A dragon man at the plaza

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We see everyone at the plaza as we see Dimitri who was helping out with unloading a truck with KO.

Dimitri: KO, remind me again what we're preparing for?

KO: Gar told us that we need to prepare for the bodega's Parents day.

Dimitri: Oh right, it's that day where everyone brings their parents and everyone gets drunk on food.

A loud roar is heard as smoke fills the air

KO: What was that?

Dimitri: Let's check it out.

They then went outside and saw a large yellow bipedal dragon burning the booths as the others came out and saw it

Enid: What is that?

Rad: Is it a dragon or a man?

KO: It's a dragon man!

Dimitri: We need to put out those fires.

Dimitri then slammed his watch and became an alien that was red and had tubes of water seen on it as the badge was on his chest.

Dimitri: Overflow! Alright, let's see what this guy can do.

He then aimed his arm at the fire as water came out putting out the fires.

Dimitri: Cool so I'm like the world's most powerful water gun.

The dragon man saw them and took off flying as it howled at the full moon hanging above the bodega as it flew off.

Enid: Why did it attack the plaza?

Dimitri: No idea. Hmmm, a mysterious dragon attacks the place, sounds like a job for Mystery Incorporated.

KO: Mystery Incorporated?

Dimitri: They're a group of mystery solvers who go around solving mysteries, I'll make a call.

Later on we see the others at the plaza as they looked to see a van driving up to the bodega as a brown Great Dane jumped out

Fred: We're here gang. Gar's Bodega and hero supplies.

Daphne: There's actually a place for heroes to buy things?

Dimitri then saw four people come out as he walked to them.

Dimitri: Hey, thanks for coming here.

Velma: We managed to get your call.

Fred: So what's going on here?

KO: The plaza was attacked by a dragon man last night. Isn't that cool?!

Shaggy and Scooby: A dragon man?!

Daphne: You seem surprisingly upbeat.

Ashton: That's KO. He's always like that.

Dimitri: He may have much confidence at being a hero but he's my little brother.

Velma: So what happened last night?

Dimitri: We were getting some things for the upcoming Parents day.

Daphne: Parents day?

Dimitri: It's this thing where everyone brings their parents to the bodega at Lakewood plaza and we eat all day.

Ashton: Bah! Humbug!

Rad: Dude what's with the sour mood.

Dimitri: Yeah Ash, you're usually in a better mood.

Ashton: Oh so you guys know everything about me huh? Well don't bother. I gotta set some more booths up.

He then walked off as the others watched him.

Dimitri: Well anyway all we knew was that the dragon man came and started burning the booths.

Fred: Well for one thing we can do is split up and search for clues.

Shaggy: Uh Fred I think I found a clue.

Fred: That's great Shaggy, what is it?

Shaggy points at the scaly hand on his shoulder as they all looked and saw that hand belonged to the dragon man and smoke started to come out of his nostrils

KO: It's the dragon man! He's back again!

Shaggy: Then we better run!

Everyone then started to run as the dragon man went after them as we see everyone running and saw the dragon man launch a fireball at them making them run for cover as they then looked and saw the dragon man was gone.

Dimitri: Looks like he's gone now.

???: I can agree.

They all then turned and saw a small girl wearing a yellow suit and had a backpack on.

KO: Dendy.

Dimitri: Friend of yours bro?

KO: Yeah.

Ashton: Hey is everyone ok?

They then saw Ashton coming.

Dimitri: You better dude?

Ashton: Yeah I just needed to cool off.

Dimitri: Ok.

Dendy: And Ashton I came to say thank you for your tutoring.

Rad: What?

Ashton: I've been helping Dendy with her homework. I'm not just a pretty remember?

Rad: Oh.

Dimitri then saw something on the ground and picked it up to see it was a scale.

Dimitri: Hey guys, look at this.

Velma: It looks like a scale from the dragon man.

Daphne: Looks we have our first clue.

Enid: Now what?

Fred: We split up and look for more clues.

Dimitri: Then we should be in groups, I'll go with KO, Enid, Ryuko and Velma.

Daphne: Then the rest of us will look around too.

We then see Dimitri with his group as they were seen at the back of the bodega.

Dimitri: Ok, we just need to figure out why this monster is trying to ruin our preparations for Parents Day of all things.

Velma: You and KO really seem to look forward to that day.

Dimitri: Of course, it's where we both spend time with our mom.

Velma: What about your dad?

Dimitri then remained silent as he heard Velma said that

Enid: He's dead. Dimitri doesn't like to talk about him much.

Velma: Oh, I'm sorry for asking.

Dimitri: It's alright.

Dimitri then looked at a shelf with many flame gauntlets and saw a pair was missing.

Dimitri: Strange. Some flame gauntlets are missing.

KO: Did someone take them?

Dimitri: Maybe, let's keep looking around.

We then saw the others at the plaza as they were looking around.

Satsuki: *sniffs the air* That is odd, there's a smell of kerosene.

Daphne : Kerosene?

Ashton: That's the chemical used in flamethrowers.

Fred: That means we must be getting close to solving this mystery.

We then see Dimitri and his group coming to the others.

Dimitri: Well a clue we found was that a pair of flame gauntlets were missing.

Velma: Well I think that we are almost about to have this mystery wrapped up.

Fred: The only thing left to do is to set a trap.

Shaggy: Like no way man, everytime you say that Scoob and I end up being bait.

Dimitri: I'll be bait with you guys.

They walk outside when they see a yellowish glow

Shaggy: That wouldn't be the neon sign for an all you can eat buffet would it?

Dimitri: Unfortunately no, we got company.

The dragon man walked out from his hiding place and roared at them as they then began to run with the dragon man after them.

Fred: Guys this way!

