Chapter 19: Taking Things Slowly

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Jareth Eden's POV

I went right to Roselea, helping her sit up. The link must have taken a ton of magic... "Jareth... I heard his scream... check on him..." she mumbled. I stroked her hair and smiled. "You never stop caring, even when you are very ill." She smiled, but the smile faded as she seemed to fall asleep.

I then walked over to Jareth Everlid, he had fallen back onto the floor after the call had disconected. "That was the bravest thing I have seen in a long time, Jareth. You should be proud of yourself." I said and he smiled a little. "I didn't... think... it would hurt that much... I feel like... I can't even describe it..." he said, a small sign of pain every time he spoke. "You might want to take it easy there, romeo. Going through a connection like that takes a lot out of you..." I said then he tried to get up but collapsed.

"Listen to me, I know you want to get right out there and save your wife, but you can't save her if you are hurt like this. Trust me... I know how it is to feel like I need to do something but in too much pain to do it." I said and he kept on trying to get up.

"Jareth Everlid! If you keep getting up like this you will not heal! If you don't heal then you will not get to Sarah any faster." I felt the anger coursing through me. "I know how you feel, you feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest. You are not with the one you love at the moment, but if you don't rest up..." I started to get emotional... " You will not be able to reach her... Jareth, you need to rest... for everyone's sake. Roselea would feel terrible if you went out there hurt and alone. Please... lets go get the Sarahs together..." I said and he took my hand. "Thank you, Jareth... never though I would ever... get advice from myself..." he said and I smiled. "Let me take you to a bed, you can rest up there, instead of my floor." I said and a smiled came from Jareth's face. "Yeah, it might be a little more comfortable."

he chuckled but then winced in pain.

I whistled to some goblins to pick up Jareth and carry him to Roselea's room, the only place that had a bed on the ground. Once I picked up Roselea and placed her in her bed, I smiled. "Well, I don't have to go to two different rooms now to check up on you two." I said and laughed a little. The goblins then laughed. "Quiet! They need their rest."

Jareth Everlid's POV

I laid in the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I felt so useless in this bed... But Jareth was right, I needed to make it to Sarah in one piece. I turned my head, but felt a stinging pain as i did. Then saw Roselea... she looked so calm and peaceful.

"J...J...Jareth?" A voice came out of Roselea, she tried to open her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm here... I guess I am not leaving you anytime soon." I said and she smiled and laughed. "The same goes for me... looks like Father picked the easiest option. Us in the same room." she said and winced in pain.

"Yeah, but I guess it's better that way. I won't be alone."

"Jareth... you'll never be alone here." Roselea said, smiling a weak smile.

"Thank you for making that connection back there. That was amazing."

"I would do anything to make things better. Even if I risk myself in the process."

I was then about to respond but she started to talk again. "I felt so responsible for everything that has happened. I needed to make that connection, though Sarah may be mad at me for using her... but, now I can find her anywhere. We are linked..." Roselea said, she then took my hand.

"Once I get a little bit better, I will heal you. Then we will be able to find the Sarahs." She said and I smiled.

"Roselea, are you as horribly tired and in terrible pain as much as I am? I think we may be here for awhile. But, I do thank you for that offer though." I said and she smiled her weak smile.

The next morning...

I woke up, Roselea still sleeping beside me and I felt somewhat normal, I still felt pain that seemed to radiate through my whole body though. I wish I could get better instantly...

"Morning..." Roselea mumbled and she turned around, letting out a little whine as she did.

"Morning, Roselea, how are you?"

She rubbed her head but then winced in pain.

"I feel okay... but it feels like someone kicked my head in... OW!" She flinched in pain, holding her head. "Dren!" And it shocked me, she swore.

"I don't usually swear, but it hurts so much..." She said and I could here familiar footsteps.

"Roselea Ann Eden! Did you just swear?!" Jareth yelled and Roselea was whimpering in agony. She held her head and moved closer to me to try to block the noise.

