Heroes meet the princess of power

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We see Dimitri on the ground as he opens his eyes and looks around and sees that  he and the others were seen in a forest as he got up.

Dimitri: Hey guys, wake up.

Ashton: (wakes up and sees the area) Um, where are we?

Dimitri: Dude, I think we're in Etheria.

Ashton: Of course, the doorway to etheria is a portal.

Dimitri: Then we better find a town.

We then see them all walking through the forest as they were looking at the trees.

Eri: You sure we'll find someone?

Dimitri: Yes, We'll find a way out of here, as long as we stay focused and don't get-

Dimitri then turned around and saw that everyone was gone.

Dimitri: (sighs) Seperated.

We see in the forest as everyone is seen in different places.

Eri: (somewhere within the woods) Hello? Is anyone here?

KO: (in the woods) Eri. Where'd you go?

Enid: (somewhere in the woods) KO? Is that you?

Kirigiri: (within the woods) Everyone, remain calm, nobody panic.

We see Ashton walking as he was seen holding Blue in his arms.

Ashton: Guys, guys, Blue is freaking out.

Rad: So am I!

KO: Rad?

Brian: He's right here.

Brian then ran to where Rad was only to find a bush.

Brian: Oh wait. No, false alarm, it's just a bush.

Ashton: Guys, Blue's really losing it!

Dimitri: Stay in one place!

Eri: Where am I?!

Asahina: (running in the woods) What's happening?

Rad: (Runs around in circles) Someone, find me!

Eri: What do we do?!

KO: Where are we?

Dimitri: We're lost!

We then saw many split screens as it showed everyone coming together and forming a face.

Ashton: How do we get out of here?!

We then went to another part of the woods where we looked to see a group of people as they were going through the woods.

KO: (within the woods) Help!

Eri: (within the woods)I want my mommy!

Bow: Did you guys hear that?

Ashton: (from within the woods) Someone, hold me, I'm scared.

Rad was then heard crying in the woods as we see a blonde girl trying to figure out where the voices were coming from she then felt a hand on her shoulder

Dimitri: Finally!

Adora: AAAH!

She then turned and punched the person who was behind her to reveal it was Dimitri.

Dimitri: Ow!

Bow: Adora, you could've killed him!

Adora: Sorry.

Dimitri: It's ok.

Glimmer: What are you doing here?

Dimitri: We were trying to find a way out of this place but we got lost.

Bow: We can help you find them.

Dimitri: Thank you.

Ashton: Also if you see a heavy set man in green pants and a white shirt just leave him.

Dimitri: Ash, that's not very nice.

Ashton: That idiot is the reason we're stuck here!

Dimitri: True but we need to make sure we find him before he does something stupid to cause harm.

Ashton: Hopefully to himself.

Dimitri: Ash!

Ashton: Fine.

We later see them going around in the woods as they were looking for the others.

Dimitri: Guys! Where are you!?

Ashton: If you can hear us to follow the sound of our voices! Or if you're Peter I don't care what happens to you!

Dimitri: This ain't working. (gets an idea) I got it.

Dimitri then turned into Chromastone and fired a beam up into the air as a beacon as we see the others coming.

Dimitri: Good, now we're all together.

Ashton: So we need to find a way back home.

Glimmer: How did you guys get here?

Dimitri: The doorway to Etheria.

Glimmer:  Why don't we take you all to the castle and you can explain everything.

Dimitri: Alright.

We later see them as they were seen walking to a castle and Ashton pushes Peter off a cliff

Ashton: Oops. Did I do that?

We then see Peter was bounced back up.

Ashton: What the? (sees spring shoes) Why did I invent those damn things? But Peter what you did had to be the most idiotic thing you ever done.

Peter: No Ash, the most idiotic thing I ever did was open a window in an airplane.

A flashback was seen as we see Peter was in an airplane as he then opened the window as we see everyone in the plane was pulled out. as the flashback ends as we see everyone in a room as they had explained everything.

Dimitri: And that is pretty much it.

Adora: So you guys are from a place called earth?

Dimitri: Yeah and where some of us are from we happen to be heroes and my dream is to be one of the greatest heroes, (pulls out Enduring Crimson) Just like my dad.

???: How did you get that?!

Dimitri then turned and saw a woman with a mask and wearing a maroon dress.

Dimitri: It was in the place where my mom and dad first met. Who are you?

Shadow Weaver: I am Shadow Weaver.

