Your everybody's sidekick

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We see Dimitri and KO as they were both walking to the plaza as they were walking to the entrance of the bodega.

Dimitri: This is it KO, our first day at Gar's Bodega

KO: I’m so excited!

Dimitri then opened the door as he and KO walked inside.

Dimitri: Bodega employees Dimitri and KO reporting for duty.

He then walked to a counter.

Dimitri: Nor rain, nor sleep, nor anything will keep me from doing my job.

Enid: Love the confidence.

He then turned and saw Enid at the counter.

Dimitri: Enid! *falls down and gets up* Hey...  I uh... meant to do that.

Enid: Sure you did.

Dimitri: *clears his throat* Anyway, me and KO are ready to start our jobs.

Enid: Alright, you two can start with cleaning the floors.

Dimitri: No problem. *Turns into XLR8* I'll have it done in 10 seconds.

He then ran and grabbed two mops and started to mop the floors very fast as the floors were sparkling clean as Dimitri changed back.

Dimitri: All done. Anything else?

Enid: You and KO can search the penny dish and pull out the things that aren't a penny.

Dimitri: Ok. Don't you think that helping people is good Enid?

Enid: Help people? No, not for me. Too much work, too little pay, I'm fine with helping myself.

Dimitri: But Enid, people can appreciate your help, even if they don't admit it.

Enid: Maybe.

KO: Enid, me and my brother will help you understand to see that it is good to help people. Come on Dimitri.

He then grabbed Dimitri's arm and ran through the plaza to find someone to help.

Dimitri: Dude! What was that for?

KO: I was just trying to find someone we can help.

Dimitri: But that didn't mean you had to drag me around the place to do that.

KO: Sorry, I was trying to help.

Dimitri: I know bro, I know.

Dimitri walks to a bench and pulls out a cheeseburger

Dimitri: At least I have time for lunch.

As he was about to take a bite his burger was then grabbed by a metallic hand

???: Thanks!

He then saw a boy running off with the burger.

Dimitri: Hey! That's mine!

Then a monkey landed on him knocking him down.

Bobo: Sorry dude, a monkey's gotta eat.

He then ran off with the boy.

Dimitri: A food thief and a talking monkey? Looks like I better get them.

He then slammed his watch as he transformed into an alien resembling a frog and Axolotl together as the badge was seen on his belt.

Dimitri: Shinaqua! 

He then started to go after the two as we see the boy running with Bobo.

Ashton: Bobo, you said he had food, this is only a burger.

Bobo: Burgers are food.

Ashton: Good point.

They then stopped at a bench as Ashton broke the burger in half.

Ashton: It's not exactly lunch for two but it should be enough for the day.

He handed Bobo one half of a burger as they both ate their burger halves. They then heard a sound of something landing to the ground.

Bobo: What was that?

They then looked and saw Dimitri as Shinaqua walking towards them.

Ashton: It’s an EVO!

Dimitri then charged at the two as Ashton and Bobo began to run as Dimitri was chasing him until he crashed into Dimitri and was caught in his tongue.

Dimitri: What did you Do with the food?

Ashton: How do you know about that?

Dimitri Then looked and saw Bobo punching him but it wasn't enough.

Bobo: Let go of hIm you animal!

Dimitri: Look who's talking.

Bobo: *climbing on Dimitri* I got him Ashton, don't worry he ain't so tough. I'll save you

He tried  to free Ashton but failed.

Dimitri: Ok, this is the last I'm gonna ask nicely, where is my burger?

Ashton: We ate it dude, it's gone.

Dimitri narrowed his eyes but then gasped as he released Ashton and balled his fists in anger.

Bobo: Great idea genius, now he's really mad.


He then made two water blades and charged at Ashton and Bobo as the blades were then blocked by a large sword on Ashton's arm as the two began to clash blades with each other.

Dimitri: What the? Wise guy huh? Well two can play that game.

Ashton: Anything to say for yourself before I commence with the face stomping?

Dimitri: Just three. “It’s hero time!”

He then slapped the badge as he transformed into a large dinosaur alien with the badge on a green sash.

Dimitri: Humungosaur! And you just made a humongous mistake.

He then came at Ashton to punch him as Ashton made a shield as Dimitri started punching it causing Ashton to get stuck into the ground.

Dimitri: And stay down if you know what's good for you.

Ashton: Oh I know what's good for me.

He then made metal legs freeing him as he then kicked Dimitri as he was knocked down as he then got up

Dimitri: You and your chimp buddy better call it quits and maybe I'll keep the pulverizing to a minimum.

Ashton: I was gonna say the same thing but in spanish.

