Party and exposed

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We see Ashton as he was hiding behind Dimitri while looking at the bat.

Ashton: I'm sorry about what I said, please don't kill me!

We then see the bat change as it was revealed it was only Mavis as we see a second bat fly and it was Sibella as we see Phantasma came out as well.

Dimitri: Chill, it's just Mavis, Phantasma and Sibella.

Ashton: Oh... (comes out from behind Dimitri) I knew that.

Mavis: Follow us.

Ashton: Oh, we can't, we have to leave.

Sibella: You sure? It'll be fun.

Ashton: Ok.

We then see Ashton, Dimitri, KO and Eri follow them as we see them going to a tunnel as we later see them come out from a chimney pipe on the roof of the hotel..

KO: You sure Dracula won't see us?

We then see them looking at the view of the area.

Dimitri: Amazing, you can almost see Budapest from here.

Mavis: Who-dapest? Is that near Hawafaii?

Ashton: What? Oh, you mean Hawaii, that place is a knockout. Dimitri and I went to a music festival there.

Sibella: A human music festival?

Dimitri: Yeah.

Mavis: Did any of them try to bite your toes and shove garlic bread at your faces?

Ashton: No, but one guy took a bigger bite out of my candy bar than I expected. But it was probably the heat.

Mavis: It's amazing, you both have been everywhere.

Dimitri: Well you know it's the alternative, better than staying at home, never seeing what's out in the world. So you have to make the most of your life.

They then looked to see the sun rising.

Ashton: The sunrise is really breathtaking.

We then see the light from the sun hurt Sibella and Mavis' feet as they pull them to the shade.

Mavis: Ow.

They turned and saw them in the shade.

Ashton: Oh, sorry, I forgot you're hurt by the sun. I have an idea, do you both trust me?

Mavis: Yes.

Ashton: Good.

We then see Ashton as we see him lead Sibella and Mavis to a chimney's shadow

Ashton: Now watch.

They then watch as they see the sun rising as we go inside the hotel as we see a monster breathing fire on water creating steam as we see it go through vents as we see Dracula, Frank, Wayne, Murray and Griffin in a sauna.

Dracula: Didn't I tell you guys we'd have fun in here? Is this not the best?

Wayne: Yeah, I'm working up a nice sweat. When are those Dimitri, Ashton, KO and Eri kids gonna be done, party planning? He's a great hang.

Frank: Yeah, They're animals. And it was so nice seeing Mavis and Sibella laughing and hitting it off with Ashton.

Griffin: Yeah and the same with D and Phantasma

Dracula: Who's hitting what off? Please! Mavis and Sibella could never be with... someone of Ashton's kind.

Frank: I'm sorry, his kind? Are you saying that your own kind is not good enough for you? Your lordship?

Dracula: No, no, no! Frank, I didn't... I meant that they wouldn't be into someone with... uh... such, a certain colored hair or red curly hair.

Griffin: (gets upset) Uh what's wrong with red curly hair?

Dracula: Why are you getting upset?

Griffin: (Angrily) I have red curly hair!

Dracula: Well how was I supposed to know that?!

We then see the others as they were watching the sunrise.

Sibella: It's beautiful.

We then see Ashton step on a part of the roof as it broke and he, KO and Eri fell down in it as Dinitri flew down after them as we went to the sauna.

Dracula: Look, settle down, fellas. This is all a moot point. You see, Dimitri, Ashton, KO and Eri... they left.

Murray: Wait a minute, they left?

Dracula: Yes, they decided that they didn't like Mavis or Sibella or any of us.

We then ses Ashton, KO and Eri fall from the ceiling and land in Dracula's arms as he saw them and sees Dimitri come down as he angrily glares at them.

Ashton: (nervously chuckles) Hey...

Frank: Huh, I guess they had second thoughts.

We then see them in a room with tables as Dracula was still in a towel as he then changes to his regular outfit.

