Dinner Mayhem

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We saw everyone at the table as they had food.

Alma: The Guzmáns and the Madrigals together will be so good for the encanto.

Mrs. Guzmán: Yes. Then, let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster.

Everyone then began to laugh.

Alma: To a perfect night! Salud!

ALL: Salud!

Dimitri and Mirabel were watching Dolores to make sure that she didn't tell anyone about what happened today as they kept their eyes on Dolores.

Mariano: (Holds a bowl to Dimitri and Meirabel's faces* Avocados?

Dimitri then moved the bowl as he saw Dolores whispering into Camilo's ear as he then coughed in shock while changing to Dimitri, Mirabel, Bruno and back to himself as his eyes were weird.

Félix: Camilo, fix your face.

Camilo then fixed his face as Isabela handed Mirabel a pitcher of water as we see Camilo whispering to Félix's ear as he spits out water in shock as everyone looked at him as he cleared his throat.

Alma: Mirabel, the cream.

Mirabel: Right.

Dimitri: I got it.

He then grabbed the cream as he handed it to Alma as he turned to see Félix whispering to Pepa as a thundercloud formed above her.

Alma: Pepa, the cloud.

Pepa: Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies.

Mirabel and Dimitri then saw Pepaa whisper to Julieta as she looked at the two as they both looked at the ground and saw cracks forming on the floor.

Mariano: Mirabel, Dimitri?

They both looked and saw Marianos looking at them.

Mariano: Are you both ok?

Dimitri: Fine, we're fine, just really excited about the proposal that you should do. Right now.

Mariano: Uh, I was actually gonna...

Mirabel: You were actually gonna. Great!

Mrs. Guzám: Well, since everyone here has a talent, my Mariano wanted to begin with a song! Luisa, could you bring over the piano?

Luisa then looked like she was gonna cry.

Luisa: Okay.

She then walked off to get the piano as Mirabel walked to Mariano.

Mirabel: Uh, it's actually family tradition to sing after.

She then got him off the chair and on one knee.

Mariano: Isabela, most graceful of all the Madrigals.

He then sees Dimitri and Mirabel laying on the ground.

Dimitri: You're doing great.

Mariano: The most perfect flower...

They then looked to see a couple of coati grab the pieces out of Agustin's pockets.

Dimitri: Uh oh.

Mariano: in this entire encanto...

They then see Luisa trying to pull the piano in and she starts to cry as Dimitri sees the coatis putting the pieces together.

Mariano: will you marry...

Dimitri: Oh no!

He then leaped under the table and then transformed into Shinaqua to try and get the vision from the animals as they scattered away from him as he then heard a growl as he looked to see a jaguar as it was growling at him.

Dimitri: Uh oh...

Then the table began to move around as we see Dimitri run out from under it as we see the jaguar chasing after him as everyone sees him as Pepa begins to freak out making a storm.

Ashton: Get away from him you stupid cat!

Alma: What is going on?

Dolores: Mirabel found Bruno's vision and she's in it, she's gonna destroy the magic and now we're all doomed and she and Dimitri are both together!

Dimitri: Tattletell!

Dimitri then ran past Marianos knocking him down to the ground then Dimitri came back and started dusting Mariano off.

Dimitri: Excuse me.

Mariano: Get this frog off me!

Dimitri then saw the jaguar coming back as he then ran off with the jaguar after him as he ran under the table with the jaguar following him as it caused the table to fall down and Alma saw the vision as Dimitri was seen trying to keep the jaguar away from him.

Dimitri: Bad kitty! Bad kitty!

Ashton then grabbed the jaguar as Dimitri changed back and then noticed the room was a wreck.

Dimitri: Gulp.

We then see everyone walk out of the house as we see Dimitri and Ashton were both cleaning up the kitchen.

Dimitri: Can't believe this happened.

Ashton: Look at the bright side, at least you ruined the proposal.

Dimitri: How is that looking on the bright side?

Ashton: It means I'll have a chance to be with Isabela.

