Chapter 1: Rebirth

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The sky was at its darkest that night with the full moon shining an ominous light over a small rustic village, this was not any normal village though. This village has been known to host strange supernatural occurrences and has been home to one of the most famous supernatural legends in the world, the original bloodsucker herself, Countess Dracula.

Dracula was a powerful being that only chose to fall after she experienced a great tragedy. She sealed herself in a coffin and slept for over two centuries just to escape from the world and the problems it would bring her.

Her coffin would be hidden in her castle; it was built atop a mountain with the village at the base. This place was called Transylvania.

Bloodcurdling screams could be heard coming from Dracula's castle, they were a woman's screams that signified her pain and the fear she was experiencing. In the old castle chapel, a woman with black hair that wore a white dress was tied to the ground with a satanic symbol carved under her and five people in black robes stood around her with different glyphs under their feet. A second satanic symbol was carved close to the first one and a line was carved into the ground, connecting them but it was unoccupied and only illuminated by the moonlight as it shone through a crack in the roof, the full moon was right above the circle as if it was positioned to be there.

The people in robes chanted in an ancient language as the doors to the chapel opened and more people in robes entered, the one in front held a beautiful golden knife while the rest carried a black coffin with a silver cross imbedded on the front. The robed person with the knife stood above the woman while the ones carrying the coffin placed it onto the second symbol on the center, they stood on all the second symbol glyphs and began chanting.

The one with the knife bent down in front of the woman and stroked her cheek, she widened her eyes in fear and flinched at the touch. Her fear had increased when she couldn't even see the person's face under the hood, the others faces were hidden but their mouths were still visible but the one in front of her seemed to have no face at all because it was completely shadowed and dark.

He stabbed the woman in the chest and the woman screams became strained and eventually stopped when the blade had punctured her heart, her face became blank and her eyes lost all the life she had. The chanting grew louder as the woman's blood seeped out of her and began to fill the symbol in red and the blood continued until it filled the second symbol.

The castle started to shake and soon the mountain shook along with it, the blood glowed and floated in the air. The blood surrounded the coffin and it was sucked in through the cracks in different directions, the chanting stopped when the candles were blown out and the moon turned purple.

The people in robes looked at each other some with confusion and some in fear but the one with the knife slowly approached the coffin, wary at what might happen. They jumped when the lid of the coffin burst off its hinges and landed by the wall of the chapel, black smoke radiated from the coffin and the figure of a woman stood up, shadowed by the smoke.

The black smoke spread out of the castle, throughout the village and all around the different realms. Every being on earth felt a sudden pang of unimaginable fear as if they've experienced their worst nightmare.

The smoke traveled through the Underworld and ignited a fear that none of the devils have felt in their very existence even the Four Great Satans who ruled over this Underworld felt it and only those who knew what kind of being would cause such a thing experienced the most fear out of it all.

All the angels in Heaven began shedding tears, most unknowingly and some who did know why wept as if their imminent end had arrived. In an unknown dimension, two dragons roared and bowed their heads even though they did not know why they had done so. The dragons had no control over their bodies as they continued to bow only bringing a slight struggle as their arms shook when they tried to stand.

Back in the castle, the hooded person dropped the golden knife and bowed in surrender. The others looked at their leader and panicked, they dropped to the ground as well and bowed with fearful mutterings and whimpers.

"Master..." the leader muttered in a male voice, he growled in annoyance when the other humans copied him and spoke to his master, nobody gave them permission to speak.

The woman turned her head from looking at the moon and finally acknowledged their presence as her cold blue eyes looked at them, she looked at the dead girl on the symbol and looked at all the cloaked people, narrowing her eyes at their leader.

She raised her right arm and pointed at the dead girl, the girl's corpse rose and her eyes turned completely black with a black aura surrounding her. The cloaked people looked at the corpse in utter shock while the leader continued to bow, ignoring it completely.

"Return the favor." The woman instructed in her smooth and mature voice.

The girl let out a gurgled scream as she looked at the woman then at all the cloaked people, she picked up the knife and ran at one of the cloaked individuals at inhuman speeds. She stabbed the cloaked man to death and jumped to the next one, slitting her throat.

She started slaughtering all the cloaked people, leaving the leader who was still bowing no matter the circumstances. She was about to run at him and finish the job but after one step she dropped the knife and fell to the floor with her eyes turning back to their original color and the black aura leaving her.

