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Lakshman was going to his office in his black Mercedes. he  right now stuck  due to signal on road.

Knock, knock , he heard a knock on his car's window's glass. He did window down and there a boy was standing with many sparrows in a cage which the boy was holding.
The boy was bearly seven or eight years old with teared and dirty clothes. that boy was barefooted and  was looking at Lakshman eyes  with a hope that if he will buy a sparrow today then that boy's father will not beat him because there were marks of beaten by stick on his body.

Bhaiya , please buy the sparrow they are just 20 each at least by one bhaiya ji please said the boy while joining his hands. Lakshman opened the door of his car and came out He bent down to that boys level and said,
      What is the cost of all sparrows?
he asked while putting hands on that boy's cheeks .
200  bhaiya said the boy showing his widest  smile because if laksh would buy  all  the sparrows than that boy's father will give him full plate food to eat at night.

Laksh went back to car in search of his wallet . he came back within a few seconds with wallet . he had 10,000 cash with him and he gave all 10,000 to that boy and took all sparrows from him.

Bhaiya, That much money ?asked boy in amusement.
Yes , do you have mother? Asked Lakshman tenderly at which the boy nodded .
then give the money to her ok said Lakshman .
ok bhaiya , you know my father always beat my mother,  my mother  work all day at rich people house and father still beat her  and also take all money from her and spend them on gambling and on alcohol said the boy with tears in his eyes.

Laksh  hugged that boy tight and whispered I know, I know .
Lakshman withdraw him from the hug and wiped his tears.

You know challenges like these are meant to make us stronger said Lakshman to him and turned to leave .

Bhaiya , your car is very good said boy in excitement.
Did you like it ?ask laksh at which that boy nodded.
You can also have like that in future said Lakshman to that boy.
I can't even go to school, how will I have a car like this ever said the boy in disappointed.
child  who knows about future and also our future is in our hand said Laksh.

Then, lakshman turned to sparrows cage and freed them , each sparrow flew  away in sky .

Bhaiya, why did you freed them? Asked boy.
Every one loves freedom , even sparrows too said laksh looking at flying sparrows and turned to his car's direction.

There were some people who used to sleep hungry for days but still today they are successful.  so never imagine your future through your present said Laksh before he drove away from there.

That boy was looking at Lakshman's leaving car with determinant in his eyes .
bhaiya, I will definitely have a car like this one day said the boy .
that day  Lakshman didn't know , he changed a boy and his future which was going to remain in poverty and darkness before meeting him. 
but, that  scene was caught  by a pair of beautiful eyes which was welled up with tears  and respect for the owner of black Mercedes.

Office scene

Good morning sir whished  the receptionist, being extra sweet
laksh  just nodded his head while going towards his cabin .
many men  and women Wished  him on the way and he nodded  at all of them .
girls of his office are having crush on him whether they were married or unmarried.

Urmi was late by fifteen minutes and it was her second day as his assistant. she cursed her fate for being late.
She knocked  his door of cabin.
come in she heard his deep voice.
Sir, your coffee said Urmila while putting coffee on table.

miss sridhwaj , why so early  today . look , I am paying  you for your work not for overtime said laksh in sarcastic way .

sir sorry,  meowed Urmi bowing her  head down in response understanding his sarcasm.

What you said? It's inaudible to me said laksh.

Sorry sir said Urmila little loud this time

What should I do of your sorry ? you are being careless on second day of your work as assistant and now you will have to work till 11 p.m. in office said laksh looking in urmi's eyes.

Sir, I had to do my homework and collage work also said Urmila in surprised.

I am not paying you for your homework or college work got it and who told you to earn while studying said  Laksh .

it is my personal problem whispered Urmi bowing her head down .

Lakshman closed his eyes in frustration,  he wants to know about her personal problem but neither shanta didi nor she is telling him.

miss sridhwaj ,  I am paying you for work.  take these files and arrange them he motioned  her towards the  bunch of file which were kept on table.

but ,these files are already arranged said Urmila.

Is that so , he asked with raised eyebrows and  got up from his chair. went to the table and misplaced  all the files .

Urmila's jaw dropped  on this. she was looking at busy Lakshman with anger while he was throwing files and papers hare and there.

Now ,it is not arranged right asked Laksh with a  smirk on his handsome face.

No sir, whispered Urmila.

Then, go to your work said Lakshman while showing his sarcastic smile.

Idiot, he is 27 years old and I am just 17 . I am a child in front of him and he just keeps on troubling me unnecessary, stupid Boss ,thought  Urmila.  While collecting files and papers from floor.
lakshman smirked at her from his chair.

How was the chapter?
I was very busy. That's why I didn't update for so long🥺🥺🥺.
Forgive me for that and show your immense love to chappy ❤️❤️🦋🦋.

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