The Good, the Bad, the Ashton.

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We see a warehouse was on fire as people were seen running out of the building as we then see Hot Shot come out of the building as we see him grab a man and change back to reveal Ashton.

Ashton?: Where's Ashton Salazar?

We then see everyone as they were going through town as they saw the burnt warehouse.

Lexi: Whoa, what happened here?

Dimitri: (Sees a security camera) Let's see if the cameras know.

Dimitri then became Machino as he launched a cable at the camera as he projected a screen that showed the warehouse on fire as everyone looked and saw Hot Shot come out of the building.

Rex: Is that... Ashton?

Dimitri: It can't be him. He would never do that.

We then go to the Madrigal casita as we see Julieta and Isabela teaching Ashton how to make Colombian food as we see the group come in.

Lexi: Ashton, we need to talk.

Ashton: What is it?

Duck: Why did you set a building on fire?

Ashton: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Tech: Look.

Tech then showed a video of the building on fire and saw Hot Shot come out of it.

Ashton: That's not me.

Dimitri: See? I know Ashton would never do that.

Rex: He's definitely telling the truth.

Lexi: How do you know?

Rex: Ashton's foot taps the ground rapidly when he lies.

Ashton: Dude!

Dimitri: The only question is, who was that walking around as Hot Shot?

Ashton: Don't know, but I need to go grab some things real quick.

We then go to a store as we see "Ashton" at the counter placing money on the counter.

Ashton?: You disgust me, you, this miasma you call food, it's foul tasting and foul smelling. Everything human reeks.

Counter clerk: Yeah, probably the fish.

He then brought some sushi as "Ashton" smelled it.

Ashton?: Ugh, but still I find myself craving this putrid experience. Must be in the DNA.

He then walked off as we saw Ashton walk to the counter.

Ashton: Some sushi to go, please.

Counter Clerk: Alright, but be careful with your figure.

Ashton: What?

Counter Clerk: Nevermind.

He then handed Ashton the sushi as we see the gang all waiting outside as they saw "Ashton" walk out of the store.

Ashton?: (Belches) I disgust myself.

He then transformed into Skunkmoth and flew away as they saw him flying.

Duck: I knew it! Let's follow him.

We then see them going to the mystery machine as it drives off as Ashton comes outside and sees them leave.

Ashton: Guys wait up!

He then slammed the watch and became Skunkmoth and flew after them as we see the gang all going to a building as we see many people were running out as they saw "Ashton" as he then saw them.

Dimitri: Ash?

Then "Ashton" came to Dimitri and grabbed him.

Ashton?: Where is Ashton Salazar?

Duck: Look in the mirror you dingus.

Then "Ashton" let out a belch as everyone pinched their noses.

Lexi: Ugh, sushi.

Ashton?: I agree.

Ashton: Hey!

They then see Ashton fly to them.

Ashton: You guys left me behind! And don't bad mouth my sushi!

Ashton?: (changes back) Ashton Salazar? A difficult creature to find.

Isabela: Who are you?

Claudius: I am Claudius of the cerebrocrustacean.

Isabela: The what?

Dimitri: He means Brainstorm.

Isabela: Huh?

Dimitri: It's like a big crab alien.

Duck: Then let him change back and he can prove it.

Claudius: If only I could, I am stuck in this putrid, fowling, loud, human body. Constantly craving for sushi and scratching myself in places I suspect are highly inappropriate.

Duck: Sounds like Ashton alright.

Ashton: Say it again Duck, I dare you.

Claudius: Ashton's DNA is encoded as the default in his Antitrix, mine synchronized with his, he has become my default.

Tech: So if you created your own antitrix, you know how it works?

Claudius: Indeed.

Isabela then noticed Claudius' foot was tapping the floor rapidly.

Isabela: He's doing the thing Ashton does when he lies.

Lexi: Yeah, it really does tap the floor when Ashton lies.

Rex: Told ya.

Claudius: Very well, then there are ways to disarm you.

He then transformed into Bashmouth and came at Ashton as he dodged him and became Crystal Fist as he faced the others.

Ashton: Now do you believe me? Stay back all of you. My evil twin is mine to deal with.

He then shot shards at Claudius making him dodge them as he transformed into Undertow and blasted water at him as he dodged it and as Claudius vanished.

Ashton: I don't know why you're here but you're giving both me and aliens a bad name.

He then saw an ice breath blast and dodged it as he saw Claudius as Frostbite as he flew off to the sky as we later see everyone in the mystery machine driving through the road trying to find Claudius.

Isabela: Why would Claudius do all that?

Dimitri: If I have to guess, it has to do with getting Ashton's Antitrix. We used to deal with an evil double I have called Dev-N.

Ashton: And he probably wants it to restore his original form.

Dimitri: Then we need to find him and stop him quickly

Ashton: That sounds like a job for The World!

Lexi: But how are we gonna tell who's the real Ashton.

Dimitri: I may have an idea.

He then grabbed a marker only for it to be smacked out of his hand

Ashton: No writing on my face. Amelia I'm gonna need a jacket.

Amelia: Alright.

She then handed Ashton a jacket that she made for him

Ashton: Thanks, this way you guys should be able to tell who's who.

