Chapter XXVI: The Fall

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The shrill ringing of the bell reverberated across the hallowed hallways of my academy, bringing a scowl on our professor's face and a sigh of relief on the students' lips. Another day of awful intellectual torture done with relish. The professor, an esteemed and generally likable one this time around, bidded us goodbye and went out of the classroom.

I had not informed Michael of the recent developments about my Father. I had not exactly processed how I felt about it either. I could not shake the feeling that something didn't feel right. Something was awfully off, and I could not put my finger on it. Everything was happening so fast. All I know, however, was that I had to get my Father out of there.

"These are the readings for next week." Michael's deep voice snapped me out of my own thoughts. On my right, Marie was looking at me with a puzzled look on her face.

"Are you okay, Rei? You seem deep in thought," Marie asked.

"Uh, yes. I was just trying to remember what was written on the case readings for tomorrow. I read them weeks prior, so I had to concentrate a little."

"Uhm, we don't have classes tomorrow," Marie replied.

"Uhm, next week?"

Marie's eyebrow cocked ever so gently, but she did not press me further about the matter. It was of the things I admired about her. She didn't press for any information out of us, and trust us to tell her things. Not that we did. Heh.

"I envy your photographic memory. If I had yours, I wouldn't have to study all the time," Marie said, instead of asking me more questions.

Unbidden, the image of the dying woman, the one that I had been consciously pushing down since yesterday, flashed on my mind so suddenly that I reeled as cold shivers assaulted my body. I didn't think I would ever get used to that horrific sight.

"... I just have to read them once, and I am all set," Marie rambled on as she put her things in her bag.

"Rei, are you okay? You seem pale." Marie's seemingly distant voice was filled with concern. With a deep breath I willed myself to think of other things-- Quin, my silly sister, Michael in his Major Gasm costume, Gio and today's coffee date.

Coffee date.

With Gio.

Another batch of shivers, the more preferable ones, traveled up and down my body so strongly that I broke in cold sweat. My distress was not lost on my two companions. I could see the worry on their faces as they stared at my shaking frame, my hands instinctively rubbing my shoulders and arms to ease the tension that built up there.

"Are you alright?" Michael asked me as he pushed another batch of readings in my direction. "Exams are two weeks from now. You were absent for a couple of days, you might not have seen the schedule," he continued.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks. I'm fine. I just remembered some things." I cleared my throat. "I'll go ahead okay? I'll talk to you guys later," I continued.

I left my seat with my bags and readings and went out the door like my ass was on fire, leaving my friends with their curious glances. Once I was out of the classroom, I sent a quick message to Matilda about the letter from Master that I needed. Then I sent a message to Michael. I needed to talk to him.

"Are you okay, Rei? You seem so distracted," Michael asked me once again when he found me at the parking lot of our academy. From my peripheral vision, I spotted the familiar white Mustang which Gio often used when he wanted to be inconspicuous, already parked on the farthest corner of the lot. With a deep sigh, I handed Michael several pieces of paper.

"What is this?" he asked.

"It's an application for an indefinite Leave of Absence." Michael's questioning dark brown eyes shot up to mine. He was shocked, to say the least.

"What is happening, Rei?"

"I will tell you everything in due time. If I am not here by next week, please file that application for my leave of absence with the academy. You'll find everything there." Michael's features darkened as his forehead creased with worry for my well-being.

"I don't like this, Rei. Can't you tell me?"

"I'll tell you, if everything went fine. If not, you'll find Gio's number there in the papers." The hammering in my chest was deafening to my ears. I didn't want to do this. Handing those papers to Michael hurt more than I cared to admit. I fought for my spot in this academy, fought to stay in it despite all the batshit crazy things that went on with my life. Handing those papers felt like giving up, but it had to be done. I had to cover all the bases.


"It's a leave of absence, Michael. I am coming back. You can count on it." I gave Michael a tired smile. He didn't buy it though. He knew me too much. He knew that even I didn't believe the words I just uttered.


I punched his shoulders.

This might be the last time I'll be seeing them.

"Stop it. You're making me cry," I said as I cleared my throat. I inhaled a big gulp of air in an effort to calm my nerves. With all those bottled-up emotions rushing up to the surface, I was afraid I might really just break down at this parking lot.

