Chapter 32: Coming Home

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Sarah Everild's POV

After I talked with Sarah, and after the whole crystal created ball, we packed up the tents and set off on the relatively short journey back to the castle.

Roselea had conjured Sarah and me a horse using one of her crystals. They were surprisingly comfortable given they looked as though they were made out of pure glass, and i'll never get used to the fact that the horses in this world have 6 legs, not 4.

Jareth Eden and Sarah were a little ways in front of us chatting away happily. Jareth, Roselea and I were all riding together and talking about how strange it wold be when Jareth and I went back to our own world, and how everything would change over here now that Sarah and Jareth Eden were courting.

"I'm just going to miss you, so much!" Roselea said, throwing her arms into the air. She soon brought them back to the reigns, being reminded that her horse would eat everything in sight when he suddenly veered towards the nearest patch of grass.

She brought herself back to us just as Jareth, on my other side said how he would miss her too. "I feel like I've got a daughter in you Roselea." He said.

"You can say that again, you two are so alike it scares me." I said laughing, hiding the slight nervousness I felt. 

I still hadn't told Jareth that I was pregnant. Really, I should have told him as soon as we calmed from the whole kidnapping thing, but I was worried. I had grown up believing that I would be unable to ever have kids after an 'accident'. Also known as, I forgot to put the milk she had made for toby in the fridge and it went off, so she hit me with a baseball bat.

I guess I was just worried that it wouldn't last. I didn't want to tell Jareth about the baby, and then loose it. I feared how Jareth would react. Would he be upset? Would he be mad? Would he leave me? Ok, I doubted that last one. I had a feeling that I could do some of the most terrible things I could think of - not that I would - and Jareth would still love me. I'd just hate to see his face if it happened. I have a feeling it would destroy him.

I must talk to Ruby. 

I thought. She would know what to do.

"-ou Alright?"

I snapped back to reality. It was Jareth's voice that had snapped me back. I had been so deep thinking about his face if I miscarried that I didn't hear him when he actually spoke to me.

Quick. I thought. Think of something to say before they get worried.

"Erm, yeah, no, sorry. I was just distracted thinking about how much I'm going to miss you guys." I said to Roselea.

Nice save. 

God was I glad that I snapped out of it before Jareth decided to go poking around in my mind to see what was wrong, I was probably too distracted to stop him, or even notice. It's not that I didn't want him to know, I just wanted to be the one to tell him, on my terms.

The rest of the ride back to the castle was uneventful and consisted mostly of my telling Roselea what a television was and how it worked. She couldn't believe that a little box with buttons and knobs on it could show you whole stories or how it used to be all in black and white until about 30 years ago. She was, however, horrified when I told her how sometimes the program would go off meaning I'd have to wiggle the aerial and, if that didn't work, I would smack the TV. She went on and on about how it was mean and probably hurt the tv, even after I explained that it wasn't actually alive and so had no feelings. She actually made me feel a little bad.

We got back to the castle and immediately walked straight to the throne room, where the mirror stood. We had to wait a few minutes, but soon I saw someone who looked like Jareth on the other side.

"Hello Gareth."

He looked towards me in surprise. "Sarah, your back. How are you, are you hurt?"

"No, I am quite well." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Good, I'm Glad. Ruby will be too. Would you mind assembling your group and ill go fetch her." He said before disappearing from the mirror.

We all stood looking into the mirror, a little further away than I was before so that we could all see and be seen by Gareth and Ruby, who I was surprised to see had her hood down, on the other side.

"Your not trying to kill him today I see, Ruby." My Jareth said, a smile playing on his face.

"No," She said, giving him a look that said 'I know your joking, but I will kill you, kidding'. "I'm glad you are all ok. I'm sorry I couldn't help"

"Don't worry, It's not your fault." Jareth said, seeing she was masking how upset about it she was. "Anyway, I imagine Gareth has needed you there to help him keep the kingdom from falling into caos." 

This time, the murderous look came from Gareth. "Actually," He said in a cocky tone with a smirk displaying prominently on his features. "Ruby was away. She went to the kingdom of the Mer-People about the mirror."

"The Mer-folk's kingdom. How's the king?" Jareth said, winking. His voice dripping with a joking accusation.

Gareth's face dropped into a look of confusion. "What?"

