Chapter 14

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* The people in Treta Yuga (5114 BC) led a healthy lifestyle and thrived closer to nature. Perhaps this was the reason they lived for centuries together. Or the years calculated then and now might differ. But there are evidences that can prove the longevity of our ancestors. Considering that Sri Rama and his brothers lived for almost 10,052 years (that seems outright ridiculous to most). But as we can't prove it to be wrong or right, I am sticking with that.

* And there are many stories that involve the death of Urmila before Lakshman's or vice versa but there is a statement in Shloka 99 of Valmiki Ramayan  that there was no widow in Ram Rajya. That suggests that either Lakshman died after Urmila or they both died together. The latter is adopted into a Yakshagana performance,( Rama Niryana) A dance form developed in Uttara Karnataka. 

Centuries had passed by and the royal  children had grown into fine men. The Rajmatas were no longer alive. Ayodhya had improved so much over time.It was the time when women were held with high respect,people were benevolent, knew and followed ethics. Ayodhya has prospered under their King Ram. One particular evening, Lakshman was sleeping on Urmila's lap in their private chambers. " Our duties are over,Mila" he said his eyes closed.

" Mmm" She hummed. She was reading a book.

" You have finished all the books ever written" he said mildly irritated. He snatched the book away. She smiled. " What is it?" 

" I said our time is almost over" he repeated caressing her face.

" Yes. It will be like going back to sleep after a long day" she chuckled.

"You are the only person who chuckles when you speak of death" he said amused.

" There is nothing to fear,Lakshman. We have finished everything. Our children have grown up and can look after themselves. Ayodhya will be in good hands. Everything is so beautiful and right that I can't help but think that death too will be peaceful." She said drawing  circles on his palm.

" Maybe" he said softly getting up.

" I just have one fear. I cannot live a day without you, Lakshman" She said cupping his face. He tried to say something but no voice came out. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. " Nor can I, Mila. Let's not talk about it. We donot have any work this evening. Let's do something different" He said tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

They went out riding, played Chaupar, and talked late into the night. Lakshman yawned. " It is quite late. You won't reach the court in time tomorrow if we don't sleep now" she said pulling him on the bed. His lips captured hers slowly dancing against each other. " I can't get enough of you" he rasped. She continued the kiss, her fingers slipping into his locks.  " I love you,Lakshman" she whispered. " I love you too" he said with a final kiss,taking her in his arms. 

The next morning, as predicted,Lakshman woke up late. He had rolled to the other side of the bed in his sleep. He sprinted across the room to get ready. Urmila was still asleep. He smiled affectionately. They had slept very late yesterday. Pressing a kiss to the back of her head he went out in a hurry. It was only one hour later that day when the court heard a high pitched scream. Ram looked stunned. He got up and walked swiftly to the interiors of the palace. His brothers followed close behind. Shrutkirti ran past them outside  before any of them could ask her about the dreadful scream. Shatrughan followed her outside. Mandavi looked ashen as she led the brothers inside to Urmila's chambers. " She is not waking up"

Lakshman looked at Mandavi" Of course.She is tired. We slept very late. Don't wake her up."

" She is not waking up" Mandavi said in a high voice. Just then the royal physician rushed inside and felt Urmila's breath and pulse. Lakshman could not process what was going on. " She is alright!" He roared pushing aside the physician.He dropped on his knees next to the bed. He slightly caressed her face" Wake up,Mila". She did not budge. He rubbed her hands trying to make them warm," Mila,wake up. Just once and go back to sleep again." He tried to feel her pulse but could not find any. He slightly shivered.

The royal physician just shook his head. " No she is just tired. She will wake up any minute. She won't leave me like that, She can't leave me like that... ." Lakshman blabbered incoherently tears clouding his eyes. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at his Ram bhaiya. He too shook his head ,his eyes moist. " Mila" he said hollowly looking at her face that looked radiant as ever with a small satisfied smile. Ram pulled Lakshman up into an embrace. Lakshman pressed a last kiss to Urmila's lifeless body and whispered " I love you,Mila"

Lakshman did not remember anything after that. He didnot know when he cremated his wife's body. He could not forget the conversation they had the previous evening. She had got her wish. She died before him. Ram comforted him " It's not much longer,Lakshman. We all will join her soon" 

" How did you live without ..." asked Lakshman tears choking him. " For you, for Luv and Kush, for the family and Ayodhya" said Ram looking into the burning pyre, tears glistening in his eyes." The pain can never lessen with time, it worsens. You get used to the increasing pain everyday yet it is unbearable . There is very little time,Lakshman, It will all be soon over"  He continued.

