Le parapluie noir

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! 13+

"What do you mean he's gone?" Queen Bee asked, ready to explode with nerves. 

Green Shell sighed. "I mean-he was here and now he's not."

"Lila is missing too." Ladybug said. Marinette had previously changed when Alya handed her her miraculous. Thanks to Chat Noir, Alya was Volpina again and Marinette was Ladybug. "Do you think she abducted him?"

Queen Bee frowned. "It's Chat Noir. Why would anyone want to rob him? More importantly, why would he let himself be stolen?"

"The exact reason-he's Chat Noir." Volpina said.

"It'll be fine." She said, interlacing his fingers with her own as they walked away from the Eiffel Tower, walked away from all their problems. The thing was, he didn't understand or remember any problems he would run away from. He didn't even recall his name but she kept repeating 'Chat Noir' so he imagined himself being just that. They stopped abruptly in the middle of the street and she, still an unknown beauty, raised their hands interlocked and looked down at his ring. "Can I take it?"

There wasn't a reason why  not to. He nodded. The girl happily smiled and took off his ring, a green zap of energy coming from his shoes, running towards his head. He could see his arm now, it was skin instead of leather. He had a white jacket and a black t-shirt with colorful lines in the middle. He had simple jeans and orange shoes with a butterfly at the side. He looked up and realized the girl had tucked the ring into her pocket.

"Don't worry, you won't need it." The girl said cheerfully and extended her hand. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves. How do I look like?"

He blinked, but started describing her. Brown hair, ponytails only picking the front parts of her hair, not the backwards, long wavy. Green starling eyes and beauty under her scowls. Fragile and slim fingers, long hands. Bright orange and a mixture of red jacket, black blouse, grey shorts, grey leggings and brown boots. She raised her brown eyebrows, perfect.

"Great. I'm Lila." Her fingers closed on his, skin touching each other. Not leather. "Your name is Adrien."

"A-Adrien?" He asked, perplexed. Why wouldn't he know his own name? "Where are we going? Why are we leaving? Don't I have family or-or someone to stay for?"

Lila whirled around and interlocked her arm with Adrien's. "No, I'm the person you would burn Paris down and your family...all of them hate you."

Adrien separated himself from Lila. "Look, I don't know what's happening but I'm not that stupid. You said your the only person I would burn Paris down for, but you just said we met. Who are you and where are you taking me?"

"I'm saving you." Lila protested, her hair flying with the cool breeze of Paris. "Why aren't you understanding that? I love you, Adrien and you love me." She closed the space between them, her breath hot on his cheek. "Have you forgotten the passion in our kiss?"

Adrien shoved Lila away, fixing his green eyes on her. "I was...I was confused. I thought you were someone else. Someone with...blue hair? I-I don't know, I'm confused. I just know I'm not supposed to be with you."

Lila scoffed. "Why not? There's nobody else in Paris that you know. I'm everything in your life, Adrien."

He shook his head, his mind aching. "Is that true?"

"Why would I ever lie to you?" She said, batting her eyelashes.

Out of nowhere, a thread wraps around Lila's waist. She cries as the string pulls her arms limp at her side. Adrien looked up to see a silhouette. The silhouette jumped from the roof to reveal a short, blue haired and blue eyed girl dressed in a ladybug suit. next to her a girl with blonde, blue eyes and a bee suit and a fox, brown hair and hazel eyed girl.  Lila groaned and looked down at the ground.

"I don't know, I'm asking myself that exact question, Lila." The girl with the ladybug suit spat and nodded at the queen girl. She advanced on Lila and grabbed the ring from her pocket. She threw it at Adrien and he caught it mid-air, and slid it down his finger again. "Don't lose that."

"I'm sorry." He said, his eyes lowering. "I didn't know."

The fox lady laughed and whispered to the ladybug, "Twice with amnesia. This boy doesn't know when to stop."

The ladybug girl cracked a smirk and started walking, Lila nimbly walking behind.

"How do I know I can trust you after her?" Adrien asked, his heart pounding with fear. "How do I know I can trust myself?"

The bee lady flashed a look at Lila who continued to roll her eyes. "What did you do to him?"

"I offered him cookies-what do you think? Brainwashing him was the best option if we wanted his miraculous." Lila explained, her voice hoarse and deadly. "It was also a change to steal him a kiss."

The ladybug girl almost dropped her yo-yo. "You did what?"

Lila shrugged. "Believe me, if we were in a bed-we'd go farther than that."

"LB, stop, we should get her to Master Fu. See what he'll do with her." The fox lady said, flashing an uneasy look at Adrien. "And what we'll do about him."

