Chapter XLIV: The Storm Part 1

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The humid city air clung to my skin and added further clamminess to my already unsettled state the moment I stepped out of the jazz bar. I knew trouble was waiting for me. And not my preferable trouble too. I mean, give me guns and knives anytime. Those were surely more enjoyable than this pair of disapproving obsidian eyes. I remembered defending my undergraduate thesis in front of five hard-ass-to-please professors. It wasn't as hard as the questioning glances that Gio was throwing my way as he opened the passenger side of the Mustang. He started driving without another word after that, fully concentrating on the road and not even sparing me a single glance. Not to mention, I could feel Quin's curiosity brimming from somewhere in the back seat--the back of my neck was practically burning from the intensity of her stares.

"Onee, you got a rash on your neck. Do you need an ointment? I have some at home."

My hand mindlessly reached for my neck. Fuck.

I then adjusted the neckline of the top, trying to hide the rash. I shouldn't have removed my jacket. That would hide it, at least. "Uhm, yeah. Sure. Give me some later."

My sight darted to Gio, gauging whether he heard Quin and if his mood lightened somewhat. His attention remained fixed on the road. His facade hid a million questions, I was sure. Questions that I had to answer one by one later.

I glanced at Quin through the rearview mirror and sighed. There was no way I could tell them everything though. Somehow, I just had to convince them that this was not a suicide mission. I spent the rest of the car with my eyes shut, weaving an elusive calm within me.

When I again opened my eyes, the car was already in front of the Mansion's big gates and it soon halted by the main doors. Quin proceeded to her room, probably to get the ointment, while Gio and I found our respective places on the couch. Korn came bounding in a few seconds later, and had the audacity to jump onto Gio's lap instead of mine. Gio absentmindedly patted Korn's head while raising dark eyes at me.

"Care to explain?"

Here we go.

A puff of breath. "It isn't really that complicated. I just needed them to bring me where my Dad is."

Light footsteps descended from the grand staircase and soon, Quin rejoined us, carrying the ointment. I took it from her and gave her a silent 'thank you' as she sat down. Gio remained unamused.

Another puff of breath. "As you all know, Ran has ten labs, right? I was able to track his scientists and researchers--everyone who may have access to where Dad is being kept. I followed their movements, and from this, eliminated six of the laboratories as our target."

"And you did that how, Onee?"

"Well, first, some of these labs were not as sophisticated to conduct the level of research Ran needs. I've also visited all of these labs to check if they have secret basements like the Main Facility. They don't. Too many scientists and researchers frequent those clinics every day. The environment in those labs is not conducive for highly illegal and unethical experiments."

"That actually makes sense. How about the other four laboratories?" Quin inquired further.

"Those were bigger with more sophisticated equipment. But suspiciously, only one or two researchers visit the place. Some, none at all."

And some of the places in those laboratories matched the videos, I noted grimly.

"I planted modified hydrogen bombs in those six laboratories I eliminated. As you know by now, I've detonated the ones planted in the Main Facility. I gotta destroy the technology and their database so I could use it as leverage. Not to mention, it was a really cool way to send a message, don't you agree?" I nudged Gio several times, but the fucker remained unimpressed.

Another puff of air. Oh, well. "I let Ran discover the other bombs I've hidden in the other laboratories."

"But why?" Quin looked at me, wide-eyed.

"Ran wouldn't allow me anywhere near his labs, with leverage or not, unless he thinks he can outsmart me."

"Still, detonating that bomb in the middle of the city was dangerous. You could have toasted the other buildings too and endangered pedestrians." Gio leaned on the couch, arms crossed and eyes tight shut. I could just feel the disapproval radiating from him.

My fingers massaged my temple. A headache was starting to form.

"Ah, no. I used modified hydrogen bombs for a reason. Hydrogen is a very light gas, you see? It would disperse at a very fast rate in open air. After the initial explosion, any hydrogen gas left would have spread enough in non-explosive concentrations. In short, those explosions are for show, if anything. I really needed to just toast the basement anyway, which I did. I also detonated it at around three in the morning because there's no one on the streets at that time."