Dimitri: Right.

He then noticed some rats as they grabbed pieces of Bruno's vision.

Dimitri: Ashton, look!

Ashton then saw the rats.

Ashton: Rats?

Dimitri: Hey! Put those down!

He then leaped at the rats but they then ran off to the stairs as they were seen going to a painting as Dimitri, Ashton and Mirabel saw it was a secret tunnel as they went inside and they walked through the tunnel as they then saw a hooded man.

Dimitri: Is that... Bruno?

Bruno then saw them as he then ran as they ran after him.

Ashton: Bruno, wait! We only want to talk with you!

They then chased after Bruno as Dimitri then turned into Bloxx as he then made a block wall to stop Bruno.

Ashton: Listen, we just want to talk to you. (sees the patched up cracks) Were you patching up the cracks?

Bruno: Oh, that? No, no, no. I'm too scared to go near those things. All the patching's done by Hernando.

Dimitri: Who is Hernando?

They then saw Bruno with his hood on his face.

Bruno: (deep voice) I'm Hernando and I'm scared of nothing.

They then looked at him in confusion.

Bruno: (normal voice) It's actually me, I used to say my real gift was acting.

Ashton: Acting?

They then saw Bruno wearing a bucket on his head.

Bruno: (in altered voice) I'm Jorge. I make the spackle.

Dimitri: (Changes back) How long have you been here?

Ashton: (gags and pinches his nose) And when's the last time you bathed?

We then see them in a little area with Bruno's things.

Ashton: You never left?

Bruno: Well I left my tower which was a lot of stairs and here, eh, kitchen adjacent. Ooh, ooh, plus, (grabs a few rats) free entertainment. So, what do you guys like? (pulls out a few cut outs) Do you like sports? Game shows? Telenovelas? Their love could never be.

Ashton: I don't understand.

Bruno: Well, because she's his aunt and she has amnesia so she can't remember that she's his aunt. It's like a very forbidden kind of...

Dimitri: We mean we don't understand why you left, but didn't leave.

Bruno: Oh, well, because, huh, the mountains around the encanto are pretty tall. And, uh, like I said, free food and everything. (to the rats) You guys love free food, don't ya? Always hungry. Never satisfied.

They then noticed the area as they saw the table and saw a wooden table Bruno made with a plate drawn on.

Ashton: You just wanted to be close to your family again. I can relate.

Dimitri: Bruno, can you tell us about the vision, what does it mean?

Bruno: I can't tell you...because I don't know. I had this vision from the night Mirabel didn't get her gift. Abuela worried about it so she begged me to look into it, see what it meant and I saw the magic in danger. Our house breaking. And then, and then, and then, I saw Mirabel. But the vision was different. It... it would change. And there was no one answer. No clear fate. Like her future was undecided. But I knew how it was gonna look. I knew what everyone would think because I'm Bruno and everyone always assumes the worst, so... (sighs) so...

Mirabel: You left to protect me?

Beuno: I don't know which way it'll go, but my guess... the family, the encanto and the fate of the miracle itself... Well, it's all gonna come down to you. Or maybe I'm wrong. You know, it's a mystery. That's why this vision is... (blows raspberries) Look, if I could help any more, I would, but that's all I know. Good luck. I wish I could've seen more.

Dimitri: Hmmm, that's it, Bruno, you should have another vision.

Bruno: Oh. No, no. See, I don't do visions anymore.

Ashton: Bruno, maybe there's something you missed.

Bruno: Look, even if I wanted to, which I don't, you wrecked my vision cave. Which is a problem, 'cause I need a big open space.

Mirabel: We'll find one.

Bruno: Where?

Antonio: Use my room.

They all turned and saw Antonio with his many animals.

Antonio: The rats told me everything. (sees a jaguar about to eat a few rats) Don't eat them.

Dimitri: Then let's do it.

We later see everyone in Antonio's room as we see Bruno was making a circle made out of sand.

Dimitri: Ok, all we gotta do is find out how to save the magic.