Dimitri: But wait, how do you know about this sword?

Shadow Weaver: It's because I used to date your daddy.

Glimmer: Wait, wait, wait. You actually dated his dad?

Shadow Weaver: Yes.

Dimitri: Oh, what was he like? It's just I never actually got to know him, he died before I was born.

Shadow Weaver: He was a strong man, he always was willing to do the right thing and protect others.

Dimitri: Oh, he must have been a great hero.

Shadow Weaver: Indeed.

Dimitri: (turns to Bow, Glimmer and Adora)  But we didn't get your names.

Bow: Oh right, I'm Bow. (points at Glimmer and Adora) And that's Glimmer and Adora.

Ashton: Well it's nice to meet you all. The lardo is Whoever says What is Stupid

Peter: What?

Ashton: A-ha!

Dimitri: Well we need to find a way to get the portal to work.

Glimmer: Well we do know someone that can help you.

Meanwhile back on earth we see Draven in a lab as we see a machine as it had Stone's body and the ashes of Issei as we see the machine power up and we see it create a powerful light as it dies down we see the machine open up and we see two figures walk out as we see a being that looked like heatblast but the flames were blue and its left arm was a cannon as we see the other was an amalgamation of various aliens.

Stone: What happened? (looks at his hand) What the? (sees Draven) Who are you? What did you do?

Draven: Saved your lives, you should be thanking me.

Issei: (looks at himself) What did you do to us?

Draven: It's simple, I have taken both of your DNA and merged it with various alien species to make you both powerful.

Stone: Thanks for the lesson professor, now when do I merge my fist with Ashton's face?

Draven: You will get your desire, you both will be going to Etheria. Only if you both serve me.

Issei: Yeah, I don't take orders from anyone.

Draven then raises his hand as it glows black as we see Issei get picked up by a black mist and is slammed around each wall as we see Issei was on the ground.

Issei: (in pain) On second thought, I think I'll serve you.

Draven: Much better.

We then go to Etheria as we see the others walking to a kingdom called Dryl.

Ashton: Who are we meeting again?

Bow: Entrapta, if anyone can help you with your problem it's her.

Ashton: Is this Entrapta

He then pointed at a girl with purple hair in two extremely large pig tails

Bow: That's her alright.

Entrapta then turned and saw the group.

Entrapta: My friends, you have come. And you have brought visitors as well.

Bow: Entrapta, we were hoping you could help us out with something.

Entrapta: Of course, what is it that requires my intellect?

Ashton: We were hoping that you could help us with the doorway to Etheria, we need the portal to work and get us back to Earth.

Entrapta: Earth? Earth? Where is Earth?

Dimitri: We'll explain later, right now we were hoping you can help.

Entrapta: I will help you.

Ashton: Thank you. I'll be glad to return home. Now where is the most dangerous room in your castle?

Entrapta: Why it's down to the hall at the left where the bathroom door is to the right, why?

Ashton: Oh nothing.

We see Ashton going to the hall as he placed a bathroom sign on the door to the left and watched Peter walk by and go into the door and Ashton then hears a flushing sound and sees Peter walk out of the door and leave.

Ashton: What the?

Ashton then walked into the door as we heard a blast, saws buzzing and lasers firing and an explosion as Ashton was heard screaming in pain and we see Ashton run out of the door and close it as Ashton looked like extra crispy chicken as Dimitri came to him.

Dimitri: You ok?

Ashton: I swear to god I'm killing that moron if it's the last thing I do!

Ashton then fell down face first to the floor as Glimmer saw Ashton.

Glimmer: Is he ok?

Dimitri looked at Ashton who was groaning in pain.

Dimitri: Oh yeah, he's fine.

Glimmer: You sure? It looks like he is in pain.

Dimitri: Ashton has been through worse.

Glimmer: Ok.

Glimmer then walked off as Dimitri held a jar to Ashton as he saw it read "failed attempts"

Ashton: What's this for?

Dimitri: Every time you fail to kill Peter, you have to put a dollar in this jar. You already failed to kill him twice already.

Ashton: I'll pay you on my victory.

Dimitri: Call me when you find out you're an imbecile.

Dimitri then walked off as we later see Peter walking by and sees a hat on the ground and two logs restrained by ropes.

Peter: What's this? (reads the sign) Place your head between these two restrained logs and win a free hat. That's a no brainer.

We see Ashton as he was hiding with sheers ready to cut the rope.

Ashton: Come on you fat sack of crap, do it.