Gio sighed. "I don't know, Nyan. I don't feel good about this."

"Onee, why didn't Ran have a copy of his files? It just feels impossible that he wouldn't have a back-up."

I massaged my temple some more. "That's where I took the risk, and why I want Ran to think he outsmarted me. You see, if he does not have a back-up, he would agree if he thinks he has the upper hand. If he has a back-up, on the other hand, he would agree on account of wanting to avenge his pride and building."

"If he has a back-up, he has no use for you. He'd kill you." Gio scoffed.

"If he wanted me dead, he would have made a move earlier. He wouldn't have to agree on this. You and I both know he wanted me alive."

Gio glared at the chandelier like it offended his mother.

"Onee, I want to come with you."

It was my turn to glare. "Of course not. It's dangerous."

"Oh, come on! I can protect myself. You know that."

My headache throbbed with more intensity. "I'm sorry, Quin. It's too dangerous."

"She's right, Quin," Gio seconded me.

Quin sucked in a breath but didn't argue further. She slouched on the couch, covering her eyes with her arms. "I'm too tired to argue."

My hand touched her hair in silence, stroking it leisurely. For a while silence hung in the air, each of us absorbed in our own thoughts, and probably disapproving of the others.' I myself had stared off at the chandelier overhead, its dazzling display casting fleeting respite to my worried mind.

A soft bitter smile played on my lips. "I'm sorry, Quin," I whispered, with more emotion than intended.

I really do.

Guilt awakened and filled my entire chest. I did not want to imagine Quin's pain once she knew the truth. The look of betrayal on her face would break me, I was sure of it. There was no forgiveness for what I did or for what I was about to do, and just like all those times in the past, I found myself on the receiving end of cruel circumstances. One I did not choose but somehow ended on my lap.

If only I could somehow remove Quin from all this and spare her the heartache, I would have done so already.

"When will you go to the lab?" Gio asked.

"The day after tomorrow. You have an entire day to prepare your men. By the way, from this point onward, do not tell anyone that I've regained my memories. Ran shouldn't know. He still thinks I haven't remembered his little dorky face yet."

Another sigh escaped his lips. "Okay. We should all rest then. But first, give me your ring."

Gio pointed to the tracker on my finger. I removed it and gave it to him and he left without another word.

The rest of the night was spent in tensed silence, with the three of us retreating to our chosen corner of the Mansion. With a glass of wine in hand, I stepped out into the back patio and sat on one of the steel chairs, letting the soothing noises of the night occupy my mind for a bit. The air was more humid than usual; the wind felt damper as it touched my skin. From somewhere far away, the grey skies got unsettled by flashes of lightning, followed by a muffled rumbling of thunder.

A storm was brewing. Still subdued. Gathering strength.

The past few days, I had kept my emotions under lock and key, afraid that if I dwelt on them too much, I would balk out. My power, in its primal uncontrolled state, responded to my emotions. Fear and guilt weakened it. Anger made it rage. Sadness mellowed it out. But the calm controlled it.

For this, I needed to be clear-headed.

I needed to be calm.

I downed the whole glass of wine in one go, wishing that I had taken the whole bottle with me. Closing my eyes, I listened to the serenity of the night and let it ease the tension on my shoulders. You can do this, Rei. I whispered for myself.

The day of reckoning came in no time, shrouded with an overcast sky of still encumbered rage; a brewing storm held back by an invisible hand.

Ran was once again sitting before me, with coffee in front of us like this was just some business meeting. He had two bodyguards with him and some staff, all waiting for his beck and call. We met early this time, the cloudy morning coating our meeting place with a muted glow.

The rich aroma of my neglected coffee wafted throughout but failed to whet any sort of appetite in me. Ran was more relaxed. More friendly. Despite the dimmed morning skies, he looked so ethereal with his silver hair and pale countenance. Whereas, I probably looked dreadful in my black leather jacket and jeans. I certainly felt that way.

