Plaza meets loonatics

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We see Dimitri, Ashton and KO all walking to Lakewood Plaza together until Ashton was sent flying by a laser blast

Ashton: Whoever shot at me is gonna wish they didn't make me mad!

They then looked and saw a yellow rabbit wielding a sword with glowing eyes

Ashton: Oh you're gonna get it bunny boy!

Dimitri: And nobody shoots a laser at my adopted bro and gets away with it.

He then slammed his watch as he became a being made of magenta crystals with the badge on his left pectoral.

Dimitri: Chromastone!

???: Ace leave him alone!

Ashton: Who said that?

They then looked saw a pink bunny standing in front of Ashton

Ashton: Hey, I have a Pow card of you.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pow card with the pink bunny on it

Ashton: You're Lexi Bunny.

Dimitri: For real? *changes back* Then that means you're Ace Bunny. WHAT'S THE DEAL SHOOTING MY FRIEND!?

Ashton: What did I ever do to you?!

Lexi: He heard about your reputation and thought you were still a bad guy.

Dimitri: Dude, Ashton has changed, he's a hero and works with me and my little brother. With a small momentary relapse as a bad boy.

Ashton: I'm never gonna live the dragon man down am I?

Dimitri: In retrospect you did attempt to ruin Parents day.

Ashton: But dude, if I attempted it, it means I didn't get the job done, do you see a bunch of stands as piles of ashes? No! Because I didn't do it, I only attempted it.

Lexi: You only did it because your life sucked big time.

Ashton: Exactly, but after what my friends did they made me realize the error of my ways.

Dimitri: And I'm glad that you learned your lesson.

Ashton: Anyway, like Dimitri said, I'm a changed person now. So can we please put that behind?

Ace: Alright, I suppose I can put it aside.

Dimitri: Alright, we will be on our way to Lakewood Plaza now.

Later on we see them arriving to Lakewood Plaza as we see them walking to Gar's Bodega as they entered the bodega they looked to see a purple tasmanian devil as he was seen eating a large pile of lightning nachos

Ashton: That's Slam.

Dimitri: The muscle of the loonatics.

Ashton: And if he's here then that would mean the others are here as well. Right Lexi?

Lexi: Yeah, they're here. Rev is coming up behind you.

He then turned and saw a red roadrunner running straight at him as red energy bats flew around him as Ashton ran up the building in a second

Dimitri: Rev reminds me of XLR8. And since I saw his speed that means a new power for me.

Lexi: You have superpowers?

Dimitri: Yup, I can make powerfists but my main power is my power mimicry which let's me use other people's powers as my own.

He then mimicked Rev's speed as he was seen running around the plaza as it was then seen sparkling clean

Ashton: Care for a race gentlemen?

Dimitri: A race? Seems nice and I like a challenge, you're on!

Ashton: Let's race to Japan and back.

Dimitri: Let's do it.

Ashton: Rev you in?

Rev: Oh-I-am-so-in!

The three then stood in runner stances.

Ashton: Ready, set, go!

The three then took off at fast speed as Lexi watched them as we saw an orange duck walk to her.

Duck: What's going on?

Lexi: Ashton, Dimitri and Rev are having a race to japan and back here.

Duck: Really?

Lexi: Yup and by the speed, they will be coming back here pretty soon.

We then see the three running back to the plaza as we see the three all stopped

Ashton: Man, it's a tie.

Dimitri: But on the plus side. *holds up items from japan* We got some souvenirs. The gift shops there were loaded. *looks at the others* And each of them are you guys.

He then handed KO an action figure of a mech robot.

Dimitri: A mech figure for my lil bro.

He then handed Enid a purple ninja

Dimitri: A ninja for Enid.

Enid: Thank you.

Dimitri: Anytime.

Duck: So what kind of power do you have?

Dimitri: If you must know Danger Duck, I have an ability to mimic other people's powers as my own.

Dimitri's eyes glow black and he throws a tar egg at Duck's face as Duck then wipes it off.

Duck; Showoff, mimicking isn't a superpower, quacking is a superpower, observe.

He then teleported as he was then seen hanging onto the plaza sign.

Duck: You can stop observing now.

He then fell down and landed face first to the ground.

Ashton: Classic Duck.

Dimitri: Yeah. *to Lexi* Well over here are the rest of our friends Enid, Rad, Mako, Ryuko, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Scooby, Shaggy, Ava, Peter, Sam, Danny, and Luke.

Lexi: Oh I've been hearing about the things that happened here.

Ashton: You have?

Lexi: Yeah, I even saw a video of Dimitri and Ryuko fighting a robot and that Ryuko was well... practically a you know.

Ashton: Not this again!

Dimitri: She's not like that at all.

Mako: Of course she isn't, she wouldn't do it if she didn't like it! I wouldn't be that either!

Dimitri: Ok, since we saw you, Ace, Slam, Duck and Rev, that leaves Tech.

Tech: Someone mention me?

They turned and saw a green coyote.