Dracula: I can't believe you all stuck around, man. You four don't get it! Bad things are coming your way. I got to get my thoughts together! ( sighs in relief) Okay. You see these tables? You four can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them, party planners.

Ashton: Great, now we're trapped here. Now I know how Mavis and Sibella feel.

We then see KO and Eri as they were both pushing a table making a loud scratching sound as Dracula started to get irritated at the noise.

Dracula: Enough, enough, stop! Go to a corner, you two are in a timeout!

Eri: But we were trying to help

Then Dracula then used his powers as he sent KO and Eri to a corner.

Dracula: Okay. (claps his hands) Table 57, please move to position 23.

We then see a table fly off as it heads to position 23.

Ashton: Whoa.

Dracula: 17 to 48. 16 to 47. 19 to 50.

Dimitri: Amazing.

Dracula: Just let me do my work already! 29 to 35. 42 to 18. 10 to 44. 39 to 24.

We then see Ashton was going to the many tables.

Ashton 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, (gets on a table) 32 up.

We then see the table fly up as we see Ashton riding it around as KO and Eri saw him riding it.

Eri: That looks fun.

KO: Come on, Eri.

We then see KO and Eri get on a table.

Eri: 37 up.

We then see the table go up into the air as Dracula then notices them riding the tables around as he then smirks as we see Ashton flying around as he looks around for Dracula.

Ashton: Where'd you go, grandpa?

We then see Dracula on a table while upside down.

Dracula: Don't freak out, gravity face.

Ashton: Oh yeah, well eat my dust!

We then see them fly around the room.

Dracula: 56 and 43, to my side.

We then see two tables fly to Dracula as we see them fly around the room.

Ashton: Can't catch us Drac!|

Dracula: Oh we'll see about that.

We then go to a hallway as we see Quasimodo following his rat Esmerelda.

Quasimodo: Yes. Keep smelling. You catch the humans, and then I will make human pot pies!

We then saw the others as they were flying around the room on the tables.

Dracula: 27, 45, 65, 76, 48, block their path.

We then see the tables fly as they came together as a wall as we then wee Ashton as he then jumps through the space between the tables as we see Dracula jumps through the space as well as we see them riding a tabl;e through a hallway and then crashed to a wall as we see Ashtton and Dracula get up and then start laughing as we see Dimitri come to them.

Dimitri: You guys ok?

Ashton: Yeah, we had a lot of fun. Say where's KO and Eri D?

Dimitri: I thought they were with you.

Ashton: Where could they- (realizes) Uh oh.

We later see KO and Eri both in a kitchen tied up on a spit as Quasimodo was preparing to cook them as we see Dimitri, Ashton and Dracula come.

Quasimodo: Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula!

Dracula: Shut your hump hole.(Cuts KO and Eri free)

Quasimodo: Now you are helping them? What is it with you and these humans?

Dimitri: They're not humans, they're monsters.

Ashton: Yeah.

Quasimodo: If they are monsters, let them scare Esmerelda!

They then look to see Esmerelda on a barrel.

Ashton: The mouse? Pfft, without a doubt.

Eri: Um... Ok.

We then see Eri and KO approach Esmerelda as they then did a few scary faces to try and scare Esmerelda as they look to see that Esmerelda had an unamused look and squeaked causing Eri and KO to scream.

Quasimodo: Humans! Humans! (Jumps around) Monsieur Dracula has brought humans into the...

Then Dracula froze Quasimodo as he fell down stuck in place as we see them leave as Dimitri looked around to see if anyone was around as he then came to Quasimodo and then stuck Quasimodo's own finger in his nose as he took a picture and left as we later see them in a room as Ashton looked to see a painting of a woman.

Ashton: I know her! I've seen that picture at the ruins of Lubov. That's my favorite castle. There's a whole legend around that lady.

Dracula: A legend?

Eri: How did it go?