"Nothing!" Ruby scrambled. "Sarah, would you mind -"

She didn't need to finish. She knew I had understood what she was going to say when I elbowed Jareth in the side and he gave a subtle but strangely satisfying 'Oomph'.

I heard laughter from Jareth Eden, Roselea and Sarah Williams. The only indication that they were still with us given how quiet they had been.

"Right, lets get you guys home. Jareth, Gareth touch the mirror and repeat after me."

I gave hugs to the others and told them I would miss them as Jareth and Gareth followed Ruby in chanting a spell.

A blue circle formed around the mirror and glowed lightly, pulsing softly as they spoke.

Then it was time to go.

"Good bye." I said to the guy, and received the same in chorus.

"Good bye." "We'll miss you!" "Look after each other."

Then there was a problem. Just as Jareth and I were about to step through the mirror, the circle around it turned black, and so did everything else.

I opened my eyes to see the castle's throne room. Then I looked to the side and saw there were two thrones next to each other and realised it was the throne room from my world. We were home. When I sat up, however, I saw something I did not expect.

I saw sat on the floor with Jareth, Gareth and Ruby laid groaning around me, and next to them was Jareth Eden, Sarah Williams and Roselea. They had come with us.

"What happened?" I asked the confused group.

"More importantly, where are we?" Jareth Eden said, staring at the two thrones.

"My throne room." My Jareth answered, then realised what he'd said and turned to me, ready to correct himself, but I put up my hand. Though this is technically my throne room as well, I expected that it would take some getting used to, even without the whole getting sent to another world and getting kidnapped thing. Anyway, I was planning on leaving most of the ruling obligations to Jareth so for me, it was HIS throne room.

"What are we doing here?" Sarah asked, and Ruby answered.

"I don't know. The spell should have only brought the Sarah and Jareth from this world back, but then the circle turned black." She bent down and rubbed the black scorch marks on the floor. "Someone overrode the spell."

"Yeah, that was me."

The voice made my blood run cold. I turned to face the person that had spoken, though I didn't need to for me to know who it was. "Vailan." I spat. After everything that had happened, I wasn't afraid of him anymore.

"Hello Sarah." His voice was smooth. I hated it.

"What do you want." Jareth said as he took a step to stand defensively near me, just as Jareth Eden did Sarah Williams and Roselea, and Gareth did Ruby. Though I saw Gareth hadn't stood in front of Ruby to shield her from Vailan if he attacked, he was shielding her from his view as she unsheathed her sword.

"The same thing I've always wanted, brother." Vailan answered with a false tone that appeared pleasant, but was underlined with venom. "I want this kingdom. And I want Sa-"

I knew he was going to say my name, but he didn't get chance. Ruby attacked. Gareth moved us all to the side of the room and stood with a sword in hand, in a position that left him ready to defend us, or defend her should he need. The only problem with at was, as soon as he took a step forward, a black tinted wall appeared in front of us and we were trapped, a barrier between us and the fighting pair. 

As we watched, I was amazed. I had seen Ruby fight before, but I assumed that her skill, speed and grace came from her power. It did not. She spun and attacked with such force and ability that she paced Vailan. Then she gained the upper hand. She plunged her sword straight through his chest. but then, instead of crying out in pain, he laughed. "Poor, mortal Ruby, unable to hold her own celestial swords. Between your banishing, and the experiments that psycho Flare did on me, I became something different. I can no longer be killed by stupid, mortal weapons." As he finished, he made a gesture with his hand and sent her crashing into the wall with such force I was convinced her new, human body must have suffered. I knew I was right when she hit and I heard the cracking of bones.

Gareth was pounding against the barrier, but stopped when he was convinced it wasn't going anywhere. We watched in fear as Vailan neared Ruby, and raised his sword.

"I should have killed you when I took your wings." He growled, then brought his sword down.

There was a high pitched noise, a white flash, and then it was Vailan who flew across the room.

The light faded and I saw a figure stood in front of ruby. When the light disappeared, I realised I recognised the figure. Vailan got back up off the floor, but his efforts were in vain as he was soon knocked unconscious, and the barrier fell.