He then made metal hands and came at Dimitri as the two continued to fight as Dimitri got up.

Dimitri: So you wanna learn the hard way? Lesson one, dangerous villains aren't welcome at my plaza!

He then slammed the ground and made a shockwave sending Ashton to a lake as Dimitri walked to him.

Ashton: You can punch, I'll give you that.

Dimitri: You villain wannabes should know better by now. Mess with a Kincaid you get the fists.

Ashton: Villains? The fists? Great another insane EVO. Let's see if I can knock some normal into you.

Dimitri: Good luck with that.

He was then grabbed by a whip and was pulled into the water as a flash of light was seen as Dimitri came out of the water as Steel Wing as Ashton got on Dimitri and placed his hand on Dimitri's chest as circuitry lines appeared on his hand.

Ashton: Okay that's weird!

Dimitri then threw Ashton off of him.

Dimitri: What did you just do to me?

Ashton: Not sure but I like it.

He then made his sword as Dimitri hardened the feathers on his wings and clashed them with Ashton.

Ashton: Dude are you seeing this? Creature Feature just went avian on me!

Bobo: That ain't no ordinary EVO Ash, look at that symbol on it's belt. Must be using some kind of tech.

Ashton then saw Dimitri flying towards him as they crashed through the plaza as Dimitri was punched by Ashton.

Dimitri: Lucky punch.

Ashton: Don't believe in luck, now hold still so I can cure you.

Dimitri: You're talking crazy and I'm not sick.

He then tapped the badge and became Lodestar.

Dimitri: Metal, meet magnetism.

He then sent a magnetic beam at Ashton making him return his sword.

Ashton: Magnets huh? Well there's no metal in pavement.

He then made a cannon as it dug into the concrete and fired at Dimitri, sending him to a sign as it then started to go loose and fall.

Dimitri and Ashton: Time out! Innocents!

They then looked at each other as Ashton went to a few people as Dimitri tapped the badge as we see the sign about to fall on a few people they were grabbed by a tiger alien dressed as a Luchador with the badge on his belt.

Person: Thank You... who are you

Dimitri: Seriously? I'm the cat who's all that, the Rath Attack! And about a bunch of other things.

Then Dimitri was stomped on the ground by Ashton.

Ashton: Time in! Thanks for the assist but say adios to your nanites for real El gato.

He then reached his hand out at Dimitri as the circuitry  lines appeared as Dimitri got up.

Dimitri: Will you stop that?

Ashton: Your... You're not an EVO?

Dimitri: Let me tell you something robot boy, I have no clue what an EVO is, I'm just trying to do my job.

Ashton: Destroy this plaza?

Dimitri: Destroy? You really haven't heard of me? *changes back* I'm Dimitri Kincaid, the new employee at Gar's Bodega.

Ashton looked at Dimitri.

Dimitri: I got hired yesterday.

Ashton: So you work here?

Dimitri: Yes. I didn't get your name dude.

Ashton: It's Ashton Salazar.

Dimitri: Nice to meet you.

Ashton: So you work at a bodega at the plaza?

Dimitri: Yeah, along with my little brother KO.

Ashton: Little brother? How old is he?

Dimitri: He's five to eleven years old.

Ashton: Five to eleven years old? Isn't he a bit young to already have a job?

Dimitri: Our mom was able to convince Gar to hire me and KO. *sees KO coming* And speak of the devil, here he comes.

Ashton looked and saw KO was running to them as he stopped.

Dimitri: Hey KO, what is it?

KO: I was wondering what you were doing?

Dimitri: I had to chase someone who took my food but I'm over it now.

Ashton then looked at Dimitri and KO for a minute.

Ashton: Are you sure that you and KO are brothers? I don't see any resemblance.

Dimitri: Well me and KO are half brothers.

Ashton: Riiight.

Dimitri: So what brings you to Lakewood Plaza?

Ashton: My girlfriend lives here and I moved here to be close to her.

Dimitri: Oh. Ok, just out of curiosity think you would like to have a job here in Gar's Bodega?

Ashton: What is it you guys do?

Dimitri: We help with stocking things, clean up, and sometimes we would fight robots that are sent by Lord Boxman.

Ashton: As long as I get to fight something then I'm in. Besides I need the money so I can at least get a hotel room for the night.

Dimitri: Then we should go and talk to Mr. Gar.

Dimitri then saw Mr. Gar outside as he walks to him as Gar sees him.

Gar: Why aren't you at your post?

Dimitri: I was chasing someone who stole my lunch but I'm over it and was wondering if these two can work here? *points at Ashton and Bobo.*

Gar: No.

Dimitri: What?

