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Like I said, I knew what Baz had planned the day it was going to happen.

I was on my mission, vetting the area as we always did around the time the Solstice festival came around- the same way I came across you last night. Maybe he was too consumed by what he was doing, or maybe he wanted me to know, to see what I would do. But I overheard him talking - I knew about the counter in the punch, and I knew it was wholly to betray you. And as soon as I knew, I ran. I tried to find you, but you had already left the Guild to prepare for the festival. And by the time I could find you, you had left. And Baz was there with Cass...

I couldn't get to the festival. If he knew I was there, he would also know why, and I would have been as good as dead anyway, and there wouldn't have been anyone to look after Cass.

Because I knew that's what you'd want me to do. So I did. I continued assisting with her training, even after we discovered your capture. Baz had woven a tale about your escape, your insistence on completing your mission, but I knew there was so much more to it than that. But Cass believed him. She believed him and hated me, and there was nothing I could do or say to change her mind, or even begin to convince her otherwise. So, I played my part.

I let her hate me. I did everything in my power to keep her from completing her Trial, but she's your sister- of course, she had the skills to make it through the night. And then Baz announced his mission to look for you, and I knew it was bullshit. He knew exactly where you were, and what you were doing there. That's when I tried to tell Cass. The bastard even went so far as to make her his replacement in his absence, and I knew then she was in too deep. So, I tried to slip her a note, just to give her the smallest hint that there was something wrong with Baz, that what the Guild thought about your situation was a lie- but if she got it, she never said a word.

I just didn't know how far he was going to take it, Lil... when he came back and said you were dead, it devastated Cass. She had all but given up on everything- the last thing I could do was add to it by telling her the man she was in love with was the one who put her sister in that position in the first place.

But then I had another idea- if I could become Second, take your place, it would keep Cass out of it, and further away from the hell she would endure when it all came to a head. So, I tried- by the gods, I tried- but she... she actually wanted it, Lil. She claimed the Rule of Succession and it was all but handed to her. And I lost it- Baz almost killed me over it. But I had had enough.

So, I decided I was going to tell her. Everything. Last night. And I started to... but then she saw Andro arrive. And you, though she didn't know who you were... she was going to kill you, just for being there. For everything she thinks Andro did to you, to have someone else show up with him so soon...

I stopped her, tried to talk sense into her, but she pushed me away. She told me she hated me and didn't want to see me again.

So instead of going back to the Guild, I watched and waited. For you. And as soon as you left the inn, I followed you. Because I needed to know.

For all of our sakes...

Lilia stared at Wil for what felt like an eternity, every word of his story seeping through her mind, penetrating her heart, devouring her soul. She tried to speak, but nothing seemed to come. And despite what he revealed to her, there was only one thing she could glean from his tale.

"You're in love with Cass, aren't you?"

His eyes widened, and despite the darkness of the corner where they sat, she saw a slight flush blossom on his cheekbones. "Of everything I just told you, that's what you took away from it?"

"It makes sense, actually..."

"How?" he scoffed.

"I suspected before, but..."

Wil growled and reached over to take the untouched second ale before Lilia, finishing it in two gulps before slamming the mug on the table. "Now it's your turn."

She glanced down to the now-empty mug between her own hands - she didn't remember drinking it so quickly while Wil spoke. But she sighed and resigned herself to tell him everything.

Of the masquerade and Baz's counter when she was supposed to have drugged Andro's wine.

Of what she endured within the hidden labyrinth of dungeons beneath Lathos.

Of Andro summoning her to Thuria to remain under his jurisdiction, but in actuality to get her from out of Baz's claws.

Of becoming Andro's assassin, and of their plan to undermine the Guild before Baz could do more harm than he had already.

She wished she had another ale to drink by the time she was finished, or felt she was finished. She only looked up to Wil when she had brought him to present, of when they had decided she would travel to Lathos under the guise of the Lady of Thuria, though hesitated before telling him it was more than just a ruse. Or of the small private ceremony, they shared with the local priestess officially bestowing upon her the title and right to everything Andro possessed.