Ashton: The Lady Lubov. The story is that a lonely count met her by chance, and they say that no two souls were ever more meant for each other. Eventually, they settled down at Castle Lubov and had a child. But then, a horrible tragedy happened. A fire started mysteriously one night, and it killed both of them. When I was at the castle, I could still feel their powerful love. They say it's as if a soul is still trapped in the ruins themselves.

Dracula: The legend is wrong, it was only the wife that died.

He then pulled down a curtain that was covering the painting as they looked to see that the painting showed that Dracula was with the woman.

Dimitri: Oh.

Dracula: And it was no mystery who killed her. She was killed by your kind!

Ashton: Oh, Drac, I'm sorry.

Dracula: They are the real monsters. I built this place for my love, to protect her child. As a father, you do everything to keep your family safe, even if you have to break their trust. But now, Mavis and Sibella have feelings for you.

Dimitri: Drac, I get how it feels.

Dracula: It's all right. You four are good ones. If the world was different, maybe it would be possible.

Ashton: Drac, it's the 21st century. People aren't the same as they were back then.

Dracula: Can you tell me for certain that if we came out in the open, everyone would accept us? Everyone?

Dimitri: We're certain. You just need to know them better.

Ashton: Come on, we have to get Mavis' party going.

We later see everyone outside enjoying the part as Ashton saw two bats come and they changed to reveal they were Mavis and Sibella as they were both wearing capes like Drac's

Ashton: Wow. You're both beautiful

Mavis: Thanks, this party is amazing.Thanks for planning it

Ashton: Do you like my little touches?

Sibella: They're amazing.

We then see them dancing together as Ashton accidentally bumped into bigfoot as he roared at Ashton.

Ashton: Sorry big guy.

He then looked to see Mavis and Sibella both approaching him.

Ashton: Mavis? Sibella? Mavis, I am crazily scared right now.

Sibella: Then maybe it's a good thing

Then Mavis and Sibella both kissed Ashton as we see Dracula was with the others at the party as a knight came to inform him about the kiss as he then came to Ashton.

Dracula: How could you?! After I shared my pain with you?!

Mavis: Dad, it was just a kiss.

Dracula: No, you two are not allowed to kiss.

Sibella: We're both not 83, we're allowed to do things like see people or the world.

Dracula: But you both said that you both didn't like it.

Mavis: Maybe we want to give the village a chance. We need to learn, you know roll with it like Ashton.

Dracula: No, no, you can't go to the village again!

Mavis: Maybe you can make them see that we can be friends.

Dracula: No, that isn't possible!

Mavis: Well you can't be sure. It's all in how you present yourself!

Dracula: No, that won't make a difference!

Mavis: How do you know?

Dracula: Because it just won't!

Mavis: Why, why won't it?!


Then everyone froze in shock at what Dracula said.

Sibella: What do you mean it doesn't exist?

Frank: What did you do?

Dracula: I... I did what I had to.

Sibella: What did you do?

Dracula: I... I built the town, the staff put it together, the zombies dressed up as the townspeople.

Ashton: You lied to them?

Dracula: If they really went out there and something happened to them, I couldn't live with myself.

Mavis: But you could live like this?

Sibella: Lying to us? Tricking us? Keeping us here when you knew our dream was to go?

Dracula then looked down in guilt at what he had done.

???: Liar! Liar!

They then turned to see Quasimodo who was still frozen as he was being pushed in a wheelbarrow as they saw him.

Murray: Oil?

Quasimodo: (Mumbles)

Eunice: English please, your voice is really annoying.

Fly: Wait, I speak frozen. He says "Dracula has brought humans into the hotel."

Then everyone gasped at what they heard.

Gremlin wife: Humans?!

Gremlin Husband: (hugs his wife) Stay close Pookie!

We then see Dimitri, Ashton, KO and Eri sneak their way to the exit.

Quasimodo: (Muffled speech)

Fly: He says (points at Dimitri, Ashton, KO, and Eri) "There are ze humans." He has a french accent.

