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Laksh  too saw those bangles when Dashrath was giving it to urmila and his eyes went wide in shock seeing them . " What was going in his mother's mind when she gifted them to her ?" He thought.

Those bangles his mom made from his hard  earned money to gift his bride and those were the same bangles she gifted for Urmila .

He was happy about it  that it came to it's right owner because his heart  was all reserved for this women and also he is never going to marry in his life but what was going on in his mother's head during that time ?  women are so confusing !  he thought.

wow!  these are so beautiful but how I ..... I mean , how can I take these expensive gifts !  Urmila said

She sent these for you with love,  take them daughter said Dashrath with smile.

Mila forward her hands hesitately to take them,  she took bangles and placed them to her forehead in order to pay respect to it.

all smiled at her gesture and lakshman's heart filled with pride and respect for this women again .

I take your leave Maharaj she said bowing  down a little and went from there completely ignoring Lakshman.

siblings shocked  as it never happened before. Lakshman - urmila and  their eye contact is essential if they are  under one roof.

There,  Amarjeet muttered something in his father's ear and yudhjit smiled . Amarjeet  passed an evil smile to Lakshman  and sumitranandan  got alert that something bad is going to happen.


Urmila watering the plants in her garden, staying close to nature often provide peace to her.

Princess !  Mila heard a voice very close to her , she shivered.

Pranam ! Myself Amarjeet , do you remember I saved you from slipping during haldi ceremony ? said Amarjeet joining his hands.

oh yes,  I do !  she said and instantly the memory of Lakshman filled her .

same day when she saw a different side of Lakshman and same day when her he broke her heart.

Princess,  I heard a lot about you about your skills , intelligence and of course this divine beauty said Amarjeet eying her breast area lustfully.

thank you but I don't know about you she said straight forwardly .

The  evil  smirk washed off his face he felt insulted but still he laughed trying to cover his inner feelings .

" actually,  I am Bharath's  cousin. Bharat's mother is my aunt ( bua ) . I am the youngest Prince of kekeya Desh"  he said stepping closer .

Mila walked backward creating distance between them.

Oh okay welcome in Mithila, kekeya  is really  powerful Kingdom she said being gentle,  trying not to make him feel insulted .

oh yes that is ! any girl who will become my wife and the queen of kekeya would be so lucky he said .

Urmila was able to smell arrogance from his words .

yeah ! she managed to say.

Ummm, you are  the son of Prince yudhjit . your father is youngest then shouldn't according to Shastra your eldest brother become the king ?  she asked clearing her confusion .

oh , that I will snatch throne from him . I am powerful after all , I should be the  king and do you know girls die for me ! he said stepping more close to her  she again walked backward creating distance between them.

She saw him first with disgust how the hell he is brother of Bharat bhaiya , those Suryavanshi brothers are like one soul four bodies and here he is thinking to cheat his own brother  but Urmila did not say anything.

Ummm.... That's good ! Now I seek your leave Prince,  she said and walked a little to move out of there without waiting for his reply . but to her dismay  he caught  her wrist . Mila's  expression turn shocked!  fear and anger  started to Russing in  her veins but before she could do or say anything she  heard him groaning in pain.

You bastard ! how dare you touch her Holy body with your dirty hands screamed a man in his loudest and scariest voice ever.

saumitra ! mila whisper to herself seeing  Lakshman beating the shit out of Amarjeet .

how dare you touch her with your dirty hand,  you pervert ! he again screamed punching  Amarjeet on his nose.   Amarjeet groan in pain,  his nose started to bleed . he was beneath Lakshman even struggling to breath.

saumitra, what the hell are you doing ? Mila said but her voice  did not reach till his ears .

again and again the sight  of Amarjeet holding urmila's hand was playing in his mind .

" how dare he touch his Mila ,his girl?"

Saumitra stop it , said Urmila again.

I will kill him Mila,  how dare he touch you?  Lakshman said kicking Amarjeet on his stomach.

Saumitra, leave him!  he didn't do anything , he will die!  leave him , urmila said grabbing lakshman's arm to stop him but Lakshman was unstoppable today,v he again punched and kicked  Amarjeet.

Enough is enough saumitra! Stop it right now , if you ever had any affection for me then stop it ! Urmila  asked  him , trying to push him away but she was not able to move Lakshman even an inch but Lakshman  stopped himself for Urmila's sake.

She rushed  towards Amarjeet who was groaning in pain on ground .

this boiled lakshman's blood .

Prince ,vI am really sorry  ! please forgive me  and forgive Saumitra ! Urmila  said to him joining her hands asking forgiveness.

Lakshman clenched his jaw and fist his hands so tight that it started to hurt him.

Amarjeet first saw Urmila, he licked his lips and then he looked at Lakshman's direction giving him winning smile.

It's okay princess,  for you I am forgiving this Lakshman and Mithila!  he said eying her exposed waist .

Lakshman saw this and again rushed  toward him but this time Urmila came in between them,  she turned towards Lakshman .

" What the hell is your problem Prince ? why are you so desperate to ruin my sister's wedding?  I have nothing to do with you and now I expect same from you"

Mila, this Amarjeet is ....

He is better then you , said mila cutting in between.

Lakshman stare her till a good time . he saw Amarjeet smiling widely , his eyes turned moist.

Mila, I was just protecting....
He tried to say in horse voice but again urmila stopped him in middle,

" Don't protect me ! I am no one to you and you are no one to me , I am with Prince Amarjeet and I am all safe and sound . he saved me from falling back then and he would save me now also " urmila  said intentionly hurting him.

Lakshman's eyes went red in anger.  he took the hold of her wrist  but seeing  her protesting , he held  her in his arms and moved out from there with big steps.

Love you all ❤️❤️

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