The lost light

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*picture isn't mine* Returned from the hiatus! Enjoy!

Marinette waited the entire night to see him awake. She couldn't sleep, she was terrified of closing her eyes when Gabriel was collapsed on her couch just below her. Should she call someone? Should she warn Master Fu Paris wasn't released of evil at all? When he stirred awake, Marinette didn't know what to do. She offered him half of her breakfast, water and painkillers until her parents left to deliver the order of 6,000 cupcakes and stitch him up. They had to wait until then. 

"What are you doing here?" Marinette demanded, holding a tiny needle close to her chest pretending she was sowing something. She had to stay armed, he was unpredictable. "You have a family to return to and you decided to come back with me? You nearly killed me. Why am I helping you?"

"Because you're kind." Gabriel replied, looking lost while looking at the window, looking at Paris like he seemed designing for it. "Because I knew you were too heroic to let me die. You still love him, don't you?"

Marinette dropped her needle, staring at Gabriel-jaw dangling. "How do you know we broke up?"

"I've seen the face of a broken heart." Gabriel stated, looking sideways at Marinette. "The pain in your eyes is unbearable. He tortured you more than I ever could, that's why I didn't mean anything I said before. I hate my son, his not even considered to be my son. I will rise, dear Ladybug, and you will help me."

Marinette gripped back her needle and pointed it at Gabriel even though it was useless with all the shaking her hand was doing. "Why would I do that? You made him fall and have a comma, you made him have amnesia, separate him from his mother and I love him. You made me fall, you almost killed and you never told me why. You think I don't have a brain if I'd help you."

"Let me tell you that if you join me, Adrien is yours." Gabriel said slowly.

Marinette scoffed. "You think I'm believing in that? Tell me why you're really here or I'll call Master Fu and we'll really kill you. How can you be alive?"

"I grabbed the knife with Adrien's hand in it." Gabriel explained as if Marinette wasn't there. "I misguided the knife only a little bit so it wouldn't reach my heart. Poor little useless Adrien didn't notice and impaled the wrong part. I'm managing to survive, but I can't do it without you, Ladybug. I have seen the people who have hurt you. Someone like you doesn't deserve to be hurt, you deserve a crown, a throne and cheers. I can give you that."

"Stop, it isn't going to work." Marinette breathed. "If this is the only reason you came and visited me, go away and I'll spare your life. I'm not joining you."

Gabriel struggled to his feet and nimbly walked towards Marinette. Her back pressed against the wall and their faces were inches apart. Marinette wanted to puke, she wanted to kick and punch through a wall only to escape the madness of the man in front of her, yet, that voice told her to remain still. To hear what Gabriel had to say. 

"I know you want to." Gabriel said and leaned back only inches to pull something out from his pocket, his fingertips blood stained. "This will hijack your memories, brainwash you until you serve me and I don't want to do that to such a delicate flower like you. Join me and splash this on Adrien to turn him in love with you again."

"He-he never stopped." Marinette slowly spoke, her heart pounding she could feel it on her fingertips. Gabriel clicked his tongue and shook his head, ready to throw whatever object his palm was tightly wrapped around. Marinette made her mind quickly and kneed Gabriel in that sore spot. He yelled in agony and crouched down to the floor. Marinette took this opportunity to sprint out of her room and locked the door. 

Her parents were already out of the bakery and she ran outside the streets like suddenly the world was collapsing on her shoulders. She ran even though her legs started to hurt. She ran even though every other nerve in her body told her to stop and go back to healing Gabriel. She was stupid enough to do that, she was stupid enough to let him in to her home. Marinette arrived on the familiar street and knocked incredibly hard on Master Fu's front door.

A woman opened the door, looking at her perplexed and scared at the same time like she would call the cops. "Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes," Marinette said panting and taking a moment to breath again. "M-Master Fu."

"Master Fu?" The woman asked and cocked her head to the side. "Oh, you mean the old man who owned this place? I'm sorry, he died years ago. That's why the house was on sale."

"She's not replying." Adrien said, giving up hope he could ever pick up Marinette's broken heart pieces. His world was filled with regret and like was cloaked with despair. Every day he saw Marinette and it was another reminder of what a monster he was. Adrien, as the public, was looked as perfect, angelical and heavenly, but not a monster that broke his girlfriend's heart. The girl he will always love. There wasn't anybody but Marinette. "That's it. I'm an asshole."

"Yes and no." Lila said and Adrien flashed her an annoying look. "Yes, a girl can go through a hard time while she's moving on, but Marinette will stand back on her feet great again. She'll be fine in no time, don't worry."

"I should." Adrien said sadly. "I'm the one who caused her to be like this."

"Adrien, you told me that since you found your memory again you don't miss her, you don't love her. It's like Marinette really didn't exist. You told me that, I'm only quoting you. You should break up with people because you don't love them anymore. That's what you did." Lila said, the conversation turning serious. "I wouldn't feel bad about myself."

"It's a blur." Adrien replied. "Sometimes I'm positive I don't love her and then the next second Nathaneal is talking to her and I want to rip his organs to shreds."

