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Lakshmila were in plane which is going to take off in few minutes.

Urmila wished to sit next to window seat as this is her first plane ride which she wants to enjoy fullest, looking at clouds from above, wants to fly with Birds but that seat was reserved for lakshman.

Lakshman understanding her excitement asked her to sit on window seat. Urmila was going to deny it but Lakshaman's statement " it's my order" left her with no choice, again!

Right now urmila was sitting near the window , excited and nervous at same time lakshman was beside her.

Urmila's fingers were Crossed and eyes too.

She was having fear of plane hijacking or plane crash as she has seen in many movies.

First time? Laksh asked her looking at her expressions. She opened her eyes and nodded at him.

Nervous? He again asked. She again nodded.

Laksh held her one small , soft hand in his big , callous one's tightly.

An electric current ran into their spines but no one withdraw the grip. Laksh was giving the confidence to urmila which she needed most at that time. He was assuring her that everything would be fine.

The announcement of pilot that plan is going to take off in few seconds made Urmila's hold tight . Lakshaman was loving that namesake force on him from those small, slim, soft , Cotton like hands.

" You can now open your eyes!" Laksh said leaning close to her. She could feel his hot spicy breath fanning on her face.

She opened her eyes.She was flying, talking to sky. She looked at window to capture the view in her memory for ever.

Laksh smiled at her antics , he recalled his childhood when he used to get super excited looking at planes from the roof of his house. He promised his mother that one day he too will own a plane and first person who would be in that plane would be his mother. Once, he was too an excited, childish, innocent child when he used to dream big , next too impossible, where he used to get super happy in small things, things for which he used to desired now he owns them but these things don't excite him now, not anymore.

His all emotions are locked in a small corner in his heart and he had thrown the key far away, now no one can unlock those emotions.

" Can I make a video of these clouds and birds ? He heard a sugary voice . He came out of his past.

Sir, can I make video? She again asked , he nodded in affirmative .

she started her video filming of clouds, sun , birds , the beautiful view, mountains, oceans, rivers , which were tiny from the plane.

Offo, not a single good pic I can capture? She whispered to herself as now video was completed and she was clicking pics.

Show me! Laksh demanded her phone as she gave him thinking she has offended him with any of her activity.

Laksh captured photos and gave Urmi her phone back. Urmi was surprised seeing his photography skills.

I didn't know you have this skill she said to him in slow voice.

why ? he asked being amused.

because... you look so strict and workholic that's why urmila replied .

There are many things which you don't know about me he said closing his eyes resting on his seat. Urmila failed to understand his double meaning talk.

The flight has landed to USA. Urmila again clutched to Lakshman's hand tightly when plane was landing.

She breath in the air of USA. Even the air is so exotic , anyways Delhi is the most polluted City in entire world signed urmila.

They were now moving towards penthouse of Lakshman which he owns in USA. it was in outskirt of New York City .

Urmila can see many Indians here as well . she felt so proud that Indians has occupied high post in different countries and rising the name of India all over the world.

What is the schedule for today? Laksh asked her , engrossed in his mobile , reading mails.

This man can never take a rest and enjoy the life for moment urmila thought. Her eyes were roaming here and their, admiring the beauty of a foreign country while he eyes were glued on phone .

sir , today we have a meeting with MR Smith and we have a party to attend of Mr Smith but it is tomorrow urmila told him.

What about presentation? He asked.

Sir , which we have to present today I have made it, so no worries ! just have a look at it if there is any mistake or correction Urmila confidently said to him .

Lakshman nodes at her and was still looking at his phone.

Poor mila, kitna kaam karti hai na🥺🥺 or ye bhout kaam karvata hai usse😭. Which was your favourite part in today's chapter? How is the story going? Curious to know their past?

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