Update: Story of the Delayer

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to say I'm not dead (yet)!

What I thought was gonna be a planned update during my winter break ended up with me rocking back and forth in nerd ecstasy. My broken self (from school) indulged in Dishonored 2 and Final Fantasy XV for (an unhealthy) long time. I blame school for withholding my addiction.

Firstly, *gets down on knees* holy jesus I'm so sorry for not updating in a hellah long time.

Secondly, holy jesus did this story get noticed by some people- I wasn't expecting that (also slightly salty that it beat my detective story *grumble*).

I really do want to finish Flip Me Around but I'll have to get back into it by reading my own work. I also plan on organizing my stories better because my current system is pissing me off now that I'm trying to get back into it. Back in August 2016, I had a chapter almost done but I didn't want to release it because I personally didn't enjoy it. It led to writers block then school happened.

What I'm planning to do:

Flip Me Around is top priority because holy nut, the other story I'm working on is going to be edited a lot.

If somehow you also read Hangman Chase, there's going to be a lot of editing in the future. I'm planning on combining my plans for my dynamic duo into just, Upside Crime, meaning more stuff to add and I'm free to put filler.

Updates will be slow because I'm in school but I'll try my best!

Thanks for all the support given to my stories,

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