"Morning, Ranya. It's a good day, isn't it? I love it when the weather is like this."

Keeping the tension off my shoulders in forced calmness, I managed a curt smile.

"It is." A good day to kick your fancy maggot ass, I mean.

"Shall we do this then?" Ran signaled to one of his staff. One of them, a girl wearing a lab coat, came forward with a covered syringe in her hand. I recognized her. She was one of the scientists who frequented the Bataan Lab. Her red hair contrasted with the white coat she was wearing. She looked at me warily, like how one would eye a wild beast tethered by a flimsy rope. She wasn't in any of the videos and that was the sole reason she was still breathing because I was pretty sure that suppressor she was holding came at a cost: my Dad's suffering.

With timid steps, she came forward. When she reached out to take my arm, I snatched the syringe from her hand, flicked the protective cap off, and plunged it into her arms with fluid motions.

Shocked gasps followed by the cocking of guns registered on my senses. Meanwhile, I kept my eyes on the girl's reaction. She was shocked by what I did, but not terrified. She made no move to run away, but clasped the offended arm to herself, irritation apparent in her eyes.

I turned to Ran with a smile. "I was just testing. You know, not like I trust your silver ass not to inject me with poison or anything." I twirled the syringe in between my fingers, positioning the needle, I injected myself with the suppressant.

"Happy now?" I tossed the empty syringe on the table where it clattered and rolled off the floor.

Ran signaled to his men to drop their guns, lifting his coffee to his lips. "There's no need to be rude. We are partners, aren't we?" Ran flashed me a modest smile and took a sip, never averting his gaze on me even once.

I let out a breath and squared my shoulders, ignoring the chill that ran up my spine at Ran's nonchalance, exacerbated by the increasing clamminess in my gut as the suppressor kicked in gear. I felt it then. The sudden dousing of the fire within. A void etched itself into my core where once my powers resided. I felt...empty.

"I guessed it worked." Ran's smile widened but maintained its modest civility. Not a hint of resentment or malice. Except for his armed bodyguards that hovered over us incessantly, with his demeanor, a passer-by could mistake this meeting for harmless chitchat.

"It did. And you are right. We are partners, aren't we? Tell you what, if you behave, I'll tell you a secret about your mom."

His eyes flickered for a fraction of a second. I didn't know what I would get out of it. I just wanted his composure gone. An enraged and psychotic Ran, I could handle. This Ran in front of me was freaking me out.

"I have no reason to misbehave. Based on my recollection, that was your expertise." Another sip of coffee.

I snorted. "I can actually do more than misbehave. But since we're partners, you're safe from me, aren't you?" I returned his civility with a grin of my own.

Outside, a big black SUV sailed past the store's glass walls and stopped before the entrance. Ran glanced at it briefly and returned his attention to me. "In celebration of our partnership, I brought you a present."

Ran signaled to his men and the backseat window of the SUV rolled down. My heart made a nervous leap when I saw Father seated inside. His face bore healing bruises.

I could feel the rage burn inside my chest. It snaked into my consciousness unleashing blinding rage. I gritted my teeth, trying hard to keep my emotion under control. My hands were clenched and hidden below the table to hide the tremors.




"Don't do anything rash now," Ran reminded me. My emotions must have been visible on my face despite my attempt to hide them.

I zeroed my attention once again to Ran. An amused chuckle left his throat. "Out of the generosity of my heart, I thought you'd appreciate some bonding time with your dad on the way to the lab. It's quite far after all. It wouldn't be fun to travel all by yourself. Don't get any funny ideas though. One wrong move and he dies."

"I'll be sure to return the favor," I answered, rage held back. "Shall we go then?" I continued as I stood up. Ran mirrored my movements. He had the audacity to usher me out of the store like a good host.

