Heroes in Colombia

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At the plaza we see the heroes as they were all facing Boxman in his flying desk.

Dimitri: This is just getting old, Boxman. You know we will keep beating you every time.

Boxman: But not this time, because I have this!

He then pressed a button as we saw a ray come out as it fired a beam at Ashton and Dimitri as they were gone. Somewhere in Colombia we see the two appear as they look around.

Ashton: Where are we?

Dimitri then looked down as his eyes widened to see they were all miles above ground.

Dimitri: Uh... whatever you do, don't look down.

Ashton: Why?

He then looked down and saw that they were high off the ground

Ashton: Oh. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

We then see the two starting to fall to the ground.

Dimitri: Please give me Jetray, please give me Jetray!

He then slammed the watch and became Articguana.

Dimitri: Articquanna? Oh well.

He then blew an ice breath as it created a slide as they started to slide down on it as we then went to a large house as we saw a family coming out as they heard screaming and saw Dimitri and Ashton coming.

Ashton: We may be freezing c-c-cold, but we're coming in hot!

The two then went up in the air and hit the house face first as Dimitri changed back to human

Ashton: House plus face equals big owie.

The two then fell down to the ground and fell unconscious as we see a young woman with glasses go up to them

Mirabel: Mamá! Get some Arepa con quesos! And a change of clothes for these two they might need it.

Later on we see Dimitri and Ashton in beds as Dimitri woke up and looked around.

Dimitri: Did anyone get the number on that house?

Ashton: Can you keep it down D? I'm trying to get rid of this headache.

???: You two are awake.

They both turned and saw a woman and man at the door.

Dimitri: What's going on?

Ashton then looked to see he was wearing an old fashioned shirt

Ashton: And where are my clothes?

Julieta: We had to clean the blood off them from you hitting our casita with your faces.

Dimitri: Oh yeah, now we remember. Who are you?

Julieta: My name is Julieta and this is my husband Agustin.

Ashton: I'm Ashton and this is Dimitri. Would it be impolite to ask for a bit of water?

Julieta: Not at all. Come with us.

Dimitri: Ok.

They both then got out of the beds and walked out the room as they saw the many doors.

Ashton: These doors are beautiful. Did someone make them?

Dimitri: And how many people are living in this house?

???: Our casita made these doors and our entire family lives here.

They both turned and saw an old woman standing in front of them as Ashton bows in respect

Ashton: (says good afternoon senorita in Spanish)

Alma: Gracias.

Dimitri: What do you mean by that? Is this house magic?

Ashton: It must be. The doors wouldn't be glowing otherwise.

Dimitri: Right.

Alma then looked closely at the two.

Alma: We have never seen people of your skin color before.

Ashton: Don't hold that against us Mrs. Madrigal. We mean neither you, your family/casita, or town harm. We just fell in from out of town.

Dimitri: That's right, we're not a threat of any kind.

He then looked to see a young boy was looking at Dimitri's watch

Ashton: Hey there little buddy. Do you have a question?

Antonio: Si, what is this? *points at the watch*

Dimitri: Oh this? *holds up his wrist* It's a watch called the Omegatrix. It was a gift from someone I know back at my home. Wanna see what it can do?

Antonio: Yes.

Dimitri: Ok, watch this.

He then went to his watch and then slammed the watch as he became a small blue alien with wings wearing a green and black outfit with the badge on his forehead.

Dimitri: (looks at himself) OmniChao?

Antonio: He's cute and fluffy!

He then grabbed Dimitri and hugged him.

Dimitri: Ok, you can let go now.

Alma: Antonio you're hurting him mijo.

Dimitri: Hold on, I got this.

He then tapped the badge and became Nanomech as he flew in the air.

Dimitri: See? No harm, no-

Then a hand grabbed him as Ashton looked to see the hand belong to a strong woman

Ashton: Whoa! A brick house!

Then a flash was seen in Luisa's hand as they saw her hand opened up as Dimitri got out and was seen as Diamondhead

Ashton: Wait wait!

Ashton tapped Dimitri's badge and he changed back to human

Ashton: Let's not fight guys, come on.

Alma: So this is his gift?

Dimitri: Gift?

Alma: Si, every member in our family has a special ability. Luisa is super strong.

Ashton: That's kinda obvious.

Dimitri: Well, the thing is my watch let's me turn into many different kinds of aliens like OmniChao, Nanomech and Diamondhead.

Ashton: And I can do this.

Ashton goes to the center of the house and unleashes a massive torrent of flame into the sky as everyone sees it.

Ashton: It's a power I can do, I can control fire in every form it comes in and shape it however I want.

Ashton then makes a guitar out of fire and starts playing it as everyone sees it.

Dimitri: Well we apologies for any trouble that we might have caused to this house and we'd be more than happy to fix it.

Alma: That would be very appreciated thank you.

Ashton: So where did we hit this house?

We then see them at the wall where they hit the house as they saw the outlines of their crash

Ashton: Oof. We'll get started right away.

Pepa: When you two are done would you like to join us for Antonio's gift ceremony?

Ashton: We'd be honored.

Dimitri: Yeah, we'll be there.

We see Dimitri and Ashton were both fixing the outlines they had made on the wall covered in plaster powder and sweat when one of the Madrigals brought them some drinks

Isabela: Hola. My abuela asked me to bring you something to drink.

Ashton: Well gracias. What's your name?

Isabela: I'm Isabela.

Ashton: Right, your gift is that you can make flowers bloom instantly right?

Isabela: Yes.

Dimitri: Well that's kinda cool. Well at least I will be able to copy that.

Isabela: Copy?

