July 12: Allergies

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"Oh dear God, Ladybug!" Chat Noir's voice began soft before bursting into a full-out scream.

"What?" Ladybug turned around as she caught the Akuma.

"Birds!" Chat yelled, scampering off.

"Come bac-! Ugh. I'm freeing you from evil!" Ladybug yelled, cleansing the butterfly.

Cheers and questions rose up as Ladybug waved to the civilians of Paris. "Thank yooouuu, Paris!" She called, zipping up on top of a street lamp.

More screams erupted from below and Ladybug beamed before taking off to find her partner. "Chat! Chat Noir, you stupid cat! Chat Noi-" Ladybug yelled, tripping off a rooftop at the sight of her partner.

There the cat sat, nose red, face flushed, and eyes watering. "Chat!" Ladybug said, rushing to her partner's side.

"LB, they attacked me." Chat said, pointing a shaking finger at a group of pigeons that scuttled away at Ladybug's arrival.

"Oh, right. Your allergies." Ladybug said, reaching up to touch Chat's forehead.

"You remembered?" Chat asked.

"I remembere- Of course I remembered!" Ladybug said indignantly, gently grabbing Chat's chin to inspect his face.

"Wait here." She commanded, yo-yo at the ready.

"I-I-I-" Chat sneezed, "will."

"And for God's sake, protect yourself against those damn birds. You're supposed to eat those things for breakfast." Ladybug said, shaking her head.

She was coming off as nonchalant, but a ball of genuine worry was twisting in her chest. Chat sneezed again, and Ladybug shot off in search of tissues. She stumbled into the first convenience shop she found, grabbing several boxes of Kleenex's before dropping them on the counter. "Hello, just these, please and thanks." Ladybug said, digging through the tiny change-purse she had de-transformed for.

"No, no! On the house for the savior of Paris!" The clerk called, shoving the boxes into a bag.

"No, seriously, take the money." Ladybug said, shoving a twenty across the counter.

Reluctantly, the clerk agreed. "Thanks. And don't forget Chat Noir. He saves Paris, too." Ladybug said, leaving before the clerk could trip over his words some more.

Cradling the box to her chest, Ladybug flew through the city of love, finally finding her partner again. Chat's nose was swollen, but his face had gone back to it's regular tanned shade. "Here." Ladybug said, shoving a box of tissues at her partner.

Gratefully, Chat smiled before ripping the box open. He hurried to blow his nose, and Ladybug struggled to contain a giggle. "Th-thi-this- ah- CHOO! - Isn't funny!" Chat whined, eyes puffy.

Ladybug smiled. "I know."

Reaching towards the box, Ladybug pulled another tissue. She wiped the moisture from around Chat's eyes, ignoring his multiple protests. "Hey, shush. It's for your own good." Ladybug said.

Chat finally held Ladybug's hand back. "No, stop. I can take care of myself." Chat said, voice thick with mucus.

"Hey," Ladybug said, pausing. "Shut up."

This caused the pair to engage in a staring contest of sorts, still clutching one another's hands. Subconsciously, the two had begun to lean towards one another, and were now only a twitch away from their noses touching. Ladybug moved first, planting the quickest of kisses on her partner's lips before darting back to were she was before. "Feel better." She breathed.

"Lady-" Chat said, protesting when ladybug stood up.

In turn, Ladybug grabbed one of the leftover tissue boxes and threw it at Chat's head. "Feel better."

Chat chuckled, "Okay."

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