Jareth then walked in, he looked at me and Roselea. "Your yelling isn't helping her, Jareth. She didn't mean to cuss like that. She just was in a lot of pain, give her a break." I said in a normal voice and Roselea was still really close to me. Jareth then came close to the bed and sat beside Roselea, stroking her short hair.

"I am going to try to go to the garden and find the healing herbs to make you both heal faster. I will return, my little rose." He patted her shoulder and got up. "Jareth, you will take care of Roselea while I am out, right?"

"What else can bed ridden Roselea and I do?" I said and Jareth smiled a little. "I guess you are right... you two can't do much at the moment... but still..."

I cut off Jareth. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Roselea. You can count on me." I said and he smiled again, then walked out of the room.

"Thanks for standing up for me back there, Jareth" I heard Roselea whisper.

"No problem, Roselea. We have to always stick together, and we sometimes need to be reminded of what is going on." I said. Roselea was trying to look up at me but she winced in pain, like an injured animal.

"One thing... I wonder what my Father will be doing in the Garden... he isn't really good at finding the right plants sometimes. I hope he at least brings the medicinal plants..." Roselea said as her eyes were fluttering shut.

Once she was asleep, I feel asleep right afterwords, holding her hand.

Jareth Eden's POV

Medicinal plants, where are those medicinal plants? They should be around here somewhere. UGH! I should have payed more attention to where those plants were when I was in here before with Roselea.

I searched through many different places until I found something really promising. There was a little green house in the corner of the garden. I have never noticed it there before.

I went in and saw many different plants, but no labels... I decided to take my chances and pick a few of these herbs. This green with white flowers looked good, so did this stalk looking stuff... I picked out as many herbs that looked like it might be the one and placed in a bag, tied in bundles. I then transformed into an owl to get to Roselea and Jareth faster. I hope this will work!

Roselea's POV

I woke up right next to a sleeping Jareth Everlid, he was holding my hand. I tried to move but pain in my head made that a really bad decision. "Dren, this hurts. Jareth..." I said, swearing again which never really was like me.

I then saw a smile creep onto Jareth's face. "You can't stop swearing now, can you?" He said, chuckling a little

"I can control it... when I am not in pain... but at the moment it just feels like the right word to say. I'll stop, don't you worry." I said, weakly smiling. Jareth looked at me and gave me a smirk. "Yeah, wouldn't want you to be swearing up a storm while your Father is gone."

I returned the smirk, then I heard my Father's footsteps coming toward the door. "I think I have found some herbs that will help us!" He said excitingly as then jumped to my side of the bed, that really didn't help. And by the yelp Jareth made, it didn't help him either.

I tried to sit up but pain shocked through my head. I gave a loud cry which scared my Father. He briefly left and came back with some pillows he had found and placed them behind us to lift both of us up into sitting posission.

"So is this it?" My Father said as he held up a bundle of bright green.

"Nope, that is the sticky herb, it makes perfect adhesive."

"This?" He held up a dark green bundle.

"Nope, that is basil."

"How about this?" He held up a pale green bundle.

"Father! Be careful! That's a Fire Herb! It combusts in direct sunlight!" I yelled, my head aching afterwords. My father took it away from me, which caused it to burst into flames in my Father's hand.

My Father's eyes bugged out and he waved his gloves to get rid of the flames. "Okay... that was interesting... why do you have that?"

"You never know Father, you may need a torch or to set something on fire." I said, He then showed me the last bundle.

I smiled. "That's the one! Now just brew it like tea and bring it to us. It will help us heal a lot quicker."

My Father warmly smiled, kissed my forehead and ran to brew the herb. "Thank all the Fae that we will be not bed ridden any longer, Jareth." I said and Jareth sadly smiled. "But it wasn't that bad, Roselea. You kept me company and I couldn't thank you enough." Jareth said as he looked at me and smiled, warmly this time. "Thank you for keeping me company too, Everlid."

Hello Readers!

That my friends is a long chapter in many POV's.

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