Rehearsals and phantoms unmasked

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We see everyone was at the opera house as we see everyone at the stage as we see Ashton and Daphne were seen doing their rehearsal as they were doing a song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Daphne: Saying' I love you is not the words I want to hear from you It's not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you'd have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'Cause I don't really know

Ashton: How I love the way you move and the sparkle in yours eyes As the color deep inside them like a blue suburban sky I don't need to be the king of the world As long as I'm a hero of this little girl

Daphne: Oh yeah

Ashton and Daphne: Heaven isn't too far away Closer to it everyday

Ashton: No matter what your friends say

Daphne: I know we're gonna find it

Ashton and Daphne: More than words is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say Heaven isn't too far away Heaven isn't too far away (Daphne:  more than words) Heaven isn't too far away (Daphne: more than words)

Daphne: 'Cause I already know

Ashton: Saying' I love you

We then see the group as they were seen cheering for them.

Dimitri: That was spot on guys.

Ashton: Thanks we were hoping to use that for the big show.

Dimitri: Well I think it'll help you both win the show.

Ashton: Thanks.

We then see them going to their dressing room as we see Ashton open the closet as he moves the coats and then looks to see a hidden passage.

Ashton: Hey guys, look what I found.

They all looked to see the hidden passage.

Dimitri: a hidden passage.

We then see them going in the passage as we see them going through a sewer.

Ashton: It smells like Ed down here!

Dimitri: Focus Ash, we have to find the phantom.

Ashton: Right.

We then see them going through the sewer as they were seen walking through the many passageways as we then hear organ music.

Naegi: Do you all hear that?

Brian: It sounds like organ music.

Scooby: The Phantom!

Dimitri: Maybe that must be where the music is coming from and who is playing it.

Ashton: Let's find out where it's coming from.

We then see them walking through the sewer as we see them going to a room as they look to see the phantom playing the pipe organ as they see the phantom turn to them.

Phantom: I suppose it was only a matter of time until someone found me. Welcome to my home. I have lived here in the dank reeking sewers all my life, forced to hide my hideous face, now I can hide no longer. Behold the phantom of the opera

He then removed his mask to reveal he was a a man with blonde hair who was slightly balding.

Ashton: Uh, you look ugly?

Dimitri: You look fine.

The man then walked to a mirror.

Steve: But look, gaze upon my foul deformed visage, I'm hideous, hideous!

They then walked to the mirror and saw it was only a funhouse mirror.

Grayson: It's only a funhouse mirror.

Steve: It is? It's the only mirror I ever looked in. I mean I don't have any others and when I go out I always wear a mask.

Daphne then walked to Steve and showed him a pocket mirror as he saw his reflection.

Steve: Hey I look good. Well this is embarrassing, I wish I had the last forty years back. This is awkward.

Ashton: Um, Mr. Phantom.

Steve: Steve. Steve Trillby.

Ashton: Steve, why have you been running around the building?

Steve: What now?

Ashton: You were running around the opera house.

Steve: I haven't been up at all lately except to get food.

Ashton: So that explains the secret passage in me and Daphne's dressing room closet.

Dimitri: But all that stuff you did in the 70s.

Steve: Yeah, I did some stuff back then. Stuff I'm not proud of. It was when they turned the opera house into a disco. I'd love the opera so much I can hear everything from down here you know, but that disco music made me crazy. And those ridiculous outfits the people wore. You know the little neck scarf thingies and the miniskirts and (sees what Fred and Daphne were wearing) Oh, but on you guys they look great. Anyway, that was when I was young and impetuous. I haven't bothered anyone for almost 40 years now.

The others then looked at each other.

Kirigiri: I believe he's actually telling the truth.

Brian: But if he's not behind any of this then who is?

Dimitri: Guys we need to go back to the opera house.

We then see them going to the stage as they looked to see the phantom with a blowtorch as he was setting a curtain on fire as he was running.

Ashton: I'll go after the phantom.

Dimitri: I'll put out the fire.

We then see Ashton going to the top as we see Dimitri running to the top and became overflow as he fired water at the fire putting it out as we see Ashton chasing after the phantom as we see him grab him as the phantom pinned Ashton and had the blowtorch on and tried to burn Ashton.

Ashton: Not again!

We then see Steve swinging as he kicked the phantom as the two then fell down as we see them on the floor as we see Dimitri remove the phantom's mask to reveal it was Mel Richmond.