We then see Bruno light a pile of leaves as he lit a few small piles.

Bruno: What if I show you something worse? If I see something that you don't like, you're gonna be all, "Bruno makes bad things happen. Oh, he's creepy and his vision killed my goldfish."

Mirabel: I don't think you make bad things happen. Sometimes family weirdos just get a bad rap. You can do this. For the nerves.

Bruno: Ok, I can do this.

He then closed his eyes as wind began to blow around making a sphere of sand as his eyes glowed green as they looked to see the vision Bruno saw from before as Dimitri saw a yellow glow and saw a butterfly.

Dimitri: Look! Let's follow that.

They then saw the butterfly land on a grass stilt as they saw it show the window with the candle.

Dimitri: What is it?

Bruno: It's out of order. (sees the candle brightening) The candle's getting brighter, I think Mirabel is helping it.

Ashton: How?

Bruno then saw someone.

Bruno: There's someone there and she has to... fight her!

Dimitri: What?!

Bruno: Wait, it's an embrace, to help the magic she has to embrace her.

Ashton: Who is it?

Bruno: Almost... Got it.

They then saw it was Isabela.

Mirabel: Isabela?!

Ashton: It can't be that simple.

The sand then stopped as we later saw them at Isabela's door.

Dimitri: So we have to get Isabela and Mirabel to hug each other.

Ashton: Easier said than done D, after what happened earlier she seems pretty mad from the fiasco.

Mirabel: And Isabela and I never hugged each other, she hates me.

Dimitri: Perhaps we can talk to her, and the point is that it's not up to her, it's up to you. And you're exactly what this family needs.

Bruno: And I gotta leave.

Ashton: Wait what? Why?

Bruno: It was her vision, not mine.

Dimitri: You're afraid that Alma will see you?

Ashton: Or are you just a coward?

Bruno: What Dimitri said, and hey, after you guys save the miracle, come visit?

Dimitri: After we save the miracle, we're bringing you back.

Bruno then smiled as he then knocked on the walls and went into the secret tunnel as Dimitri, Ashton, and Mirabel went inside Isabela's room as they saw it was big and had many flowers everywhere.

Dimitri: Uh, Isabela, I know that you probably don't want to see us, but listen Mirabel wants to be a better sister to you. So maybe you both can hug it out?

They then saw vines lower a bed as Isabela was on it.

Isabela: Hug it out? Luisa can't lift an empanada, Mariano's nose looks like a smashed papaya! Have you lost your mind?

Ashton: At least give them a chance to apologize. I know you didn't want to marry him as you did it for the family.

Dimitri: He has a point, and I know that you have heard about me and Mirabel being together, but just give us a chance. Mirabel wasn't trying to ruin your life, even if she wanted to.

Ashton: Just try and let them apologize, and you don't have to be perfect. Just be yourself.

That caused Isabela to look at Ashton as we then see a cactus suddenly grow as they saw it.

Mirabel: Isa, he's right. So come on, bring it here.

Isabela: I just made something unexpected Something sharp Something new

Mirabel: Isa? Uh, this is the part where we...

Isabela: It's not symmetrical Or perfect But it's beautiful And it's mine What else can I do?

Mirabel: Wait Bring it in, bring it in Good talk Bring it in, bring it in

Isabela: What else can I do?

Mirabel: Let's hug Bring it in, bring it in Free hugs Bring it in, bring it in

Isabela: I grow rows and rows of roses Flor de mayo by the mile I make perfect Practiced poses so much hides behind my smile What could I do if I just grew What I was feeling In the moment?

Mirabel: Do you know Where you're going?

Isabela: What could I do if I just knew It didn't need to be perfect? It just needed to be And they let me be A hurricane of jacarandás Strangling figs

Mirabel: Fig!

Isabel: Hanging vines

Mirabel: This is fine

Isabel: Palma de cera fills the air As I climb and I push through What else can I do? Can I deliver us A river of sundew? Careful, it's carnivorous. A little just won't do. I wanna feel the shiver Of something new I'm so sick of pretty I want something true Don't you?