Outside, Father got out of the car. His feet barely touched the floor when a familiar voice called out to him. Dread coursed through me upon the realization of who the owner of the voice was.


Shock rooted me on the spot and I watched Quin rush towards Father, encasing him in a hug. Her presence was like a severe blow to the gut, incapacitating further thoughts for several torturous seconds. With teeth gritted together, I fought to maintain my countenance, suppressing the nervousness clawing at my gut, swallowing up rational thought.

This is not happening.

Quin couldn't be here.

Father was in a similar shocked state. Unlike me, he recovered quickly, returning Quin's hug with his own.

"Dad! I missed you so much!" Quin cried.

Father hugged Quin tighter. "You have grown so much," Father replied.

Meanwhile, I still couldn't bring myself to move, my eyes transfixed on the tearful reunion before me. The metallic taste of copper flooded my mouth, and I belatedly realized that I had bitten the insides of my cheek. I forced my knuckles to unclenched. Willed myself to relax and keep my emotions at bay. And still, my feet remained where they were. Unmoving.

Overhead, a peal of thunder broke the otherwise silent skies, jolting my senses awake. Only then did I notice the electric buzzing in my ears: "Nyan? Nyan?"

I double-tapped the ring.

Gio's sigh of relief coursed through the earpiece. "Now?" he asked.

I tapped the ring once.

Not yet.

Father turned his gaze towards me, a soft smile playing on his lips.


"Father," I curtly replied. I took hesitant steps forward but Ran zoomed past me towards Quin. The next moment, a slap rang loudly, causing several heads to turn in our direction.

"That's for my Father, you nutjob."

Another slap.

"And that's for my sister!" Quin shrieked.

Several guns were cocked and raised, all zeroing in on the wispy girl who dared strike their boss. Adrenaline shot up my system as I automatically clutched my needles, ready to send them flying towards danger.

Ran held up his hand in an instant. His men responded and lowered their guns. Stance relaxed. My hands, though, stayed near my needles, trembling from the sudden upsurge of energy. My eyes darted from one-armed man to another, guarding for the slightest indication of movement, still unwilling to ease, nerves taut.




"Good day to you too, Quin. I guess I deserve that, huh?" Ran stroked his offended cheeks, now crimson in the aftermath of Quin's attention.

"You deserve that and more!"

Forcing several calming breaths, I moved forward. "Quin, you have to leave."

Quin turned her attention to me. "Onee, I'm going with you."

"No, Quin," I hissed.

"Oh, I don't mind. She can come. It would be just like old times." Ran beamed, in stark contrast with the otherwise grim atmosphere permeating our surroundings. "Too bad though, Gi could only join through that earpiece you have, huh?"

Another chill ran up my spine. I heard Gio cursed on the other end.

I faced him, schooling my face with the best poker face I could manage. "Yeah, you wouldn't mind, do you? He doesn't want to miss in on the fun."

Ran shrugged. "Sure. I don't mind." He gestured for us to take our seats inside the car. With a heavy breath of air, I entered the SUV, followed by Father and Quin. Father sat in between me and Quin, with Quin clinging on his arm like her life depended on it. Ran himself shut the doors, giving me one last parting smile.

"You've grown up so much, Ranya." Father's voice snatched my attention from Ran, who had stepped back into the curb with a satisfied smile on his face.

I nodded at Father, not trusting my own words. Nervous dread had settled in my gut. It made me want to puke my guts out. Without thinking, my hands hugged myself, letting out silent breaths of unease one after another.

Fear had again made its appearance, constricting my thoughts and rationality. Suddenly, I wasn't so sure my plan would work, insecurity threatening to shatter my composure. I failed before. I could fail now. I glanced at Quin.

But with more dreadful consequences.

"You seem very nervous, Ranya."

I turned to Father and gave him another small smile. "Ran is quite unpredictable."

"Ranya," Father started, then faltered. "I'm very sorry. I eventually gave in to what they wanted."