The queen girl watched as the ladybug and the fox left with Lila into the depths of Paris. She looked at Adrien and sighed. "Well I'm not going to force you into coming with us. I know you're confused, I know you probably want to scream right now, but we can help you. Were the good guys. I should've seen Lila's betrayal...but I was too blind. I know you, Adrien and I'm not lying. Maybe once you get your memory back, you'll remember me."

Adrien blinked. "She brainwashed me? For what reason?"

The bee lady opened her mouth and closed it. "Because that's who she is. Now, if you want to get your memory back-come with us. We need Chat Noir again."

Chat Noir.

There was that name, that label people constantly put into him. He nodded and walked next to the bee lady, hoping she was right and he wouldn't fall into another deadly betrayal.

Marinette sighed, closing the door to Master Fu's little Chinese house. Tikki had ran out of energy hours ago, but she wanted to hang around. She wanted to check on Manon and Nathaneal, make sure the two people she loved the most where fine. Paris was humid that day, perhaps because of the season they were in. She looked at the sides of the street. Chloe was nice enough to lend her some clothes so she didn't look like a zombie. 

"He'll stay here for a few days." Master Fu said, interlacing his fingers. "Go on and check on your family, Marinette. They must be worried sick. I'll take care of him now."

"What about Lila?" She asked, her fingers trembling. "Surely you're going to need more help with her around."

"For the moment she's just a sarcastic girl with a big mouth." Master Fu acknowledged. "I think I can handle her for now." 

"Marinette!" A voice said that made her whirl around to find Chloe standing here, her shoes making anxious circles. "I wanted to talk to you."

"I promise I won't ruin your clothes."


"I promise I won't think I'm the best in the world because I'm wearing your clothes."

"No, M-"

"I promise I won't think were best friends because I'm wearing your clothes."

"What? Okay, stop, that's not what I was going to say." Chloe crossed her arms and fixed her blue eyes on Marinette. "I was actually going to thank you."

Marinette blinked. "What on Earth happened to you?"

"I've changed since you left." Chloe explained, twirling with a lose lock of her hair. "I know I've always been a bitch to you and Adrien and I'm sorry for whatever bad things I did to you-"

"Want me to pull out the list?" Marinette asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"I'm sorry," Chloe repeated and sighed. "I wanted to be like you, when we still went to school in normal days. You always brought smiles up people's faces and I made them frown. People would often ask me as I walked down the streets of Paris, 'How can you sleep knowing you akumatized someone today?' It was horrible. I-I wanted to change and be like Ladybug. I'm glad I got to be Queen Bee."

Marinette sighed. "He really isn't returning our miraculous, is he?"

Chloe shrugged. "Maybe he'll do, overtime. But everyday without Queen its a day I'm Chloe again. Horrible, bitchy Chloe. The kind of person that everybody hated. Can we be friends now? Besides Sabrina, which I'm glad she's back, I need a friend like you."

Marinette put her hand over Chloe's shoulder and offered her a smile. "Alya was right-you do sting like a bee."

Chloe laughed and shoved Marinette gently away. "Shut up."

"Will you check on him?" Marinette asked, flashing an uneasy look back at the house. "For me?"

Chloe nodded and hugged Marinette, squeezed her tightly. "Once he's memory is back, I'll call you. Even though you two broke up, he still cares for you."

"And I for him." Marinette replied, waving at Chloe as she walked away from her and into Nathaneal's house.

Marinette couldn't help it, she collapsed on her knees and started to sob. Nathaneal next to her continued to shot, his voice rising and falling like it didn't matter his parents were listening at them yell below. Her shoulders trembled and her legs wobbled like she was made out of rubber. Marinette hugged her stomach and let the hot tears fall. Why? Why would she have to experience two heartbreaks? Adrien broke her heart, but he was never unfaithful to her.

Nathaneal's voice shook. "Didn't you care to even knock at first?"

Marinette rose to her feet and stared at him in disbelief. "I'm sorry! I didn't think I'd catch my boyfriend here kissing another girl's neck!"

Juleka's cheeks went pink at that.     

"Marinette, Juleka-she came out nowhere. I was already starting to fall in love with her before you and I got captured. "Nathaneal explained, his chest rising and falling, more noticeable when he had his shirt-off.

"So, why the hell did you kiss me and said you loved me in the prison?" Marinette yelled, shaking her head over and over again her neck might come off. "This I would've explained for Kim, maybe even from Adrien but not you!"

"Juleka, go to the closet." Nathaneal ordered and Juleka, top exposed and purple, ripped jeans dangling from her waist, obeyed and ran to lock herself in it. His voice quivered. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't want you to know."

