Piano memory (adrinette special)

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*videos is not mine* Enjoy!

His mother hadn't spoken a word towards him it seemed she was still missing and Adrien was nothing but a ghost. After both healed out of Master Fu's clinic, they each had to explain to Marinette's parents what made their daughter disappear out of nowhere and their backstory was that Marinette got turned into a mummy while both her parents were up in the sky, was turned back but was so confused she hid in the dumpster for a day until she found Adrien.

Their story wasn't too convincing, but her parents were only focused on the fact Marinette had arrived home holding Adrien Agreste's hand. They bombarded Marinette with questions and she explained that him finding her brought them close together. Adrien wrapped his arm around her shoulders just for them to know she wasn't lying.

After Adrien dropped her off, he had to talk with his mother. Apparently, she wasn't too happy about it, but they needed to talk one moment or another. His mother had been captured in that portrait for years and he didn't even know it, didn't bother to ask his father about it. Adrien realized he was stupid. His talk with his mother was short, mostly filled with hugs and kisses and him wanting to hug his mother over and over again. Natalie became his mother's secretary for new modeling sessions, some which she did with Adrien.

Marinette constantly visited, almost every day like they were tethered and his longings for her were linked to hers.  They would snuggle together and watch movies, they would walk around Paris sometimes avoiding the arrogant fans Adrien had, and even sometimes patrolled the city as Ladybug and Chat Noir. It had been a long time since both had transformed, Hawkmoth keeping his secret identity secret indeed. They often wondered what would happen with him, would he come back? Stronger? Weaker?

It had been a while since they had seen Volpina, Green Shell and Queen Bee-maybe even Master Fu himself, but they believed they would always come back once they needed extra help. Tikki and Plagg would talk whenever Marinette and Adrien were together, mostly everyday. Sometimes, Tikki would ask Marinette to call Adrien and both the kwamis would speak over their phones while the couple dashed off to do other things.

"What are we watching today?" Marinette asked as she jumped into Adrien's bed as he drew in closer the bowl of popcorn. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer as he turned the remote control on, the movie Titanic flashing across the screen. Marinette gasped and hit Adrien's chest. "You know I cry with that movie!"

"Hey, I'm your boyfriend. I should see the way you look when your cry." He teased and kissed Marinette's forehead. "Fine, if you want to see another movie we could."

She nodded as Adrien changed the channel, The Little Mermaid appearing across the screen. Marinette gasped and yanked the control from Adrien's hand. When he asked if that was what she wanted to see and she nodded, they both snuggled together singing to the tune from Under the Sea.

*scene taken from a picture-not mine*

After watching a couple of other movies, Marinette realized she still had a couple of hours from curfew before returning home. Adrien sat her next to the piano, his mother was gone off in a photo/shoot so it was both of them and gorilla and Natalie alone in the house. He was actually excited to show Marinette one of the pieces his mother taught him as a child. 

His fingers started to move swiftly on the key boards, a sweet melody coming back. He suddenly remembered the last time he played that music. It was on his mother's 'funeral', he also remembered when his mothers hand would move gently on top of his. Adrien remembered her warm smile looking down at him, such warm and kind light emerging from her body like she was kindness herself.

Adrien suddenly realized he was off-key and was sobbing. Marinette next to him stared at him, then rushing to hug him, wrapping her smaller arms around him and using her smoothing voice to calm him down. He sobbed harder and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head as he sobbed frantically. Why should he? His mother was back, she was with him, but with all the negative vibes she was giving him, might as well be a ghost like back then.

*end of picture, my fanfic following*

"I'm sorry." He said to Marinette. "I didn't want to ruin our date and-and"

"Adrien, look at me." Marinette demanded and he did so, her eyes were a calm ocean that would threaten to either drown him until he would die, or take him on the best underwater journey of his life. He found his breath steadying again, his heart's beating reducing from hard, to normal. Marinette softly placed her hand on his cheek, putting their foreheads together and as if reading her thoughts, she said, "Your mother loves you. I love you. People love you out there. Maybe it's all too much for her to carry, maybe she just needs to fit in in order for you and her to bond again. You didn't ruin anything, by the way. As long as I'm with you....nothing can go wrong."

He sighed and collapsed into her arms. "I wouldn't know what to do with you."

She winked at him. "Probably gone off and sobbed with Ladybug."

He kissed her, slow and intense enough for her to swoon and  melt into the kiss again. He lifted her up and pressed her against the wall, both of their lips crashing with the same kind of passion. He heard a moan that could've easily come out from both of them as he found himself wishing more and more. Of course, Adrien was a gentleman, he had to keep himself restrained until Marinette told him she was ready, until then, kissing her lips was enough paradise for him.

Marinette's hands explored his head, tangling locks of his hair on her fingers and then untangling them to wrap her arms around his shoulder and pull him even closer. He loved her. Adrien knew the difference between a crush and love. Crush was a temporary love, something that might never even happen, love was wanting to spend the rest of their lives with that person, their hearts beating as one.

He loved Marinette.

He loved Ladybug.

Suddenly, every girl he thought was pretty disappeared from his mind, they didn't exist as long as Marinette kissed him. Adrien found himself pressing her harder and harder against the wall it must've hard.

A voice cleared it's throat making both pull apart, still tangled with the fire around them. Adrien looked at Natalie looking at him, bright red but as she saw Marinette, her blush disappeared. "Your mother is home, Adrien, she'd like to talk to you. Can I offer Marinette or you something? A pair of drinks? A condom?"

"Natalie!" Adrien said, blushing furiously as he looked back at Marinette who was also blushing hard. He laughed and kissed her lips quickly, a little brush as he waved goodbye and joined his mother standing, observing Paris from a window.

"I hope he doesn't get your pregnant." Natalie said at Marinette as she blushed furiously and giggled, gathered her stuff and was leaving when Natalie said, "I need to talk to you."

Marinette whirled back and blinked. "Me?"

"Adrien is clearly in love with you." She replied and leaned in. "Just don't break his heart."

Marinette laughed. "I don't think you understand. By breaking his heart, I'd break mine. Don't worry, i won't hurt him. I promise."

Without another word, Marinette waved goodbye and exist the mansion. The tune Adrien had played in the piano stayed in her mind until she arrived home. She somehow imagined the scene where he handed her the umbrella, the tune to be playing in the background. Such piece would cause people to tears, or maybe just her, she didn't know. 

To her surprise, her parents were surprised to see how cheerful Marinette looked like an angel had dropped down from heaven and whispered something to her that would light up an army of men. 

Am I the only one that cries whenever I hear that piece of piano music? Anyway, this was the adrinette special! Yay! Also, I'm going to repeat it again, the video isn't mine and a short scene inside the fanfic isn't mine, everything else is (besides the characters and the plot of course.)

Stay miraculous!


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