We then see Peter placing his head between the logs as Ashton cut the ropes as the logs came down and crushed Peter's head.

Ashton: (laughing) Yes!

We later see Ashton walking by and then stops to see Peter who was still alive and his head was all smashed and was wearing the hat.

Peter: Who's laughing now? I got my hat.

Ashton then looked and saw Dimitri who was seen holding the failed attempt jar

Ashton: I'm not done yet I will kill that fatass even if it kills me.

Dimitri: If you say so.

Then a thud was heard as we saw a wall get ripped off and then two were grabbed by two arms as they looked to see Issei and Stone.

Issei: Long time no see guys.

Dimitri: Issei?

Ashton: Stone? You're-

Stone: Alive. And about to kick your ass.

Ashton: We'll see about that!

We then see a green and red flash as they saw Ashton was a Kickin Hawk and Dimitri was an alien made of both water and ice with the badge on his chest.

Dimitri: How is this possible?

Issei: Draven gave us these and now I got your alien powers.

Issei then fired ice spikes at Dimitri as he dodged two of them and caught the third.

Dimitri: Too bad each and every one of those powers are only a tenth as powerful as mine.

We then see Dimitri started to walk towards Issei as he fired a blast of corrosive fluid as Dimitri dodged it as we see the wall behind them was hit by the fluid and melted as we see Ashton came at Stone blocking every one of his attacks using only his legs as he kicked Stone in the face.

Ashton: Should have remembered Stone, Kickin Hawk's our best hand to hand fighter, foot to face fighter.

Ashton then came at Stone as Stone fired a blast of fire at Ashton as he dodged it as we see Ashton became Waterhazard and fired water at Stone as Stone began to fire a blast of fire as the blasts created a cloud of steam as we see the steam clear up and Stone and Issei were gone.

Ashton: Where'd they go? I was gonna take Stone down.

Dimitri: (changes back) Forget them Ashton, they're not worth it.

Ashton: Alright.

We later see them at the woods where the doorway to Etheria was as we see Entrapta was examining it.

Entrapta: This is incredible, it seems that this technology dates back years ago.

Ashton: So can you get this to work?

Entrapta: I can but it seems that the portal requires a power source called "Scarlet Lightning"

Ashton: Scarlet Lightning? D, do you think she means Crimson Energy?

Dimitri: Let's give it a try.

Dimitri then created an orb of Crimson Energy as he placed it into the machine as we see the portal begin to open up.

Ashton: Hey it worked.

Dimitri: So if this is run by Crimson Energy that must mean that my father created it.

Ashton: Now let's just go home.

We then see them all go through the portal as they were seen back at home.

Ashton: Home sweet home, oh how I missed you.

Dimitri: Let's head inside.

We see them inside as we see Ashton coming to Dimitri with a laptop with a flash drive in it.

Ashton: D, you remember back when we encountered Draven?

Dimitri: Yeah, why?

Ashton: I found something that you want to see.

He showed Dimitri the laptop as it showed a document as he saw six pictures of six women.

Dimitri: What is this?

Ashton: I think this ties to your brothers and sisters. From what I'm assuming from this that Draven was trying to "breed" several women to make another one of you.

Dimitri: So you're saying Draven was trying to create... a first born?

Ashton: It seemed like Draven planned to create a first born but the woman he selected escaped. And that woman was your mother.

Dimitri: Wait, what? But how, I mean she and dad had known each other for years.

Ashton: I was afraid of this. But there's something else on here that you should see. But you may not like what you find

Dimitri: What is it?

Ashton: A video of Draven unmasking himself.

He then played the video and they watched as Draven removed his helmet and Dimitri looked to see it was Kyrone underneath it as his eyes widened in shock

Dimitri: Dad? But that can't be...

Ashton: I'm afraid to say this D, but Draven and Kyrone are both the same person.

Dimitri: But why would mom lie about this?

Ashton: She probably did it to protect you.

Dimitri: But how can this be, my dad, a villain.

Ashton: I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

Dimitri: Ash, if I ever come across him, I want to help him.

Ashton: Are you insane? Draven is a complete and utter madman.

Dimitri: But he's still my dad. He needs help.

Ashton: D, I know you want to help him but it's too risky.

Dimitri: I know but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

Ashton: Alright, but just to let you know I won't stand in your way.

Dimitri: Ok. And Ash, can you promise to not tell anyone about this.

Ashton: I promise.

Dimitri: Thank you.


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