S2. Nightmares And Paranoia

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He sat up with haste from his warm bed, halfway through a terrified scream. He was cold sweating as he breathed heavily, shaking before his fingers found the light switch. The darkness disappeared as the lamp light blinded him, making him rub his eyes to quickly look around.

Another nightmare.

The young man was trembling, his lips were blue and quivered as he let out a nervous laugh to toughen up. Or so he liked to believe. In reality he was loosing it, he hated such nights, that wouldn't let him sleep. A bitter mumble left his lips, filling the silence which was spread across the empty apartment.

- I give up. My eyes will never close again. I never knew how long nights were before I started waking up through them by force...

A shaky sigh left his lips before he wiped his brow, looking out the window by his bed. He sat in silence for a few moments, tensing up when he heard a faint sound that got louder and louder. He knew what it was, he had heard the sound many times before, but it still glued his eyes to the railroad and led his hands to his ears.

A train.

Trains passed by every few hours, yet he hated the sound. His head made it seam as if a bomb was being dropped, or closer yet far from reality, the train crashing. He let out a sigh of relief when the train had departed and the sound stopped. Even he used to reflect on how silly it was, yet never while it happened, since you never know. He turned off the lights in fear of someone spotting him from the road.

The man continued to look out the window, fearing sudden fires or falling stars. Others may call such fears unreasonable in a quiet old town. But the blend of the darks delusions and a tired mind are enough to start a horror scene in ones head. If not that, a nightmare one can not escape unless you come to your senses.

After an hour or two, the man started feeling his regular aches and pains from sitting in strange positions to get a specific angle of the road outside. He laid down on the bed and stretched himself out with a yawn, trying to reason with his thoughts.

- Nothing ever happens, so why am I afraid? Must be the nightmares playing tricks on me...

He stayed in bed for a few minutes before hearing a sound which sounded like howling. He tensed up yet again, looking around quietly to figure out where the sound came from.

His heart started to pound as he trembled, breathing heavily as the panic overtook him. It got harder to breath and tears started to form in his eyes.

A panic attack.

The man curled up and pulled the covers over himself, trying to find safety in such a childish method, yet automatic.

- I am going to die, I am going to die here!

The man chanted in a whisper as he chocked back silent sobs. Where was the sound coming from? What was it? A window? No, he had already closed them all. The man stayed in that panicked state till it hit him.

The pipes.

The neighbors pipes were the source of the frightening sound, someone must be washing their hands.

He breathed heavily, trying to calm down but it was too late. He had to ride out the storm till the panic was over. It took a while, a good twenty minutes which led to it being around four in the morning.

After the panic attack, the man was exhausted, tired from the energy which had been drained. He felt goosebumps as he suddenly heard a buzz. He froze for a second before easing up.

A phone call.

The man answered it quickly, not bothering to look at the number. He just needed to talk to someone. Anyone.

- Hello...?

"Hey, sorry to bother you this late, but I just wanted to check up on you. Since I heard that you have had some trouble sleeping lately. I kinda had an alarm on to wake me up to get you to sleep. Kinda silly huh?"

The man smiled softly at her voice, calming down as he laid his head down on his soft pillow with the phone to his ear. He closed his eyes for a second.

- Thank you...

Make that many second.

"Hey no problem. Hello? Hello? Did you fall asleep?"

The voice from the phone giggled quietly.

"Goodnight, sleep tight."


Authors note:
Vote and Comment! Hope you enjoyed ❤️

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