All: Mel Richmond?

Ashton: But he's too big, how could he ever be the phantom?

Dimitri: It's easy when he's wearing this.

He then revealed that Mel was wearing a corset.

Ashton: Oh.

Steve: I think I'm dying.

Zee: But your ok.

Steve: But look (points at a mirror) I'm all bloody.

Dimitri: That's just red paint splattered on a mirror, do you even know how mirrors work?

Steve: Hey, I grew up in a sewer.

We then see the security guard and a few cops came as Dewey came to Mel and handcuff him.

Ashton: So you were gonna burn the place down for the insurance money.

Mel: Yes, and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids and your nosy dogs.

Security guard: Dogs? Where?

Shaggy: Uh oh.

Ashton: Sir these are emotional support dogs

Babs: And certified rescue dogs too.

Babs then showed the guard two id cards with Scooby and Brian on them.

Guard: You just made these in photoshop didn't you?

Babs: No. (points at Karen) She did.

Jessica: Please don't kick them out, they're our friends.

Guard: Fine, as long as neither of them don't make a mess or break anything.

Brian: Thanks.

We then see the guard take Mel away.

Dimitri: But why didn't you just burn the place down instead of doing all that other stuff?

Mel: I didn't but whoever did it gave me the idea to put on this costume. Stupidest idea I ever had.

Then a laughter was heard.

Phantom: Christine must win! Otherwise I will rain death and destruction down upon this place, so says the phantom!

a light was seen falling down.

Dewey: Now will you take this seriously? I want as many officers you can spare here for the show tonight.

Cop: I was thinking the same thing.

Dewey: So you'll do it?

We then see them leaving with Mel as later see Velma in the sound room as she saw a mic was plugged in for the speakers for the stage.

Velma: So this would be heard on the stage. Interesting.

Velma was seen in the monitor room.

Velma: Do you keep all the footage the cameras here shoot?

Monitor man: Well of course there's a whole digital base on the server.

Velma: Can I look through it?

Monitor man: Sure, there's like two thousand hours of footage there.

Velma: Aw man, now there's no time to see the soap diamond.

We later see the opera house as the show was beginning as we see in Emma's room as she was seen getting ready as we see a shadow as it was reaching for her violin as we then see the arm about to grab it but we then see Ashton grabbing the phantom.

Ashton: I have to admit Emma, you make playing the violin look easy. You gotta teach me once the show is over.

We then see the phantom get out of Ashton's grip and run out of the room but then stops as he looks to see Scooby and Brian both dressed as old men as the three then screamed as Ashton grabbed him.

Ashton: Gotcha!

We then see Ashton removed the mask to reveal it was Christine's dad as Dimitri ripped his disguise and revealed he had a corset on as well.

Dimitri: Just as I thought. He was doing it to make sure that Christine would win.

Lance: I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling kids and your nosy old guys.

We then see the cops come and grab Lance and took him away.

Cop: We'll take it from here.

We then see Dewey come to Ashton and Daphne.

Dewey: Hey dog boy you and your girlfriend are on.

Ashton: Ok.

We then see Dewey walking as he then sees Scooby and Brian.

Scooby: These darn new technos.

Dewey: Your grandfathers both smell like dogs. (sprays hand sanitizer)

Peter: Oh yeah? Well you smell like lemons.

Dewey: It's the hand sanitizer.

Dewey then walked off as Dimitir started to think.

Dimitri: Wait, Shaggy what did you say when you and Scooby saw the phantom in the closet?

Shaggy: Like yeah, he smelled like... Lemons!

Dimitri: Peter go keep an eye on him. Brian go with him to make sure Peter doesn't do anything stupid.

Brian: Got it.

We then see them running off as we see Dimitri going backstage as we see Brick as he runs to him.

Dimitir: Excuse me, but do you know where Dewey is?

Brick: No, but wherever he is he still has his headset on. Muttering about soap, but that's what he always talks about. Now if you'll excuse me I have a show to put on.

Dimitri: Ok, but I'm gonna need to borrow this. (takes the ear piece) I'll give it back.

He then ran off as we see Dimitri running through the hall as he sees Peter and Brian running to him.

Brian: We couldn't find Dewey but we found this.

Brian then held up a magazine as the cover showed a diamond.

Brian: This shows about the soap diamond.

