July 9 - Ladybug Accidentally Flirts Back

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"What the hell did you just call me?" Ladybug exclaimed, finally responding to Chat Noir.

"Ladybaby, why, don't you like it? It's a new name." Chat said, flashing a brilliant beam.

"No, I do not, as a matter of fact, like the name, Ladybaby." Ladybug rolled her eyes, launching herself to the next roof over.

"Ladybug, come back!" Chat whined, chasing after the receding figure.

"Catch me first!" Ladybug called back, lips curling into a smile.

"You're on!" Chat yelled in response.

Ladybug knew it would be difficult to beat the power of Chat's baton, so much easier to engage than her yo-yo. But she already held the lead, so she could change the path as much as she wished. Right then, in fact, Ladybug swung her yo-yo, flicking her wrist to re-direct it at the last second. She swung around behind Chat, who was already on a set course into a wall. Tauntingly, Ladybug lowered herself upside down to tease Chat. "Oh, took a hit, did you? Guess I win..." Ladybug shrugged nonchalantly.

In a one quick movement, Chat launched himself up, propelling himself up to Ladybug with his baton. He moved too suddenly for Ladybug to pull herself back up. "No!" Ladybug laughed, Chat trying to catch her.

Letting her hold on the building above go, Ladybug dropped to the ground. Chat was quick to follow, pinning the heroine to the ground. "Caught you, Bugaboo." He breathed.

Ladybug, taken aback by the change in events, sucked in a breath. "Guess you did." She said, equally as caught up. 

Now was an appropriate time to kiss, isn't? Besides, kissing Chat Noir, handsome savior of Paris, couldn't be all that bad, now could it? Ladybug pondered. The decision was made for her when Chat kissed her. Eyes wide, Ladybug slowly relaxed, not kissing back, but not resisting. Their lips pulled apart with a pop, and Ladybug nearly burst into laughter at the sound. "I'm sorry... I... Uh... I thought you were.. flirting... back..." Chat said, rushing to justify his actions.

"Wait! No! I didn't mean to flirt back! I mean, I don't regret doing it- I mean! Oh my lord...." Ladybug said, hands flying to cover her face.

Chat cracked a smile, laughter shaking his body. "Yoooouuuu kissssssed meeeeee...." He sang.

"Annnnd you didn't reeegreeeeeeeet iiittttttt...."

"Do you ever shut up?" Ladybug asked fondly.

"I don't think so." Chat winked.

"How about now?" Ladybug asked, kissing Chat forcefully.

"Keep doing that, and I'm sure the average amount of words I speak will decrease significantly."

"Well, then I may as well never stop." Ladybug fought a smile, kissing Chat again.

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