Lakshman could not stay in his chambers. He had no tears left to cry. He rode everywhere and anywhere, he visited their lake, the library, the arena, every place he could feel a part of his Urmila. He touched her clothes, smelt her perfume, talked to her at night as though she was very much alive. He felt her presence all around him. Sleep had escaped Lakshman. He could not sleep without her warm soft body against him. He longed to see her, hear her voice, tease her,hug her....It was as if all the joy and life was sucked out of him. There was no joy in even talking with this sons. They had done their best to comfort him. Every time Lakshman saw them, he felt a huge craving to see Urmila. He spent hours in the arena holding her sword. He heard her gentle voice the previous night she died saying I love you. Those were her last words. This pain was hundred times worse than death .What was Lakshman without his Mila? 

" Nothing" he said out aloud.  He lived solely for his brother, Ram. If Ram bhaiya was taken away from him, he would certainly die. Within the few days that followed, Shrutkirti and Mandavi also passed away leaving their husbands  and sons distraught. They had comforted each other. It was on a bright day when Ram had summoned Lakshman. Hanuman was nowhere in sight. " Where is Hanuman,bhaiya?" Lakshman asked . Hanuman was always with Ram bhaiya. Ram looked down at his hands " I have sent him to do a small favour for me" He didnot look into Lakshman's eyes. Lakshman had this sudden feeling that his brother was hiding something. " He is alright?" he asked. " No worries, he is perfectly fine" said Ram smiling. He continued . " I have an important appointment with.. someone. You are to gaurd the door. Let no one in, I repeat no one. You know the consequences" he said softly. Yes,Lakshman knew the consequences. " Have I ever let anyone inside during any meetings all these years? I will not,bhaiya,don't worry" He assured Ram.

Assured ,Ram went inside closing the door behind him to complete the meeting with the mysterious person. Lakshman stood outside gaurding. In the mean time, Sage Durvasa showed up demanding to see Sri Ram. Lakshman had stood his ground. Sage Durvasa whose anger was always at the tip of his nose, declared that he would curse Ayodhya if he was not let inside. Lakshman, being Ayodhya's protector had no choice. He let the sage inside than harm Ayodhya. He quickly walked to his chambers as the Sage went inside. He walked up to Urmila's potrait and whispered " I will join you soon". The punishment for letting some one inside when the King had forbidden it, was death.

He removed his jewels, his royal attire and donning simple clothes, he advanced to Sarayu. He knew it would kill his Ram Bhaiya to punish him with a death sentence. He would kill himself before that. He closed his eyes, stepping into the cool waters of Sarayu. His whole universe had revolved around his brother and Urmila. He saw Urmila before him. Within seconds, Sarayu had engulfed one of the bravest , most loyal man into it's fathomless waters.

The person whom Sri Ram met that day was Yama, the God of Death. He had sent Hanuman to find a ring of his which he himself had thrown into into the underworld to send Hanuman away so he could meet Yama. Hanuman would never let his lord  be harmed in any way and would not let him die. 

The next day, Ram,Shatrughan and Bharath entered Sarayu the same way Lakshman had. They had tried their best to make the world a better place to live in. Having distributed duties to all their children, they decided it was time they undertook Jalsamadhi ( Drowning oneself). The brothers and their wives were the perfect embodiment of dharma. The bond they shared was unbelievable. 

 There are many  different stories of Ramayana. Each one beautiful in it's own way. Whether it was true or not,it depends on the belief of the person. 

Most of the upcoming generations will  grow up hearing the love stories of Romeo Juliet, Anna Karenina, Nicholas Sparks' stories. They are wonderful, ofcourse.  In the midst of  that we forget the beautiful, rich stories that our country has to offer. The love story of Lakshman and Urmila , Satyavan and Savitri, Shiva and Sati,Meghanath and Sulochana remain mostly forgotten.

Lakshman and Urmila's story was not just of love. It was of sacrifice, loyalty and much more. Not only to each other but to their siblings. They might be no more but their stories and memories speak volumes of their love  and sacrifice to each other and their family.

कल्याणी बत गाथेयं लौकिकी प्रतिभाति मे । एति जीवन्तमानन्दो नरं वर्षशतादपि॥ 

* Well,that's it.  It could have been much better but I hope you like it. Thank you for reading. 

* Hello, if you liked my work, try The forgotten sister ( Lord Ram's sister, Shanta) which I am currently writing. I would love to improve.

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