Gar: We don't need anymore employees, I just need you to stop slacking off. And besides a recommendation from you means squat.

Dimitri: Then what about a recommendation from mom?

Then Gar turned to stone hearing what Dimitri said

Ashton: That’s your mom?

Dimitri turned and saw Carol at the fitness dojo.

Dimitri: Yup that's her alright. look Gar just give these two the jobs

Gar then broke out of the stone.

Gar: *mutters and stutters* Okay fine!

Dimitri: Thank you sir.

Gar: Don’t disappoint me.

Ashton: Oh yeah punk? I ain’t scared of you.

Dimitri: I think we should go in and get you started on your job.

He then brought Ashton in the bodega as they walked to the counter where Enid was.

Dimitri: Enid, I like you to meet our newest additions to Gar's Bodega.

Ashton: You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?

Enid: Why do you ask?

Ashton: You seem to remind me of someone I know. You have the same hair color too.

Dimitri: What are you saying?

Ashton: I know she looks like someone I know of but I can't place the name.

Ashton began to ponder for a minute and then a name finally hits him

Ashton: You’re Wil’s daughter!

Dimitri: You know Enid's mom?

Ashton: Well yeah. Wil is my girlfriend after all.

Dimitri: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're dating Enid's mom?

Ashton: Yeah? Is that a problem?

Dimitri: No, just surprised is all.

Ashton: Right.

Dimitri: Anyway you will love being at the bodega. I mean KO loves working here.

He then pointed at KO as he was seen running around and mopping the floors.

Ashton: He seems to be having fun.

Dimitri: That's my little brother for ya. Always there to help out at his best.

The two then started to walk through the bodega.

Dimitri: I'm sure there is something we can help with.

As they were walking we see Soldier Nick and Joff the monk arguing.

Nick: My way is the only way.

Joff: It's just not possible for me.

Nick: I'm telling you Joff.

Joff: If I may make a suggestion.

Nick: We do it my way!

Joff: I cannot, we have to do it my way.

The two then started to glare at each other.

Dimitri: Excuse me, but we can't help but notice you two are arguing. Is there something you need help with?

Nick: Actually yes, we're trying to decide on something.

Joff: And we would like your opinion on the matter.

Ashton: Go on.

Dimitri: KO, come here. *sees KO running to him*

Joff: I wish to do this thing non violently.

Nick: And I wanna do it ultra violently.

Dimitri: Ok, but what is it that you two want to do?

Nick: *holds up a pickle jar* Open this jar of pickles.

Ashton: You're kidding right?

Then KO and Dimitri started to look at the jar and then got an idea.

Dimitri: We got it.

Ashton: What is it?

KO: Nick and Joff should use both ways.

Nick and Joff: Both?

Dimitri: That's right, if Joff goes first he can open the jar and take out some pickles non violently *sees Joff take out some pickles and hands it to Nick* Then he can close it and hand it to Nick who can open it ultra violently.

Then Nick held up some dynamite and dropped the Jar as it exploded as the two were seen with their clothes blasted off

Ashton: You could’ve just asked me, you know!

Dimitri: People have their own unique way of doing stuff.

KO: And it's fun to help

Ashton: And my favorite jacket and shirt have just been destroyed meaning I’m gonna have to go the rest of the day without them.

Dimitri: No worries.

He then made a puff of smoke and they were seen with their clothes back on.

Ashton: I’m not gonna ask how you did that.

KO: But Dimitri did help though.

Dimitri: So Ash, what do you want To do?

Ashton: Perhaps Check out the rest of the plaza.

Dimitri: Ok.

We then see the three walking around the plaza as Ashton looks at it.

Ashton: Ok I'll have to admit, working here is pretty interesting.

Dimitri: It is.

KO then spotted three teens in an alley as he walked to them As Dimitri and Ashton followed him.

KO: Hey teens in the alley, how's it hanging, helpers KO, Dimitri And Ashton are here to help you out.

We see Red Action, Drupe and Gregg looking at them.

Red Action: Help us? Why?

KO: Because we're Lakewood Plaza Turbo's designated helpers.

They Then noticed a tiny person in Red Action's hair.

Dimitri: Wha?

Red Action: Eyes down here! *shakes her hair* I know how you three can help us.

She and Drupe started to laugh as Gregg noticed and started laughing as well.

Red Action: Ok, just step back a bit. *sees Dimitri, Ashton and Ko step back a bit* a little bit More. *sees them step back a bit more* A little bit more, just a few more steps.

Then Dimitri Ashton and KO stepped back in the end of the ground.

Dimitri: This good?