They then followed Fred as the dragon man followed them as they stood in a spot but then the dragon man dug its claws on the ground and removed a cover for a hole.

Daphne: But how can it know that?

Then they saw the dragon man walk around it and had them cornered but Shannon was seen behind it and slapped it on the back as it turned to Shannon and Wil.

Shannon: Tag, you're it.

We then see a device on it's back light up as we then see the dragon man suddenly fly around crashing into a building tearing one of its wings off as we see the dragon man was on the ground.

Dimitri: Huh?

Dendy then came out.

Dendy: Great job guys. The emp device worked like a charm.

They all then walked to the dragon man.

Fred: Now let's see who you really are.

Fred then removed the dragon man's face to reveal

Everyone: Ashton!?

Ashton: Ooh! Yeah it's me, big shocker!

Mako: But how can it be him?

Dimitri: Some of us started to suspect that the dragon man had to be someone close to the bodega to access its supplies. And required knowledge to make the suit.

Fred: That's why Ashton was helping Dendy with her homework, so he could learn how to build his suit.

Velma: Ashton used the flame gauntlets for the dragon man's fire attacks.

Satsuki: Which explained the smell of kerosene

Daphne: Which leaves the only thing left is why.

Dimitri then heard a faint voice.

Dimitri: Did anyone hear that?

Velma: Heard what?

Dimitri then looked and saw a crystal at where Ashton had crashed into as he walked to it.

Enid: What are you doing?

Dimitri then grabbed it and picked up the crystal as he showed it to the gang but then the crystal created spikes piercing Dimitri's hand.

Shaggy: Zoinks!

Ashton: Let go! It'll swallow you up!

Dimitri then started to struggle as he then saw KO.

KO: It's ok big brother, you can do it, you're a hero.

Then a blue aura started to appear on Dimitri's arm as it went to the crystal making the spikes vanish when suddenly everyone was engulfed in a bright light as we now see everyone was now in a black void as they saw they were at what appeared to be an entrance to a lab.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

listen to this while you read it.

Rad: What is this place?

Daphne: How did we get here?

Shaggy: But more importantly how do we get out?

Dimitri then noticed a trail of lanterns.

Dimitri: This way.

They then started to walk inside the lab as they then saw light appear showing sculptures of a young boy who was with the bodies of a mother, father and two brothers that were in wreckage.

Young Ashton: Mommy! Daddy!

Ashton's eyes then widened as he heard the voice. The group then saw pieces of rubble and debris started to float and formed into a path as everyone started to walk the path as a light shined on a statue of Ashton which appeared to be sitting alone in a box.

Young Ashton: So cold. Why did this have to happen to me?

They saw a new path form as they continued to walk it and looked to see a light shine on a statue of Ashton which was seen holding a loaf of bread and was running as a statue of a man was seen.

Man: Come back here with that!

Young Ashton: Sorry sir, but I need it!

the path continued to form ad they continued walking as they saw lights shine on statues of Ashton which were seen doing things like stealing food and items to survive until they saw a light shine on a statue of Ashton of what he looks like today with a statue of a girl in a Tiger themed catsuit as Dimitri looked at it.

Dimitri: Hang on.

He then pulled out a pow card with the girl on it and saw the name White Tiger.

Dimitri: Ash, you met white tiger?

Ashton: That's my Ava alright. She was the first person to give a darn about me and she's been my hero ever since.

They then saw stairs form which lead to a door which opened as they all went out and they all saw they were back at the plaza.

(stop the music right here.)

Rad: We're back!

Daphne: But we don't get why Ash did this.

Dimitri then started to think for a minute and his eyes widened.

Dimitri: Of course those were Ashton's memories, it all makes perfect sense.

Fred: It does?

Dimitri: Ashton was upset because parents day reminded him of the day his family's death ruined his life, so he wanted to ruin it so others could experience the pain he felt.

Ashton: And I would've ruined it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and that mystery loving dog! And I suppose I'll have to go to jail for all the trouble I caused. Just another reason for me to hate myself.

KO: Dimitri, can't we just forgive him?

Dimitri: Well after seeing what Ashton was put through in his life, I can forgive him.

???: Ashton what were you thinking?

Ashton then turned and saw a Latina girl standing behind

Ashton: Hey Ava.

Ava: Care to explain what you are wearing and why you're being carted off to jail?

Dimitri: Well he isn't, cause I forgive him for what he did.

KO: So do I.

Ashton: You two are forgiving me, after what I did?

Dimitri: Parents day is about families coming together and as far as we're concerned you're as good as family.

KO: That's right, people can be part of families even if they're related or not.

Ava: I think I'm gonna be sticking around for a while to keep an eye on my boyfriend.

Ashton then looked at the destruction he caused as he then got up.

Ashton: They're right, if this brings families together, I want to fix all this.

Wil: Ash, you don't have to do that.

Ashton: But I want to. I'm so sorry I tried to ruin it, so I'm undoing all the damage I did.

Dimitri: And you got some help for that too.

Ashton then smiled at him as later on we see the booths were all fixed up as Ashton was seen on a stage talking to everyone at the plaza.

Ashton: After witnessing the kindness and generosity Dimitri and KO gave to me, I now realize Parents day is an important part for everyone. Because this day can bring families together even if they're blood related or not *looks at the group* And those who showed me the true meaning of that day I'd be proud to call my family.

He then walked to the others.

Dimitri: Glad to see that you're feeling better about Parents day now.

Carol: And there is something I want to give you Ashton.

She then handed Ashton a paper

Ashton: What's this?

Carol: An adoption form.

Dimitri: It's her way of welcoming you to our family.

Ashton then started to tear up as Dimitri, KO and Carol started to hug him.

Ashton: Thank you guys, this is very touching.

Dimitri: Anything for you bro.


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