eyes were blurry. My head hurt too, I must have been hit over the head with something.

"Sarah?" I heard a woman's voice ask. I turned towards the voice and tried to make out the figure.

"Sarah its me." The figure finally came into focus. 

It was... me?

How could it be me?

I thought for a while, but then I remembered the events of the last day. How Jareth and I had somehow travelled to another world, where there were other versions of ourselves.Jareth... He must be so worried.

"How long have we been here?" I asked the version of me from this world.She shook her head sadly. "I'm not sure, I haven't been awake long." I nodded and tried to move towards her, but were pulled back by the chains I had just noticed were around my wrists. 

"Its no use. I've already tried. The chains are too strong."I looked up at her and gave her the best 'Jareth smirk' I could manage. When I received a confused look in return, I decided I must had succeeded.I pulled forwards the magic I had, that I was now able to use fully due to my transformation to a Fae, and let it seep into the chains. Soon after I did the chains literally exploded off of my wrists.The other Sarah looked at me shocked and I smirked again. I moved towards her, my legs wobbling slightly, and removed her chains too.I helped her up and she rubbed at her wrists which were now black and bruised from the chains. She suddenly stopped and just stared at her wrists.

"Sarah? What's wrong? What is it?" I asked worriedly. She was starting to scare me. She just stopped... But then she spoke. It was more of a mumble, and didn't seam directed at anyone in particular, but at least she spoke."He was right..."

"What? Who was right." I asked, but she didn't respond. 

"Sarah!" I shook her shoulder and It was like I had just woke her from a trance. "Who was right?"She looked at me confused for a second. She must not have realised she had said it out loud."Oh, earm... The guy."

"What guy?"

"This guy, he came in before you woke up. He told me that I would get out of the chains, but not by pulling at them. And he was right."

"Ok... so that's a little creepy." I answered. This guy knew I would be able to get us out with magic? Or was he just trying to scare her and it was merely a coincidence. But then again, coincidences don't happen, the universe is rarely so lazy... 

"What did he look like?"

"I don't know, he was in the shadows. But it was more like, he was the shadows. And he had a strange voice. It was like it came from everywhere, but at the same time, didn't come from here."I shuddered. 


"Hey, so. Just out of curiosity... How is it you have magic?"I smiled again. Just a light smile this time. "Jareth."

"What do you mean?"

"Well. I already kinda had magic. But when I fell in love with Jareth, its like... It all woke up. He taught me how to do simple things like summon crystals, back when that's all I could do. But when we won The Battle Of The Labyrinth, and he proposed, he started to teach me more things. I still didn't have a lot of magic, but he shared his with me so that, when I got my own, I would already know how to use it. Good job by the looks of it." I stopped.

 I could tell she wanted to know more, but she wasn't sure. I didn't want to keep talking and freak her out or scare her off.

"So how did you..." She hesitated. "I mean... Jareth he... How..." She stopped again so I figured I should help out.

"How can I love Jareth after he kidnapped Toby?" I asked and she nodded. I smiled and continued.

"When I came back, I saw he wasn't that bad. He tried to appear harsh and angry, but he was ill.I helped him get better and saw he wasn't the same person that had tried to stop me in the labyrinth and turn Toby into a goblin. So I gave him a chance. He told me that, where it had only been a few hours to me, it had been six months for him. He told me that at first he hated me for leaving and not coming back, but when he found out why, he understood. He told me that he was never going to turn Toby into a goblin. If I hadn't won, he would have kept both me and toby in the underground, hoping I would learn to love him.I realised that, though I was only gone a few hours, I had already began to miss him and the only reason I rejected his offer to stay with him was because I thought he would turn Toby into a goblin. After a while I just felt... wrong... if he wasn't there with me. He had become a big part of who I am. He is who I am. He is the best part of me."I stared at my feet and the ground around me. I was entirely lost in thought as I was spilling my heart out to Sarah Williams. It was so easy to call her that, Sarah Williams. I think... I thought of my self as Sarah Everild, even before me and Jareth were married Sarah's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"You sound very happy with him."

"I am." I answered and she nodded, looking down at the floor. 

"What about you?"She looked back up at me confused.

 "What about me?"

"Yeah. What about you? And Jareth Eden?"She stared back at me dumbfounded, then started to defend her self. 

"No. No way. I could never love him. I don't even like him. He's so full of himself. Its like he believes he can never do any wrong because he's king so he makes the rules. I only come to see Roselea. He just... infuriates me!" She ranted and I started to smile. 

"What are you smiling at?"

"Oh come on Sarah. I've seen the way you both look at each other. Something happened that set you two apart. But... You love him... And he loves you." She opened her mouth to answer me, but was cut off by another voice in the room... A voice I knew.

"Awww. Now isn't that sweet." The voice said.

"You..." I stopped short. It cant be... It isn't possible.

"Yes Sarah. Me." The figure stepped out of the shadows and I gasped.


Sarah William's POV

I gasped as the figure walked out of the shadows. Jareth?

"Vailan..." Sarah Everild said beside me. Vailan? But that's the guy... oh no.

"Who are you?" I asked. I already knew, Sarah had told me about him, but I had to get his attention off of Sarah before she freaked out.He turned towards me and smiled.

 "Oh where are my manners, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vailan. I'm the Jareth from the other worlds older, triplet brother. Delighted to meet you." He bowed slightly and I had problems fighting the urge to roll my eyes. 

"Still." He continued. "I should be glad I can introduce my self at all. After she! Bit a piece of my tongue off." He glared back at Sarah, but it seamed she had recovered now. At least... on the outside.Sarah smirked at Vailan. 

"Pity, it seams I didn't bite enough off. Try and kiss me again though, and this time... I will be sure I do." Sarah's brave stance was short lived when Vailan waved his hand and Sarah was thrown into a wall.

"Stop!" I tried to help, but with another wave of his hand, I couldn't move. I was frozen in place.Vailan brought his face near Sarah's and whispered in her ear. Just loud enough for me to hear."I was going to make you my queen you know. You could have ruled by my side. But you chose my pathetic, weak little bother over me. You could have been mine."

"I could never have loved you." Sarah's words were practically drenched in poison, and Vailan knew it. He started to flinch away, but stopped himself.

"Oh my dear. I never said anything about love. If Jareth hadn't stopped me when he did, I would have killed him and forced you to produce me an hare, and when you did, I would have killed you too." He pushed Sarah into the wall once more, then started to back away.

"Having you here, I still could have had my way. But it seams, even in his absence my brother has managed to stop me."

"What do you mean?" Sarah, confused, beat me to the question.

"If I could, I would farce you to bare my child. But it seams Jareth Everild has already beaten me to it.

"What! But that means....Sarah's eyes grew wide.

"I'm Pregnant?..."

Hi Guys. 


 So.... What do you think? 

Do you like our plot twists? 

Do you want to murder me?

 If so, Hers my address

.My number,

My street,

My town,


Also, Is this story easy to follow? Or is it confusing having two Sarah's and two Jareth's?AND I will be updating my other book soon. Sorry its took so long, I just needed to get Katarina and this book in the right place first.Thanks for reading,




Well, that was the biggest and plot twistyest chapter ever too.

 I hope you guys liked it.

 Can't wait for making the next update!!!

 I am so excited! 

Thank you all

Until Next Update,


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