17: Prepare Yourself

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Kurapika held your hand as you took him to your room, but before you could even get there, your beast stopped you.

"My prin-ssss-e. Something ha-ssss happened. A bea-ssss-t ha-ssss ssss-truck." They lifted you into the air protectively, causing Kurapika to dangle in the air helplessly until you let go of his hand.

"Where Beast? Which?"

"Do not tell the human." They seemingly pouted.

"Why not?"

"It break-ssss the rule-ssss."

"I'm not even playing the game." You crossed your arms as Kurapika dusted himself off.

"If I tell you and you tell him, you will be." They relayed.

"Oh. Very well. You tell me and I'll keep it quiet. Can I direct him to the body though?" You asked.

"Ye-ssss." They nodded as you snuggled close to them. "Very well. Mo-ssss-keet has drained a royal guard in the bathroom on thi-ssss floor. You cannot go. Ssss-end the human."

"Kurapika." You turned to him. "My beast alerts me to something you must attend to. In the bathroom on this floor, there has been a death. Please go. I cannot come with, lest I'll engage in the battle with my siblings. I'll be in my room for the moment changing, but then I'll be at the dining room. We'll all be leaving one by one to begin the battle royale. I'm sure I'll be easy to find."

"What?! Oh, um, very well, if you will excuse me..." And with that, Kurapika ran.

Beast carried you back to your room, where you went to grab one of your fanciest dresses. After all, the game was about to begin. With no guards except your beast and the occasion help from Kurapika, even if you excluded yourself from the game, you could have been killed.

At least I'll look fabulous. You thought as you grabbed your light blue tea dress with realistic butterflies attached to it. Sitting down, you decided to put very light make-up on; mascara, blue eye shadow and pink lipstick. Very cute; very innocent; very "please don't murder me".

It would do for the evening.

"Do you think I'm going to die tonight Beast? I have to admit, I'm a little bit scared." You admitted.

"You might. But I will not allow it to the be-ssss-t of my ability." Your beast assured you. "The bea-ssss-t-ssss cannot touch each other. It i-ssss only prin-ssss-e again-ssss-t prin-ssss-e."

"Great. Of course, I am one of the weakest of the Princes."

"No, you are ssss-o ssss-trong. I can turn all people into your army." They continued to comfort you. "But for now, you mu-ssss-t go to dinner."

"Hmm. You're right. I suppose you can use your ability to turn everyone but the Princes into my own soldiers. Plus, Kurapika might help me. I wonder if he would help Sister Woble over me though. I would probably help Sister Woble. She is absolutely adorable as a baby. So chubby and cute! I love her." You stood up and began on your way towards the massive dining hall, chattering away to your beast out of nervousness.

Who wouldn't be nervous? Everyone could be poised and ready to kill you.

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