Chapter 2

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( Urmila's memories)

Mithila was a wonderful place. A place known for peace and knowledge. King Janak was extremely well learned and made sure that his daughters and his two nieces were also well educated. He held debates and discussions on various topics in his court and among the scholars, was Gargi a well educated woman frowned upon by many as they prefered women not to be educated. But Mithila was not so. King Janak had  made sure all girls or boys were educated at the nearby ashram where Gargi was one of the teachers. The princesses of Mithila were no exception. They too had joined the same ashram.

Sita was the quiet studious one. She loved to cook and feed her sisters. Mandavi was more of an artist. She went on hours and hours painting in the garden collecting berries of different colours to blend them to produce the colour she wanted. Shrutkirti had a voice sweeter than a nightingale. Her singing enthralled Mithila. Urmila spent most of her time with Sita and Gargi debating and studying.  Urmila was also a sword fighter. She loved physical exertion.She loved the sound of the sword as it slashed through the air, the clang when it touched it's opponent. She had started learning from a young age and had mastered it by the age of seventeen. She loved to go and swim  with her sisters in a lake nearby after a gruelling match with her uncle Kushadwaj.

The four sisters were indeed inseperable as the four brothers of Ayodhya. Sunaina had made sure the sisters knew how to cook well, conduct like royalty and had entertained them with a vast collection of stories .Even though Urmila was the birth daughter of King Janak and Queen Sunaina, Sita was the special one. Mandavi and Shrutkirti were also treated as daughters. The sisters loved each other very dearly and had no feeling of animosity or jealousy.

Urmila remembered the day that changed her life  perfectly well. It was very early in the morning. She and uncle Kushadwaj  were having a duel in a clearing quite far from the palace as arrangements were going on for the swayamvar of Sita. Some soldiers were appointed to keep a look out.

Urmila won hovering the tip of the sword over Kushadwaj's chest, panting slightly. She held her hand and pulled Kushadwaj up. "Well done,my dear girl" he said affectionately. She smiled "Chacha, I am younger than you. I have more stamina". She turned around and saw two unfamiliar faces with the soldiers. A dark regal looking boy and a slightly fairer boy. The fairer one was looking straight into her eyes.  Tingles ran up her spine. Her knees became weak.Even Urmila, who never fell to boyish charms had to agree he was handsome.  He looked away at the same time she did.They must have come for the swayamvar, She thought.

A small talk with her sisters confirmed that they had indeed come for the swayamvar. It was rumored that they were from Ayodhya. The dark one, was Ram, the eldest prince of Ayodhya.He was going to compete in the swayamvar while the other handsome one was his brother,Lakshman. In a few days,Sita and Ram had come face to face in the gardens and nothing could hide the blush on Sita's face nor could anything curb the teasing from her sisters. Urmila fervently hoped Ram would lift Shiva's bow  and win Sita's hand in marriage. Her sister was completely  besotted  with him.

On the day of the swayamvar after the rude entrance and the failed attempt of Ravan to lift the bow, when the other participants started verbally abusing her father,it was Ram who stepped in and won Sita's hand in marriage by not only lifting but by breaking the bow signifying his dissapproval at how others had considered Sita as a thing to be won and not as a human. Lakshman's protective nature over his brother was not unnoticed by Urmila. He loves Ram the same way I love Sita or perhaps more... She thought. She caught Lakshman staring at her. A faint smile curved her lips. He realised he was caught looking and turned away,blushing. Somehow,the day seemed brighter for Urmila.

The preparations for the marriage were in full swing. Urmila had slipped to the  lake one early morning, a week before the wedding. She was sitting on the edge, wearing her duelling attire of a simple mud colour dhoti and a white blouse with angavastram, drawing patterns on the water surface. A sharp bark of" Oy" came out of no where and startled,Urmila suddenly turned causing her to fall in the water. A tall red colour dhoti clad fair man came into her view. He had a sword in one hand. He was suprised to see Urmila as she was to see him.

