Zombies oh my!

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We see Dimitri, KO, Eri and Asuka as they walk into Shaggy's room and see him picking out shirts.

Dimitri: What are you doing Shaggy?

Shaggy: I was thinking I should probably get dressed for dinner.

Eri and KO saw Scooby looking out of a window and saw an owl as it hooted.

Shaggy: Like, me, that's who.

KO and Eri walked to the window and saw the owl wiped its beak with its wing as Scooby did the same as KO saw the owl looking at them with wide ese KO then mimicked the look of its face as Eri laughed a bit at his impression as they saw the owl turn its head as Scooby then did the same.

Dimitri: Guys, stop bothering the wildlife.

Shaggy: Well, how do I look? Am I gonna turn a few heads or what?

Scooby's head then spun as he stopped it.

Scooby: You bet.

Shaggy: *looks in the mirror* Boy do I need a trim. *grabs scissors and trims his chin hair* Like much better.

Asuka: *to Dimitri* Should we tell Shaggy that he looks more or less the same?

Dimitri: Just leave him be.

They then looked in the mirror and saw a ghost of a civil war soldier

Ghost: Get away!

Shaggy: L-l-like who's that?!

Scooby: I don't know!

Eri: It's a ghost!

Ghost: Get away!

They then ran out of the room as we see Ashton was in his room with his hair messed up and lipstick mark on his face

Ashton: I better get ready for dinner.

He then fixed his hair and wiped the lipstick marks off his face as we then saw Scooby, Shaggy, Eri and KO run into his room screaming and they jumped into his arms.

Ashton: Guys? What are you doing?

He then stumbled back as they fell onto the floor as Scooby was on Simone.

Simone: Get this beast off of me!

Ashton: We're terribly sorry.

The others then came as they saw the others.

Scooby: *dusts simone off* Sorry.

Simone: *waves her hand to shoo scooby away* That's quite enough.

Carol: What's going on?

Ashton: Scooby, Shaggy, Eri an KO-

Shaggy: Saw another ghost!

Dimitri: So did me and Asuka.

We then see them go to Shaggy's room as Shaggy cracks the door open.

Shaggy: In here.

They then went inside as they looked around.

Shaggy: Like, in the mirror. It's some civil war guy.

Ashton: There's nothing in the mirror guys.

Velma: *checks behind the mirror* There's nothing behind the mirror either.

She then saw something under the dust.

Velma: There's something under this dust.

She then wiped it off as they saw a plaque.

Dimitri: Hey, it says property of Colonel Jackson T. Pettigrew. Sounds like a civil war regiment.

Simone: There were confederate barracks on the island.

Velma: Maybe you guys saw something after all.

Shaggy: Like, ghost pirates, ghosts soldiers what's next?

Lena: Dinner. From all the screaming in here you two must be starving.

We then see the group in the dining room.

Dimitri: This is an excellent dining room.

Simone: Thank you Dimitri. *sees Scooby sitting at the table* But I'm afraid your dog will have to eat in the kitchen.

Scooby: Dog? Where?

Shaggy: Come on buddy, we'll chow down in the kitchen.

Ashton: *eats the food* This is great gumbo Lena, and these biscuits are light as a feather.

Asuka: Where's Beau?

Simone: He usually has dinner in his room above the carriage house.

Lena: I brought him some food but he wasn't there.

Fred: Figures.

We then go to the kitchen as we see cats were eating as Scooby saw them.

Scooby: Rats!

He then growled at them trying to get them as Shaggy was holding him back but he got loose and ran after them as Shaggy chased after him.

Shaggy: Scooby Doo!

We then go to the others.

Dimitri: How long has Beau been working for you Ms. Lenoir?

Simone: *holds a white cat* Several months, and it's Simone, Dimitri.

We then see Scooby and Shaggy come into the room and fall on the ground.

Shaggy: Like, I don't think the kitchen was such a good idea, you know, cats.

Scooby: Rats! *growls*

The cat then hissed at Scooby as Simone held it up.

Simone: This is quite enough! The dog will have to eat outside!

Scooby: Outside? Ruh uh!

Shaggy: Like, there's a dead guy out there!

Lena: May I make a suggestion.

We later see Scooby and Shaggy in the mystery machine both having dinner.

Shaggy: Now this is a lot quieter buddy, and Lena even made a special dish to go.

The two were seen eating crawfish as we see the back door open as we see Dimitri as KO, Asuka, and Eri was with him.

Dimitri: Hey guys, we just came to check how you two are doing.

Shaggy: Like, we're ok, and these crawfish sure are tasty.

They then looked to see Scooby taking handfuls of crawfish and ate them as he spat the shells out.