Gareth ran straight over to Ruby, helping her off the floor, while the rest of us stayed where we were. The look Sarah gave me told me that she too recognised the figure. He turned towards Gareth and Ruby as they walked towards the centre of the room and waved his hand. As he did, little, gold, shimmering lights drifted from his hand and towards Ruby, who moved from her hunched position holding onto Gareth, to standing normally.

"Thank you." She said, receiving a nod from the figure.

"I know you." I said, and received a confused look from everyone in the room except Sarah Williams and the man. It was the same man. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes, a long coat, and two swords at his sides.

"Yeah, you were in the castle." Sarah said, standing beside me.

"You saved us. And showed us the way out."

The response we received was the same as Ruby, a nod.

"You never could resist a damsel in distress, could you." Gareth said, joking with the man, who smiled in return and shook his head lightly, as if shaking off a comment from an old friend. Just an action, no words. As I realised this, it seemed Ruby did too.

"You can't talk to us, can you?" She said with a small, sad smile on her face. He shook his head.

"But you spoke to us earlier." I pointed out. 

"That was different." Ruby answered.


"Because you weren't with me." she replied sadly. At this comment she got a sad smile from the man. I also realised the others in the room had been watching the conversation like a tennis match, either too confused to speak, or they didn't get chance. "You shouldn't even be here, should you." He shook his head again. "Oh Michael."

Michael, that was his name? Good to know I guess, but I didn't really know what was happening.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger, a shadow passed over the room and another man flew in. And yes, I did say 'flew'. He had two, beautiful, black wings sprouting from his back which, once he landed, folded away in a weird kind of way.

"Michael, why did you disappear? Do you know how difficult you were to find-" He stopped when he saw Ruby. "By God, Ruby?"

I looked around, glad to see that I wasn't the only one with a confused look on their face. Ruby's face even took on confused features when the guy, Michael - who had apparently given up on the idea of staying silent when the other guy flew in - said "See Gabriel, I told you she wasn't dead."


Michael turned to Ruby. "Yes. When you disappeared, Uriel told everyone that you had betrayed the Highgrounds and, if effort to conquer it, had died a traitor."

"Ok." Ruby started, bemused and exasperated at the same time. "First. Why would I try to concur a realm I already ruled over. And second, why is that feather brain, Uriel spouting crap about me?"

"I didn't see why you would either, that's what convinced me he was lying. That's why I left, to find you, but found them instead." Michael said, gesturing towards Sarah and me.

Gabriel then spoke. I would have been lost remembering their names if it weren't from the fact that they were so biblical, which I guess makes sense, given who they are. Turns about there may be more truth to the Christian bible than i thought.

"Uriel's not a low life feather brain anymore, either. He's ruling over the Highgrounds in your place."

"But Michael was my successor, then you." She seethed.

"Yes. But Uriel forced a movement of no confidence against us. He said that you were a traitor and so the Angelus couldn't trust anyone you chose to follow you."

Ruby looked as though she was going to explode, but stopped when she heard Sarah Williams mutter something about Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Angels and the Christian bible being accurate. It seemed she agrees with me on that.

"Right, yes, sorry." Ruby said, bringing herself to the group, then back to the men. "These fine people seem to have found themselves dragged into our reality from their own, can you lads help?"

They both shook their heads lightly and laughed, with Gabriel jokingly saying something about always being an errand boy. Michael tossed ruby a glowing, gold ball then turned to Gabriel. "We should go."

Ruby nodded. I could tell she was sad, but she understood. They had already helped more than they were meant to given they weren't supposed to know she was even alive. With a nod to the group the grabbed Vailan's still unconscious body and shoved him through a portal. I didn't care where to, I just hoped he would stay there this time. With one last look Gabriel sprouted his black wings, and Michael sprouted beautiful brown ones, then they leapt from the balcony and flew away.

Ruby stared after them for another moment, longing written on her face in a way that wouldn't be evident if you didn't know her, then she turned to the group with her usual composure.

"Right," She said, moving the little glowing ball from hand to hand. "Lets get you guys back home."

Hi everyone! This is Labyrinth from the future! Thank you to everyone who kept up with the story this long. I cannot say how much it means to me to know this story is still read 7 YEARS! later! Thank you all for sticking with us, Katarina and I appreciate it greatly.

For the last time, good bye everyone,

Labyrinth/Arubella Di Angelo

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