Dimitri: Soap, that's what Dewey's talking about, the soap diamond. It's around the corner.

We see the stage showing Ashton and Daphne as they were playing a song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Daphne: We've been close a long time. As close as friends can be, But in my heart's a secret For only you and me. I've tried to tell it many times But my nerves got in the way, Well I can't wait another night To say what I must say  I love you ( Ashton: I love you) I love you, yes I do I love you (Ashton: I  love you)

We then go to the monitor room as Dimitri was seen as Velma came with a disk.

Velma: Dimitri, you wouldn't believe what I found in this.

Dimitri: No time, Dewey is the phantom too. We have to get the others.

We then see Ashton and Daphne going backstage as we see the others.

Dimitri: Ash, come on. Dewey's the phantom too.

Ashton: Of course so that's why he told the police to assign here so no one would be watching the museum

Velma: Let's go

Ashton: Ok. (sees Emma walking) Knock em dead.

We then see the gang all running through the hall.

Brian: Dimitri what's going on now? Is Dewey saying anything?

Dimitri: (listens through the ear piece) I can hear traffic, he's outside. He just said "got it" we may be too late.

We then see them going outside as they all look to see the Phantom exit the museum with a bag in his hand

Ashton: Dimitri fastball special!

Dimitri: Right.

Dimitri turns into Humongousaur and throws Ashton at the Phantom, knocking him down.

Ashton: Not so fast Dewey.

Phantom: I am the phantom, I know nothing of this Dewey.

Dimitri: We know it's you, you still have your headset on.

Dewey then realized that Dimitri was right.

Dewey: Oh darn.

Dewey then pushed Ashton and began to run but as he was running his cape wrapped around him making him trip and started to fall and drop the bag as the soap diamond was seen.

Velma: The soap diamond.

Dimitri: I got it.

Dimitri then caught the bag and changed back as they saw Dewey get in a red car and drive towards them.

Dewey: I want that diamond!

Ashton: Run!

We then see them starting to run as we see Dewey was after them as we see Dimitri was running and Dewey was behind him as he jumped and was on the hood of the car and dropped the bag and Dewey caught it as we see the van was behind Dewey as Dimitri saw it and grabbed the bag and then jumped to the van as they turned around and Dewey turned and saw he was heading straight to a truck with barrels and hits it as we see the barrels fall over pouring pink slime on Dewey as we see Dewey tried to wipe it off of himself and got angry as he then drove after them as we see the gang as they were seen driving through the roads as Dimitri looked back and saw Dewey still on their tail.

Ashton: That does it!

Ashton jumps out of the mystery machine and landed in front of Dewey's car

Ashton: Red means stop!

Ashton grabs the car with his bare hands and flipped it over.

Ashton: D, run!

Dimitri then started to run as we see him running to a bridge as we see it started to go up as Dimitri was going to the top and sees Dewey coming after him as he held up a feather duster as we then see a sword blade come out of it.

Dimitri: Wow, that is the cleanest sword I have ever seen.

Dewey: Why thank you. Now hand over the diamond.

He then looked to see Dimitri was gone as he was seen going to the edge as Dewey had him cornered as the others saw.

Dewey: The bag, hand it over.

Dimitri: Why do you want it?

Dewey: I need it to complete my collection of cleanliness themed treasures. I've already stolen the ammonia lisa and the sponge of Turin.

Dimitri: So it was you.

Dewey: Uh huh. But you need three things to make a collection. Three things, two are just book ins. Now give me the bag.

Ashton: Don't do it.

Dimitri then looked at Dewey as he then threw the bag over the edge.

Dewey: No!

Dewey then jumped down to get the bag as he then got it and looked down to see he was falling to a garbage ship as he landed straight in the trash as the others came to him.

Kara: Why would you throw the diamond?

Dimitri: Did I?

Dewey: Garbage! Unclean! Unclean! Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew! But I got the diamond!

He then started to look around in the garbage and then found the bag as he then looked in it to reveal it was a dog bone covered in slobber.

Dewey: Yicky! Slobbery dog bone!

Dimitri: Too bad.

Dimitri then raised his hand and revealed he had the soap diamond as we see the police coming to the garbage boat.

Dewey: And I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling kids and your filthy germy dogs.

Dimitri: Let's head back to the opera house, we need to get back to the show.

Ashton: Right.

We then see them all going back to the opera house.

