July 1 - Patrol

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Ladybug picked her way across roofs, smirking at Chat Noir, who was rushing to keep up with her. She hopped from building to building, smiling as wind rushed past her and sounded in her ears. She beamed as Chat disappeared from view. Quickly, she landed on a rooftop, a little metal shelter shielding the roof from the streets below.

Shadows danced on the floor, and Ladybug slunk back, trying to hide herself completely, making a game out of it. When she had fully hidden from view, a quiet grunt and scuffle made her move to a more strategic position, watching her companion. Ladybug smirked. Scaring Chat seemed like an excellent idea. "Ladybug! Oh, Ladybug!" Chat called in a sing-song voice.

Chat seemed to give up, lying flat on the ground. Ladybug held back a giggle as she crept up to Chat. Positioning herself to jump onto the unsuspecting boy, Ladybug pounced. "Bo-" She began, stopping when Chat suddenly sprung up, grabbing her wrists, and effectively pinning her to the ground.

Letting out a squeak, Ladybug landed on Chat's arm, which he'd used to cushion her fall. "Hey-!" Ladybug started again, stopped by Chat.

"Ladybug, I need to talk to you about something. I... I need to tell you something."

"I-" Chat shut Ladybug up by putting a finger to her lips.

"I swore to myself I would, and you need to listen." Chat said, sincerity dripping from his every word.

Ladybug, taken aback, nodded, mouth slightly agape, eyes wide. "Ladybug, you see, I spend every single day thinking of you. How to win your heart, how to impress you. And I know you think I'm just a flirt, talking up every girl where ever I go. But I need to say this. I love you, Ladybug. I always have, and I always will." Chat held his breath, cheeks puffing out.

"Y-.... you love me?" Ladybug asked quietly.

Where had this spectacle come from? "Now, I know it's sudden, and I'm usually not this... romantic? But I needed to tell you, and I don't want you to feel forced, or whatev-" Chat's rambling was cut off when Ladybug pulled his head forwards, catching him in a kiss.

The two parted a minute later, Ladybug flopping backwards, face flushed as she crossed her arms and turned her head away. Chat's face depicted that he simply could not believe his luck. "Ladyb-"

"Shaddup, Chat." Ladybug said, pulling Chat to her again by his nose.

Although it hurt, Chat didn't mind at all when Ladybug's lips were on his again.

No, he did not mind at all.

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