July 7 - Ladybug Vents

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"Well, well, what do we have here?" Chat Noir asked, landing silently beside Ladybug.

"Shut up, Chat." Ladybug grumbled, turning her head to face away from the feline.

"Whoa, LB, what's up?" Chat asked, landing roughly next Ladybug.

In response, Ladybug rolled her eyes and turned her head away some more, letting out a hmph sound. "How was your day?" Chat asked, pausing for a reply.

When nothing came, he powered on. "Mine was shitty. I mean, nothing bad happened, but someone told me something and I kinda had to reject them. I feel really bad, but not nearly as bad as if I had led them on." Chat said, nonchalantly sliding closer to Ladybug.

"Yeah? Well it sucks to be rejected. I told someone I had a thing for them and they totally snubbed me!" Ladybug said, turning to finally look at her partner.

It was then Chat noticed the pink-ish tone of her eyes. "But what if they say they do like you, when they don't? You'd get led on, and the other person would be upset. And if you really care about the other person, you'd accept their decision." Chat said, putting a reassuring hand on the back of his partner.

"Well, I guess either way someone gets hurt then?" Ladybug said, asking instead of stating.

"I...I guess so." Chat said, putting an arm around the girl's shoulders and pulling her closer.

Ladybug sighed, resting her head on Chat't shoulder. "I don't wanna hurt anymore." Ladybug said wearily.

Kissing Ladybug's hair, Chat formulated a response. "I wish I could make you stop hurting. Talk to me, Ladybug. Tell me everything."

"Thanks, Chat. I... I just need you. I need you to be here." Ladybug sighed again, burying her face into the crook of Chat's neck.

"That I shall be, M'lady." Chat promised, smoothing Ladybug's disheveled hair.

"Thank you." Came her muffled response.

The two sat together, watching as the sun sunk below the horizon. "We should probably go." Ladybug mentioned, the sky turning indigo.

"Yes, probably." Chat concurred, standing and pulling a tired Ladybug with him.

"Thanks." She said, hugging him.

"Of course, My lady." Chat said, wrapping his arms around the small of Ladybug's back.

Ladybug pulled back, hands sliding from around her partner's neck to his jaw. "Truly. Thank you." Ladybug said, standing on her tip-toes.

She leaned forward, planting a kiss on the very corner of Chat's mouth. "That was on the cheek," Ladybug smiled drowsily.

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