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Friday was the day Felix was planning to take Marinette out to an Arcade since Adrien had mentioned something of Marinette liking the pointless wastes of time. He was surprised to see ChatNoir sitting on the end of the balcony railing.

"Come on? You can't just sneak one Macaroon, for your favorite cat?"

ChatNoir begged as Marinette thought of
how she should get ready for her date with Felix.

"Sorry Kitty, I have a date."

She stated hoping that Felix would take her past stores that had dress displays set up so she could get some inspirations.

"Should I be jealous?"

He asked knowing very well who it was but didn't want to admit it.

"You like Ladybug, remember."

Marinette teased. She of course was the same person but he didn't know that.

"I need to get dressed, he could be here any minute."

She said heading back into her room as ChatNoir followed. He was passive aggressively protesting against her date with his brother.

"I can help."

He joked. She rolled her eyes. He should be glad he's cute.



ChatNoir whined. He looked around her room his heart ached. She had taken down the magazines starring him.

"Your collages of m... Adrien are gone?"

"I can't exactly have Felix see that I was obsessed with his brother. Now can I?"

She questioned trying to shoo her unwanted company away. He didn't budge.

"Chat! If he finds you up here my relationship is doomed before it's started."

Marinette scolded as ChatNoir flopped down in her computer chair and prompt his feet up on her desk.

"Get out!"

Marinette yelled. Accidentally alarming her father who had need something from the apartment.

"Make me."

ChatNoir taunted. She pulled the chair out from underneath of him. His instinct was to grab Marinette's arm. She ended up on top of him which ChatNoir soon fixed.

He wanted to kiss her. He knew that she was now his brother's girl but that didn't stop feelings from stirring. He had kissed her once before on the balcony but they were playing around exploring feelings that in this moment couldn't be any more concrete.


He muttered a eighth of a inch from passionately kissing the girl that made every bit of him feel more alive then before.

Unknowingly to the two teens who were occupied by the romantic tension in the room; the trapdoor opened.

"Get off of my daughter."

Marinette knew that voice. It was her father's. She knew seeing her being under a superhero like ChatNoir, who was supposed to his free time saving Paris not dominating his daughter was probably not the highlight of Thomas Dupain's life.

"Sorry! Sir!"

ChatNoir quickly replied sitting up with his paws in the air as if someone had pointed a gun at him. Marinette couldn't sit up since ChatNoir needed to get all the way off of her.
ChatNoir stood up then helped Marinette up not knowing if her father was capable of being mad,

"Both of you down stairs. Now!"

Thomas ordered. The two teens sat patiently waiting for Thomas to retrieve his wife hoping she would help him restrain himself from strangling ChatNoir.

Felix entered the bakery as Sabine flipped the bakery sign from open to close. She knew about Marinette's date with him. She walked with him leading him to Marinette. Sabine and Felix meant Thomas half way up the flight of stairs.

"I don't think it was wise of my dad leaving me alone with you."

Marinette joked trying to lighten the mood.

"Your paw-bably right."

ChatNoir replied causing Marinette to laugh at his stupidly simple pun.

"Silly kitty."

Marinette replied as she scruffed the top of his blonde head causing him to unintentionally purr.

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