One step closer, two steps far from you (pt.4)

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*picture is not mine* Enjoy!




Pain again.

Ladybug, sad eyes.

Volpina, fire eyes.




White, oh god, white.

I will help you hurt those who hurt you.


Don't fight me, young super hero.


Ladybug, hopeless Ladybug.

End of the world.



Pain again.

"I love you, Chat Noir."

Adrien jolted awake, gasping for air. He was sweating and every part of his body felt like it was burning. He remembered nothing, only fragments and those where dark, something he didn't want to look backwards to. He knew only one thing-he had been akumatized. Why? Why did he let his feelings go beyond disappointed which is something he felt ever day?

He found himself in a comfy bed, in a normal and random looking house-it only looked Chinese. Besides him rested a tray with herbal tea and a couple of odd looking bread, clearly one he'd never seen before. His silver ring rested on the tray, the light hitting it beautifully. Adrien tried to get out of bed, his body immediately protesting as he groaned and pulled himself back.

"You're awake." A voice said. Adrien turned around to find his kwami, Plagg, hover on top of the bed. He looked strange, he looked darker than usual, and not emotionally. Plagg looked tired and he wasn't snapping at Adrien, protesting him about how never get akumatized again and he wasn't eating Camembert. What was wrong with him? "You scared me, Adrien."

"I don't remember anything." He lied, he only remember fragments. Simple fragments. "What happened after I got akumatized? Why weren't you there?"

Plagg sighed and rested in front of Adrien, using the white covers as a cave. "Nobody can interfere your conversation with Hawkmoth. I don't remember much as well before that. I just know that suddenly all the villains Paris has ever seen working for Lady Misfortune and-"

He blinked. "Lady Misfortune?"

Plagg sighed as Master Fu opened the door to the bedroom. Adrien's heart hammered as Master Fu sat carefully on the stool next to his bed and applied an ice cloth over his forehead. Behind him, a bee like lady and a fox lady stared at him, filled with hate and sympathy, filled with confusion, regret and pity.

"Ladybug." Volpina said, at the edge of tears. He noticed it was Volpina over the similarities her suit looked with the other Volpina. If she was with Master Fu, then that meant she was the real one, the one that would help them. "Lady Misfortune is Ladybug. She got akumatized yesterday, and you've been asleep since then. We thought you were in a comma."

Adrien blinked again. "What happened?"

The bee like lady sighed. "Ladybug thought that kissing you, you'd return to your normal self and everything would go back to normal, that's what we thought. She didn't tell us anything or what the plan was. She forgot one detail, Chat Blanc akumatized everybody he touched. By your lips touching, she got akumatized and now Paris works under her. I tried with my bees to get a glimpse of what Paris looked like, nothing good. Lady Misfortune hasn't showed her powers at all. It makes you wonder."

Adrien stared down at his hands. He choked back a sob. "I-I did this?"

"It wasn't your fault, Chat Noir." Master Fu said and turned to look at his new heroes. "Your identity will be fine with these three, they have proven to be reliable. They got you back!"

"Yes, only Ladybug's akumatized." He said sadly. "Because of me."

"Funny how Ladybug thought you got akumatized because of her." The turtle man said and sat down next to Adrien. "You two are really meant to be. You should've told me you had a crush on her, Adrien, you should've told all of us."

He was about to remove his bracelet when Adrien grabbed his wrist. "Don't. Even if my identity is now revealed, that doesn't mean yours will. Stay hidden, I can figure it out myself later. All I need to know is that I have all of your words you won't tell anybody about it."

They each nodded.

"What can I do?" Adrien asked after the silence almost swallowed them. "If it's Ladybug, I want to help her."

"I'm afraid Plagg is incredibly weak, enough for him not to transform in a couple of days." Master Fu explained. "I'm afraid the same thing will happen to Tikki when Ladybug de-transforms."

"How-did I break anything?" Adrien asked, his meaning deeper. "Did I cause big trouble?"