Shaggy: *Holding a plate of biscuits* Here buddy, have a biscuit.

Scooby: Rhanks.

He then took the plate and ate all the biscuits.

Shaggy: Something tells me you're getting the best of this meal.

Then scooby heard a meow.

Scooby: Ruh oh. *growls* Rats!

They looked and saw cats were on a tree.

Eri: Oh no, not again.

Shaggy: It's hard to enjoy a meal with a bunch of eyes staring at you.

Shaggy and Scooby then got in the front seats as Dimitri, Asuka, Eri and KO got inside the van as they saw cats were on the roof of the van.

Shaggy: Sit tight buddy, I'll find us a peaceful place to eat.

They then started to drive off as it got the cats off as Scooby blew raspberries at them as we see the van was in the bayou as Shaggy and Scooby were eating gumbo.

Shaggy: This is a lot better. And now the heat re-insistence.

He then gave scooby a pepper.

Shaggy: On your mark, get set, ignition.

They both then ate the peppers as Shaggy was panting from the heat as Scooby laughed and spat his pepper out.

Shaggy: Hey no fair. What's the matter? Chicken?

Scooby: Ruh uh.

Dimitri: Wait don't-

Scooby then at the pepper.

Dimitri: -eat it.

Then Scooby and Shaggy began to turn red and fore came out of their ears as steam came out of their noses as they both ran out of the van screaming as they headed to the lake and drinked water as Dimitri, Asuka, Eri and KO watched them as the sky formed black clouds as green energy came as Scooby and Shaggy finished they saw the energy going to the ground as they looked and saw a zombie soldier come out as they both screamed as they all looked and saw zombies coming out from the lake.

Shaggy: Zoinks!


Dimitri: RUN!

They then ran into the van as Shaggy tried to start it as they saw the zombies coming.

KO: Dimitri, do something! The zombies are getting closer!

Dimitri: On it.

He then turned to upgrade as he then merged with the van as it then drove off away from the zombies.

Asuka: I think we lost them.

Then a zombie was revealed to be on the roof as it showed itself on the windshield making them scream as Dimitri then drove and stopped making the zombie fall off the van and hit a tree.

Eri: Is it dead?

Then the zombie got up.

KO: No!

Dimitri then tried to drive away but the van was stuck as he changed back.

Dimitri: Everyone run!

They then ran out of the mystery machine as they ran into the bayou until they bumped into someone as they looked and saw a person with a lantern as they then ran away screaming as the person was revealed to be Beau. We then go back to the house as we see Ashton trying pecan pie.

Ashton: Hey, we should do a segment on Lena's pecan pie Daphne. It's supernatural.

Daphne: You are so corny Ashton.

Ashton: And you love me for it.

They then hear screaming from outside.

Daphne: Now what?

Then Simone saw her cat run off.

Simone: I told you the hauntings were just getting started.

Ashton: We'll go look for them.

Simone: Lena, get them some lanterns.

Lena: On it, and Ashton, please be careful.

Ashton: I will.

We then see the gang looking outside in the bayou.

Ashton: Shaggy? Scooby?

Enid: Dimitri? KO?

They then saw a bush moving.

Velma: Guys?

They then saw that it was Beau.

Ashton: It's you, where's our friends?

Beau: Your crazy friends are near the bayou screaming about zombies, but I didn't see any.

Velma: You never do, and your never around when these ghosts and zombies appear.

Fred: Yeah, now isn't that a coincidence.

Daphne: Save your suspicions for later guys, right now we gotta find the others. I think we should split up.

Ashton: Good idea, Daphne.

Daphne: I'll go with Beau.

Ashton: Bad idea.

Velma: I'll go with Beau. I won't let him out of my sight.

We then see Velma and Beau looking around in the bayou.

Velma: Scooby? Shaggy? Dimitri? Asuka? Eri? KO?

Beau: Hey! Why do you keep treating me like I'm a suspect?

Velma: Because you are.

Velma then continued to walk through the bayou but Beau grabbed her.

Velma: Hey! Hey, let me go!

Then Beau grabbed a rock as Velma saw him with as he then threw it to the ground to reveal it was quicksand.

Beau: Quicksand.

Velma: Jinkies. Thanks, but you're still a suspect.

We then go to Ashton and the others as they were looking around as Ashton saw the mystery machine.

Ashton: Guys, look.

They then walked to the van as Daphne opened the back as shells came out making her scream.

Daphne: What is it?

Ashton: *looks at the shells* Crawdad shells.

Daphne: Well, I guess the guys like your girlfriend's cooking too.

Ashton: Daphne, I just like her cooking.

