July 14 - AU - Brother AU

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Basically Adrien has a brother.... Felix is his baby bro (lets say 2 yrs old), k? k.

Chat Noir showed up to the battle with a child strapped to his chest. "What the hell are you doing?" Ladybug asked frantically, landing next to her just-arrived partner.

"I was watching my brother and the-" Chat covered the child's ears, "-douche bag sent out some Akumas." Chat released his hold on his brother's ears.

"So you brought him with you?" Ladybug exclaimed.

Finally looking at the child's face, Ladybug noticed a hastily placed mask on him, a black cat onesie adorning the small body. "Yes." Chat said.

"You idiot!" Ladybug whisper-yelled.

"Sorry, M'lady." Chat said, tickling his brother's chin.

"No! Not sorry, M'lady! Say sorry to the baby you brought along! Give him here." Ladybug said, gesturing wildly.

"Alright." Chat shrugged, handing the child to his partner.

"Hello, baby! I'm Ladybug." Ladybug cooed, before turning to scold her partner.

"Aren't you ashamed? He could get seriously injured! Do you not have a brain?" Ladybug asked, rapping on Chat's head.

It dawned on Chat then that bringing your two-year old sibling to a dangerous battle was not the most sound of plans. "Ladybug, crap, what do I do?" Chat asked, pulling at his hair.

"I'll take care of it. Be right back. Don't do anything else stupid." Ladybug warned.

Reaching for the baby-carrier, Ladybug tucked the child tightly to her chest. She flew off, in search of the reporter for the LadyBlog. When she returned, Chat furrowed his brow in a question. "I you know the reporter for the LadyBlog? Alya? I gave him to her. She's trust-worthy, I've seen her take care of kids before. She won't remove the mask either, because I have given her an exclusive interview opportunity with the Chat Noir."

"Thanks, Ladybug." Chat said, gripping her hands gratefully.

Rolling her eyes, Ladybug pulled her partner to the edge of the roof before throwing him at the fight below.

Once the Akuma was purified and the scene cleared, Ladybug rushed to get Chat Noir's little brother, skipping the usual stop of speaking to fans and reporters. "He'll be there tonight at eight. Thank you." Ladybug smiled, turning and taking off with the baby in her arms.

"Ladybug, thank you so much- I-I didn't even think before I did that- I-" Chat started, spewing apologies and thank yous.

"Now, I'm debating giving this child back to you." Ladybug said, tickling the toddler's chin.

At the little giggle the child gave, Chat exploded again. "You made him giggle? He never giggles!" Chat protested.

"Because you suck." Ladybug said simply, the child erupting into peels of laughter again.

Chat pouted. "Here." Ladybug said, handing the still-laughing child back to Chat.

"Thank you so much, Ladybug." Chat said, wrapping an arm around Ladybug's shoulder in a hug.

"Anytime. Bring him along sometime when it's safe. I'm in love with this little cutie." Ladybug said, bending slightly to plant a kiss on the child's forehead.

"Way-waydybwug." He stuttered out, reaching for the spotted-hero.

"Oh my God, aw!" Ladybug exclaimed, clasping her hands below her chin in absolute glee.

Chat smiled at how adorable both his brother and love interest were being. "I'm in love with a cutie, too." Chat smiled, planting a fleeting kiss on Ladybug's head before taking off.

When he got far enough away, he looked down at his brother. "Are you trying to take my lady?"

Felix just stared up innocently. Chat shook his head, picking up the pace again.

"You're gonna have to give me some pointers."

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