"Ladybug's yo-yo was destroyed while you where Chat Blanc." Bee lady said, putting two fingers to her ears like she was talking with someone. "One of my bees tells me she has a new one now. With...spikes instead of spots."

He looked hopelessly down at the ground. "Are you three going to do anything?"

"They are doing everything possible." Master Fu said, offering Adrien a smile. "But even a hero needs to stay hidden in some battles. After you are safely healed, you four will come up with a plan to take down Ladybug, and if possible Hawkmoth himself."

Adrien stared at Master Fu.

"I'm sorry, young boy, but I cannot afford this happening again to Paris. We are too fragile now, in need of any kind of super heroes for this to occur again. If you manage to get Ladybug, Hawkmoth will be your next step."

"How are we going to do that?" He asked, afraid he'd put the people he loved back in danger. Besides Ladybug, Natalie, Nino and Plagg, there was nobody in his life he cared about. Not even his father who was the reason all of his happened. As if reading his thoughts, he found Bee lady staring at him, but not at his face, charming him like other girls did, but looked at the bruise in his cheek. "Are you going to tell me?"

"It's classified for now." Volpina said, putting a hand on the bee lady's shoulder, jerking her from any kind of thoughts. "Green Shell, Queen Bee and I will leave you and Master Fu alone. You have things to talk about."

Once the three of them exited the room, Adrien stared at the old man. Did they have things to talk about?

"I talked this with Ladybug a while ago." Master Fu started. "Around the time you defeated Volpina, and I realized both of you were going to be akumatized in a time. I didn't know exactly when, but I knew it would happen. I had to keep an eye for other super heroes in case you and Ladybug couldn't fulfill the job alone. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be her. Part of our plan wouldn't be successful. Even if I found three teenagers to do the job, I was still worried sickly if things would go far too worse, which they did. I never thought Ladybug would sacrifice herself in order to have you back to your old safe. My boy, if that wasn't love, I wouldn't know what was."

Adrien sighed. "I need to help her. I wouldn't stand going to sleep knowing she was wide awake under that monsters control. She did this for me, I have to do something!"

"Calm down, my boy." Master Fu said. "You will, only when you are ready. Everything in life comes when it needs to come. Meanwhile, don't pressure it and let it flow."

He nodded. "Yes, master."

"I'll leave you to rest, Chat Noir." Without another word, Master Fu stood up and left the room, an awful feeling grown inside Adrien's chest-defeated.

Lady Misfortune...

She liked her new name. Hawkmoth was so persuasive, she couldn't disagree. Even if Chat Noir was fine, even if she saved him, she was coming to destroy Paris. Her plans were massive, it all started with the army of villains bowing before her, the innocent citizens under every villains spell would bow down to her too. 

In to time, she had Paris wrapped around her finger.

Yet, the heroes. Those remained to stay hidden. Lady Misfortune often wondered where would super heroes hide. whenever she thought of them, her heart would leak back to Chat Noir. She would give everything, every life under her control, if it meant ruling Paris beside his bright eyes. Yet, she de-evilized him with her lips. Stupid how that sounded, and he was back to normal, which meant his loyalties lied where they originally were. 

Her yo-yo was nothing compared to the mace she has. Instead of all the maces which had a stick connecting to the ball, the mace was connected to a thread that moved like a yo-yo. Even if the ball was too heavy, she never noticed it's weight and her weapon didn't snatch when she cut Volpina's head off.   

You need to help me.  Hawkmoth said, as much as in that time she wanted to fight him off, she wanted to hear him. She'd seen akumatized villains more than everybody else she knew, she wanted to know how it felt to have him, to feel him, to favor him. Make others feel your clouded emotions that could put an army to tears.  

She sighed as Copycat appeared out of nowhere, sitting down next to her on top of the Eiffel Tower, her knew city gleaming with it's tormented nightmares. Those who weren't under her control were soon enough under it, her villains scattering like a pare of mice in hunt for cheese. Part of her new she might be the last villain Hawkmoth would akumatize, not because the heroes team was so good, but because she would take Master Fu down.

