What became of her

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Sabine had become nervous when Marinette didn't return for a couple of days.

When an old man came, stating he knows his daughter well, just terrified her. Where was her child? Her little princess? Was she fine? Was she running away because she had an argument with Adrien? The news was everywhere, Gabriel Agreste-who had gone missing- child had jumped off the Eiffel Tower. As much as people wanted to believe it was an attempt suicide, Isabella Agreste stated Adrien was fine, not corrupted.

The hospital had to put him in comma in order for him to survive. 

If not, his internal bleeding would grow and every vital organ in his body would malfunction.

Sabine thought her daughter knew about this, maybe it was the reason why Marinette didn't return home, why she left. 

Master Fu sat down in their couch and sighed, shaking his head. "I have no idea how to tell this to you."

Sabine reached out for her husband's hand and squeezed it. He squeezed it back. "We just want to know if our daughter is safe."

"She's not." Master Fu said, scaring both of their hearts they moved together in sync. They stared a the old man abruptly. "I'm sorry, she's not anything at all right now. I must tell you, your daughter is bigger than you might think. I gave her the miraculous. For a short amount of time, it gave her the power to transform into Ladybug. She was Ladybug. She was the one that helped Paris and saved it from those tormented villains and the main villain, the one that created all those before him, was Hawkmoth. He-he was Adrien's father. Adrien is Chat Noir."

Sabine shivered. "Why are you talking like she's not here anymore?"

Master Fu sighed, unable to continue. "Because she's not. Adrien was so stubborn in trying to get revenge for his father, Marinette, so madly in love with him, had no choice but to carry with his choice. For a moment, I thought they were going to win, that those old super heroes didn't need any extra help, one which I could give."

"My daughter." Tom said, his other hand forming into a fist. "Where is she?"

"Up with the angels." Master Fu replied softly. "Marinette died by falling from a great distance. Hawkmoth had nothing to do with it, it was she that jumped out of the edge thinking Adrien was already dead. She did it because of him."

Sabine started to cry. Marinette, her only daughter and her whole world, was gone, snatched quicker than anything she'd seen. She wanted her daughter back but she mostly wanted revenge on Gabriel as well. If she found him, Sabine would make sure she had a knife in her hand.


Adrien was the one to blame. If he hadn't fell before Marinette, her daughter wouldn't have jumped. She would've still be here.

"If she's Ladybug," Tom said, tears stirring in his eyes as he denied his daughter's death. "Isn't there a way she might have survived? Have you checked?"

"Hawkmoth has the place on lock down." Master Fu informed, shifting positions. "My other super heroes are guarding his maze but if they can't get inside, we can only assume Marinette fell not as Ladybug, but as her true from and her kwami didn't have enough energy to change back before the ground hit her."

Sabine shook her head. This was all too much. "Adrien? How come he survived?"

"At difference to Marinette, Adrien hit the ground as Chat Noir and changed to Adrien a few seconds later. If it hadn't been for that, he would be up there with your daughter."

Sabine choked back a sob. "If Adrien woke up, would that make a difference to your opinion if Marinette is dead or not?"

"Certainly," replied Master Fu. "But the surgeons have told us there must be at least four months until Adrien wakes up. If Marinette is still alive down there, her injuries would be too much and if Adrien has internal bleeding, it is most likely she would. A human can't survive with internal bleeding for four months."

"What if she changes into Ladybug?" Tom asked. "Would that do any difference?"

"Let us hope it does." Master Fu said, his eyes saddening as the three of them carried with the burden of reason, of thought. They all knew that Marinette was dead and there was nothing they could do about it but hope she would be happy up there, singing with the angels.

Alya walked aimlessly down the streets of Paris while fidgeting with her hands. Nino was beside her, looking lost into a pile of fans surrounding the hospital. They were told to stay away, they were told never to think about Adrien anymore, he might as well not remember them. Alya knew she should be there for Nino, he had lost his best friend of course. The pain of grieving for someone dead was nothing compared to the one of someone alive. She reached out and interlaced her fingers with his. He sighed and closed his eyes, then opened them again and squeezed her fingers back. 

What worried Alya mostly was Marinette. She had gone missing for the past pair of days. The last thing Alya heard of Marinette was before Paris's famous earthquake. It was everywhere, people were calling family mates, comforting each other and maintain hope nothing else would happen. Marinette had gone missing the morning later, and Alya couldn't stop thinking about it.

It wasn't Adrien's fault she disappeared, it happened long before. 

She knew the two had grown into arguments, but every couple did that. the same particular night, she and Nino had also had an argument, the sudden aid their friends had scared both of them. 

There were two questions that hanged in the air, threatening to suffocate the couple if they didn't say anything. Alya thought of the questions over and over in her mind as Chloe stepped off her limousine and entered the hotel. Of course Adrien would remember her, they had been child-hood friends. 