Lexi: Alright.

Duck: But where can Claudius be?

Dimitri: Hmm, Ash, if you were you where would you go?

Ashton: Hmmm, my workshop.

We later see everyone at a workshop as Claudius hears a door be punched down by an invisible force

Ashton: Here's Johnny!

Dimitri: Claudius, just surrender.

Claudius: That won't be necessary.

Duck: Yeah, right. You and what army.

Then a large stomp was heard as everyone turned to see a large robot.

Ashton: You just had to say it didn't you Duck?

Claudius: Robot, destroy the intruders.

The robot then sent a blast at the group making them run from it as Dimitri and Ashton doded the robot's fist as Dimitri saw something on the side of the robot's head as it grabbed him and Ashton.

Dimitri: Ashton, are those... sonic receivers?

Ashton: Yeah.

Dimitri: That means this robot can hear us, and if this robot is yours it means it responds to verbal commands from you Ash.

Ashton: You're right. Robot, put us down.

The robot then put Dimitri and Ashton down as Ashton then turned into Quad Smack as he then charged at Claudius as he rolled out of the way of Ashton's punch as he transformed into Humongoraptor and tried to hit Ashton with his tail as Ashton turned into Dark Matter and jumped over his tail and kicked Claudius in the face as he changed into Skunkmoth as Claudius and flew at Ashton and fired goo at him as Ashton then turned into Hot Shot and fired at Claudius as he flew to avoid the fireballs as he then changed into Wreckingbolt and rolled towards Ashton to flatten him as he dodged him.

Ashton: Play musical aliens all you want Claudius, I'll just use an alien to stop you.

As he charged at Claudius they both changed back as Claudius looked at his watch.

Claudius: I don't need an Antitrix to destroy you.

Ashton and Claudius both threw a punch at each other as we them see their watches both linked with each other as it created a feedback that caused Ashton's colors to change.

Ashton: What have you done to me?!

Dimitri: Hold on Ash!

Dimitri then ran to Ashton and pulled him away from Claudius as Ashton's antitrix turned to dust as everyone then saw a light.

Dimitri: He's here.

Mirabel: Who's here?

Ashton: Azmuth.

They then saw Azmuth appear.

Azmuth: You bet he is, Azmuth of the Galvan, the genius behind the omnitrix. Ashton overloaded his antitrix so bad I could sense it half a galaxy away. (Notices Ashton looking different) And he had been affected by the feedback. I warned you that those non stop transformations would break the Antitrix.

Isabela: He was just-

Azmuth: Save it, I know. Claudius built an inferior copy. I warned you that there can only be one Antitrix, you ignored me.

Claudius: I will not trust the fate of the universe to an unworthy human.

Azmuth: I told you the Antitrix is beyond you, you could hav doomed us all.

Mirabel: So the world was at stake?

Azmuth: If Ashton had lost the Antitrix yes, Claudius only wanted it to restore his true form.

Ashton: Told ya.

Claudius: This human body is unbearable.

Duck: Yeah, and the face is even worse.

Ashton: I will turn you to Duck Flambé if you keep insulting me!

Azmuth: Claudius, through your arrogant act you have proven yourself to be a far lesser being.

He then hopped on Claudius' wrist as he then removed his antitrix.

Azmuth: For your punishment Claudius, you will remain as you are, in a prison of your own making.

Claudius: No, you can't!

Azmuth: I already have.

Claudius: I HATE YOU!!!

We then see Claudius vanish as Ashton saw Azmuth.

Azmuth: He won't bother you again.

Ashton: But what do I do about this?

He gestures to his new appearance

Azmuth: I say you will have to get used to it for now.

Dimitri: What about Ashton's Antitrix?

Azmuth: I gave him something better.

Ashton: What do you-

Azmuth: Look at your wrist.

Ashton then looked at his wrist and saw a red gauntlet with the same symbol as Dimitri's omegatrix on it.

Ashton: An ultimatrix?

Azmuth: The Ultimatrix, an improved version I've been working on ever since getting the original ultimatrix years ago. Could never figure out what to do with it when it was done.

Ashton: Well thanks, and I assume that you will plan on giving me and Dimitri the master control?

Azmuth: Maybe for your birthdays.

Azmuth then vanished as we see everyone at the Casita as Ashton was looking at his watch and looking through the alien playlist.

Ashton: You know, it seems that Azmuth gave me the same playlist you have.

Dimitri: Nice.

Isabela: What will happen to Claudius?

Ashton: I think where he's going he won't be causing any trouble.

Isabela: But I don't understand how being you is a punishment for Claudius. Being you isn't that bad.

Ashton: I don't know, Claudius might not think of it that way.

We then go to a cell as Claudius was seen in it.

Claudius: Why bother with a cell? This human body is prison enough.

We then see that his cellmate was Dev-N.

Dev-N: That was the same thought that I had. I know how you feel, being imprisoned in a human body.

We then see a guard come bringing a tray of food.

Guard: Dinner.

Claudius: Seems we have something in common, but I will be free and I will make those suffer starting with Ashton, until that day comes.

He then tossed the tray at the door.

Claudius: Bring me sushi!


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