Chapter 7

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* In many  Ramayana stories, they say Urmila slept for   fourteen years of exile while Lakshman stayed awake for the whole of  fourteen years to protect his brother and sister-in-law. Urmila slept Lakshman's share of sleep too, after a boon obtained by Lakshman from Nidradevi. But in some Ramayana, there is no such thing mentioned. I will be continuing the stories keeping Urmila awake*

It had been seven years now.Ram,Sita and Lakshman had long left Chitrakoot and travelled south ward. Urmila had helped the household to get along. Her strong chirpy character pulled everyone from the looming sadness.She was the only person cementing the family together giving them a reason to be happy.  She never missed talking  with her sisters, trying to cheer Mandavi up.Mandavi's room was filled with paintings. The two sisters immersed themselves in their hobbies trying to distract themselves from the pain of seperation. Urmila could not go back to the arena. Fresh memories from there still didnot allow her to go back without tearing up . So most of Urmila's time was spent in the large library of Ayodhya devouring any and every book she could get.

Urmila was the only one kind to  Ma Kaikeyi.  Six  years ago,Kaikeyi had attempted to give up her own life but was stopped in time. Over the years, the royal family had forgiven Kaikeyi without any words. All except Bharat. He refused to meet her or hear her pleas. He said he could never forget the pain and damage she inflicted upon the Raghuvanshis. He came over often before, but his visits became rare as time passed. Shatrughan held the court with Urmila for help, regularly reporting to Bharath about the affairs of the kingdom . King Janak had educated his daughters well in their royal duties

Urmila counted each day for the return of her loved ones. Everywhere she went, the stables,the arena,the court room,their chambers, every place had a memory of her with Lakshman. She fervently hoped they were alright and prayed for them everyday. That particular day,she had recieved a letter from her father. Letters from Mithila had become very regular since the three had departed. Most of them were invites to Mithila for a few days which the sisters had graciously  declined saying that Ayodhya needed them more. 

But this letter was adressed only to Urmila. She opened the letter and read it once. A huge smile lightened up her face.

Dear Urmila,  ( it read)

I hope you,your sisters and family are doing fine. Mithila is doing well and  so are your mother and uncle Kushadwaj. This is an invite for you to come to Mithila. Only you. This time, I am not asking you to come as a daughter. I hope you clearly remember the annual Jnana sabha we hold. I request you, Princess Urmila to attend the sabha as a participant,as a scholar. Write back your answer to me as soon as possible.



 Her father held high esteem of her knowledge and skills. Happiness. In a long time, Urmila was ecstatic. It was the only silver lining she could see in the dark years stretched out before her.She immediately wrote a quick reply to her father and ran to her sisters informing them the good news she had just recieved. Everyone was pleased for her. They had seen Urmila smile,laugh,joke around to make them happy. But this was the first time in years they had seen her happy for herself. 

" Lakshman would have been  very proud" said  Ma Sumitra in her pleasant voice. Ma Kaushalya who retreated in her chambers had shown up at this news and was happy for Urmila.

Arrangements were made for Urmila to travel to Mithila. The prospect of meeting her mother,father, Mata Gargi,and the thought of the debate in the sabha made her radiant.She wished Lakshman was there with her to hear it. She had attended the meet as a small girl,as an audience of course. The debate, the knowlegde put forth had always fascinated her. A warm feeling penetrated through her as she entered Mithila where knowledge was honoured above all.King Janak was a great scholar himself. He had welcomed his daughter with open arms. Her mother, her usual fussy self, admonishing Urmila that she had grown thin. Kushadwaj and she had a small duel too. It was the first time in years, and the exhaustion after the duel was so familiar to her that it was then that she fully realised  how much she had missed a  sword in her hand.

Mithila is beautiful, the same way it was ten years ago, smiled Urmila. She went around the palace remembering the happy times the sisters had shared. She bumped into someone, coming out of her nostalgia. "Mata Gargi!" She exclaimed, touching her teacher's  feet.

Gargi held her arms looking at Urmila properly, " You have grown little one. Life has not been good on you" 

Urmila gave her a sad smile. 

" You are coming for the sabha, are'nt you? About time too" said Gargi

The debate started early the next morning and ended only before sunset. No one had stirred from their places. Urmila,usually a hungry person didnot feel her hunger in the excitement of the discussions going on . Only after the sabha was dismissed did she feel faint with hunger.She felt more happy and satisfied than she had in years. Food could wait,now she had to write a long letter to her sisters and her family in Ayodhya about the meet.

Before leaving Mithila,she went back to the lake and her cave to visit her fond memories. Memories was all she had with her. Memories,love and hope.

* Thank you for reading. I hope you liked reading it. Criticism is always welcome*

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