Was Adrien suicidal? She saw the movement, the jump, every last glimpse of it. She was strolling around Paris, not having homework that day and wishing to spot Ladybug and Chat Noir who had been absent for a couple of months. She saw a light silhouette on top of the Eiffel Tower and immediately recognized his golden locks. It moved too fast for her to react, only to snap back to reality when he had already hit the ground.

The pool of blood around him terrified her. What would she say to Marinette? That she saw Adrien jump out of the Eiffel Tower and was too petrified to move to save his life. Now, he was in a state of comma, expected to wake up in four months and with serious amnesia. For Adrien, she, Marinette and Nino never existed. All those happy memories like going to the movies together or spying each other on the zoo were nothing but faded fragments of his mind. 

Was Marinette dead? Second questions, an anchor down to her heart. Without Marinette, it was just her and Nino. It's not like she didn't love him, she did, but Marinette was just her heart and soul, her world. She was the one that introduced Alya into the school, made her feel comfortable with more than just two people and opened her eyes to how life could change when you were just positive.

Who would ask for a friend like that? Who could lose a friend like that? Alya could. She missed her friend dearly, everything she saw in Paris either reminded her of Adrien's attempt of suicide or just a warm memory with Marinette. His suicidal activity was everywhere in the news, Gabriel Agreste was nowhere to be seen and Isabella was handling the business as best as she could, trying not to tear up in interviews. 

"Screw it," Alya muttered and steered both of them onto the hospital. Nino flashed her a warning look. "I don't care. Adrien is our friend. Even if his mind doesn't remember us, his body might. We need to see him."

"Alya, it won't do any difference." Nino whispered.

Alya turned around and put her hands on his shoulder. "Adrien loved you. Even if that Adrien isn't here  anymore, the old one would've wanted your support. We need to do this not only for ourselves or for Adrien, but for Marinette."

"Do you have any news of her?" Nino asked, nodding and going into the hospital with her.

She shook her head. Both were intercepted by Chloe who had a snarky grin on her face and was keeping away all of the other fans, not all of the people in the hospital outside Adrien's waiting room where fans. Alya spotted Rose and Juleka putting out their tents like they were going to stay the four months with Nathaniel, Kim and Max. Mylene, Ivan, and Alix were coming into the door with Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Starbucks coffee.    

"What are you two doing here?" Chloe asked, looking at the whole class. "What are all of you doing here?"  

"We can see Adrien if we'd like to." Ivan replied.

Chloe laughed and shook her head, Sabrina behind her mimicking her action. "Adrien remembers none of you! Do you seriously think his lovely brain has enough space for useless and unworthy people like you?"

"That was rude," Rose muttered in the back, clinging to herself.

"Well, I don't care." Chloe said, whipping her hair backwards. "The best thing is, Adrien doesn't remember Marinette either. I could freely walk into the hospital, since I'm the only friend he remembers, and say I was his girlfriend around the time he got into comma."

Alya turned bright red, not with blush, but with anger. Flame rising in the pupils of her eyes. "Marinette has disappeared, maybe she's in danger, and the only thing you care is taking way her man? What kind of demon are you?"

"Only the best, sweetheart." Chloe said with a wink. "Now, I think you should all go and if you don't, my father will heart about this and he won't be pleased. I'll be saving a couple of you some tears."

"Actually," A voice said from behind making the whole class shift positions to observe Isabella Agreste closing in on them. "I think you Chloe is the one who should be shedding tears. If you don't leave this hospital, I'll have the doctors kick you out. I always thought you were not a good influence on my son's life. Leave now."

Chloe jerked back, putting a hand on her chest and looked seriously hurt. Then, she raised her head up high, the show off, mean girl look disappear into her eyes, replaced to what seemed broken, she nodded, waved goodbye at Isabella and disappeared out of the hospital, Sabrina, for the first time instead of hanging behind Chloe, hanging next to her.

Alya smiled, then locked eyes with the gorgeous woman in front of her. "I hope I have not committed a mistake by  letting you in."

Nino smiled and hugged the woman, not caring if she was higher in class than he was. He jerked back and smiled again. "You won't be mistaken, ma'am. Thank you. Adrien meant, I mean, means everything to me."

"I know, darling." Isabella said, a warm smile splashing across her face. "I hope Marinette turns up soon to see him. Perhaps her presence can awake him."

"Marinette might as well be gone." Alya said, her eyes saddening as she looked down. "And he doesn't remember her. She will be crushed when she finds out."

"My dear," Isabella said, putting a hand on her shoulder and another on Nino's. "Perhaps our minds may not remember something, but our feelings do. We are separate from our feelings, it might explain why our mind says to forget something, but our heart remains pushing it. Never underestimate the power of our emotions. It can save and break us."

Without another word, she glanced at the class behind them, already packing up their stuff and waved a hand towards the room, urging them to come in.

Adrien laid motionless and still in the bed. Alya and Nino observed him from the other side of the glass, his face seeing to be in paradise but his mind in hell. Alya observed the details of his face. Oh, Marinette would go on and on about his bright green eyes and golden, tousled hair, every lock of it perfect to her, more worth than diamonds.  