"Adorable thoughts," Lila answered, the sarcasm way too high as she stood up and looked sideways at her book. "In my book, the characters are suffering a similar journey. The boy isn't sure if he loves the girl but the girl is positive she loves the boy. To know if he loves her back, the boy goes off in dating a couple of girls to make sure her feelings for her stay the same. You should do that."

"I'm not sure I'm ready to break another girl's heart." Adrien said coldly and sat down on his bed, letting go of hope entirely. "I mean, I think if I were in her shoes I wouldn't reply my texts at all. When I asked her if she needed a pen...the look of despair-I think something shattered inside of her when I spoke, Lila. I'm a monster and I've devoured Marinette. She was right, I killed her."

Lila rolled her eyes and sat down next to Adrien. "Feeling bad won't do anything. It will only make you feel bad."

"That makes perfect sense." Adrien said.

"I'm trying to help you." Lila said, the seriousness in her voice telling Adrien she was telling the truth. "Go and find her, explain to her all your mistakes and if you love her that much, beg for her love again. Maybe then she'll realize both of you are meant to be and you'll kiss and everything will be happy."    

"You sure?" Adrien asked, rising to his feet.

"No, but I never am of anything." Lila said.

"W-what do you mean he died years ago?" Marinette asked as Gabriel made his way up the streets. She ignored the woman calling back to her as she continued to ran, her legs already complaining. Now, more than two people were calling her but they were all mute in her head. Master Fu was dead, the only person Marinette thought was unbeatable. How? What does that woman even know? Even worse-where are the kwamis? Where is Tikki? Does she need help?

She ran around Paris, where could she go? Gabriel was everywhere, but he was injured and he still managed to find her. She was suddenly terrified of what was happening around. Without Tikki, her only shield to her confidence shattered. Marinette was back as the young and shy girl she once was, refusing to become the best she could be, yet not broken. Chat Noir hadn't broken hear heart, she remained to be naturally positive.

Marinette face bumped into someone's chest. She looked up to see a silhouette of a dark figure, the light of the sun blinding her eyes contemporary. She was suddenly hauled up to her feet and a blade was pressed against her throat, immobilizing her. From the corner of the street, Adrien's golden locked appeared, beating the sun with brightness completely. Marinette wanted to scream at him to go away, that it was too dangerous for him to continue.

"Glad you joined us, Adrien." A voice said awfully close to Marinette. It wasn't Gabriel holding her hostage but it was someone else she still couldn't quite picture. Marinette shook her head repeatedly as Adrien took a step forward, she was crying now, her tears staining the man's arm. "What a surprise to still see you standing, not broken like the soul you broke here."

"No!" Marinette yelled, kicking and punching the man but was terrified he might do something with that knife. "Adrien, run! Warn the other heroes!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Adrien protested and landed a hard gaze on his father. "Let her go."

"Fine," Gabriel said and nodded at his companion. The man reluctantly let her go as Marinette collapsed to the floor, weak and coughing. She looked over at Adrien that had stepped closer he was three yards away. She shook her head. "Don't worry, Marinette, I'm not harming you yet."

Gabriel,with his index finger, lifted Marinette's chin up and clicked his tongue. "I never said I wasn't hurting Adrien."

Marinette's eyes went wide with corner as Gabriel grabbed the knife from his comrade and threw it at a certain target. Blood stained the sidewalk as Adrien collapsed to the ground, a knife impaling his chest as Marinette stood up to ran to him, but an arm was linked around her waist and she was pulled back. Suddenly a helicopter dropped down from Paris, she wondered why nobody around was doing anything, they continued strolling around like nothing had happened. Adrien was just stabbed, if he didn't get proper help, he'd die.

She sobbed and sobbed as a ladder dropped down from the helicopter and she was being forced into climbing it, another blade on her back if she didn't move. Marinette had no choice but to climb up the helicopter, watching Adrien's slowly dying face wither away.

Up in the helicopter, Gabriel cried in victory and managed to change jacket. The blood, the injury, the passing out-it was all a plan to 1) get Marinette and 2) kill Adrien. She neglected to believe Adrien was dead, but everything could happen in a couple of days.

From one of the windows of the helicopter, she saw his body once more as they shackled her-only the waist-to a chair and extended out her hand when she saw he was doing the same. Marinette whispered into the thin air, a single tear falling from her left eye to her cheek, "Do you wish to take my hand?"

Sooooo, I'm back! I have no idea what I'm doing with this fanfic so if something seems bloody wrong, I promise I'll fix it...sooner or later. I have an idea where this might go but I need time to think of it so I don't know if I should enter to another hiatus. I just got myself free from the last one...

If it's turning too cliche please tell me so I can change things. I'm open to any feedback you guys have to tell me, I love editing-don't know why I like it so much. Anyways, expect new chapters coming soon and I've thought about it-I'm going to try to extend this fanfic as large possible. My maximum would be like 150 chapters, anything besides that is like too much.

Stay miraculous!


(If your still reading this Jenna, I swear I will bloody kill you.)

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