Velma: I saw in the monitor videos that Dewey was the phantom in the stairwell that vanished.

Shaggy: Like how did he do that?

Velma: I checked the camera in the stairwell, he had made a video loop of the empty stairwell and spliced it into the camera feed.

Daphne: Of course, so when he ran into the stairwell.

Velma: He activated the video loop with the remote. switching the view on the monitor to the empty stairwell and making it look like he disappeared.

Ashton: Very clever.

Velma: But guys, you'll never believe what I found in the backstage camera footage, this is gonna blow your socks off.

We then see them arriving at the opera house as we see them going to the stage as we see Dimitri as Machino as Ashton got on stage.

Ashton: Hello everyone, I know that tonight had been quite a night with the whole phantom but there is something that you need to see. D, show them.

Dimitri then nodded as he inserted the disk into his chest and played a projection as the crowd saw the projection showed Brick dressing up as the phantom as he had put on the mask and laughed as everyone gasped as Brick was shocked to be caught red handed.

Andruw: This is the end Brick.

Brick: Wait, you don't understand. I had to do it. The ratings have been dropping for years. I needed the publicity. You don't know what it's like, being around all you talented people all the time and being me. What am I good at? Nothing. All I do is smile and say "fantastic" a lot. I'm pathetic.

Elliotte: Let's go.

Elliotte and Andruw both grabbed Brick.

Brick: And I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for...

Elliotte: Us meddling kids and our nosy dogs, yeah, yeah, we know.

Everette: You think this is the last phantom?

Dimitri: That's the last of them.

Ashton: So with that over we can get the Talent Star named. Steve Trilby, come up here and help me out!

Steve then came to the stage.

Steve: Well, Ashton the fans at home have spoken, and the winner of Talent Star is Emma Gale.

Everyone began to cheer for Emma.

Ashton: Congratulations Emma.

Then a laughter was heard

Peter: Aw crap, it's another phantom.

Ashton: Peter, don't you have somewhere else to be stupid?

Peter: Not until 4.

They then see a black mist forming as they see Draven step out of it.

Dimitri: You.

Draven: Yes, I have returned for you.

Dimitri: Guys, stand back. His fight is with-

Ashton: Come here you son of a bitch!

Ashton then charged at Draven only to be swatted away.

Draven: You should have listened to your friend, my fight is with him, not you. Soon he will join me.

Fred: He'll never join you Draven!

Daphne: That's right, you killed Dimitri's father.

Draven: No, you are wrong my naive redhead, I am his father.

Everyone then gasped from shock at what Draven had said.

Velma: That's not true.

KO: Dimitri's dad is a hero.

Draven: Oh, he didn't tell you, did he?

Ashton: I'm not done with you!

He turned to see Ashton as he caught his punch.

Draven: You are quite persistent aren't you.

Ashton: You should know. You did create me!

Draven: True and you do know much, but you don't know all.

He then threw Ashton to the others.

Draven: I've only come to tell you about my son's destiny. Soon he will join me and harness his power and rule the world with me as father and son.

He then vanished in black smoke as the others came to Dimitri.

Asuka: What Draven said wasn't true right?

Enid: He has to be lying.

Dimitri then looked down and sighed knowing that the truth needed to be told.

Dimitri: It's true.

Ashton: Draven is many things but a liar isn't one of them.

Daphne: But it doesn't make any sense, Dimitri's father is a hero, not some two bit mad scientist.

Ashton: I think it's best that Carol should explain this.

They all turned and looked at Carol.

Carol: I thought you would find out sooner or later. Dimitri your father was a hero back when I first met him but everyone has a dark shadow and your father's was Draven. A dark consciousness born from his deep seeded hatred for villainy that he tried to keep at bay. I tried to help him control it but Draven had taken control of your father's body and trapped his consciousness. That's when he took me and other women to try and make the first born of Kyrone, a child that has his powers to use for world conquest, I was the one to make it out but that was when I had you, I couldn't let him use you for his own purposes.

Dimitri: Mom...

Carol: It was why I had to lie, to keep you safe. But I was wrong, I should have told you the truth. I'm sorry.

Dimitri then walked to his mother.

Dimitri: Mom...

Carol then felt Dimitri pulling her close to him and looked to see that her son was hugging her and saw tears were shedding from his eyes.

Dimitri: I forgive you.

Carol then smiled at Dimitri and hugged him back as everyone was watching the touching moment.


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