Panic attack (pt. 1)

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"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette yelled slowly turning into Ladybug. It had been a week since she last turned into Ladybug and that didn't went so well, she had grown closer to Chat Noir which was nothing wrong, but not in the way she expected. Her panic attacks had smoothed out, but every now and then she would get one stronger than the other. She was afraid Paris would relay on her shoulders and she was too distracted with herself to actually do it. 

Ladybug ran through the roofs, Paris cheering over her. Their support, somehow caushed her to raise her chin with pride and wave at them. She was interrumpted by a blast taken her aback. She landed on the ground in her feet, Chat Noir running around the roofs by the akumatized villan. Ladybug shook her head and rolled her eyes, she threw her yo-yo and it tangled around his legs, she pulled it over and Chat Noir landed right in front of her.

He smiled teasingly at her and stood up, brushing some dirt of his costume as the giant aimed for another punch, taking the Eiffel Tower with it. Ladybug yelled and jumped into the Eiffel Tower, Chat Noir following her steps. The giant looked at them and let out a breath, even if it was digusting like a mixutre of dead rats and stinky socks, it blew Ladybug and Chat Noir away. 

They landed right behind a car, they needed to take shelter.

"You need to distract him." Ladybug whispered crouching down next to Chat Noir who looked through the windows. "What are you looking at?"

"His beard." Chat Noir explained. "I think there's where the akuma is, I mean, do you casually just have a ring on your beard?"

Ladybug sighed and looked at what he was saying. "Fine, here's the plan."

After telling him her plan, he smiled up at her and said, "This plan is beard-tastic."

Ladybug snorted. "That's your worse one yet. It doesn't even make sense."

"What do you want me to say? That were in a hairy situation?" Chat Noir said and winked at her. Ladybug rolled her eyes. Chat Noir crossed his arms and fixed his green eyes on her. He moved closer to her, their forehead touching and their faces milimeters apart. "Or do you want me to say that I love you?"

She remained quiet, then pulled him away from her with her finger as far as possible. -She laughed and look away. "I want you to say that you'll do the plan."

"I'll do it." Chat Noir said and patted her head, she scowled. "FOR PARIS!" He yelled as he raised his stick advancing on the giant like he was a solider going to war. Ladybug watched him as he walked towards the giant and distracted him in hitting him in the head with his stick. The giant roared and started chasing Chat Noir through Paris.

Ladybug sighed, stood up and used her yo-yot to follow him. As she advanced her cat and the giant she realized he was closing onto him. She yelled for him to move away but with the commotion and the giant's loud footsteps, Chat Noir wouldn't hear a thing. She moved towards him but suddenly the world ceased to exist, she was breathing heavily again, her heart pounding, her mind was swirling with nothing but blackness.

Ladybug knelt down on the roof she was standing in and put her hand on her heart, it was beating firecley. She saw from the corner of her eye how Chat Noir turned direction so he was running towards her, the giant yelling behind. He reached out for her and trapped her in an embrace, flippig her then so he was giving her a piggy back ride.

She clung to his neck as hard as she could as she slowly felt the breath slip away, everything started to pound so firecly, Chat Noir suddenly wasn't really there. He jumped on top of the golden angel and put her head on his shoulder. She was crying. He was tired. The giant was slowly punching down parts of the angel that, with each punch, they each lowered down. 

"Ladybug, not now, Ladybug!" Chat Noir said gripping her shoulders just like the last time. He bit his lip as they were now at nothing, the giant's reach on them was so close, Ladybug thought this was just a dream, that she would wake up with her mother screaming who stole the bread. 

"I..I..." Ladybug was interrumpted by Chat Noir's lips crashing into hers.  

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