We then see them approaching the door but it is closed by Esmerelda as the crowd gasps in shock.

Murray: KO's not a human, he's my nephew and Tanis' cousin. (Brings his face to Quasimodo's) He's lying.

Tanis: Yeah, and why is he picking his nose?

Quasimodo: (Muffled speech)

Fly: He says "It's a long story."

We then see the rat jump on KO as we see her remove the bandages as it made him stumble back and bump into Eri knocking them down as Dimitri then heard beeping as he sees his watch was about to time out.

Dimitri: Not now!

We then see him time out as KO got up as the bandages were off of him and Eri's hat was off off her as they saw their cover had been blown.

Quasimodo: (Muffled speech)

Fly: He says "Behold ze humans!"

We then see all the monsters scream and run in panic.

Frank: I don't believe it.

Ashton: They're not the only ones.

Sibella and Mavis then came to Ashton.

Mavis: Is it true?

Sibella: Are you four really humans?

Ashton: Yes. I never wanted to hurt either of you.

Dimitri: The same with the rest of us.

Mavis and Sibella then looked at him and they both lovingly hugged him.

Mavis: We don't care! We still want to be with you.

Ashton then saw Dracula as he remembered what he said.

Ashton: Uh... Well that's tough. Cause I can't be with you two... because I hate monsters.

Ashton then started to walk off and then scared Murray by picking him up with The World

Murray: Please don't hurt me!

The World drops Murray and Ashton leaves through the door as Dimitri sees Phantasma.

Dimitri: Phantasma, I'm sorry, we should have told you the truth.

Phantasma then pulled Dimitri into a hug.

Phantasma: I don't care about that. I still want to be with you.

Dimitri: Phantasma. (looks at Mavis and Sibella) And girls, Ashton didn't mean what he said, he was only angry. (To KO and Eri) Come on, let's go.

Eri: Do we have to go home?

Dimitri: I'm afraid we do.

KO: Oh, well bye everyone.

We then see them walk to the door as Mavis and Sibella both turn to Dracula in anger.

Mavis: This is all your fault!

Then Mavis and Sibella both turned to bats and flew off as we see Phantasma walk by while looking at Dracula.

Phantasma: Nice going jerk.

She then walked off as we see Dracula as he went to Mavis' room as he went in and then saw the window was open as he changed to a bat and flew out and then looked at the roof to see Mavis and Sibella sitting down looking sad as he came to them and sat down with them.

Mavis: Dad, can you do us a favor?

Dracula: Yes, anything.

Sibella: Can you erase our memories of him?

Dracula then looked surprised at what she said.

Dracula: No, no, no I won't do that. There's too much I want you to remember.

Mavis: You were right dad.

Sibella: The humans hate us.

Dracula: Sweetheart, there are so many eligible monsters out there. You're so young to... (sees Mavis holding a book) What is it? What are you reading?

Mavis then showed the book as Dracula read it while hearing Martha's voice.

Martha: Two lonely bats crashed in the night. They felt a Zing. Love at first sight. They knew right then they would be husband and wife. For a Zing only happens once in your life. Your Zing will come, my love. Cherish it. Love, Mommy.

Mavis: I thought we Zinged, Dad.

Dracula: You, Sibella and Ashton?

Sibella: Guess it was only us, but you should be happy dad. There's no reason for us to leave here. We have no dreams just like you now.

They then walked back to Mavis' room as Dracula looked at the book in guilt.

Dracula: Oh Martha, what have I done?

Dimitri: We want to help you.

Dracula turned to see Dimitri as he was Steel Wing while KO and Eri were on his back.

Dracula: You will help me, after the way I treated you?

Dimitri: You were just trying to keep Mavis and Sibella safe. We can understand.

We then see everyone at the lobby as they were at the counter as we see Dracula come to the counter as Dimitri, KO and Eri were with him as three packages were on the counter.

