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A/N: This starts a bit into their second year, after the royal vs rebel thing has started, and after Giles is freed. I don't know if I'll cover all EAH things in order but that's the most relevant time-wise. Also because Apple still lives in the castle, Raven and Maddie are roommates. As previously stated it's mostly non-royals who live on campus because their parents couldn't afford to buy them their own apartments in Book End. There are exceptions like the Wonderlandians who are of course there under special circumstances and they all live on campus. (Maddie by choice instead of staying with her father)


Giles woke up with a start at the familiar voice that he was sure he hadn't heard in ages.


"Master! I suddenly sensed the missing miraculous!" If he wasn't awake before, the younger Grimm brother absolutely was after that statement. He got out of bed before walking over to a section of his room with a dark expression. He pulled a book out and a doorway opened and he went inside quickly and started his way down the flights of stairs.

"Which of the missing miraculous did you sense and what can you tell me about it?" He spoke quickly as they traveled deeper beneath the school into a place he hoped not to have to return to so soon.

"It's Noroo's miraculous Master, and I fear that the holder has a negative aura from what I could sense."

"That... Is rather unfortunate." Giles stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked around the cave like area he had been trapped in for years by his brother. His desire not to be there ignored because of the situation. This was the safest place he could keep such important treasures, and even if anyone found out his identity they would never expect him to go back there.

"Wayzz tell me, how serious do you think this may become? Do you think we need-"

"I don't wish to disrupt the balance that has been developing here Master but I truly think this will need to be handled with the Black Cat and Ladybug miraculous. Do you have any people in mind for holders?" Giles hummed as he traveled to one of the many bookcases. Instead of pulling another book, he slightly tilted an ink pen that was left sitting inside a random jar with a few other oddly placed pencils. Still, the pen was the trigger as a box suddenly shifted out from between some books.

"I have a few candidates in mind, though I'll have to take in the school's current predicament in mind."

He opened the box, picked up the two pieces of jewelry in the top center and nodded to himself.

"Let's hope I haven't gotten rusty after so long."


Raven shivered in place all of a sudden as she felt a strange chill go down her spine. Her head turned towards the window and her eyebrows furrowed as she saw it was closed.

"Are you okay Raven? I hope you haven't come down with a sudden case of the Flurries." Maddie bounced over to her roommate to feel her forehead but Raven smiled fondly at her friend while shaking her head and pushing the limb away.

"I'm fine Maddie. Just a strange feeling. I think it had more to do with magic than any... Flurries?" As if only just realizing the unfamiliar word she added the question but the daughter of the Mad Hatter only giggled.

"Well that's good! A case of the flurries is never a good sign." She didn't feel it necessary to elaborate and Raven chuckled as she was more than used to such antics.

"Okay Maddie, how about we head to the castleteria for breakfast? If I recall correctly you never finished telling me that story about what Earl Grey did yesterday."

That of course made the other girl practically perk up with renewed vigor as she quickly grabbed her hat (with Earl Grey already seated) and put it on before bounding out of their room with Raven following behind her and happily listening to her rambles.


"Apple Pie, it's hextremely important that you talk to Raven as soon as possible to get the whole, "Rebel movement" under control. I know you've been trying but you can work a little bit more to convince her right? She is your villain after all. If anyone can lead her down the right path for your story I know it would be you."

Apple gave a tight smile to her mother and nodded. It had been the past few weeks of similar rhetorics about her changing Raven and she had tried, but the other girl didn't want to follow her destiny, and ever since Thronecoming and they set Giles free even she was having some doubts. Not about her destiny and its importance of course! But about the Headmaster and how easily he lied and the lengths he went through to trap his brother beneath the school?

That was not normal and it also was not okay. She may not have had any siblings but she still knew that at least. And that doubt would constantly creep through her mind whenever her mother spoke to her in the morning. Did she also know? Was she aware of Headmaster Grimm's actions? Would she have agreed with him locking Giles away over their disagreement?

She wanted Raven to follow her destiny but she couldn't imagine trapping her somewhere if she didn't in the end.

"Apple?" Her mother spoke softly and it startled her slightly as she then beamed back at her mother.

"Of course mom, I'll be sure to talk to her again." She stepped towards the limousine that she always rode to school from the castle and waved at her mom from the window and her mother happily waved back. Once they were far enough away that she couldn't see her anymore she sighed. When was the last time her mother sent her off to school with a message that didn't involve Raven or anything with Royals vs Rebels? She wasn't even sure.

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