Kill him, if possible, and she killed the whole kwami world.

"You seem distracted, milady." He said to her. Lady Misfortune knew this cat wasn't her cat, he would never be as much as he tried it. This was still Theo, the guy who obviously had an impossible crush on her. 

She gripped his throat tight, suddenly, like a quick swift of movements. She squeezed it tightly, fire in her eyes as she said slowly, "Call me that again, and I won't hold mercy."

He nodded and she let go abruptly, pushing him over the Eiffel Tower. She knew he'd survive, the cat was too darn smart. She needed all these villains to get off her head. Some complained they were scared over the way Lady Misfortune was treating them, others complained Volpina's death shouldn't be true, and others just didn't like her as a leader-they wanted to have that position themselves. 

They were a big pain, Hawkmoth would seriously need to get other villains.

"Come to my meadow land/ Do you wish to take my hand?" She muttered and shook her head. Those memories immediately swam back to the night where she saw Chat Noir broken, just like she was secretly like. It was the first time she decided to set her walls down for just one moment, forget Adrien even existed and talk to Chat Noir like a true lover. It was Chat Noir and Marinette, not Ladybug, not Lady Misfortune-Marinette. The one person she knew would never attract a guy like Chat Noir.  

Lady Misfortune walked down the stairs to the Eiffel Tower and opened the door to the circular room. She often wondered how thick enough she was to never see Hawkmoth rested right under her nose, in the Eiffel Tower, but a secret combination needed to be pressed-his miraculous. Even if Lady Misfortune never saw him without it, she still decided to trust him. He was the one who was going to make everything right. 

She was greeted immediately by thousands of butterflies, a bright symbolic circle gleaming with light it managed to enter through, the only light that was in the room. If she was Hawkmoth, she'd be terrified with all this darkness, nobody to speak but the butterflies and observing the whole world corrupt. 

"Hello, Lady Misfortune." Hawkmoth said, his silhouette growing bigger and bigger as he approached into the light. "What might bring you here?"

"I need to clear my thoughts." She said quietly to him. "Battle, I need to fight someone, or kill someone or-talk to someone. All the villains are a pain to actually do so, you seem so isolated and I-I won't be able to function well if I don't feel well."

"Very well," He said, his hands interlacing with each other over his cane. "What must you talk about?"

Her cheeks grew red. "Chat Noir."

Hawkmoth seemed surprise, even if his mask covered his entire face. "What about him?"

"How much I miss him." She said in a tone that almost said she was begging for Hawkmoth to stop her torture. "When can we turn him? How can we turn him?  I agreed to help you only if he ruled by my side and I don't see him now! What's the point of having an empire if you're alone?"

"You must be patient." He said quietly. "Everything will fold into place, but for now, your powers will remain a secret. You must remain a secret, Lady Misfortune. Even if the word is out Ladybug got akumatized, they know nothing about you, know nothing about your weakness."

"He's going to fight." She said, choking back a sob. "I know he will, and when I do-what will happen? My powers to have their limitations, and he is one of them."

Hawkmoth placed a hand on her shoulder, beaming. "Lady, you know what will happen if you don't follow my orders, if you refuse in fighting."

She shook her head. "I will fight." She raised her chin, waved at Hawkmoth and his secret lair crumpled back into the pitch darkness it was once in. 

From her hands, she started to create. Grey and power lights exploding right off her hands as if they were enchanted, like this power had been gifted to her since they day she stepped on Earth. She closed her eyes and imagined the detail of every trait in that face, the way the eyes gleamed, the perfect nose and mouth, the resemblance.

Lady Misfortune gasped for breath as she dropped to her knees and observed her creation, her powers, her summoning.   

"Hello, Ladybug." The peacock miraculous holder said.

Don't kill me because of the cliff-hanger, had to do it! Aren't you guys excited for season 2? I am, I need it know even though it comes out May. Does anybody know the exact day? Thank you, stay miraculous!


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