I raised my fist and offered Michael a fist bump, which he obliged with a curt smile. He then pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Take care, Rei," he said after letting me go. I nodded at him.

"Last piece of advice, dude. Date Marie. She likes you."

He chuckled. "I am."

I gasped and hit his arm once again.

"You two are dating?! How come I didn't know!?" My eyes were as big as saucers, and I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming. I was too preoccupied with my life, I hardly noticed that my two best friends were dating already.

"I'll tell you the story once you returned." He winked at me as he left. "You better go to your hubby over there. I think he's starting to get jealous," he continued, waving his hands at me as he left. On cue, I felt the hairs on the back of my head tingled, as if they are being singed by hard obsidian eyes waiting for me behind the wheels of the parked white car.

Gio went out of the car when he saw me approached and took my bag from me. He opened the passenger door and placed my bag on the back seat of the car. He waited for me to get seated before going to the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

He directed his gaze at me, his lazy smile drawing all sorts of reactions and emotions from my chest. The attention he was giving me made me feel giddy and self-conscious. I was just wearing my usual button-up collared long sleeved dress, the color of which had long dulled from use, and my usual black flats. I felt so out-of-place sitting inside his expensive car. Gio was wearing a long-sleeved white polo shirt and dark jeans. It was a very simple attire, but unlike me, he managed to look very elegant in it. The difference between us was great and seemingly insurmountable. He was a respected and upright citizen, whereas I was a petty thief. I would be endangering his good name and reputation. I would just drag him down.

Not to mention, I had always avoided emotional attachments because I learned early on that people leave, and people change. That said, I could count the people I let into my life with one hand.

Gio reached out his hand to my face. I previously disliked this gesture of his, but I somehow found myself feeling comforted by it now. His hand was warm against my face.

"Why the long face? Did the professor gave you a hard time?"

"N-no," I stuttered. "Uhm, where are we going?" He seemed amused by my obvious apprehension, his lazy smile turning into a full-blown grin that reached his eyes.

"It's a secret. But let's eat lunch first. It will be a long drive."

"Where are we eating?" I looked at my attire with concern. If Gio picked a classy restaurant, I would stick out like a sore thumb with what I was wearing.

I didn't know that Gio would pick me up this early for our date. I would have at least worn a proper dress, or maybe put on some make-up. Not that it would do much; I had no idea about make-up whatsoever. And forget about the dress too. I just remembered that I didn't have any either. Gio chuckled.

"What is so funny." I gave him a death glare.


"We're eating at some Michelin starred restaurant aren't we? I'll look so out of place there," I huffed.

"You're my wife, of course you belong there." He reached out once again, his long arms swept past my tiny frame like a hug. He was so close to me, I could distinctly smell his musky perfume, which caused my heart to flutter and shatter into tiny million pieces only to settle into my stomach like butterflies. Gio's body made mine very aware of how warm he felt, and just how toned his arms and chest were. His warm breath felt ticklish against my neck, his sleek soft hair brushing against my face in a comforting manner. The foreign sensation made me close my eyes in an effort to keep my haywired nerves in line.

A whirring sound and a click brought me back to reality. When I opened my eyes, Gio was already sitting upright on his seat, and the seat belt was strapped on me.

Damn. How will I survive this date? Freaking how?

True enough, we entered Jade Garden after thirty minutes of Gio careening down the highway, miraculously not getting us killed in the process.

Jade Garden was one of the more popular restaurants for the members of high society, and famous for its Michelin stars and innovative Chinese food. From the looks the staff gave Gio, I could say that he was a regular here. I caught some of the staff and diners stared at us, at me, specifically, as they pretend to go about their day. Some stared discreetly, stealing occasional glances, while others didn't bother masking their curiosity, looking at me from head to toe and back again in silent assessment of my worth. I saw some of them whisper to their companions afterwards, probably comparing notes on how I failed their human meter. I felt all their stares like hot pokers on my skin. Inwardly, I cringed, though I tried to keep on a straight face.

I don't belong here.

Gio, aided by the staff, guided me to our seat. The patrons seated at the adjacent table murmured to each other.