My jaw ticked. "That's alright, Father. I'll make sure that no one would interfere with us again." I looked back at him with a determination I didn't quite feel. "No one would hurt my family again."

"It will be alright, Ranya. We'll be family again."

"Dad! Onee is such a good fighter now. She is super cool," Quin burst out.

"Yes, I heard Ran's men talked about it. They fear her."

Quin prattled on, drowning the tense atmosphere inside the car with her chatters. Meanwhile, I stared outside the car window as another lightning tore the dull serenity of the sky, followed by the crash of thunder. Little droplets of rain pelted the car window, leaving diagonal watery streaks. Not a minute after, the full brunt of the rainstorm poured from the sky in one swift rush, blurring the outside with a wall of water.

"Nyan." Gio's voice crackled due to interference. "The storm is interfering with the signal. I'll remind you again though. I upgraded the tracker, so you don't have to worry. It will automatically search for available frequencies." Gio paused, then the earpiece crackled again. "Ran knows I'm listening. It's possible that he will use signal jammers again. Don't worry about that too. Signal jammers can only block one frequency at a time. Once there is a blockage, it will connect to other frequencies automatically. Ran would not block all channels since he needs it to communicate with his men too. So there is always a way for me to communicate with you. Do you understand?"


"Please, this time, listen to me if I asked you to abort."

A moment of hesitation was followed by another double tapping of the ring.

"Please, Nyan. I'm begging you."

Jaw clenched tight. Another double-tap.

Gio sighed heavily before the earpiece went silent once again. Outside, the rain drummed constantly on the roof of the car, drowning Quin's small talks into muffled chatter. All the while, I wished there was a way to talk with Gio. My heart clenched. If I fail, this would be the last time I'd hear from him.

Even though I was trying hard to reign my emotions in, desperation grew inside. It, in itself, was a maelstrom threatening to upturn my insides. I heaved, maintaining my gaze on the window even though there was almost no visibility outside due to the heavy rain.

I started tapping the ring. A morse code. It took me a while, because my fingers were shaking. I didn't even know if Gio would understand what I was trying to say. After a while, though, the earpiece crackled with activity again.

"I love you too, Nyan." There was amusement in Gio's voice. "I am...uhh..not alone in the control room, at the moment, by the way. Are you nervous? I got you this time, I promise."

There was a slight commotion on the other end before the earpiece came alive again. "Rei, take care. Send the signal. We're ready," Michael's voice filtered through.

"We are. You totally got this, Reaper." It was Gab's this time. Gio had fucking gathered everyone.


I wouldn't let them down.

After that, I settled into my seat. The tautness of my nerves was somewhat assuaged. I was not alone. I had Gio, Quin, and my friends. We could do this. Somehow, we could stage this rescue, toast Ran's laboratory, and live.

We reached the Bataan Lab after six uneasy hours on the road. It looked exactly like the images I saw during my search, give or take some signs of wear and tear. It was situated far from the town center, amidst empty green fields that were now submerged under a layer of water. High concrete walls crowned with pointed steel installations surrounded the lab. On the gates, the logo of Musa Laboratories was proudly etched. The lab itself was three stories high of white and gray walls and luminous glass windows that reflected the dimmed skies. Unlike the Main Facility, this lab is unpretentious, without notable architectural flair, vying for anonymity. Based on the blueprint, the building had two basement levels. I would not be surprised if it would have a secret level like the Main Facility.

The SUV mercifully stopped under an awning and we descended the SUV. We were greeted by the red-haired girl from earlier, both our hairs whipping around erratically due to the harsh wind outside. Caution returned to her gaze when it landed on mine, followed by a polite smile.

"This way, please."

We followed her as she ushered us into the lobby and into a small white-walled room. Quin sat down on a chair, but Father and I remained standing.

As expected, there weren't many people around but several armed men loitered the building.

"Do you work here, Father? Did they transfer you here?" I asked.

"Yes. After the...incident in the Main Facility, Ran started transferring all pending works here. But not all could be transferred. Some of the equipment is too big and could not be immediately transferred.

