Theater Madness (pt.1)

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"They have to come." Jasmine muttered looking over at the rows of seats slowly filling up. "I put my heart and soul into this play! Ladybug and Chat Noir will love it!"

"They are superheroes, little cousin." Chloe said looking bitterly at her nails like they didn't make them just like she wanted to. "I doubt they're coming. Remember last time with Theo? Ladybug didn't come and it broke his heart-he got akumatized. Do you want that, little cousin?"

Jasmine shook her head watching behind the red curtain. "No, but I just thought that-"

"Fine, give them a few more minutes, they'll make it." Chloe said walking away and when she thought Jasmine wouldn't here her she muttered, "Of course they're not coming."

"Your going to be Ladybug, Marinette, you can't dress up  nicely." Tikki said as Marinette browsed her closet to trying to find the perfect dress to wear. 

"What if I only put the mask?" Marinette asked. "Other than that nobody would notice the difference."

"Marinette..." Tikki said.

"Fine!" Marinette said and then, "Tikki, spots on!"

Ladybug wandered into the theater Jasmine, a close relative to Chloe, invited her to a play. Apparently, it was a play where she and Chat Noir defeated Hawkmoth. Ladybug was immediately invited and she said she would attend, last time, she didn't attend and that got Theo akumatized. She wasn't making the same mistake twice. Everybody stood up to meet her, cameras flashing with reporters with questions and even Alya was there getting the footage for the Lady-blog.

Her eyes scanned for Chat Noir, he wasn't there but he would be. Next, she focused for Adrian, but he wasn't there. Funny,  yet she saw Jasmine behind the curtain, the look of happiness as she shook Chloe's shoulder in surprise. Chloe looked petrified, her jaw dropped. She walked over to the stage and bowed to the audience then looked over at Jasmine who looked close to fainting.

"Hi." Jasmine said shyly.

"Hello." Ladybug replied and looked around. "I'm excited to see it."

 "Thank you." Jasmine said and looked behind Ladybug's shoulder. "Do you know if Chat Noir is coming?"

Ladybug sighed, of course the girl would be more excited in Chat Noir coming than she. She shrugged. "Of course he's coming, just give him a few more minutes."

"I don't have a few more minutes." Jasmine said, panic starting to rise to her throat. "The show needs to start now or else I won't have sufficient time for the play to finish."

"Go seat in the first row, Ladybug." Chloe said like she was the one doing the play. "The show will start now."

"But-" Jasmine said but nobody listened to her. She walked away backstage nimbly as Ladybug frowned and sat down, an empty seat for Chat Noir next to her.

"The play!" Adrian yelled sitting straight up in his bed, Plagg flying across the room. "Oh, Ladybug is going to kill me!"

He quickly stood up and muttered, "Plagg, claws out!"

Chat Noir exited his room quicker than anything else he had seen. How could he be so dumb? Not only Ladybug would kill him, but Chloe would. Adrian had said they would meet there and now neither of them was there. He would get killed by two girls-great day. He arrived at the theater and saw the play was already running.

He scanned the crowd for Ladybug and she was there, in the first row. Her blue-bell eyes sticked to the stage like it hypnotized her. He sat down next to her and muttered, "I'm sorry I'm late." When she didn't reply, he looked at her more carefully. Her eyes wouldn't move. "Okay, give me the silent treatment all you want-I'm sorry."

He leaned back and looked over at Ladybug bitterly. She didn't even bother in looking at him. He sighed and looked around, everybody seemed as happy in seeing the stage just like Ladybug was. In the end, he hoped the play would somehow count as a date between Ladybug and him, but now that she was angry he knew that it was impossible.

Suddenly, a figure moved across the stage. People continued to act in the stage and maybe someone was in backstage, demanding and telling orders to the actors. It was normal. Why did Chat Noir had a horrible feeling in his stomach? From the stage, someone else appeared someone Chat Noir didn't recognize as part of their team.