Ashton: Tech E Coyote, the brains of the loonatics.

Tech then noticed Dimitri's watch.

Tech: That's incredible.

Dimitir: What?

Tech: You have a device created by an intelligent extraterrestrial that allows you to transform into any alien.

Duck: To put it simpler, a magic watch.

Tech: I would like to do some research on it.

Dimitri: I wish I could let you see it but I can't get it off and I'm sure why.

Tech: It seems that *looks at Duck* the magic watch has somehow merged with your own DNA meaning it cannot be removed at all.

Dimitri: Oh.

Ashton: I have a similar one that I can take off.

He then showed Tech his Antitrix as Tech looked at it.

Tech: It has the same schematics as Dimitri's watch but the only difference is that it turns the wearer into mutated versions. May I?

Ashton: By all means just push the big red button on the back.

Tech then pushed the button as we see the blueprints

Tech: How did you even make this?

Ashton: I can control machines thanks to a little something called nanites which I'm made of. I can scan and replicate any kind of technology, even Dimitri's watch.

Tech: Incredible.

Ashton: I also happen to be a bit of a science whiz.

Dimitri: That is a good thing.

Duck: So what is it you guys do here?

Dimitri: Mostly involves fighting robots sent by Lord Boxman.

Ace: Lord Boxman?

Duck: Who's he?

Boxman: Me!

They then looked and saw Boxman on his flying desk.

Ace: What's up doc?

Boxman: What's up is you heroes always coming here, but I will have this plaza destroyed.

Ace: No you won't.

Boxman: Yes I will.

Ace: No you won't!

Boxman: Yes I will!

Ace: Yes you will!

Boxman: No I will not destroy the plaza!

Ace: Gotcha.

Boxman: Grrr! You blasted rabbit!

Dimitri: Well I think I see some trash for us to take out, don't ya think Ash?

Ashton: My favorite time of day.

Dimitri and Ashton then slammed their watches as we see Dimitri was an alien that looked like a robot as Ashton was a large purple ape like creature

Dimitri: Machino!

Ashton: *roars loudly*

Dimitri: Let's do this.

Dimitri's arm then became a blaster as we see him aiming at the flying desk as he fired at the rocket making it fall down as we see Ashton standing over the desk as he grabbed it and then started to crush it up into a ball with Boxman inside it as he threw it away and started smashing Boxmore in a blind fury

Dimitri: Ash, you can stop now, boxman is taken care of.

Ashton turned to him and growled monstrously

Lexi: Is he always like that?

Dimitir: No.

Ashton then came at Dimitri as Dimitri then tapped the badge on his chest as Ashton changes back

Ashton: Oh my head.

Dimitri: You alright Ash?

Ashton: My head hurts dummy. How do you think I am?

Dimitri: Well you did trash Boxmore up, so that means Boxman is gonna be cleaning up for a while

Ashton turned and saw the wreckage of what was left of Boxmore.

Ashton: Uh... I did that?

Dimitri: Apparently yes, I think it's best to use that alien you went only for an emergency. A desperate emergency.

Ashton: Good plan.

Dimitri: *changes back* Let's just go inside the bodega.

Ashton: Good call.

We then see them going inside the bodega as we see Dimitri and Ashton with the loonatics.

Shaggy: Like, who are you guys?

Ashton: These are the loonatics Shaggy.

Dimitri: They're heroes like us.

Lexi: Well it is pretty neat knowing what you guys do and it is nice seeing Dimitri being a good brother to KO.

Dimitri: Me and KO always stick together.

Ace: So what about your parents?

Dimitri: Mom basically works at the fitness dojo but my dad isn't here.

Lexi: What happened to him?

Dimitri: He died a long time ago before I was born.

Lexi: Oh sorry I asked.

Dimitri: It's alright, but in full honesty I don't know much about my dad except mom always said he was a great hero.

Tech: Maybe there is some history involving him, what was your father's name?

Dimitri: Kyrone.

Tech then got a screen up as he typed in Kyrone as we see files appear as he looked at them.

Tech: Says here that Kyrone was known as the crimson swordsman, he was a hero to all people no matter what species they were.

Dimitri: Wow, sounds like dad really was a hero.

Duck: But why is he even called the crimson swordsman?

Tech then saw a photo of a sword.

Tech: Kyrone wielded a sword with a crimson blade called Enduring Crimson, it was his prized possession.

Lexi: So where is it?

Tech: I can't say, files said that when Kyrone passed away his sword was never found.

Ashton: Says here it was last seen in Paris.

Dimitri: So there is a chance his sword is there.

Ashton: Why don't we go there and get it.

Dimitri: Good idea.

We then see Paris as we see the group was there and we see some searchlights at the Louvre

Ashton: Something must be going on at the Louvre.

Lexi: Let's go check it out.

They then went to the Louvre as we see a large concert stage is set up

Shaggy: Like, I recognize those tunes!

Daphne: It's the Hex Girls!

Ashton: No way! You guys know the Hex Girls? They're my favorite band!

Fred: Let's go see them.