"He looks happy." Alya admitted, looking as a nurse paced inside of his room and checked his heartbeat. "Do you think he is?"

"I don't know." Nino replied, his face surprisingly expressionless. He sighed deep down. "Everybody passes through comma differently. One of my family mates was in comma once, he never came back the same, but it changed him for the better. He said he was looking at memories all the time about his past."

Alya stared at Adrien a little while longer. "Do you think he's thinking about us? About Marinette?"

Nino stared at Adrien with the same amount of time. "I don't know. They state he won't remember us. Maybe he is, maybe he's already forgotten."

The nurse opened Adrien's room, looking at the two teenagers doubtfully, she had a phone in her hands. "I'm sorry. Are you two friends of his girlfriend?"

Alya nodded, she stepped forward and gripped Nino's hand, her knuckles turning white as her heart thumped. "Marinette, yes, yes, what happened to her? Do you know is she's okay? Is she back with her parents?"

"I'm afraid she'll never join her parents again." The nurse said, shaking her head, a saddening vibe filling the room. Alya waited for the news, her mind already set on what could've happened to Marinette, but her mind was the only limit. She suddenly struggled to breathe, inhaling and exhaling the shaky breaths her lungs allowed her to take. She had tears in her eyes now, her breathing unstable as the nurse opened her mind again. "I'm sorry to inform you, Marinette is dead."

Alya sobbed. 

The weight of the news was too much she collapsed into the floor, Nino going down willingly with her. He held her close, wrapping his arms around her, shielding her from any kind of contact. 

Memories of Marinette flooded her mind, threatening her to pin her down in sadness again. What happened? Was Marinette suicidal too? Did she manage to achieve her attempt in ending her own life without thinking of Alya? Of Nino? Of her parents who truly love her? The nurse looked sorry, but left the room back into Adrien's hospital room without saying a word. Whoever called must've known those two were there.

Around her, Nino was also crying too. The little wet feeling on her neck and hair told her so. Nino liked Marinette, at one point loved her, it wasn't like her death wasn't important to him, to anyone. The class behind them was also crying, Rose, for the first time, letting people see her cry. Juleka, despite the own tears streaming down her face, supported Rose no matter what.

"C-Can I talk to him?" Alya said, nodding at Adrien's direction.

Isabella nodded, opened her mouth to speak as Alya put a hand on the knob. "A-Alya, I liked Marinette too. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Adrien won't know she even existed." Alya said through tears as she whipped them away. "The least I can do is talk to him before she completely fades out of her mind."

 Isabella nodded and waited outside the room with Nino and the others as Alya closed the door behind her. The smell of the hospital room made her dizzy, too much medicine. The nurse that had previously been there was long gone, Adrien in perfect state. Alya walked towards where he was, his face still in  a state of tranquility and perfection. His chest rose and fall, a soft breath coming out of his nose. To anybody, it looked like Adrien was asleep.

"Hey," Alya said, her bottom lip quivering and her voice breaking. "Hey, um, before you forget me, well, if you already forgot me, I'm Alya. I was one of your friends when you went to school. I-I was your girlfriend's best friend, Marinette. Both of us loved her dearly, it was she was the world and we orbited around her. I-I've just been told me died. Adrien, I can't explain how I feel. I thought if you knew...maybe something might change. Maybe you would remember me and Nino, a little glimpse of Marinette even. She was the kindest person you could ever meet and beautiful too, never in her life had she been sad and disappointed in life, in people, in situations. Even now, I'm sure she'd be tripping over the hospital, sleeping outside your room and stealing my doughnuts."

She took in a shaky breath. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss both of you. I miss the way she would blush furiously when she found you walking down the hallways of school. I remember the way she used to talk about you, even look at you like you were some sort of angel that fell down from the sky. It was funny seeing both slowly fall in love with each other."

Alya let the tears flow. Next to her, Nino grabbed her shoulder tightly as her hand move to cover his and squeeze. She wanted to transmit her memories of Marinette onto him so he could have a fragment of her, a little piece of Marinette like everybody had. She sobbed not only for Marinette, but for Adrien. He wouldn't remember the person that meant the most to him. 

"Just...just don't let her be just a dream of yours." Alya said softly and low. She wanted Adrien to remember the fire he held just for Marinette, how he would walk in lava and climb through mountains just to see a smile on her face. 

Sabine let down the bouquet of roses on Marinette's grave. There was a ladybug toy next to the grave as rain poured down. Everybody was in black, sobbing and deeply grieving for the loss of the girl who was always naturally positive. Sabine was horrible, everybody was. Alya continued to sob in Nino's chest as the both experienced the death of their two closest friends. Even if Adrien was still alive, the old one they knew was already dead. Sabine grabbed Tom's hand and squeezed it, it was only them two now.

"I love you." Sabine whispered into the thin air, knowing out there, somewhere, Marinette would be listening, smiling cheerfully as her angel wings spread open, a warm smile on her face as she joined the place where she truly belonged-where everybody was happy.

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