"I don't know, too shabby," one of them whispered.

"He could have gotten anyone. That's just too bad," another chirped in, not even whispering this time.

"Shh, not too loud. I heard she's wild and unpredictable," her friend said as she shushed her.

The server poured us some wine, which I drank immediately, downing the whole glass in big successive gulps. The server eyed me warily, unsure whether to pour me another glass or not. After hesitating for several seconds, he poured me another one.

"Don't mind them, Ranya," Gio told me, "they have too much time on their sleeves."

"I am trying." I gave Gio a weak smile.

I took the wine glass again, gave it a whirl, debated for a couple of seconds, and downed the whole glass again, my self-control taking a huge beating from my raw nerves.

The whispers behind us grew louder. I was probably fueling all their prejudices against me, adding "drunkard" to the growing list of things that were wrong with me.

"You know what, why don't we go to a drive-thru? A double cheeseburger sounds good about now." Gio took the napkin previously placed on his lap and chucked it against the table.

My eyes lit up. I had never heard sweeter words, and I would love a double-cheese burger.

"That would be awesome, but could we take this wine bottle? I like it."

Gio chuckled.

"Where are we going?" I asked Gio for a hundredth time while I munched on my cheeseburger and fries, the lunch of champions.

"For a hundredth time, it is a secret." Gio snickered in between bites of his own burger.

The city streets were gradually being overlapped by bushes and unpaved sidewalks as Gio's white Mustang careened through the highway. Tall buildings were slowly replaced by small residential houses by the road and even occasional vacant lots and rice fields. It was clear that our destination was somewhere outside of the metro.

"At least give me a clue," I whined and begged. Gio glanced at me and smiled.

"You can ask three questions, answerable by "yes" or "no."

I furrowed my brows in concentration. "Hmm, can we eat there?"

"We can, if we want to," Gio replied as a matter of fact.

"Is it a place where people can just go in-and-out as they please?"

"Hmm, no. The place is exclusive."

"I see. This is harder than I thought."

"It is hard, yes. What's your last question?"

"Is it big?

"It is huge."

Gio exited the highway and steered the car into busy inner roads. It was still several hours past noon, and the sun was beating mercilessly on the hapless provincial streets. People were milling about on the side of the road going about their daily business. Due to the narrower roads, there was more traffic as we traversed the streets. Finally, after half an hour, we reached some clearing and Gio's Mustang sped up an uphill road.

"Where do you think we're going?" Gio finally asked me after several minutes of silence.

"It's a private resort, isn't it? Only, I don't think there is such a resort in this area."

"Hmm, it isn't a resort."

"Really? Then what is it?"

"See for yourself." On cue, Gio put the car to a halt in front of a big manor, with high grilled metal gates and an uphill driveway. The gates looked a little rusty from disuse, but at the same time, it was obvious that someone was keeping an eye on the place. The fence looked newly painted, except for some tiny watermarks and moss here and there. It was also apparent that someone made effort to maintain the landscaping of the place, though the dead leaves scattered about hinted that the place rarely felt the presence of people. The Manor itself looked proud and venerable with its arched beams, high windows, and a curved balcony at the center.

"I haven't used this in a while, but I made sure to keep it clean," Gio remarked.

"Really? That's good to know."

"Yeah, I had the bushes occasionally trimmed."

"You have a nice place here," I said casually. Ms. Yin was again approving of fate's spousal choice for yours truly.

"It isn't mine." I looked at Gio in surprise. Ms. Yin was a tad alarmed.

"Really? Then whose is it?"

"Yours. More specifically, to your family. However, Quin doesn't want anything to do with it, and left it in my care."

I blinked once. Then twice. Then I blinked some more.

Gio reached out to shut my jaw which I didn't realize was nearly touching the floor. He gave an amused chuckle at my reaction. Ms. Yin was able to snapped me out of my stupefied state. Money! She screamed, as she went a-leaping in my head. Even Mr. Yang was supportive, for once.

"You family...we I was almost afraid that he would answer negatively and wake me up from a dream.

"Yes. Things are not as good as they were, but the properties left are still substantial. Not much liquid assets though. The properties were mostly estates such as this. This house is where you grew up, Ranya.