Marinette blinked with fury. "When were you going to tell me? Did you think I would just shrug it off?"

"Don't yell, my parents are downstairs." Nathaneal warned.

Marinette's eyes went wide. "DO YOU THINK I GIVE A DAMN?"

Nathaneal backed away, ashamed. "This isn't me, you know that. I had mixed feelings with Juleka and then you came along and-"

"No, stop." Marinette grabbed her purse,  swinging it over her shoulder. "Don't even bother talking to me again."

"No, Mari-" Nathaneal grabbed her wrist and spun her around, her body pressed against his. His skin was hot to the touch, Marinette cursed herself for touching it-touching Nathaneal's skin that was Juleka's to touch. "I wasn't lying. I love you too. Give me time to figure it all."

"You think I'm a doll you get to pick the time to play with?" Marinette spat, shoving herself away from Nathaneal's body in disgust. "I thought you were different. I thought you were the one person that would never, ever do that to me and here we are."

"Give me time." Nathaneal begged, his turquoise pools of eyes troubling with an upcoming storm. "Marinette, I wasn't lying. I love you. I love you both. I may end up picking you-please, give me time."

Marinette sighed and looked once more time at Nathaneal. Why was she hesitating? If it was Alya in this position she would've slapped Nathaneal already. If it was Chloe in this position she would've roasted Nathaneal so hard he couldn't even speak. Why was she giving him a second chance?   


Those who caused heartbreak deserved to have their heartbroken. 

She knelt to his eye level, he had already collapsed into his knees like she did before. Marinette wondered how much time she was going to look into those turquoise eyes and try not to break. If she survived Adrien, why not Nathaneal? 

"Goodbye Nathaneal." Marinette said, her voice quivering. She stood up and opened the door to his room, then glanced behind her shoulder. "Thank you for teaching me not to trust anybody again."

Without another word, she slammed the door behind her and ignored Nathaneal's parents on the way down.

"Come to my meadow land,

Do you wish to take my  hand? 

Over here in my meadow land, 

I see the ocean, sky and sand,

I hear the waves crash into the shore,

Wishing I could see more and more."

"You still sing beautifully, Princess." Chat Noir said, one leg swinging from her balcony. Marinette gasped in surprised and dropped the hat she was sowing. Her cheeks turned as red as Nathaneal's head and at the fresh wound of his memory, she couldn't control it. New tears stained her cheeks, hot and sliding down. "Did I say something wrong?"

She shook her head and sniffed. "It's not you, Adrien."

Chat Noir sighed and said, "Plagg, claws out."

Adrien appeared at her side, his green sparkling eyes threatening to unravel each of her secrets. Marinette stared at him and cracked a smile-it hurt. She opened the door and invited him inside. The two of them were sitting down in her couch. Marinette decided Adrien would be perfect in holding her the materials she needed to finish her hat.

"Care to tell me what happened?" Adrien asked, breaking the silence. "If you don't want to, it's fine. You don't have to tell me anything."

"Let's start with you." Marinette sighed deeply. She didn't feel heartbroken anymore, not like she did when she opened the door and saw Nathaneal on top of Juleka on his bed. She could've sworn her heart cracked in two. "How did you get your memories back?"

"Master Fu is an artist." Adrien admitted and looked around her room. "I remember you used to have thousands of pictures of me hanged around here."

Marinette almost fell of her chair. "How did you-"

"Let's say Chat Noir did more patrolling around the bakery than Ladybug." He said and winked. "I felt dizzy at first, but then everything came flooding back like bullets. My father's gone. We have Lila. Theo's missing two. One villain, two to go."

She nodded. "And I'm going to be there to help."

Adrien smiled. "Of course, you're my-you're Ladybug."

Marinette's smiled faded. She sighed and let go of the hat, putting it on her desk to display it on the dim moonlight. "It was Nathaneal." Adrien's head whirled around to meet her, his eyes unblinking, his body motionless. She had his full attention. "I was going to check on him, I was so worried what'd he say to his parents I wanted to help him. They told me he was upstairs and I was climbing the stairs, I was already planning what I was going to say to him when I caught him and Juleka having a scene."

At her side, Adrien's palms formed into fists.

"He told me he loved me-but he loved Juleka too. If I'd just give him time, he would figure it all out." Marinette laughed at how stupid that sounded. "I'm not falling for that! I said goodbye to him and left the house quickly."

"Did you cry?" Adrien asked softly.

Marinette met his eyes. "Of course I did. I'm the type of girl that can't pass one sad movie without a tear sliding down. I mean, you've seen Ladybug watching Titanic. Marinette isn't quite different."