Something on Wil's face - the gleam in his eye, the smirk on his lips- told her she didn't need to explain any further.

"You're in love with Andro, aren't you?"

Lilia bit her tongue to keep herself from punching him in the face.

"There's more," she said instead. "There's someone in the Guild- someone who works for Andro. He's told me so much."

Wil worried at his bottom lip. "Do you know who?"

Lilia shook her head. "He hasn't told me yet- knowing may compromise his position if he's discovered. Hell, he doesn't even know I'm here with you."

"Is he the jealous type?" he mocked, and she glared in response as she continued.

"Whatever happens, you're going to need to keep Cass safe."

"I told you - Cass won't talk to me."

"Make her talk to you. I need her away from Baz - I don't want her anywhere near him when he's exposed. I don't want her involved in this."

"Lilia," Wil said quietly. "She's already in this pretty deep. They're getting married. She's becoming Second... there are as many in that guild dedicated to her as there are those still loyal to you."

"Then if you can't talk sense into her, poison her. Tie her into a chair and carry her back to the Guild if you have to. I don't care what you do so long as she wakes up from it. And the sooner you convince her to stay away from Baz, or keep her distracted, or whatever it is you need to do, the quicker I can kill the bastard and reinstate my position."

Wil stopped, pausing mid-sentence as he stared at her. "You're coming back?"

Lilia didn't even realize what she said.

"I... I don't know," she hesitated.

"You'd go back with him than stay here with your sister?" he challenged.

"I didn't say that," she snapped.

"You need to figure it out, Lilia," Wil warned. "Coming back like this- revealing yourself to Cass after killing Baz... you need to make sure you have a plan and leaving after you're done doesn't seem like it's in the cards."

Wil was right- damn him. But she truly hadn't considered what she would do after she had her revenge, and she knew Andro knew it, too. He had mentioned as much just the day before. She assumed she'd be able to figure it out as she went along, but Cass- that was another factor she hadn't considered.

She wouldn't be able to leave her after this. Not after everything...

"We should go," Wil blurted, standing from the table. But his attention was on the front of the tavern where two men had just entered. One of them Lilia didn't recognize, but the other.

"Lex," she whispered.

"Kiss me," he muttered under his breath.

"What?" she hissed.

"Kiss me," he said again, more insistent.

"Are you out of your damn-"

But before she could challenge him further, he turned to her, pulled her up to standing, and with his hands on her hips, pressed her against the wall and crashed his lips against hers in a sloppy, dramatic kiss.

Lilia did all she could to not push him off, especially not as the two assassins made their way towards the back of the bar, right by their table. Closing her eyes, she did the best she could to pretend to enjoy Wil's lips against hers and even faked a moan as they passed, hearing the one she didn't know mutter to Lex about knowing when to get a whore to a room.

Listening as they moved out of their view, she bit Wil's bottom lip in warning and retribution, and he swore as he held a hand up to his bleeding mouth.

Giving him her sweetest smile, she tossed her hair over her shoulders and sauntered from the tavern, swaying her hips dramatically as she led the way from the tavern.

She stopped only long enough to gather up the discarded parcels and wrap them within the clothing she had removed before Wil caught up.

"Lilia, wait-"

"You're lucky you still have your teeth."

"Don't act as if you don't know why I did it."

She rolled her eyes and straightened, tossing the bundle over her shoulder before meeting his gaze. "Remember Cass," she said again, and a part of her didn't just mean the request she made of him.

"Lilia," Wil called out to her again, after she already turned on her heel and took a step back towards the road that led to the center of Lathos.

With a curious look, she turned to glance at him from over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you," he breathed.

The look on his face alone made her realize how much he meant it.

She cleared her throat to distract herself from the burning in her eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't be found," she said hoarsely, and giving him one last look, turned back towards the road, and to the city beyond.

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