My family.

I stared in awe at the sight before me and imagined myself climbing those trees.

Nostalgia hit me. Hard.

I lived here, with Quin, Mother, and Father. On this land, I walked, ran, and played as a child. This house was actually a concrete link to my past.

"Did I have a happy childhood, Gio?"

Several seconds passed without a response from Gio. I looked at him, wondering whether or not he heard me. "Did you hear me, I said--"

"Does it matter?" he asked, looking me straight in the eye.

"Y-yes, it would matter to me." He smiled at me, and reached out to put several wayward strands of hair behind my ears.

"Yes, you did. Now, let me show you something else." He took my hand as he opened the gates with a key. We walked along the driveway and towards the Manor. I thought we would enter it, but we only stopped long enough for Gio to pick up a basket by the front porch. We went on walking until we reached the back end of the manor. After which, we followed an uphill trail towards the more woody portion of the property. After a little more walking, we reached the top of the hill overlooking a magnificent lake, its waters reflecting the clear blue sky and glistening under the glorious afternoon sun. The breeze, aided by the elevated topography, felt cold and refreshing against my skin.

Gio took out a blanket from the basket and several food items.

"Oh, we are having a picnic?"

"Yes. This was your favorite spot as a child. You named this place 'The Grove.' You fell from that tree over there when you were seven years old." Gio pointed to an old worn-out tree that still managed to tower over everything else in the vicinity. If that tree was that high sixteen years ago, that would have been one hell of a fall. I helped him set the blankets and the food. We settled ourselves once we've brought everything out.

"You love sunsets. You'll disappear from the manor at this time of the day, and I would have to look for you. More often than not, I'd find you here," he said. "The sun will set in less than two hours," he continued after a pause.

I stared at Gio. It still felt surreal that we knew each other as a child. Was he a neighbor? He hadn't exactly told me what our relations were.

"Gio, how did you know me? Are you a neighbor?"

The side of his lips titled upwards very slightly. "You can say that."

"I see."

Gio handed me some sandwiches and I munched on them, not realizing that I was hungry again. 

"Do you want to know what I called you when we were little?"

What? Does he have a pet name for me?

"Sometimes when you disappeared in the afternoon, I'd find you stuck up in a tree. You couldn't return because you couldn't get down. I had to rescue you." He reached out and ruffled my hair, and I instinctively hunched over when his hands touched my head.

"Ugh. How is this related to my pet name?" I said, amused.

"I called you 'Nyan.' I don't know why, but that nickname reminds me of a cat, always getting stuck up in a tree." His black eyes bored into mine, a light smile formed across his face while probably remembering the past. His eyes flickered down to my lips as a shadow of hesitation passed his features briefly.

"Can I?"

My heart hammered inside my chest as his eyes left my lips and gazed into mine. What is he planning to do? Is he going to ki--

"Can I call you 'Nyan' again?"

"Oh." Mr. Yang pointed out that there was a tiny bit of disappointment in my tone. Ms. Yin protested and stated that apparently, the disappointment was not a bit, and was very apparent. I hushed both of them mentally.

Gio lifted inquiring eyes at me, searching my face for the answer to his question.

"I--I guess. If you want to. It sounds so juvenile though. You'll crimp my style if the public gets to know that pet name," I teased him.

"'Nyan' and 'Reaper' do sound like two opposite ends of your badass spectrum," Gio nodded. "Don't worry, I'll only call you that when we're alone."

Gio gave me a confident smirk as if he already assured himself of many alone times with me in the future. That smirk caused my heart to flutter with thousands of little wings begging to escape the confines of my chest. I rolled my eyes at him, and muttered something under my breath that rhymes with "hot piece of gorgeous cats." He chuckled melodiously.

I again looked at him. Really looked at him, as he stared off at the proud shining lake.

Being alone with Gio right now, away from the judgmental eyes of the world, especially those diners, I realized with clarity what Gio was doing for me all along: he took care of me. And he took care of Quin in my absence.

Kiss him. Ms. Yin crooned.

My heart did a somersault inside my chest. The imaginary crowd gave a loud cheer at my heart's little performance that made me nearly deaf to any sound within a hundred-mile radius of my vicinity. There was only Gio and his mesmerizing black eyes I would love to drown in, and how his lips moved into an adoring little grin as he caught me staring at him.