Adrien laughed and passed his fingers through his hair. "What are you going to do about Nathaneal?"

"Let him have Juleka." Marinette replied, the sudden burn in her heart told her she was right. Most things that caused pain either meant you were doing the right thing, or it was hard to let go-other times meant both at the same time. "I need time to heal. He was too soon after...well, after you."

Adrien's body tensed next to her. They had gotten so close, his knee touched hers, their feet were meeting each other. His left shoulder touched her right. "What am I supposed to say?"

Marinette sighed. "There isn't much to say, actually."

"I miss you." Adrien admitted softly.

Marinette moved to face him. "And I you."

"It was ridiculous." He said.

From outside, rain started to pour. They both looked at Marinette's window as thunder boomed in the distance.  A smile curled around Adrien's lips as he grabbed her hand and guided her to the balcony. He pulled the ladder Marinette didn't know Adrien knew about and started to climb down. She followed him, gripping the ladder tightly as her feet landed firmly on the ground. Rain started to touch her skin, her hair and clothes. Adrien continued to smile as he grabbed her hand again and started to run to some place.

Despite her fear, Marinette followed Adrien with open arms. They ran together in unison, Adrien keeping a low pace for her until Marinette realized where they were going. 

The school.

Adrien smiled so wide it looked like his cheeks would start to hurt. He climbed up the stairs of the school with Marinette behind him, her clothes completely damped and her hair sticky behind her neck. Adrien grabbed her shoulders and centered her under the little roof the school had. His eyes were a mess of bright woods she wanted to crawl inside. He looked so happy, nothing in the world could snatch it away. 

He beamed and took a step backwards, nodded, and ran past her up to the school. Marinette scowled and stood where she was. Adrien came from behind her, pulling out something he had from his back. 

A black umbrella.

"Hey," He started sweetly, raising his hand. Marinette cracked a smile and laughed, then regained her posture and her smile faded. She turned to look away and Adrien pretended to sigh. Adrien opened the umbrella and walked in front of her. "I just wanted you to know that I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your sweat. I swear."

Marinette raised her eyes to see Adrien's eyes fall down to the ground like he did before. 

"I've never been to school before," He continued. "I've never had friends. It's all sort of...new to me."

Adrien shrugged and spun around to offer her the umbrella. He raised it high enough and close enough so for now, the umbrella shielded both of them from the rain. Marinette looked at his hand offering the umbrella, then up to meet his eyes that were already  looking at her. Blue against green. Green against blue. 

As if fate would've planned it, thunder boomed in the distance and while at it, something shattered inside Marinette.

The walls.

They were long gone. 

Her eyes widen as she nimbly extended her hand to take the umbrella. The same black umbrella. Millimeters away from Adrien's hand, she hesitated and jerked back, but thought better of it and Adrien's hand closed around hers. The last time, it lasted for a split second. This time, Adrien held her gaze and her hand for a much longer while until he dropped his eyes and hand. 

Marinette, the umbrella now covering only herself, pushed the button and the umbrella shut on herself, the embarrassment rising in her cheeks like it did the same night. Adrien burst out laughing, his laugh filled with smoothing music that was prettier than an orchestra. Marinette laughed at that, her stomach uncurling with the happiness of laughter she hadn't felt in a long while. 

Adrien's laughter faded and he sighed. "See you tomorrow."

He walked away and for a moment, Marinette thought it was over. She thought Adrien would leave her heart pounding with uncertainty of what was happening next, but he raced back up the stairs and grabbed her waist, lifting her off the ground. Marinette cried in happiness as they whirled around in circles, Marinette dropping the umbrella and picked it up once Adrien lowered her.

She moved the umbrella so it shielded both of them back again, his nose touching hers. This was where she belonged. Not in Nathaneal's arms, not in any other boy in the world's arms-Adrien's. Adrien and Marinette. Marinette and Adrien. The name simply went well together. She loved him, no matter how much distance and time they would spend apart, she loved him.

"I love you." He said and no matter how many times he said it, it would always make Marinette's heart leap. "Marinette, I-I love you. I love you and it's unhealthy. I would burn Paris down for you, you know that right?"

She nodded and wrapped him in an embrace. "I love you too, my Chat Noir."

He smiled and didn't flinch when Marinette kissed him, when their lips passed thousands of unspoken words between them. Instead, he sank deeper into it and pulled apart, breathless, their foreheads touching and nuzzling each other.  

From the distance, Alya, Nino and Chloe started whistling at them and pumping their fist in the air. Marinette laughed and her hand slipped into Adrien's.

My Ladybug.

My Chat Noir.

Le parapluie noir  

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