Ashton: Right, his power well you can say it makes him a gifted person like you and your family is that he can copy anyone's powers just by seeing it.

Dimitri: That's right.

Dimitri then made a bouquet of roses appear in his hand as Isabela saw it.

Dimitri: See? Whatever anyone does, I do.

Ashton: All I can do is make fire.

Dimitri: But no matter what we all can be special, even with or without a gift.

Ashton uses his power to make the guitar and starts playing it and starts humming to himself


Ashton: Colombia Noche de fiesta Todos vienen a celebrar Noche de fiesta Todos llegan para gozar Sigue bailando Contento en mi paraíso Y revelando Milagros en cada piso Encanto Encanto Colombia, te quiero tanto Que siempre me enamora tu encanto Colombia, te quiero tanto Que sigas bendiciendo tu encanto Colombia Encanto Encanto Abriendo puertas Va llegando la madrugada Siguen abiertas Y el café se cuela en la casa Canción alegre Para que gane el bien sobre el mal No me despierten Que esto parece un sueño real Colombia, te quiero tanto Que siempre me enamora tu encanto Colombia, te quiero tanto Te sigue bendiciendo tu encanto Colombia Encanto Encanto (Ah-eh-ah-eh-ah-eh) Encanto Encanto Colombia, te adoro tanto Tu nombre tiene un encanto De Bogotá hasta Palenque Me fui con toda la gente Colombia, tierra tan bella La madre naturaleza Te dio una forma de ser Colombia stays, my favorite place Colombia, te quiero tanto Que siempre me enamora tu encanto Colombia, te quiero tanto Te sigue bendiciendo tu encanto Y es que a ti, Colombia, yo te quiero tanto

Que siempre me enamora tu encanto Colombia, te quiero tanto Te sigue bendiciendo tu encanto Encanto Encanto Encanto Encanto.

Dimitri: Nice one Ash. I didn't know you could sing in Spanish.

Ashton: It's something I've learned to do when I was on my own.

Isabela: You have a beautiful voice.

Ashton: Thanks.

Dimitri: So Isabela, what is it about this gift ceremony? Just asking is all.

Isabela: Antonio gets his gift and his own room.

Dimitri: Oh, and I would assume that everyone in your family had that ceremony as well?

Isabela: All but my little sister Mirabel.

Dimitri: Mirabel?

He then looked and saw Mirabel who was seen at the kitchen setting down party decorations

Isabela: She isn't very useful.

Ashton: Now that's not very nice.

Dimitri: Well she seems rather special to me. You just probably haven't seen it yet.

Dimitri then went into the kitchen as he saw Mirabel trying to hang up a decoration but couldn't reach it.

Dimitri: Here, let me help ya.

He then hung the decoration up at the spot Mirabel was trying to put.

Dimitri: There. Well, I heard that you don't have a gift, but I think that you're pretty special, your family just haven't seen it yet.

Mirabel: (blushes) Thanks.

Dimitri: Anytime, well we should be ready for the ceremony.

Mirabel: Right.

They both then walked off as Alma was shown to have been watching the two the entire time as Ashton saw her.

Ashton: Alma? What's wrong?

Alma: Your friend and Mirabel being together.

Ashton: Well, if she wants to be with Dimitri, just let her. It's her choice. She obviously likes him. And Isabela likes me.

Alma: He seems unworthy.

Ashton: Just give it some time, you'll see that he proves all his doubters wrong.

Alma: If you say so.

We later see the town gathering inside the Madrigal house for Antonio's party as we see everyone together as we see Mirabel was leading Antonio to the stairs as Alma was there holding a candle with a butterfly on it as Dimitri and Ashton were watching.

Ashton: Hey Pepa. What's with the candle?

Pepa: That candle is a miracle, it is what blessed us with our home and our gifts.

Dimitri: Amazing, so what will Antonio's gift be?

Félix: No one knows until it happens.

Ashton: I bet it'll be something amazing.

Dimitri: Me too.

We then see Antonio as he was brought to the door as we see Antonio put his hand on the doorknob as we see the door begin to glow as everyone saw it as a toucan flies to Antonio's arm and squawks to him.

Antonio: Uh huh, uh huh. I understand you.

Dimitri: Incredible, Antonio can understand animals.

Ashton: That is an awesome gift. So cool.

Antonio then opened the door as everyone saw the inside of the room was a jungle and a large tree was seen.

Dimitri: Whoa.

Ashton: This is incredible.

Dimitri then noticed Mirabel as she looked a bit sad as they saw the family with Antonio as he walked to her.

Dimitri: You alright?

Mirabel: Yeah I'm fine.

Dimitri: Oh, it's just you looked a bit sad is all.

He then noticed that the family were having a photo together and saw that Mirabel was left out.

Dimitri: Oh, is it that you don't have a gift?

Mirabel: Well, maybe.

Dimitri: We can just go if you want.

Mirabel: Alright.

We then see Dimitri and Mirabel walk out of Antonio's room as they both sit down at the stairs.

Dimitri: Well Mirabel, I know how it feels.

Mirabel: You do?

Dimitri: Yeah, did you think I knew I was gonna have any powers when I was young? When I was young I had no idea if I was going to have any powers or was just gonna be powerless. But it's not a power or a gift that makes any of us special, it's our actions that make us special.

Mirabel: Thanks.

Dimitri: Anytime.

Mirabel: But how is it that you can see through people's flaws?

Dimitri: You're missing the point Mirabel. It's not about looking past your flaws, it's about accepting them.

Mirabel then smiled at Dimitri as they then saw a piece of the roof on the ground as they walked to it as we saw the house was cracking.

Dimitri: Not good!


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