"Enjoying the view?"

What a gloriously infuriating piece of-

"Yes," I huffed. "The lake is so we--so, lovely," I muttered as I straightened and gazed at the lake. I finished my sandwich in record time and nearly choked to death. Gio, obviously amused by my near-death experience, handed me a glass filled with cold cofee.

"I did promise a coffee date," he said when my brow raised in silent inquiry. I waved it away and reached for the wine that we took out from the restaurant earlier and drank straight from the bottle.

"It's already happy hour in some parts of the world," I said to no one in particular. Gio snorted in reply, but did not say anything.

"Why do you do it, Gio?" I asked him after several minutes of silence passed between us.

"Why what?"

"Why do you help us, me and Quin?"

"I want to. Is that a problem?"

"Its not," I replied after several seconds. "It's just feels so...weird." 

Gio laughed. He laughed!

"Is Ms. Independent having a crisis?" His hearty bellows rang and echoed throughout the entire woods.

"Why are you laughing? What is so funny?"

"Because you make it sound like receiving help is like getting an ant-infested itchy sweater on a summer day which you are obligated to wear for a week."

My face scrunched up in disgust. "Yeah, it feels like that."


"I don't know. It's just, the less I rely on people, the less they can let me down. You can't get disappointed if you don't expect anything."

Gio fished out something from his pockets and held it out to me. It was a ring.

A ring.

I stared at him for a long while. He couldn't be that confident, could he? Well, actually he could. Who was I kidding. This was Gio I was taking about here. And apparently, I was already his wife. I stared at my ring-less fingers and realized that I never wore the one Quin gave me several weeks ago.

Is this what this is about? He wants me to wear a ring?

"Take this, and you'll always be on my mind. I'll find you wherever you are." Gio handed me the ring. I gingerly inspected it. It wasn't an ordinary ring either. It was heavier, sturdier, and bulkier.

"This is a GPS tracker isn't it?"

Gio smiled. "It has a mic too. You can switch it on and off." True enough, there was a small button at the back portion of the ring.

The devious son-of-a-bish.

By the lake, the sun had started to set, painting the sky with magnificent colors and basking our surroundings with intense shades of red and orange. The ring on the palm of my hand glimmered under the last rays of the day invitingly. This time tomorrow, I would voluntarily hand myself over to the enemy, with only Gio as an assurance at rescue. Where there was once peace, dread had started to pool. My eyes found Gio's calm, confident ones, and the dread was replaced by hope--hope that, somehow, together, we would be able to pull through this.

Kiss him. Ms. Yin and Mr. Yang chorused in my head.

So, I did.

It was sudden and quick, but the moment my lips touched his, something in me shifted. I wasn't Reianne or Ranya. I was his Nyan, and I knew I belong here, with him, no matter how brief. My eyes fluttered open as I moved away. I met his gaze, shock evident in those black orbs. He was not expecting that at all.

Suddenly, all the self-consciousness from earlier came crashing down on me.

This is a mistake. I shouldn't have kissed him.

With extraordinarily quick reflexes I didn't know I possess, I got up to leave. To escape. I could feel my face burn--either from the kiss or from the embarassment, I couldn't tell. I just knew I had to get away from him and from this place. I was so deep in my own thoughts that I did not even hear the hurried footsteps behind me.


On reflex, I turned around to see Gio coming to me with purposeful strides. The moment he reached me, his strong arms wrapped around my waist and his other hand cupped the back of my neck. Not a second more, his lips crashed into mine in a fiery passion I didn't know existed in this world. His lips danced onto mine as his arms enfolded me tighter.

On the horizon, the sun had fully set, coating the surroundings with a glorious afterglow.

A big ass thank you and tightest huggles to le bish EmptyHopes_ for the perfectly beautiful transition banner. T^T What did I do to deserve this treatment? I wuv you, Bish! ❤❤❤❤

Also, the transition banner has a name!! She's Scythe McReaper! Yayayayaya!

Did you enjoy that schwapter? This is by far, the longest, and it's all fluff! Yay!




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