"I AM THEATER MADNESS!" The girl called. She seemed like a really, really bad copy of Harley Quinn, the same kind of makeup on and the structure of the dress, she even had the same hammer she had, but she looked crazier than her, she looked...more revengeful than Harley Quinn. Chat Noir shifted uncomfortable in his seat. He looked over at Ladybug and realized she was smiling like she loved this new character. "All of you will help me get Chat Noir!"

"What?" He asked out loud, big mistake. Ladybug next to him finally shushed him, but other than that her eyes remained on the play. Everybody seemed hypnotized even Alya had stopped filming only for one moment to look at the play carefully, even Nino dropped his headphones. It wasn't normal. 

He turned around to face Ladybug and shook her arm. No response. "Ladybug, what's happening?"

"Oh, Chat Noir." Theater Madness said walking slolwy towards him. "Asking Ladybug for help won't do anything. In fact, she's so hypnotized with my play she won't realize I'm kidnapping you."

Chat Noir shook his head, then snickered. "Wouldn't it be cat-napping?"

Theater Madness laughed. "Oh, you're jokes could only be the highlight of my day! This is why I'm getting rid of Ladybug, taking you so you can fall in love with me and we could live happily ever after!"

Chat Noir cleared his throat. "I wouldn't like that."

"Well too bad!" Theater Madness replied and lunged at him. Chat Noir easily dodged her and grabbed Ladybug's hand, dragging her everywhere he went. Apparenlty, now that Theater Madness could control everything that was happening around the theater. The curtain almost fell on top of them, the actors and actresses had stopped acting and where now joining forces to take him away.

He needed to snap Ladybug out of it. She was the only one that could capture akumas. Chat Noir dived backstage where he locked himself and Ladybug in a room, perhaps the clothing one since there were racks and racks of vivid costumes. 

He looked at Ladybug sadly. She was no longer looking at the stage but she was looking at him.

"I will catch you and you will love me, Chat Noir." Theater Madness said through Ladybug's mouth. It made him shiver. "Love me!" 

Ladybug lunged at him and he dodged it, putting his feet. Ladybug tripped over it and he grabbed rope, tying her to a chair. Theater Madness struggled to get free through Ladybug, but the rope was too tight for her to do anyting. People were already knocking at the door, kicking it and Theater's Madness laughter made Chat Noir almost whimper for Ladybug's help.

He couldn't do it. Chat Noir had never been so alone he finally realized the importance of Ladybug, not only did he love her, but he needed her in order to complete his duties. He knelt down next to Ladybug. It seemed it was her, she had the same eyes, the same soft and tender look when she was happy and the same bitter and careless look when he was close to her. She had the same blue hair that would remind him of the ocean in the dark. "Ladybug, snapt out of it."

"I will have you, Chat Noir!" Theater Madness said over Ladybug.

"Please, think about how much you want to be free from this grasp." Chat Noir said, gripping her hand. Before, it would give him a jolt of electricity, whenever he touched her. Now, it was cold and mad-just like Theater. "Ladybug, come on!"

"I WILL HAVE YOU, CHAT NOIR!" Theater Madness repeated and the door sounded like it couldn't hold any longer.

Chat Noir looked around the room despertly trying to help. His heart started to pound, his hands and every other nerve in his body started to shake, his mind blocked away any possible thoughts over saving Ladybug. For him, saving the world was just an extra, saving Ladybug was the real thing. 

"Come on, you can do it!" Chat Noir said shaking her arms when she remained poker-face. He yelled in desesperation and did the only natrual thing his always wanted. He drew his lips towards her. In his mind, he'd kissed Ladybug over and over again, but it was never real-it was just a dream. Now that he was doing the real thing, he didn't want to stop.

Her lips had always had this sort of pink shade, they seemed soft and filled with paradise, now he was inside that paradise, hoping her lips would never break away from his. It lasted for the world a couple of seconds, but for him-it lasted until the world ended. He broke apart and gazed at Ladybug's eyes.

"What's happeing?" She asked and his heart skipped a beat. "Why am I tied up?"

"Long story, m'lady, just glad your out of her control." Chat Noir said untying Ladybug as the door got knocked down.

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