Then Daphne felt a hand on her shoulder as she then flipped the person on the ground.

Ashton: Are you alright?

Daphne: I can handle myself thank you.

They then saw the zombie.

Fred: It's probably the gardener.

Daphne: We'll just see about that.

She then reached to the zombie and saw a arm in the bush and then pulled the person out to reveal it was Shaggy.

All: Shaggy?

They then saw Scooby, KO, Eri, Asuka and Dimitri come out of the bushes.

All: Guys?

Shaggy then got up and then saw the zombie and then screamed.

Fred: Take it easy, Shag, it's just a mask.

We then see Daphne trying to remove the zombie's face off.

Daphne: If this is the mask, Fred. It's a pretty darn good one.

Fred: Good one? That's the fakest, cheesiest mask I've ever seen.

Daphne: Really? But it feels real? Ew. *wipes her hands*

Fred: You're just not pulling hard enough.

Ashton: Ok Mr. Macho, why don't you try.

Fred: Sure. *gives the camera to Shaggy* Hold this, Shag.

Shaggy then started to shake in fear while holding the camera.

Fred: Either hold it still or give it to someone else.

Shaggy then handed the camera to Daphne as Fred was trying to pull the zombie's head off.

Fred: It's the gardener!

Daphne: No.

Fred: It's the fisherman!

Eri: No.

Fred: It's the ferryman!

Scooby: No.

Fred: Maybe it's... *pulls the zombie's head off* real.

He then screamed and tossed it up in the air and then tossed it to Daphne as she then tossed it to Shaggy as he then tossed it to Asuka.

Asuka: Ew! I don't want it!

She then tossed it to Eri making her scream as she tossed the head to Wil

Wil: No thanks!

She then tossed it to KO making him freak out and toss it to Jessica.

Jessica: Get that away from me!

She then tossed it to Scooby making him scream as he tossed the head back to the zombie's body.

Daphne: I-I told you it wasn't a mask!

Fred: It must be animatronic.

They then saw the zombie put it's head back on its body.

Wil: Can an animatronic do that?!

They then looked up to see the clouds forming as the green energy came

Daphne: Ashton, are you getting all this?

The energy then went to the ground as they saw zombies coming out again.

Shaggy: It's deja vu all over again! And we know what to do right guys?

Scooby: Rep. Run!

They then started to run as they saw more zombies.

Shaggy: Yikes! It's a regular zombie jamboree!

Daphne: And I suppose they're all animatronic too?

Fred: Well, it is a possibility, Daph.

They then saw all the zombies coming.

Daphne: You're not a skeptic Fred, you're in denial.

She then looked as they saw more zombies as they heard a scream.

Ashton: It's Lena! We left her and Simone unprotected!

Daphne: Come on!

They then started to run but Ashton tripped, making him drop the camera as they saw it sinking in quicksand.

Daphne: The camera! It's quicksand!

The camera then sank in the quicksand.

Ashton: This way guys!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They all started to run as we see zombies started to rise from the ground as we see Shaggy, Scooby Blitzo, Dimitri, Eri, KO and Rad started to run from them as they ran through the lake on logs as one was revealed to be an alligator as it snapped at them making them run as we see the others running away from the zombies as we see the others running as Scooby fell into a lake as Shaggy tried to grab a vine but grabbed a snake as it hissed at him making him scream as he threw it as a hand tapped his shoulder and gave him a vine as it was revealed to be a zombie as he then swung away from it and got scooby out as we see Ashton and the others running as they grabbed a branch to whack the zombies with as they pulled it away making it hit a few zombies as they saw the bottom half of the zombie walking to them as we see shaggy and the others running away as a hook caught his shirt making him get pulled away until he hit a tree and got free and got knocked into the others as Snakebite was seen as we see the others running as we see Beau and Velma walking as they went to a bush and saw the others as they scream as Shaggy, Scooby, Blitzo, Rad, Eri, KO and Dimitri were rolling down a hill and into a cave as they got up and saw a table and there were wax dolls of Ashton, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Rias, Asuka, Carmelita, Moxxie, Millie, Carol, Jessica and Zee, Enid and Wil.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Looks like someone's been playing with dolls guys.

Scooby: Reah, dolls.

They then reached out to the dolls as we saw the others walking.

Velma: Did you find the guys?

Daphne: Yeah, but we lost them when we found zombies. Real zombies.

Velma: Real? Really real?

Fred: I hate to admit it, but they were.

Daphne: Yeah, I finally got my story, but all the proof sank in quicksand.

Then Ashton, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Rias, Asuka, Carmelita, Moxxie, Millie, Carol, Jessica and Zee, Enid and Wil started to float in the air

Ashton: I want down, dang it!

