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ChatNoir basked on a rooftop. Not caring if he where to miss anything on his civilian schedule. He was too caught up in his thoughts. He wondered if Felix would try anything on the first date. He thought he knew his brother well enough to trust him he also stole his girl. Well his friend. He was still trying to figure out who exactly Marinette was to him.

"I need to check on them." He told himself. "But they'll probably be fine if I don't. Maybe. Possibly. But if he..."
He groaned. If he didn't check up on them he would be torturing himself for days on end.

He snuck over to a roof top near the arcade watching closely for Marinette and Felix. He saw them but they didn't look the same as when they left the bakery. Marinette's sweater was tied around her waist, her hair was messy as was Felix's. ChatNoir jumped to conclusions and that they had done something indecent.

He swooped down and stole Marinette from her date. "CHAT!!!" she yelled as she pushed on him trying to get free even though they were in the air. He sat her down a nearby rooftop. H
She put her hands on her hips and she tapped her foot. "WHY?"

"Well, you and Felix came out all sweaty and I assumed that you two you know. So I just I kinda just reacted."

"Really?" She sighed this was just such a ChatNoir to do. "We played Dance Dance Revolution for your information."

ChatBlanc appeared and much to ChatNoir's distaste put his hands on Marinette. "This is where you stuck off to." He kissed the nape of her neck only to be elbowed by her in the stomach almost hard to send him to urgent care.

"You're both insufferable!" She yelled tired of feeling like a mouse trying to be split between two cats. "I'm trying to have a normal dating life and you Mr. CHATNOIR won't let be have one. So what if I had decided to take Felix on a test run? Putting me on this roof would of still accomplished nothing."

"Ya, but I got to see ChatBlanc in pain so I wouldn't say it was exactly nothing." He said know that his brother laid behind the mask.

Marinette realized she must of hit him too hard since was bent over clutching his side. She went to his aid. "Sorry that was harder the intended, but you need to learn to keep your paws off."

"Message received." He said.

"Do you feel like you can take me home?" She asked.

ChatNoir chimed in. "I can take you home Purrincess since ChatBlanc's pride has been hindered."

"Not a chance." She folded her arms. "Don't think I haven't noticed your hands wondering."

"I have no idea what your talking about." He said as he avoided looking her directly in the eyes. "I feel wounded just by the accusation alone."

Marinette cracked her knuckles. "I going to give you reason to feel wounded."

He leaned on his baton. "Go ahead and try." He teased not prepared for Marinette just to simply kick the baton out from under him. His face hit the concerte roof.

"Might need to put some ice on that." She went back to ChatBlanc wanting him to take her home.

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