They then went to the stage as we see three girls tuning their instruments

Dimitri: That's Thorn, Luna and Dusk.

Dusk: Someone say our names?

Dimitri: That would be me.

Daphne: Hey girls!

They then saw mystery inc.

Luna: Guys, it's good to see you again.

Thorn: What brings you here?

Velma: We came here looking for a family heirloom of Dimitri's.

Dimitri: It's a sword called Enduring Crimson.

Luna: We have this key but we have no idea what it unlocks.

Dusk: But why are you guys looking for a sword?

Ashton: Believe it or not but Dimitri is the son of a famous hero.

Thorn: A hero?

Dimitri: Yeah, his name was Kyrone but others called him the crimson swordsman

Luna: Awesome.

Velma: There was some info saying that the sword was somewhere here in Paris.

Ashton: But we didn't expect meeting you girls.

Dimitri: Can we see that key you girls have?

Luna: Certainly.

She then held up a key as they looked closely at it had a dark red K on it.

Dimitri: K? *gasps* This key belonged to my dad!

Ashton: So that means we're getting close to finding the sword.

They then looked at the key as they turned it to the back and saw a small map

Ace: Hey, a map pointing the way.

Dimitri: Then let's go.

Ashton: *looks at the map* It's saying that the sword is hidden at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Fred: Let's go gang.

We then see them going to the Eiffel Tower as we see them going to the top as Dimitri noticed a keyhole as Dimitri placed the key in it as we see a secret compartment open up as they saw a case inside it.

Duck: It's the sword. We found it!

They then pulled the case out and then opened it as they looked inside it but saw that the case was empty

Ashton: The sword must've been stolen.

Lexi: But the case looks untouched.

Dimitri then noticed something in the case as he then pulled out a locket and opened it to see a picture of Carol but younger as she was with a man who were both standing near a cathedral as the locket played a small melody

this is the locket.

This is the photo and replace the girl with Carol but younger.

Ace: What ya got there?

Dimitri: It's a locket.

Daphne: *looks at the photo in the locket* Are those your mom and dad?

Dimitri: Yeah it's them.

Ashton: Well we may not have found the sword but looks like we found a clue.

Velma: Maybe Kyrone came back for the sword. That would explain why the case is empty.

Daphne: But why?

Dimitri then looked at the cathedral and noticed the scenery as he gasped.

Dimitri: Wait a minute, I know that place, it's in the woods near the plaza.

Ashton: So that means...

Dimitri and Ashton: The sword must be there!

We then see them back at the plaza as we see them going through the woods as they looked to see an old cathedral as shaggy pulled on the doors but were locked.

Shaggy: Like it's locked. Oh well, we tried.

Dimitri then went to a stone and lifted it up as he pulled out a key and then put it in the door's keyhole as the doors were unlocked as they went inside.

Ashton: How did you know that was there?

Dimitri: I used to go here all the time.

They then looked around as Velma noticed a spot where a photo of Kyrone was at as there were a few flowers and wrapped boxes near it.

Velma: Dimitri was this your father?

Dimitri: That's him alright.

Duck: That's sweet and all but where do you think your dad keeps his sword?

Dimitri then noticed a door with a dark red K on it as he then noticed the K as he held up the key.

Dimitri: Guys, I think this key goes for this door.

Ashton: Then try it out.

He then walked to it. He placed the key in the keyhole as the door then opened as they went inside and looked to see the room had many items as they saw a sword with a red blade.

Ashton: It's the sword.

Velma then noticed an envelope was near it and picked it up and saw it read "To Dimitri."

Velma: Jinkies, Dimitri, I think this is for you.

Dimitri then opened the envelope as he pulled out a note.

Dimitri: Son, if you're reading this note then it means that you have found this room and my sword. I had to keep it safe here to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands if I ever pass away. I want you to have Enduring Crimson, you will wield it against any foe for I know that I am proud of you. And I want you to know one more thing; I love you son. Dad.

Dimitri was seen with tears flowing from his eyes as he smiled.

Dimitri: I love you too dad.

Thorn came over to him and gave him a hug

Dimitri: Thorn?

Thorn: I figured you needed it.

The others then came over to the two and started to join in on the hug as Dimitri smiled at them.

Dimitri: Thanks guys.

Ace: You heard what the note said, the sword is yours now.

Dimitri then walked to the sword and picked it up as he held it up.

Dimitri: It's amazing.

Enid: You know for what it's worth I think your dad would be proud to see the person you've become.

Dimitri: Thanks, and I think it will be good to be what my dad was, a hero.

Ashton: And remember you have us with you.

Dimitri then smiled at them.

Dimitri: Let's go guys.

They then walked out of the room as they headed to the door as Dimitri took one last look at the photo of his father.

Dimitri: Dad, for what you did, I want to say thank you.

They then walked out of the cathedral as we saw them walking home together. We see Dimitri and Ashton walking out of a store.

Ashton: Ready to play this game when we get home bro?

Dimitri: You know it.


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