" You!" They both exclaimed together, looking away at once. " You made me fall in the water!" said Urmila glaring at him. Lakshman's eyes widened" More like you fell in the water ,scared. I heard some sounds and came to see who was here. I came for an early morning walk" he justified.

By now, Urmila was shivering slightly. She glared at him,not even an apology! Atleast Ram Jijashri does'nt resemble him. She climbed out slowly, throwing a glare at him. Suddenly he seemed to have remembered his manners,for he said," Sorry,I didnot mean to scare you"

Just then a sharp sound was heard from behind Urmila. Barely fifteen foot away from her was a mountain lion. It was not often that such an animal was found there. But after all,it was a forest.It advanced slowly towards them and as it neared, it jumped and at the precise moment two knives were flung into it's chest,killing it almost instantly. Urmila looked back and saw Lakshman staring at her. Their aim had been perfect."You keep a knife at hand?" he asked trying to sound casual but failing miserably. "Yes, as you do" said Urmila retrieving her knife and cleaning it, saying a quick apology for the dead animal. As she got up, she felt a cloth against her bare shoulders. Lakshman had removed his Angavastram and put it around her. " You are shivering" he told quietly as he did the same as Urmila taking his knife." I will escort you" he said softly looking into her eyes. Urmila shivered again,but this had nothing to do with the cold." I am perfectly capable of it on my own" said Urmila." Thank you for this" she said motioning the angavastram.

"It was my fault you fell" he said non chalantly the deep look in his eyes gone and seeming his usual brooding self. They both parted ways.

Urmila could just not forget the incident. She didnot tell any of her sisters of the incident as she knew she would blush to no end. She had the angavastram in her hand. He was so gallant and handsome still he broods and seems a bit moody,she thought,smiling to herself.

" What has put you in such a good mood,Urmi?" asked Sita smiling.Is it so obvious?Urmila thought. " Not a  good mood as you are in after a talk with Jija" said Urmila winking.

Sita had a ready comeback" Is it something to do with the  angavastram you are holding? I have never seen a cloth of this texture  in Mithila" she said slyly. Urmila turned beet red. "Anyway",continued Sita" I need you to go to the new quarters of Ayodhya princes and deliver them the food after it is cooked." Lakshman, Urmila sighed softly as Sita turned away.

A banana leaf covered the ingredients her sister had specially cooked for the Ayodhya residents. Urmila made her way to the quarters. That morning,King Dasharath had arrived. She heard two voices speaking. It was Ram." You lost your angavastram again!" he exclaimed. " I hung it on a branch before I went in for a swim, I must have simply forgotten to take it back" Lakshman replied making sure to sound  unaffected. Lakshman was lying to his brother!Urmila had his angavastram tucked under her arm and the large plate of food in her hands,she could not hide it now. She went forward as Ram greeted her warmly." You must be Urmila!" he said relieving her from the plates. His eyes fell on the angavastram." How did you get that?" he asked surprised.

" I found it on a branch of a tree  near the lake " she replied quickly. Lakshman who had held his breath sighed in relief. She handed the angavastram to Lakshman and before she could speak,Ram asked"How did you know it belonged to us?" 

" We donot have such material in Mithila" she said smiling. Lakshman fervently thanked her wits. " Yes" continued Ram," But how did you know it was Lakshman's,and not mine?" a smile tugged at his lips. 

" I am sorry, as I came ,I overheard the conversation you were having and came to know your brother had lost his angavastram,jijaji" said Urmila politely.  Lakshman left another breath in relief.

"oh" said Ram a bit dejected though the teasing smile never left his lips. " Thank you for the food. It smells delicious." 

" Sita didi made it" said Urmila with  a look of pride for her sister." Namaste" she said and turned around. After a few steps ,she heard Ram say to Lakshman" Couldn't get you this time,eh? But it's not everyday a beautiful girl,ahem, Urmila,finds your angavastram is it?" Urmila fled back to the palace with as much dignity as possible.

*Angavastram is a peice of long clothing worn by a man on his bare torso or by a woman over her blouse.

* Thank you for reading it. Criticisim is always welcome

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