Dracula: Friends, please, stop.

Murray: It's too late, rat-bat!

Dracula: Please, I'm begging you. I need you to help me find Ashton.

Wayne: The human? Him and the others could've killed us!

Murray: Ashton touched my guitar!

Griffin: Eri put her hand in my mouth to see if it would disappear.

Granny Gremlin: They let me eat their microphones!

Dracula: I know I lied, but you have to believe this. Ashton, Dimitri, KO and Eri weren't the bad guys. The truth is I don't know if humans are bad anymore. (goes to a box) Frank, come on buddy. You understand.

Eunice: (inside the box) He's not talking to you.

Elsa: (in the box) First you said that humans are bad and now they're good.

Eunice: What else? Up is down, cold is hot, gremlins don't smell.

Gremlin: Hey!

Frank then popped his head out of the box.

Frank: liked them. Monsters or no. They told fun stories.

Dracula: I think they zinged.

Wayne, Wanda, Winnie W.: They zinged?

Dracula: But I got in the way.

Frank: You only Zing once in your life.

Then Frank began to short circuit as Elsa and Eunice pop their heads out of their boxes.

Elsa: Dad, you're short circuiting.

Frank: I don't care!

Griffin: Well, what are we doing? Let's get Ashton.

Phantasma: We'll come too, we want Sibella to be happy.

Dimitri: Then let's go.

We then see them going as Frank, Murray Wayne and Griffin followed them as we later see them driving through the woods.

Griffin: Okay, okay, where am I going?

Dracula: The human world, before Ashton's gone forever.

Eri: But what about the sun? You'll be burned.

Dracula: I don't know, I'll just have to roll with it.

Dimitri: We just need to follow Ashton's footprints.

We then see them following the trail.

Dracula: When they run out that's where you come in, Wayne.

Wayne: Me?

Dracula then saw something as he got out and picked up a shirt.

Dracula: Yes, I knew something would fall out of that backpack. (sniffs it) Yowch! That stinks! Work your magic.

Wayne: Wait, you want me to track the smell? No. My sniffing tracking days are way behind me. Do you know how many diapers I've changed? How many number twos have destroyed this thing? But...

Wayne then let out a silent whistle as howling was heard as everyone turned to see many werewolf pups coming their way as we see them shaking the hearse around as the others were going crazy.

Wayne: Sit. (grabs the shirt) Smell. I said Smell.

We then see two pups go behind Wayne and sniff him.

Wayne: Not me, the shirt! The shirt!

Dracula: Do any of your kids still respect you?

Wayne: Mm, give me a second. Oh, yeah.
Winnie! Front and center!

We then see the pups freeze as we then see a girl werewolf pup come while sucking on a pacifier as the rest resumed as we see Winnie spit out the pacifier and then sniffed the shirt.

Winnie: He got into a car that was driven by a woman. A 86 Fiat. It needs a little transmission work, but otherwise okay. It drove through town to the airport. Flight 497. 8:00 a.m. departure.

Dracula: That's in 15 minutes.

Winnie: (Sniffs the shirt) Seat 23A. He ordered sushi.

Dracula: Okay, thank you, cutie. Now, all of you, go back to your mother!

We then see them continue to drive through the road as Dracula then saw something at the road.

Dracula: Sheep!

They then saw a sheep as Griffin then took a turn making them go down hill and then go on the road.

Griffin: High five! Don't leave me hanging.

They then saw more sheep on the road.

Murray: Lots of sheep!

Wayne: I got this.

He then ran out of the hearse and ate all the sheep as the others watched in horror as Dimitri was covering KO and Eri's eyes as we see Wayne come back as he let out a belch as the others looked at him.

Wayne: What? Now there's no sheep on the road. Let's go.

Murray: That was pretty sick, man.

Wayne: You eat lamb chops, it's the same thing. We don't have time for this. Come on, let's move it.

And done! what

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