Asuka: Not again!

We then see the others as they were holding the dolls.

Eri: Hey KO look. *shows a doll of Daphne* This doll looks like Daphne.

She then moved the doll's arm making Daphne hit Ashton in the face.

Ashton: Ow! Hey!

Daphne: Sorry Ashton.

Then Eri moved the doll's leg making Daphne kick Ashton.

Ashton: Ow! Daphne!

Daphne: It's not my fault! Something's controlling me! Guys, get us down.

They then tried to grab the others and pull them down.

Beau: We can't.

Asuka: *Gets controlled by a force and punches Ikaruga*

Ikaruga: Ow!

Asuka: Sorry!

Then Wil kicked Zee.

Zee: Ow!

We then see Hal as he had the doll of Ashton in between the legs of Carmelita's doll as Ashton was seen in between Carmelita's legs

Ashton: This is not funny anymore!

Carmelita: But it does feel very nice.

We then see Scooby with the Wil doll laughing as he looked and saw eyes.

Shaggy: I wonder who made these dolls?

Scooby: Guys, look, eyes!

They then looked and saw the eyes as they all ran out of the cave dropping the dolls as the gang saw the others fall to the ground as they heard Lena screaming.

Ashton: Come on! We gotta get to the house!

They then ran to the house as we saw the others running out of the cave as they saw bats fly out.

Dimitri: False alarm guys, it's just a bunch of bats.

They then saw two female zombies coming to them.

Shaggy: W-we're not looking for ghoul friends right guys?

Scooby: Reah.

They then felt tapping on their shoulders and saw two more zombies as they then ran away as we saw the others in the house.

Daphne: Lena? Simone?

Velma and Beau went to the kitchen as Velma flicked the light switch but the light didn't turn on.

Velma: Scooby? Shaggy?

Beau: The generator must have gone out. I'll go check.

Velma: No way, I'm not letting you out of my sight.

We then see Ashton going up the stairs but a secret entrance opened up and fell down as the others ran to him.

Daphne: Ashton, are you-

Lena: Alright?

We see Lena was there with Ashton.

Ashton: Yeah, what happened?

Lena: It was a nightmare, Ms. Lenior and I waited outside for you but we were attacked by these... these...

Velma: Zombies?

Lena: Yes! We ran back into the house, and Ms. Lenoir opens the secret passageway. She said it was built during the civil war to hide from union soldiers. But the zombies came after us! They grabbed Ms. Lenoir and dragged her away! Oh, thank goodness you've come!

Velma: *sees footprints* You say the zombies "dragged" Simone away?

Lena: Yes, it was horrible! *hugs Ashton*

Ashton: Don't worry, we'll find her and it'll be ok.

Daphne: Come on, we've got to save Simone.
They then walk in the secret tunnel to find Simone. Then they saw a door as they went in to see a room.

Ashton: What is this?

Velma: Looks to me like a place for voodoo rituals. But why don't we just ask Lena?

Ashton: What do you mean?

Velma: Her story about Simone being dragged by zombies wasn't true, I saw the footprints of Simone's heels, she wasn't dragged, she walked down that tunnel.

Then a hand was seen turning a chain opening a hole on the ceiling as we see Simone walk to the light.

Simone: Very clever Velma, but it's too late.

She then held up the dolls of Daphne and Velma and sent the two to a wall.

Ashton: Guys!

Lena: Sorry Ashton, but I really do like you.

She then held up a voodoo doll of him and Carmelita sending the two to a wall.

Ashton: What would you do if you didn't like me?

Beau: Hey!

Lena then held up dolls of the others and sent them to the wall as Velma saw Lena and Simone tying the dolls up.

Velma: Voodoo dolls.

Simone: These wax dolls do come in handy.

Ashton: So that's where our things went.

Velma: Sorry I suspected you Beau.

Beau: Apology accepted.

Simone: The harvest moon will soon reach the midnight point on this moon dial and then the ceremony will begin.

Ashton: What ceremony?

Daphne: You won't get away with this!

Simone: I've been getting away with it for 200 years.

Then her face started to change to appear cat-like as the others gasped at it.

Ashton: At least the others are still free, I hope.

Lena: I heard that Ashton.

They turned to see that Lena's face was cat-like as well.

Lena: Those simpletons? We didn't even bother making wax dolls of them. A waste of time in magic wax!

Carol: What are you planning to do with us?!

Simone: It's simple, every harvest moon I must drain the lifeforce from victims lured to my island to preserve my immortality.

Daphne: This is more haunted stuff than I really wanted.

End! We'll leave this in a cliffhanger. Hope you guys will enjoy this.

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