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My dearest father,

I must apologize for my absence, but the circumstances which I have been faced with prove it necessary. During our latest mission, John wound up being injured in the process. There is no need for panic as it is nothing life threatening, although he has been bedridden and I feel the need to tend to him for the time being. I'm sure you'll understand.

Your grateful son, A.Ham

Alexander folded the letter as the ink dried, preparing it to be delivered to his adoptive father and boss, George Washington. He hoped his excuse would be bought, as he knew John wouldn't be able to deal with this on his own. What he had written wasn't a complete lie, exactly, just not the whole truth.

Double checking to make sure all the curtains were closed, Alex made his way back to the bedroom in the unusually dim lighting. He wouldn't be taking any chances with John's safety, so for the time being, he swore to only use candlelight in the house.

Alexander approached the bed, where John was now peacefully asleep. After hours of suffering, he was finally able to pass out, and Alex had to remind himself once more that the man sleeping in his bed was human no more. With slight hesitance, he sat down, knowing nothing of how he would deal with living with the very creature he was hired to exterminate.

After a few moments, John began to stir, before his green eyes shot open. They were severely dilated, but Alex didn't get a long time to look before he was pounced on. In an instant, John was on top of him, pinning him to the bed and staring at him with hunger clear in his expression. His newly earned fangs were bared, sending a chill down Alexander's spine.

"You smell... so... good..." John muttered, slowly leaning closer.

Alex was not one to resist any advancements made by his partner, but this was an exception, as he didn't particularly want to be murdered. He placed his hands on John's chest, stopping him from coming any closer. "Y'there, Jack? Your boyfriend doesn't want to be killed."

A moment passed, before realization flooded into John's expression. "Alex! Shit!" He quickly pulled back, getting off of him. "I'm so sorry, I-" he stopped, hissing as he clutched his head. "M-my body's not used to this..."

"I don't blame it, I'm not used to it either." Alex let out a small sigh, "But I stand by what I said; we can figure this out."

"Have I ever told you you're the best boyfriend ever?" John tilted his head, "Because you are, you really are. Did you even... block out all the sun for me?"

"Yes, I prefer my men not burnt to a crisp." Alex joked halfheartedly. "But it's only for the first week, you know how it works, you can be exposed to sunlight after that."

"I still can't believe I became a fucking bloodsucker... how are you so okay with this? It's like you've already accepted it, even I haven't..." John spoke quietly, and Alexander raised a hand to brush some of his hair to the side.

"It hasn't fully sunken in, but I made up my mind to help you, and that's final. You're still you, John, and I love you." Alex smiled at the light blush covering John's freckled cheeks.

"What have I ever done to deserve you? You're so perfect..." John let out a wistful sigh. "I think... there's still a little problem, though. I kinda need to eat, I'm already starving."

"No problem." Alexander didn't hesitate for a moment, undoing the first few buttons on his shirt, before pulling the fabric aside to reveal his bare shoulder. "Go ahead, eat."

John's eyes widened. "Wait... you mean...?"

Alex gave a small nod. "As long as you don't puncture anything vital, you can use me as your loving food bank."

"But... Alex, are you sure? This is your blood we're talking about, I can't just-" John was cut off by Alex grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him close.

"You need some blood in your system, there's no way around it, and I'd much rather this than you attacking some random stranger." Alexander had an edge to his tone. "If you hang around me enough your instincts will kick in and you'll try anyways, you already have. Just make this easier for both of us and bite me, goddammit."

John just stared at him for a moment, before offering the tiniest of nods. "I guess you're right... but tell me if it hurts too much."

"I've been bitten before, I can handle it." Alex pointed out, and John smiled a bit.

"Yeah, you always were the reckless one... well... here goes..." John leaned in, and Alex waited in anticipation, feeling the hot breath of the hungry vampire on his shoulder. It didn't take long to feel the sharp pain of fangs sinking into his flesh, and Alex stayed as still as possible before the sedative effects of vampire saliva settled in. His whole body relaxed, and Alex found himself growing drowsy as John drank from him. He truly had been hungry, proven by how rushed his movements were. It is his first meal, after all.

Soon enough, John slowed down and became more relaxed, and eventually, he pulled back, licking up the last bits of blood dripping from the small wound he had made. It took more effort than usual for Alexander to lift his arm, but he did anyways, ruffling John's hair. "How was it?"

"Amazing... sounds weird, but your blood tastes really good..." John used the back of his sleeve to wipe his mouth. "You okay?"

"Yeah... you know the effects, just gimme... gimme a few minutes." Alex spoke quietly. Having his blood sucked wasn't a bad experience, just a little draining, and he had already decided that he would make himself into a constant food source. There was no turning back. "I'm glad you only have to eat once a day, damn, if it was any more than that you'd suck me dry."

"Wait, every day?" John quickly shook his head. "No, no I couldn't do that to you. We can wait for every other day at least."

"And have you constantly hungry? I don't think so." Alex responded, the effects beginning to fade. "You wouldn't be able to be around other people. You wouldn't act normal, the others would get suspicious, you might attack someone, just a whole lot of no. Don't tell me you can control yourself either, that takes time, vampires are naturally very instinctual."

"I know, but I don't want it to be too hard on you, it'll be suspicious if you become noticeably weaker too." John pointed out.

"If that happens I can blame it on a lack of sleep." Alex stated, "Remember that time when I would make out with suspected vampires to test if it was true?"

John visibly cringed. "Don't remind me."

"It was affective, but pretty reckless and I got bit a lot. I was fine then, really the effects only last a few minutes after, you'd have to take quite a lot of blood for it to do damage otherwise." Alex continued, ignoring his comment. "The only way we'll be found out this way is if someone walks in during the act, or directly after."

"I guess you're right... again. Damn, we really fucked up." John sighed, slowly shaking his head. "Well, if that's what you want, I guess I won't mind drinking from you every day. You're not a bad pick, vampires always do tend to go for the hot ones."

"Must be why so many have gone for me." Alex chuckled, and John lightly punched his shoulder.

"I get you all to myself now, okay? I don't want any other vamps stealing my man." John stated, wrapping his arms around Alex's neck. Before he had a chance to respond, John had already pressed their lips together, slowly kissing him. Alex let his arms wrap around the man's torso, pulling him closer as a milder effect of vampire saliva took over him. It didn't restrain him, only offering a feeling of relaxation.

Alexander soon pulled back, a small grin on his face. "I'm not gonna mind being stuck inside with you all week at all."

John laughed a bit, slowly shaking his head. "Neither am I."

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