4: Sick of the Meet and Greets

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You weren't sure why you were being introduced, other than the idea of it being a formality. You, and you assumed everyone else, had been briefed on each of the explorers. Although putting a name to a face was very helpful.

"Let me begin with the leader of this brave exploration; Beyond Netero."

Son of the late Isaac Netero, he was quite the serious man. You knew him best of all, since he had resided in Kakin the longest. He was actually the one who explained to you what nen was, and how you weren't just crazy. For some odd reason, he took a particular interest in you and when he had free time he tried to force you into training. For this, you relied on your siblings to whisk you away and help you hide from him. You despised training: after all, no one even believed in your nen ability. But that didn't matter to you at this point. You were just tired of all of these introductions. It was draining on your psyche.

But no matter how much you rolled your eyes, your father was going to finish up these blasted introductions.

"Mizaistom Nana, codename: Ox."

This was going to be ridiculous. Why did all but two of the Zodiacs look like their animals?

What you knew about Mizaistom was simple. A quiet, thinking man with a strong sense of right and wrong. He would not be swayed by money or fame, but if he felt something was being done for the "right cause" he would achieve it any way possible.

Things to know: Incredibly intelligent and deduction skills. Rigid moral compass. Double Star Crime Hunter.

"Kanzai, codename: Tiger."

Scary looking and often scary acting, Kanzai has a short fuse and a quick wit. But dumb. Very dumb. Rumor has it that he can barely read, write or remember any basic geography. But he was not to be underestimated. As with all Zodiacs, he was quite strong and didn't stand for any disrespect towards him.

Things to know: Very strong. Massive lack of intelligence and general knowledge.

"Pyon, codename: Rabbit."

Relaxed, complacent and frustrating, Pyon was the Zodiac that you felt you would get along with the least. She's talented with technology, but incredibly vain and attention-seeking. You had to admit she was very visually pleasing and you wondered about her nen abilities.

Things to know: Top programmer. Multi-lingual (ancient and modern). One of the weakest Zodiacs.

"Bobotai Gigante, codename: Dragon."

You weren't sure whether to be afraid of Bobotai or to laugh at him. If he didn't look so deadly in strength, you'd make fun of his hair like you did with your brother Luzurus. Fluffy pigtails were just funny to you. Even now though, you felt the power exuding from him. He was older, which you figured would be a good thing. Age often led to wisdom, right?

Things to know: Triple Star Terrorist Hunter. Oldest of the Zodiacs. Calm temperament. High intelligence. Fights with a mallet. One of the most skilled of the Zodiacs in nen.

"Gel, codename: Snake"

Gel was quite pretty to you, despite the fact she looked like she was constantly ready to attack. It wasn't that she looked tense, she just looked deadly.

Things to know: Poison hunter. Calm temperament. Master in the sciences.

"Saccho Kobayakawa, codename: Horse."

Speaking of calm, although most of the Zodiacs appeared to be very calm and observant, Saccho seemed the most calm of all. He was a contemplative man as well as reasonable. He reminded you of Luzurus in terms of personality and you hoped you'd get to spend more time with him.

Things to know: Double Star Trouble Hunter. Intelligent. Master swordsman and martial artist.

"Ginta, codename: Sheep."

Fluffy? Did you think that Bobotai was fluffy? When you looked at Ginta, you realized that the word fluffy only fit him. He was like a cloud personified and your eyes were fixated on him for longer than necessary. He was so... fluffy.

Things to know: Short-tempered. Highly emotional. Absent-minded. Moderately intelligent. High strength. Great perception and speed.

"Saiyu, codename: Monkey."

This man looked mischievous. Did you have a reason? No, but you just felt that he would be able to trick you. This conflicted with the information you had. Apparently Saiyu was a very direct person, and quite straight forward.

Things to know: Skilled martial artist. Uses a staff as a weapon. Conjuror.

"Cluck, codename: Chicken."

What was with the women of the Zodiacs? They were all incredibly stunning, at least in comparison to the men. You almost felt shy in front of them. Almost.

Things to know: Botanical hunter. Quick to act. Blunt. Very reasonable. Possible stutter. Highly proficient in both nen and combat.

"Leorio Paradinight, codename: Boar."

Although he looked older, he was still quite young. He seemed like a very reasonable, intelligent young man, but you knew that he was also quick to act. He had a deep connection with Kurapika, leading back to when they took the Hunter's exam.

Things to know: Fighting skill unknown, expected to be high. Moderate intelligent. Impulsive. Very strong. Prefers knives. Emitter. Strives to become a doctor and uses his nen to do so.

"Kurapika, codename: Rat."

So that's him. You thought to yourself. Finally, a lot of things made sense. He was quite valued on this expedition because of the skills he was rumored to have. You knew he was a specialist like you but you had never expected him to be so... handsome. But as you looked over at him, you noticed that he had never taken his eyes off of you. They were piercing, but comfortable. Was that possible? His shaggy blonde hair gave him a younger appearance, but he was the youngest of the Zodiacs. Around seventeen, possibly eighteen. That was right around your age as well, although you liked to maintain a mystery around your true age. Sometimes you said you were twenty, other times you decided to be fifteen. It was joke at first, but now it added to your princely air, so you kept it up.

Things to know: Nen has something to do with the chains around his fingers. Rumored to be incredibly proficient in nen. High perception, speed, strength, agility and endurance. All around proficient fighter. Considered a genius. Skilled with bokken swords. Bilingual. Excellent at non-verbal communication.

You stared right back at him as your father finished off the introductions once and for all.

"Cheadle Yorkshire, Chairman of the Hunter Association, codename: Dog."

Clearly a strong woman, you liked her a lot just reading about her. She reminded you of Tubeppa. A true leader and very fair.

Things to know: Triple Star Virus Hunter. Highly intelligent. Practical. Top scientist. Combat skills questionable.

And with that everyone was introduced.

"Now that this business of introductions are over, let us enjoy the feast laid before us! Please, chat and get to know one another. We shall be spending much time with each other in the coming future." You father wrapped up by taking a massive bite of his food.

You however, couldn't take your eyes off of Kurapika. And he wouldn't remove his gaze from you either.

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