"Does that mean he kept some of the files? I don't have to re-do everything?"

"Yes." Father sighed. "I guess I have to show you around the lab so you'd know which to replicate. I have to warn you though, it is not a pretty sight." He turned to Quin. "I'm afraid you'd have to stay here, Quin. There's no need for you to see those."

Quin nodded in response.

I cleared my throat as images of decaying humans strapped on metal beds flashed unbidden in my mind, causing bile to rise. I gagged. I could smell the putrid flesh like I was still in that place several weeks ago.

"T-they are here?"

"Yes." There was a pregnant pause. "I'm sorry you have to witness this, Ranya."

I expelled air in an effort to rid my stomach of the nauseous feeling. "It's okay, Father. Let's go then."

Unease welled up as we stepped out of the room. Minutes from now I would be sending the signal and all hell will break loose. It would end today, one way or another. Retribution would be served in a golden platter or it would fizzle out, bringing us all down with it.

Keeping my steps steady, I followed Father through the narrow hallways of the lab and down a third-level basement. The air smelled dank and thick. I repressed several urges to gag.

"Ranya, I must tell you something," Father said as he traversed the basement hallway.

"What is it, Father?"

"You must not remember this, but when you were still little, your Mom tried to run away with someone else."

Right there and then, I felt like a sledgehammer struck my chest. I remembered. I remembered it in fucking detail. My composure threatened to shatter at this point. Once again, I found myself biting the inside of my cheeks to keep my emotions at bay. To keep me from bursting under the pressure of concealed loathing.

"He...caused your mother's death, Ranya. I died the day she did. It didn't matter to me that they abducted me and took me in. I didn't care anymore."

Despite the suppressant, I felt a twinge deep in my gut as my rage started to coil around me, causing my hands to shake and my arms to spasm from the strength by which I clenched my fists. A fiery tornado screaming for release. Threatening to lash out. Craving havoc.

I wanted to pull each and every brick off this place and watch it crumble to dust.

He was such a fucking liar.

Father kept walking, and for once, I was grateful that I was behind him. I forced myself to walk slowly when all I wanted to do was run. Willed my arms to stay by my sides. Breathing deeply, reaching desperately for a calm that I needed.

Father opened a door and held it, motioning for me to go inside. I did, with hesitant steps. The odor of decay hung thickly in the air. Once again, I was greeted by the odious sight of putrid flesh. I recognized some of them from my earlier break-in, their state much worse than before. A gasp escaped my lips when I recognized some of Hugo's men, their bodies in a similar state of decay.

I suppressed another urge to vomit.

"Ranya, there is a reason why I agreed to work for Ran. He took the man that ruined our family, Ranya. He promised to avenge your mom. Our family."

I barely heard Father's words. My feet seemed to have a mind of its own. Tears sprang from my eyes, my guts twisting and knotting from a smorgasbord of emotions. I found myself in front of a metal cylinder. The same one where I was once strapped-in.

From inside, visible from the small glass window, a set of honeyed brown eyes stared back at me. The same set of eyes that looked back at me every time I saw myself in the mirror. The same haunted look. The tiredness. The despair. His once golden brown hair has faded. Thinned. His gaunt face bore the cruel marks left by his torturers. Pale. Drained. Gone was the liveliness I had witnessed all those years ago.

Despite my rigid control, tears cascaded down my face unfettered. One heave after another did nothing to control the tremors that laid claim on my entire body.

It was now or never.

I took my needle--the special one--and plunged it into my arm, emptying the contents into my veins, and felt my powers burst free together with the rage that I had been holding inside for so long. A dam of pure white hatred unleashed. The ashen tendrils exploded, causing the metal equipment to clatter and creak as a whirlwind of buzzing energy swirled throughout the room.

From inside the metal cylinder, there was a spark of recognition as I stared back at my Dad: Rael.

"Fucking now," I whispered as a click of a gun sounded from behind me.      



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