Oh Come On

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Tramp ran back inside and went to check on the pups. As he walked into the kitchen he gasped.

"Where's your brother and Angel?" he asked exasperatedly. 

"Ha ha! Scamp and Angel went out the window!" Danielle laughed. Tramp's jaw dropped, he looked to the window by the door. It was open!

"How on Earth did he open that window?" he thought aloud. He was tired, he had just gotten his son back and now he was gone, so was his love and now Angel too.

"Oh come on! Girls, you stay here and watch over the family." He rushed to the window and jumped through. Annette, Collette, and Danielle looked at each other, there was a moment of silence.

"All right! We get the house to ourselves!" Danielle beamed. 

"But, where's mom? Why did they leave?" Collette asked confused.

"Maybe that's why dad left, to get em back." Annette answered.


Panting, Scamp didn't stop running, Angel had caught up to him.

"Wait!" Angel yelled. Scamp skidded to a halt and his rump fell over his head.

"Oof! What? What is it? What's wrong?" he asked with a panicky tone.

"We need a plan. We don't know where they are." Angel informed. Scamp sat up and thought hard.

"Think about it, where is Buster most likely gonna be?" Scamp asked, already knowing the answer. Angel immediately gasped.

"The Junkyard!" They answered at the same time. They raced to the Junkyard but about half way there, Tramp had caught up.

"Woah now hold on you two, where do you thin your going?" Tramp said trying to catch his breath.

"We're gonna save mom." Scamp puffed his chest with pride, Angel nodded in agreement.

"You should help us, Tramp." Angel added. Tramp chuckled softly, being bossed around by pups was something he found adorable.

"Actually," he began and stepped in front of them.

"I think this is something I should do. Alone." he finished. Scamp stood his ground, Angel looked at them, she wasn't sure whose side to take.

"Dad... I'm not leaving until we get mom back." Scamp said keeping his cool.

"And I'm saying your going home," Tramp said with annoyance. He wasn't a big fan of his only son rebelling especially at a time like this.

"No! I can help!" Scamp yelled. Angel was growing worried, her mind began swarming with a compromise. Tramp began to growl slightly and was ready to snap at him until,

"Stop it! Just stop it!" Angel barked. The two boys looked at her, startled considering she was quiet during most of the conversation.

"Listen to you two, bickering," she said sternly yet gently. She jumped up onto a wooden crate and looked down on them, they listened carefully to what she had to say.

"Lady...no, mom, needs us. She needs all the help she can get," she stated. Tramp and Scamp looked at one another and lowered their heads.

"Tramp, maybe you can distract Buster. While I and Scamp get mom," she added. Tramp thought the idea over, he didn't have many options and his love need all the help they could get.

He sighed,

"Alright alright, you two can help, we stick to your plan, Angel." Tramp said, giving in. 

"Yes!" Scamp said victoriously. Tramp smiled and rolled his eyes at him.

"Come on, to the Junkyard." Angel said, leading the way.

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