Mirabel: You just seemed Like your life's been a dream Since the moment You opened your eyes

Isabela: How far do these roots Go down?

Mirabel: All I know Are the blossoms you grow But it's awesome to see how You rise

Isabela and Mirabel: How far can I rise? How far can you rise? Through the roof to the skies Let's go A hurricane of jacarandás Strangling figs Go Hanging vines Grow

We then see them going through the house growing many plants as the plants spread across town as a plant hit Mariano in the nose as Alma looked to see the plants at the Casita.

Isabela: Palma de cera fills the air As I climb and I push through What else? What else?

Mirabel and Isabela: What can you do when you are Deeply madly truly In the moment? Seize the moment Keep going What can you do when you know? Who you want to be Isn't perfect? But I'll still be okay. Hey, everybody clear the way I'm coming through With tabebuia Tabebuia Making waves Making waves Changing minds You've changed mine The way is clearer 'Cause you're here And well I owe this all to you What else can I do?

We then see the two sisters hug as Mirabel sees the candle glow and the cracks heal up.

Mirabel: Show them what you can do

Isabela: What else can I do?

Mirabel: There's nothing you can't do

Isabela:What else can I do?

We later see them on the floor with many flowers.

Isabela: You're a bad influence.

Dimitri: We did it.

Ashton: Yeah.

Alma: (angrily) What is going on?

Dimitri: Alma, we're gonna save the miracle.

Alma: What are you talking about? Look at our home, look at Isabela

Mirabel: See Isabela wasn't happy.

Alma: Of course she isn't happy, you ruined her proposal.

Mirabel: No, she needed me and Dimitri to ruin her proposal and she made all this.

Dimitri: That's why she was in the vision, she's gonna save the magic.

Mirabel: Dimitri's right.

Alma: You have to stop, Mirabel! The cracks started with you. Bruno left because of you. Luisa's losing her powers. Isabela's out of control. Because of you! I don't know why you weren't given a Gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family.

We then see cracks form around the house.

Dimitri: Alma, please, she had nothing to do with any of this.

Alma: And you. I do not know what Mirabel sees in you, but I want you to stay away from her because you aren't worthy of her.

Dimitri then stood in shock as he looked down.

Dimitri: Me and Mirabel will never be good enough for you. No matter how hard we both try, no matter how hard anyone in this family tries. Luisa will never be strong enough, Isabela will never be perfect enough. Bruno left this family because you only saw the worst in him.

Alma: Bruno didn't care about this family.

Mirabel: Bruno loves this family, I love this family, we all love this family. You're the one that doesn't care. Your the one breaking our home

Alma: Don't you ever...

Dimitri: The miracle is dying, because of you.

Alma then gasped in shock at what Dimitri had said as we then saw the cracks getting bigger as they started to get to the candle.

Ashton: The candle!

Dimitri: Ashton, you get everyone out of here.

Ashton: On it. What are you gonna do?

Dimitri: (transforms into Steel Wing) I'm gonna help Mirabel save the candle.

Ashton then nodded his head as he then started to get everyone out of the house as we see Dimitri as he saw Mirabel use the railing as a ladder to get to the window of the house to where the candle was as Dimitri saw her trying to reach to it as he then saw her grab it as we see Bruno in the inside of the walls as he grabbed a bucket and ran through the wall getting out as we see the roof break and Meribel was about to fall until Dimitri caught her and then saw the debris about to fall on the two as he used his wings to shield them from the debris as Dimitri and Mirabel saw the light of the candle was out as they both looked at each other as we see Julieta come to them.

Julieta: Are you both alright? Stay here, don't move.

She then walked off to get something as Dimitri looked around as he saw the Madrigals home was destroyed as we see Julieta as she grabbed a bottle and saw Mirabel was gone.

Julieta: Mirabel? Where is she?

Ashton: Mirabel? Where are you?

We then see Mirabel as she was seen walking off as she was saddened at what happened as she walked to a cracked mountain.


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