Drupe:  *laughs* Yeah, it's great, just like those tasteless clown outfits of yours.

KO: So what now?

Red Action: Just wait a few more seconds. *the ground begins to Shake* And... WHOO!

Then Lava came out from the ground as Dimitri, Ashton and KO tried to get out and started getting whipped by Drupe.

Red Action: As man! *pulls out her phone and records the three* I gotta get this on my social media.

We then see Enid as she saw the video.

Enid: KO? Dimitri? Ashton?

Then the three came in from the door and were burnt.

KO: That's our names, don't wear them out.

Enid: You guys ok? I saw your butts getting whipped by Red Action And her crew. They were laughing at you guys.

KO: No, they were laughing with us, we were helping them with their magma problem.

Dimitri: It's not true bro.

KO: It isn't?

Dimitri: Yeah, since it was above ground it's called lava not magma.

Ashton: Plus they were laughing at us, not with us.

KO: They were?

Enid: This is why I never help people, they never appreciate it.

Dimitri: How did you know what happened to us?

Enid: I saw her post on social media.

Dimitri: But why would she do that?

Enid: Well she got this bad haircut and she was mad.

Dimitri: Hmm, I got it, Red has personal problems. Enid, can you show us her friends?

Enid: Sure.

We then see Red Action with her friends as Dimitri, Ashton and KO walk to Them.

KO: Alleyway teens.

Drupe: Well, well, well, if it ain't the old magma butt brothers.

Gregg: *Squawks*

KO: Actually when it's above ground it's called lava, not magma. Lava butt brothers would be the correct term. Anyways, we're back to help you guys some more.

Red Action, Drupe, and Gregg stared at them for a minute as Drupe and Red Action started to burst into laughter as Gregg noticed and started laughing with them as KO then pointed at Red Action.

KO: Red Action, you posted on social media two days ago.

Dimitri: You're upset about your hair.

Red Action: So you're gonna fix my haircut?

Dimitri: No, but I know someone who can.

We see them at a hair salon as a robot was cutting Red Action's hair as she saw her hair was fixed as she stared in awe.

Red Action: Whoa rad.

Ashton: Perfection. In all she is.

Red Action then blushed red.

Dimitri: Next up, Drupe, you mostly complain but my brother and I have discovered you have a great sense of fashion and a fashion blog.

Drupe: Whatever, nobody even reads it.

KO: Not true, we showed it to two people and they took your advice to heart.

Dimitri then whistled as we saw Nick and Jeff come in with new outfits.

Dimitri: See They went through and ultra violent incident and their clothes got blasted off so we showed them your blog and they took your advice

Drupe then started to smile as Gregg looked sad.

KO: Gregg, you don't even say anything.

Dimitri: Yes, you choose to squawk along with your two friends, that's because you have low self esteem. But you should be prose of yourself. "Holds up Greg's Valedictorian certificate* Like this, which I had framed to be hung proudly on your wall.

Gregg then smiled at Dimitri as he handed Gregg the certificate.

Red Action: Hey, you and your brother helping... You two are weird.

Ashton: True, but they solved your problems in their own unique way.

Red Action: Fair point, and... sorry about the whole lava thing earlier.

Ashton: It's cool, so is it cool that we be friends?

Red Action: Sure. *sees Dimitri's watch* Nice watch dude.

Dimitri: Thanks.

They then walked to the Plaza.

Enid: So how'd it go?

Dimitri: We helped Red and her friends with their problems and say that we became friends with them

Ashton: So it went well.

Enid: That's cool.

KO: Hey Ash, can Dimitri show you something cool?

Ashton: What is it?

KO: Show him Dimitri.

Dimitri: Ok.

Dimitri’s eyes glow green and Ashton’s giant sword comes out of his arm

Ashton: Whoa! How did you do that!?

Dimitri: I have power mimicry, anytime I see someone using their powers I can use them as my own.

Ashton: I thought the watch was your power.

Dimitri: Yeah but if my watch times out my powers should help me with stopping villains.

Ashton: That is an Awesome power dude.

Dimitri: Yeah, it's not a big deal, my mom can do that.

Ashton: And the squirt can’t?

Dimitri: KO can shoot power fists like me.

Ashton: But the copying thing didn’t pass to him.

Dimitri: No, my best guess is that it skips a generation sometimes. But KO is still my lil bro, even with or without mom's powers.

Ashton: Alright, so we'll be working again tomorrow?

Dimitri: Yeah, and about your predicament about needing a place to stay, maybe you could stay with us and our mom? She won't mind having a guest over.

Ashton: Sure.

Dimitri: Cool.

We then see them as they were seen leaving the Plaza.


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