"Find peace." The woman said soothingly as she watched the girl's soul float to the heaven's.

The woman disappeared from her coffin and appeared in front of one of the dead, cloaked individuals. She grabbed the body and her teeth sharpened and elongated and she soon started draining the body of its blood.

"Raise your head Reaper, no need to hide your face from me." The woman said as she dropped the drained body and went on to the next one.

The cloaked man stood up as silver flames enveloped him, the flames disappeared and revealed a skeletal figure in a dark blue cloak. The cloak had a silver collar and brazing's and atop his head was a blue hat with silver skeletal designs on the front and a sliver smoke with skulls in it surrounded him, he summoned a silver scythe with bone designs in his hands as he looked at the woman.

"I'm so happy to see you master," Reaper said in an elated tone "After all these years, you are still the most powerful and most beautiful being in existence."

The woman dropped the last drained body and looked at Reaper over her shoulder with comical tears flowing down her face "I'm not that old!"

"I didn't say that master!" Reaper exclaimed frantically.

The woman put her face in her arms and cried "You said after all these years! I may not be as young as I used to be, but you don't have to be mean!"

"You are taking things out of context!" Reaper shouted with an angry tick on his forehead.

She was taking things out of context, she was a beautiful woman beyond measure that anyone would lust after. she was striking young woman with pale skin and long dark hair. She is of a slender build with a graceful figure and stoic demeanor. She wears a long flowing dress of midnight blue with reversable crimson orange on the opposite side. The dress is cinched around the neck with elegant white lace, and cut long at the base, all the way up to the thigh to prevent any movement restrictions that may have otherwise occured. Adorning her arms and wrists are lengths of the same fabric cut from the dress, which are individual seperate pieces. Over the top of her upper body is a worn piece of metalic plate that encloses the front of her torso, to protect her from the offensive assults of demons against her. It flows down her sides in layered pieces. Upon her feet she wears long greeves that stretch all the way up to just below her thighs which is made of the same material as the breastplate.

Inked upon her skin, always, are the dioramic emblems of the glyphs which harness the power of magic. One can be found upon either shoulder, and the final one is upon her back. All three are revealed to the world, with the fabric of her dress cut in a fashion to make them constantly visible.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and faced Reaper seriously "Why have you awakened me Reaper?"

"The world has changed master, those with power have forgotten their place-"

"He's dead, isn't he?" the woman asked as her eyes became shadowed.

Reaper gulped and nodded nervously "Y-yes master, God is dead."

The woman grits her teeth in anger "Old fool got careless!"

"T-that is why I have awakened you master. The angels, devils, fallen angels and dragon gods have lost their way and believe themselves to be all powerful now that God has died." Reaper explained "You need to establish your dominance and show them that all the chaos they've bred comes with a consequence."

The woman sighed in disappointment, she believed that if she got away from it all then chaos and sin would disappear along with her but she was wrong. Chaos and sin only increased and this has led to an old friend of hers to die, now she had to be the one to restore the peace and she would. God may have done it his way but now he's gone and its time for her to do it her way.

"Reaper, I Shanoa Vlad Dracula give you my word that I shall restore the peace and bring a new age where all are treated fairly and with the respect they deserve." Shanoa promised with her hand over her heart.

"Thank you, master!" Reaper exclaimed.

"Now, where shall we begin?" Shanoa asked.

"There is a town called Kuoh that seems to draw in the supernatural, two devil clans are situated in that area." Reaper explained.

"Devil clans?"

"Yes, the Gremory Clan and the Sitri Clan. The next heads of the clans are Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri, Rias Gremory is the little sister to one of the Four Great Satans, Sirzechs Lucifer and Sona Sitri is also the little sister to Serafall Leviathan another one of the Four Great Satans." Reaper explained.

"And where are these Four Great Satans?" Shanoa asked.

"In the Underworld, master."

"Then that's where we go, we speak to these heiresses and come to an understanding." Shanoa said as she stretched her bones.

Reaper nodded "Shall we teleport there, master?"

"No, I want to feel the air after being sealed inside for so long." Shanoa said "Next stop, Kukoh!"

"Kuoh." Reaper corrected.

"Right, that's what I meant!" Shanoa corrected as she jumped and shapeshifted into a swarm of bats.

Reaper sweat dropped and transformed into a black mist, following his master towards Kuoh.

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